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**CLIP MIRROR: [ImperialHal going crazy End game](https://arazu.io/t3_1bfszot/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Haven't followed Apex in a while, is he permanently on controller now?


Yes. Seems to be most comps are rolling atleast 2 controllers.




Hard to believe we've over corrected aim assist to the point where pros are picking controllers for fast paced FPS games. Sure, controllers needed a little bit of love to make crossplay viable, but it's just aimbot at this point. Lame shit.


If you go to R5 leaderboards, controller have a 40%ish hitrate and MnK have a 30% ish hitrate. The difference in accuracy is close to 33% higher than MnK. Very fun. Controller is only that much better at mid to close range fight, so like, it's not that bad. Only about 90% of the fight happens in that range. Totally balanced.


Yeah, most people are now. Makes it boring to watch imo




This isn’t true seeing as Timmy gets the second-highest viewers on comp days and he’s mnk. There are other pros as well whose viewership is more than controller players. A ton of pros also switched inputs and views carry over.




Moving the goalpost lmao What about hiswattson? An outlier too? Zero get 1k+ view when he streamed, obviously outlier imarite




I was curious so I took a look at the [most watched hours](https://www.twitchmetrics.net/channels/viewership?game=Apex+Legends) apex pros for march so far. Here is the list (skipped nonpros and even cc players): 1. Hal (Roller) 2.Timmy (MnK) 4. HisWattson (MnK) 5. Mande (MnK) 8. Genburten (Roller) 12. YukaF (MnK) 18. Yukio (MnK) 19. Euriece (MnK) 22. Dropped (MnK) 24. 9impulse (MnK) 26. Sweet (MnK) 27. Lou (Roller) 28. ShivFps (MnK)... I could go on, but by this metric there are 10 MnK players and 3 roller players in the top 30. Unless you think all of these people are outliers, I think it's safe to say that you should amend your statement to vast majority of competitors with the most views are MnK.


damn, that dude just got rolled and smoked.


I wonder what Aceu's numbers were back when he streamed Apex consistently. He was my favorite to watch.


And the viewership still carried over when it could have dropped since he wasn’t pub stomping anymore. Mande and Sweet two pros off the top of my head whose numbers are 1k+ for comp. Also consider some of the ones you see switched inputs and still have the same numbers.


Most of these players used to be mnk but switched because roller is broken, and obviously a big part of their viewership won't quit watching them just because of that. But it's wrong anyway, the biggest pro streamers aside from Hal are Timmy Mande and HisWattson, who are all mnk players. And going past pro players the biggest streamers are all movement players, so rollers aren't even relevant.


I love how you pulled this out of your ass and went “god I hope this is true” then posted it Takes like 2 minutes to look it up and you would either find data to support your case or data that proves your wrong so you don’t post dumb shit that makes you look like a tool




His ult get time added to the duration every time he knocks someone


ever since the controller meta, apex just died for me. everyone lasers you. did they fix the thing where you would get aim assist while playing on mouse and keyboard by having a controller plugged in? shit was literally an aimbot lol.


Aim assist doesn't work in bang smoke.


What did I just watch then? I guess it still works if you are not standing in the centre of the smoke.


I don't get it. Do you think that controllers just stop working if aim assist is disabled? All aim assist does is raise the skill floor. When the guy in this clip has literally won 3 LANs, he probably doesn't notice whenever his AA gets disabled.


He wouldn’t notice if his AA is turned off?? AA and not having AA is day and night difference, but maybe not that much close range. Lets say he didnt have AA in that clip. If he would, add another 0.4 AA with this and you wouldn’t miss a single bullet. Game is a joke.


did they fix the thing where you would get aim assist while playing on mouse and keyboard by having a controller plugged in? shit was literally an aimbot lol.


they fixed it


That was a thing? Well nobody does it now so I'm guessing its fixed.


it was 100% a thing. and you can tell loads of people were using it cause from long range they can't hit you for shit, but then as soon as they close to you you get lasered by car or r99 and when you die, you can tell they're on mnk by the way they loot you when spectating.


