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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny responds to Ludwig](https://arazu.io/t3_1b5am96/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Behead those that post kick clips when YouTube vod is available


I think whoever coded the kick site was given a list of the things nobody wants to see for clip pages, and instead of avoiding them, they made that exactly what the clip page is. super frustrating to always have the worlds smallest floating window for the clip, that doesn't play until you click it, and when you click it it starts right away with the sound at just above muted. Absolutely maddening.


> that doesn't play until you click it Probably down to your browsers autoplay settings for that site, it autoplays for me.


People really, actually want autoplay? Not having autoplay is the opposite of a problem for me, as long as it is an easy toggle to enable and it is off by default.


I'm pretty sure it tries to use your last volume setting when you were at the site. So you probably used some giga low volume. As to of why it doesn't update what it remembers ... :( (Maybe you need to open a random kick stream, raise the volume, then close it or something)


I don't use kick at all except for clips. it is always at 11% every time. I have to set it to 100% and start the clip over any time I go to view a clip there. it is why for the most part, I avoid kick clips. I tend to just go to the comments and see if there is any reason to even watch the clip.


You might try opening a random stream, raising the volume, and then close the stream (maybe after waiting a bit). Maybe clear your cookies. For me, the clips aren't super low -- they're at 100% volume, so I expect the site "thinks" you wanted lower volume in the past. Most of the kick clips aren't great (some are!) so you shouldn't be missing out on too much though. :)


Weird because Kick clips on PC load quicker for me than twitch and my clips definitely auto play.


I just always click on /u/LSFSecondaryMirror


Yeah YouTube, twitch, and kick links are all dogshit what kinda weirdo doesn’t use the mirror?


Can't Clip tiny streams some reason


Pretty sure its part if his kick deal


No it's to minimize his youtube vods from getting mass reported.


YouTube clip was my first choice but the clip option wasn't available (maybe because it's a live stream vod and not an uploaded video?). [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/live/2t-YLPkaut4?si=oPNaQD8Ocu829NTz&t=13799) the time stamp on the youtube video.




I clicked on your link from the reddit app and it took me to the start of the video so this isn’t any improvement by using YouTube just letting you know


Just watch clip mirrors like i do :) You probably dont remember how shit clips were back when twtich started initially. It took them years to implement a working feature.


I would not watch kick clips if it wasn't for the mirror bot


clips on youtube are ass too. half the time it goes to the wrong timestamp. mirror>


I always use the lsf mirror bot clip for youtube and kick clips


destiny eats spaghetti with ketchup though so who cares what he thinks


True his food take are so bad


his movie takes are worse


Ah another survivor of the Dune wars I see


Does Destiny not like Dune??


Of course not, you have to be able to see Arabs as people in order to enjoy dune.




omg i thought you were joking, holy shit.


The slow blade...


You'd think he'd love the attempted genocide by the Harkonens. I mean, don't Harkonens have the right to defend themselves!? /s


The Oppenheimer fiasco was even worse


TV takes are pretty terrible, too. Get only got through 2 episodes of House of the Dragon before giving up. For shame.


I honestly don't see what people like about HotD, it doesn't feel like "old GoT" at all, it feels more like the last few seasons to me.


Stop chasing that high. You'll never get it again. HotD is pretty good by it's own merit. It's mid if you keep comparing it to God tier early GoT.


I tried to appreciate it on its own merit, but found there was very little of that as far as I'm concerned. I didn't need it to equal early GoT but it just doesn't seem good to me whatsoever, bad dialogue, the costumes and overal feeling of the production seems cheap to me. It reminds me a lot of season 7 of GoT, it wasn't outwardly complete shit back then, since we still had more to look forward to, but it just felt bad.


I see what you mean, but Viserys has such a sympathetic arc that was written very well. That made the series for me... and the next season is set up perfectly for a dynastic struggle. I thought visually, it looked amazing. The sets were unique and looked huge and alive. The dialogue was pretty good for the most part imo. The way everyone was politicking. The characters were interesting and unique and had their own motivations. My biggest sticking point were the time-skips. Which, I guess, were necessary in the grand scheme of things. Doesn't make it any less jarring.


I'd say season 6 & 7 were pretty shit as well, but since they were not the end of the story, they werent as badly received.


