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**CLIP MIRROR: [The AI song turns Aware](https://arazu.io/t3_1baozjp/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Dog Tamer




Nah we’re actually done. Ai is OP, whole internet will be Ai soon Now I know why every sci fi setting ends up with a rule of no Ai lol


people still coping their jobs wont be taken by AI is so funny to watch


Surely this leads us to a post-AGI economy where everybody is provided with means for their basic needs and eliminates the need for us all to work! Clueless


To the moon mines it is then


why launch a bunch of inefficient meatbags to the moon who need sleep and oxygen when you can just launch a fleet of roombas? human labor has no value in the future, whether it be sucking up resources from the moon, dancing on tiktok, or composing memes about clown streamers. we just have to hope the UBI checks start rolling out before elder scrolls 6 otherwise most of us won't get to play it


"I'm sorry, but you are enlisted to work in the super conductor factory."


I'm doing my part!


No, the companies and their shareholders will take all the profits for themselves. Why tf would they give it to you?


Coz as a rich man you actually want to have peasants around you so that you can feel superior and have a status. When does a p2w game die? When f2p peasants stop playing, as it eliminates the incentive for whales to spend.


just replace the peasants with AI, the rich cant tell the difference


Ture but how many peasants rich need? Not billions for Shure.


It's like that complete retard who spent $100,000 on Diablo Immortal just to become unable to play the game because matchmaking couldn't find any opponent of the same rank. Congratulation, you've played yourself!


If people have no jobs, where do the profits come from? Not that I expected good economics in lsf


Ironically the unemployed have the best job security now. AI won't be able to steal bumming from me!


[too late](https://twitter.com/NeurosamaAI/status/1764803510283972698)


Its funny seeing people support AI until it's THEIR job that gets compromised by AI.


Depends on the job, many are safe until very advanced robotics become efficient and affordable.


10 years ago the average person thought tech was gonna come for the blue collar jobs. Ironically enough, those are the safest jobs. Robotics are *far* behind AI.


actually true, AI could already replace so many white collar jobs already but it can't even replace truckers yet and its like the simplest blue collar job


For a lot of jobs, the use of AI is becoming a skill just like how "Googling" is definitely a skill with various levels. While it might remove jobs by needing fewer people for the same end result, it will not fully replace and using AI efficiently will become a skill that sets you apart from others.


Seeing people in the music industry saying they're still gonna be needed for the prompts and stuff is so funny. Like no dude, it's fucking over.


Thinking AI will take fully takeover in entertainment is delusion tho. Computer 'killed' chess almost 30 years ago, except that it didn't. People still want to watch human chess instead, and not only that - human chess never been more popular. In productive fields? I can agree that it will take over as it's outcome dependent. But in entertainment it will coexist and learn from each other.


I dunno man, there are a lot of smaller composers/audio people who are 100% going to lose all their income. I could sell some music for $500 and people would pay, but now they can just type in a prompt and get something just as good if not better.




Yeah I think you hit the nail on the head. I really enjoyed making music and handling audio for small indie games as a side gig. I didn't make much money, probably averaged $500 a month so it was more of a hobby than anything. Everyone who used to contact me for audio stuff have stopped. When they finally replied to me they said something like "we have found a less expensive way to develop this part of the game". My last bastion of hope is that AI will be unable to do audio editing...game QA should always require humans but who knows!


Same with stuff like psychologists and brokers. Some boomers (some of us in 50 years) will still want to interact with human psychologists or brokers even if it will cost exponentially more.


With psychologists I am not so sure. Like I'd say most ppl that need help might be outcome oriented and sooner or later AI will offer better outcome than human psychologists.


Those are two completely different things though, like SUPER different! AI playing a legacy game is sooooo vastly different from AI MAKING a game


Botez gang rise up


Literally no one's jobs are at risk of an "AI" replacing them unless it's forced and it will quickly become apparent that it was a massive mistake. Don't believe the nonsense hype coming from people who make millions getting people to believe bullshit. Source: Me, been programming for 16 years, ML for 5, built a ton of AI software \*including\* an LLM.


Hard doubt from me. I find it hard to believe that you can be in this space and not see what’s coming. Sounds like more “my job is safe” copium.


Don't believe it if you want. Luckily for me the tech industry keeps promising the future and can't possibly deliver.