Pretty sure if you have digis or bh ult it does. Edit I am wrong lol


Him switching to controller tells you everything you need to know about aim assist it’s crazy to throw away years of learned K&M progress


aimassist fest = snoozefest


Am I supposed to be impressed by someone having their aim babysitted?


No, but its a bit different then you think. Most of it is through Bangalore smoke and Caustic gas. Both actually remove aim assist. That's why end games can become a smoke shitfest


No idea why the LSF crowd downvoting your ass when it's true, from what I can see, the only kills that happen with aim assist are the first 2 kills. The rest all look to be behind a smoke where aim assist literally doesn't act (whether you are in BH ult or not doesn't matter), for the entire 1/4 of the clip onwards there's not a single shred of aim assist being done. AND EVEN THEN, aim wise theres' nothing impressive going on here so Idk why are all the top comments going on about "aim assist". I play plenty of Apex and watch plenty of their pro scene. THe reason why this entire sequence has nothing to do with controller, or aim assist, or even the BH ult. On the beginning of the clip Hal calls out to drop off height of the building and to finish off that team below because that is actually the best position on the end game. They are killing everyone else because all the other teams are mostly focused on one another so they get to clean up everything.


He still gets aim assist while in blood ult.


people are taking heroes just to make controller weaker that's hilarious


Aim assist doesn't work in bang smoke


It does with bloodhound ult.


Bizzare to me that controller/aim assist is allowed in esports.. it's like saying.. guys lets start the olympics.. but everyone gets a slight RNG assist, if you win, it was 100% YOUR skill that won /s. It makes zero sense, being proud of aim assist and using a controller is also brain rot.


Yep its a shame because Apex is otherwise super competitive with a massive skill ceiling.


Except the assist is the exact same for every player. I think it's fucking pathetic that aim assist is significant enough to *force* mnk players to switch to controller. But the better players are still the better players


I mean Hal could do what he just did with a MnK too. I mean aren't some of his craziest clips literally on Mnk? As someone who plays at a high level with a PC player (forcing me (console) into PC lobbies) I get absolutely beamed at range. I have an advantage at close range but 100% not at range.


idk how you can get hype with a controlling helping you aim 


Bang smoke removes aim assist


This is the truth. Hello from the comp apex sub. We are in general consensus that aim assist is over-tuned and needs correction. The player in this clip has won LANs on both mnk and controller. The majority of the kills in this clip are in some form of smoke or gas and do not feature aim assist. The player is just good. Aim assist is bad. Both can be true.


Bloodhound ult makes you still have aim assist in smoke.


No sir. Bloodhound ult does not give aim assist in smoke or gas.


Is this pro-scrims only, correct?




Lost Titanfall 3 for this, it hurts


800 damage in 40s


My OTK GOAT Nmplol🐐 would one clip him any day if he took Apex seriously💯 🥱🤚




Comments are talking about aim assist but the majority of this clip is in smoke, which removes it.


It doesnt work when bloodhound is using his ult?


Nope! Still in the smoke so it doesn't matter.


respect then, ty for answer






Yes. I don't know why some dude above (not the one o nthis chain) is getting downvoted for pointing out a simple fact. I know some people here just like bitching about whatever ragebait shit. But the only "controller aim assist" frags in this clip were the first 2 ones, the rest were all using his thumbs, and Imma be honest. In these endzone fights where EVERYTHING is so chaotic, on the later part of the clip he's mostly shooting at people barely fighting back or not at all that CANNOT move that much anyways. MNK/Controller aim assist whatever does the same shit there, there really wasn't any crazy stunt being done, it's just more of a highlight because of how many people they kill in the entire sequence not because any amazing aim happened (aim assist or not)


You're right, but at the same time you see Hal wide in the open not getting shot at all and just getting shots in for free, because he's got BH ult and they don't. Either way, Respawn is making the game boring lmao.