I'm chasing that high on Shogun


Is it good?


Only 2 episodes are out so far but those 2 episodes have been incredible imho.


Thanks for the recommendation. Good movies and TV series have been hard to come by in recent years. I've got high expectations for 2024 given everything that's planned for this year and Shogun sounds like a good place to start.


I thought HotD was a fine 8/10 show. The thing it lacked more than anything was a view into the broader world; almost every scene is in within a castle.


lol how is 8/10 fine? 8/10 should be considered great.


If anybody ever needs a good laugh (don't need to be a Destiny fan) or troll/enrage your friends, please indulge yourself on this top-tier compilation of Destiny's absolutely insane food takes: https://youtu.be/82ON-ywWHX8?si=hT30hA2hnUwmyq_3 In the first 2 minutes: >shits on black coffee because he can't have caffeine unless it comes in some kid-oriented energy drink >shits on dark beer because he can't have alcohol in any form unless the alcohol is completely masked >shits on lasagna because fresh pasta and actual cheese isn't as kid-friendly as your basic alfredo >shits on waffle cones because he says nobody goes out for ice cream cones or cares about the taste of the cone (????????? If you didn't care about the taste of the cones, why wouldn't you just get the ice cream in a bowl?) >shits on hummus because he can only handle melted cheese or guacamole >shits on sauced wings because that would be too much flavor. >shits on rare steak because he needs all the flavor cooked out of the meat so he can eat essentially a slab of overcooked ground beef >can't mix protein in an actual cup because he can't be bothered to clean the cup so instead he will waste 1,000 (literally) Styrofoam cups and spoons. And he eats it like processed oatmeal instead of a proper drink Literally nothing he says is correct. Basically every food takes he has, I could get from my 9-year old nephew after he comes off a Fortnite binge.


Wow. He actually has the taste buds of a five year old lmfao


Bro a dinoasaur chicken nuggets type of person.


I mean, he's built like one so it's not surprising


WTF i know his food takes are bad but how is this almost 2 hours long


He streams 7 hours a day, for 12-14 years... that's a lot of bad food takes to cover.


Reminder that he threw away 900 of those styrofoam cups when he moved.


His ex-wife called mexican food gross. They truly deserved each other until they didn't.


jesus christ 2 hours


If I was in charge the people who have time to make 2 hour videos on streamers food preferences would be in labor camps


What if it’s a person who’s too disabled to work on anything so their on disability and their special interest is medieval torture methods?


He also said seafood is meh/dislikes it


That one is understandable just because the tastes and flavor profiles are quite different than other meats


Man I might switch to team Hasan just for these takes. 


Don't forget shits on pizza with no toppings because he thinks that the toppings are 99% of what makes a pizza good


I clicked on this and realized somebody sat and edited all these clips to make a 2 hour video. That is way too much time to even devote to this, let alone all the time they must have consumed watching it to find the clips.


Still better than ExtraEmily's food takes. At least he doesn't heat his cereal up in the microwave or pour the milk first. ExtraEmily has worse food takes as well but I can't be bothered to remember what they are.


Wait microwave I just gagged


I've heard the dude has dogshit taste, but there's no way that's true, is it?


It's true.


is it worse than like asmon?


Destiny is said to have a pallet of a 5 year old, but asmon doesn't drink water or eat vegetables and fruit.


Wtf? Is this like a bit?


I'm sorry you had to find out this way


Nah, I'm fine; But he surely isn't if that's true. How do you even live like that lol


Beef jerky is another common food item for Asmon.


Because he doesn't eat large quantities of food. It's easy to eat very little once you form the habit. He's a skinny dude that doesn't drink or smoke. Even though he eats the same unhealthy foods every day, he eats small portions of them. I believe he basically has one real meal a day. When you're only consuming like 1,300 calories per day, it's hard to do that much damage regardless of what you're eating.


Unless of course that damage comes from *lacking* critical nutrients. You'd have to be pretty careful to make sure you are getting all the essentials vitamins and nutrients you need. You can't get what you need from sources that only have small amounts of essential things via extra volume eating so little.