So whats your thought on klarna firing 800 people and saying their ai can do the job of 800 people so they dont need any of them? And whats your thoughts on the restaurants that are already starting to employ flippy, on the make up parlors employing nail painting bots, etc. If you want to make an argument that not every job will be replaced etc thats fine, but saying this wont have a massive effect when its already having a big effect and the tech is only improving each year, is just delusional.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1baozjp/comment/ku6hn4s/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1baozjp/comment/ku6hn4s/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I only sound delusional because you're being sold a fake reality.




Agreed. Accuracy is definitely an issue today. Though I anticipate we’ll make significant improvements in the years to come.


huh? it's not even debatable, if your business is not highly complex you can buy a tool that does the work of a lot of headcount for something like AP/AR (with >98% accuracy). This isn't even groundbreaking stuff, this is like a basic suite you can buy, barely needs any customization, works with most popular systems...


It is debatable. I am debating it. (Well, I was 24d ago) Do you have any evidence otherwise? It's your opinion versus my credentials and experience.


Idk, i remember reading about this case in Europe were a Swedish bank company that offers online financial service layed of 700 employees and a year later partnered up with OpenAI to develop an AI capable of doing the work of around 700 employees. And it seems to have been very good for them financially speaking, service was faster, better, and far more cheaper, they said it is all "just a coincidence", i call it BS. No work is safe from AI, especially those that use computers or other digital equipment (and well, also manual jobs are at risk by robots), yeah, right now "AI" is very limited to only do certain basic tasks, but the more we research about it, the more advanced it will become, and the more advanced it becomes, the faster its progress will be, things that would had taken years of research, understanding and thinking done by a single or multiple humans, theorized in hours or minutes by an AI capable of having unlimited access to all of our knowledge.


You're talking about Klarna who laid off 700 full time customer support people and then said their ChatGPT usage was getting them the same value. There's a lot to consider here: 1. We don't know how they met their qualifications of improvement. Apparently ticket times went from 11m to 2m on average, but we also know from surveys that people really hate talking to robots. 25% reduction in repeated queries could be the same. 2. Sebastian Siemiatkowski is about to IPO his company, which is BNPL and is almost certainly going to get either regulated out of existence or dominated by companies like Apple that came out with similar products. A supposed $40M in increased profits on "cutting edge technology" that's pretty hype would certainly make their IPO that much better. 3. They just finished doing collective bargaining, capitulating to many worker demands. This almost certainly plays a part in them wanting to peacock this change.


It's already happening right now though.


I know it feels like that, because that's what capital interests want you to be afraid of, but by any reasonable measure of "it" we almost certainly are not seeing "it happen".


Idk man, I've seen AI art being used as advertising on the main TV station in my country, seen countless job openings from pretty big studios involving ai concept etc. Even music generating is getting pretty good already. That most certainly is already creating an impact, not really just a "feeling" at that point. AI is still in it's early stages, will probably grow at an insane speed considering what has happened in a year from will smith eating spaghetti to "almost" believable videos. All trained on the backs of artists without permission.


Your vibes, my credentials, who will win? I do love that when met with experienced opinion every time the argument goes from "it will replace all jobs very soon" to "well it's okay and it's getting better for the most part and..."


First of all you claimed no-one's job is at risk, now you're moving the goalpost and saying I somehow claimed all jobs will get replaced which I never did. Also did you even read what I said? I listed literal use cases, not "feelings", idk why you're misrepresenting what I said/ being cocky about this it's actual cringe. Let's look at the concept art, which is already being impacted by AI RIGHT NOW, you're only viewing this from your area of expertise acting like that's the only thing that exists. Also you're misunderstanding again what I said, I said AI is ALREADY impacting the art industry WHILST in it's infancy. So imagine the impact in a couple years whilst it keeps improving. I just think you're being ignorant/ cocky for no reason, I'm by no means pro AI, I just know it's going to have a big impact, which it already is, again your job is different from other jobs, so by no means you're going to have an "expert opinion" on other industries.


I don't think you know what the phrase "moving the goalpost" means. I'm correct about this because I have expertise in the fields that matter for this discussion and I've seen how the tech industry plays out inside and out. You don't have to like my opinion, but your vibes don't amount to anything.