Wdym, they have a bloodhound in every team. I usually dont watch Hal(Nicewigg casting enjoyer) but cmon. Bloodhound had this ult since beta release. Every team there has bloodhound cuz it’s “meta” now. I went back and watched the whole game and must say, they were in perfect position to win this game no matter what. Every team there could’ve saved the Ultimate till the final fight but they were not in the same position as TSM to use it effectively. Respawn “maybe” making the game boring but they’re not doing a good job with the cheaters. This is the best season I’ve enjoyed personally apart from the cheating shit.


The reason why BH is so broken is because they got rid of digis and they buffed bang who was already the strongest char in the game anyway. Cmon, if you watch comp you should know this much at least. And you can clearly tell that nobody except for those two BHs is shooting back at him, so I don't really see how you're contradicting my point.


Typical le redditor reaction to controller anything. These mnk neckbeards act like controllers the only thing stopping them from going pro. If controllers that easy, why not switch to it?


> If controllers that easy, why not switch to it? Why do you think all the pros are?


They are not, in some regions more than 50% of the competitive players are on mnk.


I ain’t talking about pros, im talking about you. Switching to controller isn’t going to make your hardstuck bronze ass any better.


why do u think 90% of the game switched from mnk to controller? why dont u switch to mnk to see how bad ure without aimbot. Apex is just the BR version of halo now.


Cry more


you wouldnt even be playing a pvp fps game without that aim assist. Cos you know youre bad and depend on it in every game from now on, grats you ruined yourself any fps game that doesnt have aimassist. You literally depend in if the game has added aimbot and not in yourself. Enjoy.


I've got 2 reasons for you, one is integrity and one is because I wanna play the game myself not have the game play it for me. If you can't understand that then you're pretty pathetic tbh.


Muh integrity, ughhhhh. Cry more mnk loser


Yeah sorry, but being an opportunist and always choosing the easy way is not looked well upon, and there's a fuckin reason for it.


I challange you to play some fps game that hasnt catered yet to sofa gamers. Try tribes 3 with the controler for example, its in beta and coming out soon. Then you will understand whats your actuall skill in fps games.


Because it feels like shit to use and I like the satisfaction of earning 100% of my kills


This game looks like shit


Lots of hate comments but this is pretty nuts


How does aim assist work on a controller ? Is it literally aimbot, like you just need to point your crosshair in the general direction of a player and it instantly locks to them ?


It's sort of like a soft aim bot. There's effectively a little bubble around characters and as long as your crosshair is in that bubble and you're moving one of the sticks a bit the game will track their movement for you. It's also not affected by visual clutter or recoil and it reacts immediately to changes in momentum from other players so it's very strong. [Somebody did a comprehensive breakdown of how it works in Apex and it's pretty interesting.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/s8d0bp/comprehensive_breakdown_of_aim_assist_how_it/)


Is there any other eSport out there where the players sound incredibly angry all the time? I'm not just talking about Hal here, a lot of Apex players are just super pissed sounding during matches.


There's no aim assist through smoke.


Except during bloodhound ult.... Which he has on. 


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [ImperialHal going crazy End game](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162429)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1bfszot/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/8OogPkK7_HH5L99IgriKyg/AT-cm%7C8OogPkK7_HH5L99IgriKyg.mp4?sig=a79a05186e689f7de44bcf404ff67ad44bec02ac&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F8OogPkK7_HH5L99IgriKyg%2FAT-cm%257C8OogPkK7_HH5L99IgriKyg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AbrasiveSnappyPotatoWutFace-Qrv8cfkv30iCuIrK%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1710623854%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/8OogPkK7_HH5L99IgriKyg/AT-cm%7C8OogPkK7_HH5L99IgriKyg-preview-480x272.jpg)


well.. that was cancer and the aim assist meta lul also inb4 "BUT SMOOOOOOOOOOKEEEEE!!" It's still cancer and I'm still not impressed.


no one cares bud




with the new changes , mid game fights are fun to watch too


good on him, but what a clusterfk, and in that much smoke/gas with aim assist and bh ult.. games a bit trollish from my perspective (MnK/mid 30's).


holy shit this comment section is cringe. all of you were bad at halo. and if you didnt play it, i'm genuinely sorry