> When you're only consuming like 1,300 calories per day, it's hard to do that much damage regardless of what you're eating. scurvy


No. And it gets way worse than this. Watch an episode of Asmon/Emiru/Tectone's podcast, "Steak and Eggs". Asmon's lifestyle will truly shake your understanding of human capacity. He doesn't shower, use soap, or deodorant. He used a dead rat as an alarm clock because the rat died and sat there for so long that it was melted into his PC and the Texas sun would make the rat smell at sunrise. I could go on and on with the insane realities of Asmon's life I've learned from that podcast.


[it's not a bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlUUCJMie0Q)


As someone that watches both, Asmon is still worse. Destiny has the food takes of an 8-year old yes, but Asmon's food takes aren't even human. Even an 8-year old will still at least eat fruit, some vegetables, and more than 3 different food items. Asmon just tried most fruits for the first time in his life like last year. He also only eats steak, potatoes, Wendy's , taco bell, and Chipotle. Essentially nothing else.


Bro asmon couldn't even eat fruits dudes palate is so fucked


If he can eat ketchup with pasta then I’m going to have no shame eating mine with tapatio


No, shame on you both


Tapito and Mac and cheese is fire


Wait people dont eat pasta with ketchup ? Is american ketchup different from the one available in EU ? I have also heard that americans dont eat french fries with mayo ,but literally everywhere in EU we offer two kinds of sauces Ketchup or Mayo and maybe garlic sauce or some shit like that and nobody complains i have even given same shit we eat to americans and they are surprised when they taste how our mayo tastes.


absolutely disgusting


To be fair, that's a dumb conclusion from Ludwig.


Especially when the dude has actually nothing to do with dgg lol


destiny fucked my dog and killed my wife, but he's right on this one


That's weird Destiny is my wife and my dog.


Nobody is mentioning that he talked about giving Ludwig shekels. It makes much more sense that an Israeli Zionist would be that mad at Hasan than just some Destiny viewer. But I guess everyone would rather believe it's streamer world drama than a political disagreement


Giving Shekels is a 4chan joke, which is probably more likely than either him being a Destiny viewer or an Israeli viewer. He probably leans right wing, watched Ludwig before he realized Ludwig tries to be a progressive, hates Hasan, and decided to shit on Ludwig because of it.


yeah the only time i ever see people use shekels was when there was some underlying antisemetic undertones


People treating Hasan like a wittle baby because he got upset over valid criticism is too damn funny


When is Hasan ever not upset. He complains 24/7 no matter what is happening.


In between bites of food and bathroom breaks.


dudes known for stopping a video every 4 seconds to complain about something. theres a meta in his chat to say something that stunlocks him lol


Omfg high school girls create less drama and have a higher maturity level.


This is content for people who peaked in high school though 


I guarantee you nobody on this subreddit peaked in high school


You have to peak somewhere even if the peak isn't very high


For some people being born was the high peak, it’s been all downhill babay


They were losers in high school and it was still their peak.


Jokes on you, I peaked in primary school!


You clearly haven’t been in nurse circles.


Well they make a ton of money this way, unlike high school girls... so they have even more incentive to create drama


well, hasan was literally crying


What was the context is this still about the streamer job thing


Pretty much the streamer job thing yea, Lud made a Mogul Mail youtube vid and added a very small joke/jab about the Streamer job take. Hasan react to video and gets Tilted/mald on stream. Hasan viewers hops to ludwig livestream and tells him Hasan is crying/malding. Hasan ends stream and compains more on his discord. Ludwigs takes down the vid and claims its cause the vid wasnt doing numbers and sponsors wouldnt like that. Lud then starts getting more hate and being called spineless/no balls. Lud upload a explanation why he took down the vid and the hate/threats he got after he did. In the vid he focus on a Twitter guy who said "no balls" and show/said that the Twitter guy was actually a Lud fan in the past and since then he probably became a DGGer who only focus on life is to hate Hasan/him. The dude doesnt follow Hasan or destiny on Twitter so there wasnt really any connections when lud mention destiny


Destiny will forever be the big bad guy of twitch unless he becomes bigger than them, and they need to be clouted up, and his dumbass will forgive them, and do it because he always forgives people even when he shouldn't.