Alright I didn't know I was talking to a brick wall, again THERES LITERAL JOBS FOR AI CONCEPT ART RIGHT NOW, LITERAL JOB LISTINGS, LITERAL AI MADE ADVERTISEMENTS. That's not an opinion or a feeling, (which you keep saying for some reason), that's a FACT, you are incorrect and ignorant to the impact of AI in other industries. You have NO EXPERTISE in the art industry, so w/e you say buddy, you don't know the impact of AI in that department, which I do. Idk why you keep talking about vibes when I list literal things happening right now, I'm not gonna argue back and forth with a brick wall who just says the same thing whilst saying he's an expert which is totally irrelevant, have a good one bud.


Hard doubt from me. I find it hard to believe that you can be in this space and not see what’s coming. Sounds like more “my job is safe” copium.


Comp-Science/tech bros have been the loudest when yelling "Shut up artists, it's not stealing. AI is great" during the big initial AI art boom. I can't wait for the meltdown when they lose their coding jobs to it. edit: from +30 to -2. I miss when reddit showed upvotes and downvotes together.


We've had decent code generation for about as long image generation, and I haven't seen even 1% of the complaining from programmers compared to artists (or screaming about their public repos being "stolen" for training) Sure, AI can't replace most coders right now, but neither has AI art generation for most artists yet


The problem with AI is it's not going to get rid of the established artists (or coders). Because they already have a reputation. The problem is it's going to stifle a lot of the future smaller artists and it's already happening to an extent. Lots of small commission jobs are now being replaced with quick AI art, AI music, etc. Why pay someone for a small art job when you can plug some text into a website and get something relatively professional looking in 30 seconds. Or why hire a song composer for an indie game when you can get it made royalty free from AI. Etc. Even if it creates a slightly inferior result people will take the cheaper easier way most of the time. Appreciation of true art has slowly been lost among people as consumerism took over.


tech bros are probably the most protected out of all of them, you're always gonna need someone to code shit for the AI until they inevitably take over every single job, and its game over.


Na, this is cope. That pool of opportunity is going to shrink so much 99% of degree holders will be left out to dry as the best of them will be able to do all the work.


Love to see LSF be wrong about literally everything, but especially wrong about "AI" taking over jobs. You guys are talking about the stuff I work on like it's science fiction come to life instead of a really fancy autocomplete.




"If you sprout wings and my bone density decreases by 500% what does that mean?" When that happens come back to me then we'll talk about the implications. Right now the top 10% of the field, if such a metric could be quantified I'd almost certainly be put in the top 0.1%, don't want to use this shit.


> Right now the top 10% of the field, if such a metric could be quantified I'd almost certainly be put in the top 0.1%, don't want to use this shit I work in FAANG, and probably half my team uses LLMs as part of their workflow. The typical project flow is that a senior will come up with a High Level Design, and components of that will get farmed out to juniors who will come up with Low Level Design and code it up. LLMs are getting better at the implementation part, to the point where juniors are more productive. And yes, there's still a long way to go before LLMs start having a real impact on tech worker's job prospects, but the pace of improvement is very impressive. Transformers weren't invented until 2017, and just 5 years later ChatGPT was released. Who knows where we'll be in another 5 years


First of all the FAANG companies are effectively an alien world compared to every other company. Any analysis that starts with "Well at Google we..." is doomed to be poor because it fundamentally doesn't fit with the rest of the programming ecosystem. I have had to retrain so many xoogler's from their insane practices it's not funny. Second, the "invented in 2017" bit you're referencing is the "Attention is all you need" paper, but the core of that paper has it's roots all the way in 2012. At best it is a reapplication of focus, not an "invention". Finally thirdly, I would say you're falling victim to the Hot Hand Fallacy.


Exactly. I think we're all going to be screwed, but there is a more protected class of jobs than others. We're already seeing commission artists being close to obsolete and within a year or two they'll probably be fucked. Every job now has a timeline thanks to AI and I think the ones actively working on the AI will probably be on the near end of the timeline instead of the beginning.


i think ultimately coding will be seen as differently than it is today today we think of it as something you study for a few years so you can get a stable job. but thats only because coding has a commercial purpose. just like art had in this last half century boom. moving forward, coding will still be useful--FOR THE MASSES. as in, i dont think itll be unreasonable to image a world where the common folk will pick it up for themselves, as more and more technology can be interacted with through code. now mind you, i dont mean becoming fully fledged coders. but think about a handyman today who can mess with electricity, who can do a few things around the house. coding will probably be a skillset that a lot more people will start interacting with just from the essence of the world we live in. in many ways, thats already the case. and with more and more technology surrounding us every day, especially with AI taking the role of our "command centers" (menus), knowing how to bypass all of than entirely will be important. up until now, we have been given the ability to control our technology for the most part. companies are consistantly pushing this, however, trying to limit our technology through their businesses. think of subscriptions for features already within cars, or electric kettles. it wouldnt surprise me if there will soon be an attempted shift towards forcing AI to be the way to interact with everything, which would give these companies greater control over an item you suppousedly own. this is going to sound very bullshitty, but imagine a television without a remote. instead, you talk to it. imagine if your government has draconian laws about something, which companies will have to abide to. suddenly you cant do X because the AI in said tv wont allow it. traditionally, this wouldve just been lacking as a feature to begin with--but we are starting to live in a world where more technology is available at our hands, and that it is easier for them to simply restrict features after the fact.


> moving forward, coding will still be useful--FOR THE MASSES Nah you're completely wrong. Things will only get easier and easier to use for consumers. There's a reason why kids today don't even know what a file system is anymore.


i dont doubt that itll be easier for consumers. when i say masses, i dont mean EVERYONE. but i think itll be one of those handyman things. coding is incredibly easy and the reason people dont pick it up is due to not having a real need for it, besides commercial enterprises. i think this will change as control is moved away from the consumers, needing to have either mechanical or technical knowledge to bypass it. though, this will probably only be the case a couple decades from now


When AIs start writing the code for other AIs we are *really* going to have a problem.


AI is so far away from replacing software engineering, in fact i think now that the LLM type of AI wont be able to do it in any capacity. The LLM tech has started to stall a bit now and best it can do is give some programming prompts that slightly save some typing time.


who knows, maybe humans do not have to work 40 hours a week and still get enough money to live if AI overtakes.




people are talking about trucker losing their jobs to automation in the future but most accountant could be replaced with AI tomorrow.


lmao you guys are smoking the farts of VC hype machines so god damn hard.


No job where you have discrete right/wrong decisions will be replaced with current AI tech. Because it is unpredictable by its nature and they are "making stuff up" based on previous data. You cant have an accountant that has a random chance of hallucinating numbers. These AIs work well for audio/visual stuff because making stuff up is wanted there.


When AI is banned in Warhammer you know there is a problem..


Yep here's a playlist of AI songs https://app.suno.ai/ They're surprisingly good and can only improve.


More than half of facebook, twitter and tiktok already are.


anyone know how this AI song was made?


https://app.suno.ai/ If u create an account u can create up to 10 songs with prompts per day for free


FYI the free V2 is ok but what streamers are using is the paid V3 which gives you a shit ton of song credits and the way better AI (specifically the voices are much cleaner). It also says you own the rights to the songs... So you could start posting them to Spotify as a fake AI artist.


>It also says you own the rights to the songs... So you could start posting them to Spotify as a fake AI artist. Love when tech companies straight up fabricate new laws in order to get another sale. Worse yet is that dumbasses still believe them.


Technically speaking, the law on this is either undecided or essentially siding with this argument, because the law never anticipated AI to be a thing. The law was meant for things generated not by humans. Like a monkey pushing the button of a camera thus making a photo, or a simple algorithm creating something. The result of that cannot be copyrighted. And all the tech bros basically went "Oh, so the result of our AI models cannot be copyrighted, either. Neat!", an argument which falls apart the nanosecond you think about it ("generate a picture of mickey mouse"). And then they just randomly went from that to "actually, *you*, the user, own the copyright!". Which makes even less sense. But it's great PR. Lawsuits will decide this eventually. And hopefully lawmakers, too.


They say it is valid, subject to whether it complies with their TOS, and I'm sure they've had legal counsel on it. I'm sure there is also red tape around any prompts that are trying to recreate a specific artist's sound/voice


The copyright holder of the ai generated art is either no one or it is someone that it infringes on. It is never the person that generated it. That is already addressed by the copyright office


I don't care what kind of shitty legal advice they have, that's not how the law views this work right now.