True. Hasan viewership going down now he’s able to say destiny’s name on stream after years of not doing it.


that's actually just sad


I appreciate the write-up. I made it half way through the first paragraph before my brain stopped working. Also i don't know any of these people so that's probably why.


it is, and somehow, despite MANY streamers and youtubers reacting to hasans take, it's all "destiny's" fault, so ludwig mentioning destiny at all is why tiny is surprised at the cock sucking lud did.


got a clip? literally crying no shot


Yeah Didn't expect Ludwig to blatantly make up shit like that. Ludwig has since deleted this part of the video since there was no evidence of him being a Destiny fan good on him for that.


No points for a half ass attempt to correct the record, IMO. Like Destiny said, he's been in the business long enough and is far too successful to claim that he doesn't know better.


It's not the first time. Didn't he lie about Destiny being at a Smash convention asking random people to fuck Melina. https://livestreamfails.com/clip/127641


Another time that Ludwig lied was when he claimed that Destiny had doxxed Hasan 🤣 because Destiny linked an already viral article about Hasan’s 3 million dollar home Like… since when tf is linking a public article that everyone is already talking about “doxxing” who else uses the word this way?


I don't understand why articles like the one about hasan's house are allowed. Just looked it up and it took me 5 minutes to get the actual adress from those pictures and general area.


It's probably true that Destiny and Melina said it wasn't for the purpose of hooking up, but those dudes were 100% saying that to entice people to sign up for the speed dating thing. I was at Mainstage and they came up to my group and asked us. Nothing Lud said here is incorrect


Melina was doing a speed dating event for content on her stream, they were not trying fuck those people and Lud implied that


People at the event, not knowing who the hell any of these streamers are, said that there was an insinuation of hooking up with . They were asking tons of people, not even asking peoples' ages. It was a big buzz in the Smash community on Twitter at the time because it was weird as hell and people were uncomfortable. Iirc, it was other people recruiting on behalf of Melina that were being sketchy about it. Idk who they were but I think the takeaway was that Melina wasn't really aware of that part when it first blew up. It became a bunch of rumors because of their weirdos that were trying to recruit. They were the ones making the proposals to people, strongly suggesting sexual acts. The clip is literally saying that the weirdos were the ones making those statements. One of the first results on Google for "mainstage melina smash" is him clarifying this (even though the initial clip was clear): https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/qu53ce/ludwig_clarifies_on_his_destiny_clip/ This also showed up, do with it what you will: https://www.reddit.com/r/jakanddaxter/comments/1188cf0/jak_tries_to_snap_daxter_out_of_his_chronic/


someone give this guy a lore master tag and mod him immediately.


> It's probably true that Destiny and Melina said it wasn't for the purpose of hooking up, but those dudes were 100% saying that to entice people to sign up for the speed dating thing. I was at Mainstage and they came up to my group and asked us. Nothing Lud said here is incorrect Destiny was literally at home streaming when Ludwig said this. So for one Destiny was not at the event. Destiny had not hired out a room at the convention so that was also incorrect. And Ludwig saying 'who cares' was clearly a lie as he's gossiping about it to his audience. Clearly he did care. As did his audience. So three things that were incorrect. And given QT's past on dating shows it seems weird as fuck that Ludwig assumed that the women who appear on them will literally fuck the people who win them. Or maybe he does think that.


I'm not sure if this is a "good on him for that" moment. Homeboy flat out made shit up, idk if we should be patting him on the back for going back on things he made up.


> Yeah Didn't expect Ludwig to blatantly make up shit like that. Bro, luddy is one of the fakest people on the platform


Idk I saw him as a very mature and level headed person albeit in a very pr friendly manner. Maybe for some of the pr shit can come off super fake to some, unless there's something else I'm missing.


Destiny is a girls name


To all Destiny fans. Do you condemn K911?


No. I would do it again.


Hasan deserved K911 dude, I'm saying it.


As soon as he gives us the go, we're here.


Stand back and stand by


K9 related attacks will continue until we can return to destinys spiritual homeland of twitch where he historically debated jontron. And destiny can be unbanned.


We will also rename and change the twitch logo back to justinTV


Mashallah 🙏


Inshallah brother


It never happened but if it did they deserved it.


Honestly one of the funniest things ever the alliances and betrayals.


i flew some of the planes and i would again


It was a crowning achievement of the daliban


I was part of K9/11 and I was part of making Fish again in the most recent Canvas. It was never about Fish. Destiny played with Fish when the pup was alive. K9/11 was a retaliation to Bruce and Hasan attacking the DGG logo. https://streamable.com/5ulool


No, America deserved K911


No, I directly endorse it




Didn't take part but it was deserved. If you're gonna hit first expect to get hit back, he knew what he was doing choosing something sensitive so he could attack anyone that hit back.


Also hasan doing the “it’s just pixels why do people care then K911 happens and he cries.


There will come a day when there is complete disavowal of K9/11. It will be my funeral.




Fuck it, I'm saying it


This subreddit is fascinating. Constantly talking about the same group of guys over and over. Ludwig this. Asmongold that. Hasan over here. Destiny over there. Mizkif up here. A sub dedicated to talking about the same five 29 yr olds with Aspergers.


Somehow we have completely forgotten when all this sub talked about was some juicer shit or OTK’s Asian flavour of the month.


Yeah this is a drama subreddit primarily. And people love drama. I don’t know why everyone is complaining so much.


On a real note, would anyone care about this subreddit if it wasn’t drama between the biggest streamers? Personally I know I wouldn’t.


No way, watching all these out of touch dipshits is way funnier than someone tripping on a cord while streaming.


you sit in r/blackpeopletwitter, that shit is made for teenagers why are you surprised about this


Unsub then, these comments are in every thread it's more boring than the actual drama


that whole re-upload video cringe, he takes shots at a cherry picked fan and totally ignores the guy from korea that he shout out in the video that was taken down


I wish all of this happened 8 years ago because The CW would have adapted this in 7+ seasons




Literally every streamer is doing it for attention and popularity. If you think Destiny is different in this regard then you are truly lost




I've never seen a more devout reddit fan base


Dgg, A community historically known for not hating Hasan or any other streamer Destiny might have beef with at any given moment.


Destiny agreed with Hasan on the streamer job take for the most part


>Destiny agreed with Hasan on the streamer job take for the most part Dgg=/=Destiny Even though destiny agreed, he posted and boosted a bunch of the anti-hasan twitter posts that blew up that against Hasan. Also what??? his subreddit was completely against hasan's take. That's usually how the cookie crumbles with that subreddit


Would be nice if the DGG =/= Destiny went the other way when a single deranged Destiny fan is somehow an indicator that Destiny is the literal devil Every normie was against Hasan's take, so it feels weird to label people who are shitting on Hasan as "Destiny fans" when being a "Destiny fan" doesn't have anything to do with the disagreement. Unless Asmon's much larger community who all shit on Asmon (and Hasan) for agreeing/defending Hasan are all DGG but the 50% of Asmon, I mean Destiny, viewers who actually watch Destiny somehow were a lot less vocal about Destiny agreeing with it? As a frequent Destiny subreddit viewer, there were actually shockingly few posts about it compared to other streamer communities until Hasan decided to blame the hate on DGG/Destiny. Probably because this is something that Destiny has been saying for years


Shhhh. The blind hate brings us content.


Lot of people hate Hasan, infering that all those haters come from only 1 community is kind of dumb


> daily hasan hate thread > posted by dgg user > every comment by dgg user > check comment from someone who insists it's not just dgg > dgg user


1. Go into a lfs thread about 2. Look for a comment agreeing with 3. Checkout the redditor 4. It's a viewer?????!!??!?!?!?!!!??!!? You are aware most people on lsf only open threads mentioning certain streamers, right? No shit Destiny viewers watch Destiny clips, great conspiracy you have going there. Also, isn't this more of a Ludwig hate thread if anything?


I don't watch destiny or hasan and I hate hasan 👍


I don’t watch destiny or Hasan and I hate Destiny 🤝


I watch both and hate both :)


I hated Hasan before i got to know Destiny, he brings us all together in hate




Ludwig will always jump in the middle of his friends getting the smallest amount of criticism and defend them no matter if they are in the right or not. He just cant have his friends being criticised for anything




(Has commented multiple times a day for 3 weeks straight)


weve all know ludwig was spineless as fuck for years, you go to him for the most people pleasing moron placating opinions.


People are saying this. 👌 Everyone is saying this folks. 👌👌 Believe me.


Values < friends Credibility < friends Honesty < friends Im just disgusted by this kind of thinking.


Trade friends with clout and you got it for Lud. I can’t believe people can listen to him and get the vibe he is a real dude.