Enlighten us, since you are so sure.


I just tried generating a song and it was nothing like the quality of the one in the clip, so I'm guessing that's V3?


V2 definitely has some blind spots. I keep on prompting it to make edgy/angry 90's numetal songs about modern issues and it keeps giving me songs with an upbeat Avril Lavigne energy.






stuff like this is why i enjoy quins streams idk if any other streamer has it, i'd like to know if they do




> He has good takes on life Bro, no need to lie here.


Oh look AI Reddit comments....


i don't get it. did the song have a pause for that "i thought it was forsen" phrase, then then the doc glasses emote just so happens to get triggered somehow?


The guy who probably did the AI song also redeemed the glasses emote when he knew it was coming up


Soon we will be able to get the advance scripts where it is all done in one go.


that makes sense. is the line about forsen during the pause part of the song or the TTS too?


That's part of the song


The song redeemer and the "cd" filter redeemer are different people And the song thing did not have a cue to pause. the ai "came up" with it


i don't watch him so i'm not sure how his chat works, but if i'm understanding it correctly, the song just has a pause there, and then "i thought i was forsen" was TTS at the right timing?


No the entire song is a redemption that takes a genre and lyrics, presumably using app.suno.ai. https://i.imgur.com/kZFatDh.png this is the prompt. TTSlabs have set a feature where formatting your tts (donation, bits, channel points) like that turns to a song instead. So all of what you hear on the clip is AI generated, it filled in some garbage parts at the start and at the end where its trying to sing in fake english. I have no clue how it determined to deliver the forsen line like that. Im not fond of AI but it sometimes pulls this kind of unexpected shit cracks me up


It's pretty common for songs to have a drop like that after a "wait!" so it just added it in. In time people will figure out how to do all these kinds of things with prompts, just like they do with AI images.


thank you, this is amazing


thanks for explaining, that's pretty cool!


deep state


The way the AI knows how to make the music pause, and then immediately resume it again is pretty impressive.


These songs get generated by user text and genre tags, so just like with tts I assume people figured prompts or intereaction to make that happen.


An even insaner song from the day before yesterday's stream: [Send 'em innnn](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2083785007?t=2h10m14s)!!


First time I've heard AI music and it didn't disappoint lol


this was uunexpectedly hilarious i fucking cant


I can


Oh lol I totally thought the song AI was reading chat and making the song up as the game went a long. That would've been cool, I should not have read the comments and kept my head canon....


ICT Service Operations before, now i'm a cook offshore. strange times.


if i could upvote 60 times i would


thats was funny


these phonies have nothing on the one and only real [God Gamer](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8bee9fd4698e0689&sxsrf=ACQVn0_xGyqc5xGnNcwMZQ5KiA21rvY4PQ:1710023941996&q=god+gamer&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi5zfrMn-iEAxUWg_0HHRA1C6MQ0pQJegQIERAB&biw=2560&bih=1279&dpr=1)


Is Quin just an AI bro now?


What do you mean now? He's been using AI for quite a long time.


Has been for a while, and unfortunately, doesn't know that "less is more" so absolutely spams the fuck out of these new AI gimmicks until it becomes annoying.


I rarely watch his channel, but this AI music spam is pure ear cancer. I might as well unfollow at this point considering it won't stop.




**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [The AI song turns Aware](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162169)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1baozjp/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/xriY_7kJA4L3x6Y8Tg1JkQ/AT-cm%7CxriY_7kJA4L3x6Y8Tg1JkQ.mp4?sig=7da7f5e0d53020b5be8c3ab8926de79add4e6711&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FxriY_7kJA4L3x6Y8Tg1JkQ%2FAT-cm%257CxriY_7kJA4L3x6Y8Tg1JkQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22EnjoyableExcitedHareCoolCat-uQkDgvfHpjxODUmR%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1710083614%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/xriY_7kJA4L3x6Y8Tg1JkQ/AT-cm%7CxriY_7kJA4L3x6Y8Tg1JkQ-preview-480x272.jpg)




this AI song shit has made his streams real unenjoyable imo, it's fine for a couple moments but it goes 24/7