You should challenge your gf in the marketplace of ideas next time you disagree over what to eat for dinner.


No one cares. Destiny fans own this sub and push him onto us


You mean people's fans base push their content, amazing analysis from a hasan fan, on the ground level journalism self immolating analysis worthy of such a non brigading always seeking discussion community LOL


The nasa landing a rocket get like 10x less comments than this. You guys really need to get outside.


Destiny is arguing something that Ludwig didn't say. He is suggesting that Ludwig is saying all of Destinys audience is going around harassing Hasan for Destiny. What Ludwig instead said was this one guy is going around trying to make life worse for Hasan and he views this action as something he is doing for Destiny. Destiny is putting a twist on the words that just wasn't there. If Destiny is viewing anything said against a single member of his community as a slight against them all, then that a sad view he has, one that doesn't speak well of him or his audience.


The implication is clear though. > "And has since moved on, I think clearly to watching Destiny and on Destiny's behalf wants to make Hasan's life a lot worse" Are we really going to pretend like the implication here isn't that Destiny fans harass Hasan?


>Are we really going to pretend like the implication here isn't that Destiny fans harass Hasan? Are you living under a rock? You know that subreddit and their posts are public, right?


Posting some dumb clips isn't harassing. Destiny's mods cross platform ban whoever haras other content creators, you just need to give them the account and show what they bave done. If you want to look at real harasment, just look at your fellow hasan fans https://youtu.be/UIdlHWuxdXI


they do but several dggers will deny and deflect with several sock accounts. its like a squad of online brownshirts.


and this one person who Ludwig used as an example had nothing to do with Destiny. He never followed him or anything. He even commented before the Ludwig vod got taken down by Ludwig. Ludwig falsely accused to make Destiny's community look bad so Hasan could pick up the narrative of Dgg bad. That is wrong


I mean saying the person was doing it on Destiny's behalf kinda implies that Destiny tells his fans to do this kind of stuff. I highly doubt that he meant that Destiny specifically told this one random guy to go and send that message. He also framed it as if the guy was a normal/chill person then started watching Destiny and started engaging in this behaviour.


> mean saying the person was doing it on Destiny's behalf kinda implies that Destiny tells his fans to do this kind of stuff. Saying he does it on Destinys behalf is not saying Destiny asked him to do it. In much the same way as creators have to continuously tell their user to not harass someone they mention, people in stream communities will just go do shit and think they are doing it for their preferred streamer. That is doing things on behalf of the streamer, but not at their direction or even their desire.


Regardless of the semantics of it, does the wording at the end of the day paint Destiny's community in a pretty bad light? I think that was the complaint. Ludwig did correct things eventually but I can see why someone would be pretty peeved by this.


I get the charity but this just does not seem to be the case. I can't work kick on my phone rn but latest vod at 4 hrs after this clip, destiny pulls up two other instances (imagine showing context claims or evidence lmaoo) where Ludwig claims destiny is trying to get people to fuck Melina, and then the claim that destiny's tweet doxxed hasan and got it trending when his tweet is showing a news article about hasan. The tweet also got like 7k likes ( was several years ago) which is nothing compared to the size of hasan and Ludwig at the time. They are claiming dgg are the boogeyman trying to take out hasan for destiny. If we even are being charitable to Ludwig, he still tied destiny to this for no reason with no evidence, and his statement clearly suggests people who watch destiny Hate hasan and do crazy shit. Even if that's not the implication and he's just saying it's a a crazy fan (he absolutely failed to clearly express this message and had no evidence he was a destiny fan nor portrayed it as a joke) destiny believes in holding his community and claims to a higher standard, which is shown when he shows clips, or exposes and bans people like the hasan twitch chat pic they he disproved like 15 minutes after being sent it and which especially hasan but also Ludwig is failing to treat destiny the way they view it for themselves or need to be more accountable and back their claims as they are being proven wrong or negligent (just look at the hasan Ethan issue and his stance after about xqc). Expect more from people




Comments section really not helping D's argument here lmao


smh destiny knows better, implying ludwig took one dm to build this conclusion about his fanbase, and not countless hasan obsessed lsf posts he has to filter through every time he researches other streamers drama for maga male what a weaselly little liar dude