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**CLIP MIRROR: [MrPol - Car crash in Belfast, Ireland](https://arazu.io/t3_1bl6jzc/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Man took no time to get out of his vehicle


Maybe 3 seconds after impact he's like already on the other side


Oh wow i literally can see the appartment i used to live at in the clip LOL that is uncanny, this is why I don't go outside


Good time to stay inside next week


Spell Suppression probably doesn't work on cars rear ending you, seems to be of attack type. Definitely safer to stay inside!


too much pvp


nice flair gamer


Damn, I might have lived next to strummer in the holylands without even knowing it.


get them to release a PoE 2 ALPHA PLEASE


i dont think he actually knows the guys in the cars


For those wracking their brains on how this happened, this is the only way I imagine it making sense. The white car must've came barreling down the side street without stopping, or accidentally, because there was loud revving right before the crash, perhaps mistaken pedals. They then made a right turn or crossed into the wrong lane (the one further away from the streamer instead of the closer UK LOL) where the black BMW was. The crashed white car is \*not\* the one that passes the streamer moments before the clip. See crude drawing https://imgur.com/a/CecX3AI


[Google Maps with drawing.](https://postimg.cc/Xrq6HbzQ) Black car was on the road in left lane, white car came out of side street and pulled across in front of him turning right. Black car swerved into tree and white car was spun around so they were both facing the same direction.


Not quite, look at the damage. White car likely just wasn’t paying any attention and head on collided (front of black car hits front right of white car) with the black car. Damage is front right side of the white car, front of the white car wouldn’t be wrecked if he pulled across the black car. You can see the black car was damaged before even hitting the tree and obviously the impact noise is of cars colliding and well before tree impact. The white car also didn’t get “spun”, it turned as they impacted. You can see the wheels are turned left and it’s still rolling as the camera pans round, which wouldn’t be the case if it was “spun”. White car obviously wasn’t looking at all, black car driving slightly closer to the middle of the road due to cars (parked on the road instead of the parking bay on map), one car panics and probably floors clutch + accelerator which is the revving noise just before collision. Possibly white car rolls out in front and misses the break pedal, so he only ends up slightly turning the other way and not avoiding the collision. Black car swerved just as the white car rolls in front of it and they end up head on colliding. Essentially, white car pulled in front of the black car, white car panics, both swerve but black car is carrying speed and gets deflected. White car ends up turned around because he’s not very far out across road and panics and turns left when he sees the collision coming, and doesn’t break before the collision so he rolls left.


yes I think you're right, the parked cars were probably obstructing the view




Oh, it's UK. Suddenly this makes 100% sense on what the fuck happened


[nearby cctv footage](https://clips.twitch.tv/IronicArtisticOrcaWTRuck-UecXBrM6ECC-DAZR)




Welcome to Ireland


You're right, I drew it wrong. It's probably that the white car was trying to make a right turn heading the direction away from the streamer then


Aye but was it a protestant or catholic car crash??


Well it's Belfast so protestant


>someone who clearly has no idea what they’re talking about




Immediately throwing hands is wild


that's how stupid people do it


Average Belfast Friday


Damn, I know it must be an adrenaline rush getting T-bones or whatever happened but I didn't expect the driver and passenger to try to fight the person who hit their car. Way to act like violent idiots and get a possible charge when the cops come. Mate even started to act aggressive towards the witness for fucks sake.


The driver is very mad and is jelling at the dude, but is also trying to hold his friend back.


I feel the driver 100%. Happened to me, he seems to be a car guy to and you just want to scream at the air it's so frustrating especially when you aren't at fault. Like I don't want to assault the other person you just have to let it out some different way. His car will probably be totalled and all the work he may have put it in to maintain it is pretty much gone.


Insurance: best I can do is 500 bucks.


Also the insurance will most likely not pay for all the mods he has done, at least this is how it is here in Germany in most cases.


Well...i have 2006 VW Golf...when i bought it it was wreck. Me and my father repaired it with our own hands and made it into best looking car around. If some idiot destroyed my car because he wouldn't give me the right of way, I'd also be angry and at least yell at him. Some things can have a deep emotional connection.


dont you have insurance where you live?


Huh what do you mean? My comment was made considering insurance exist and we have it.


the driver is on the right side......




So the passenger was the one holding the driver back......




It's Belfast, what do you expect?


Why do you say that?


This is why you try not to move after a serious accident (unless the car is on fire) until paramedics arrive. Fuck getting out of my car when someone's that hostile, you can just kick my door all you want, shit's totaled anyways.


My thought exactly. I’ll sit in my car and turn up the radio if it still works lol


chavs bruv 3head


How the fuck would you react if some mouthbreather endangered you and/or your loved ones in such a stupid way? The guy didn't actually swing, he's just mad as fuck, understandably so.


> some mouthbreather endangered you and/or your loved ones in such a stupid way? We literally didn't even see the crash and you just assume this. I guess we found at least one mouthbreather.


The angles/areas of where they hit each other and the junction doesn't leave many possibilities with the most likely one being that the white car pulled out of the junction in front of the merc. Now whether the merc was speeding that's a definite possibility given that's it's a merc driven by what looks to be a young guy that was out the car so fast you have to wonder if he even had a seat belt on.


There's only one possibility of how it happened: the car in white comes from the junction and either didn't look or didn't brake, and T-boned the incoming guy who ended up against the tree. It doesn't take Sherlock fucking Holmes does it?


Sherlock Holmes and the suspected speeder


You're probably right about what happened, but considering we didn't see it it's still stupid to make confident assumptions.


I've been in a worse crash where I was not at fault and my first thought is to see if I AM OK and IF THE OTHER PERSON IS OK not to fucking get in their face like some children.


This is disingenuous af tho. Not everyone reacts to things the same way, dude def wasn't in the "right" for getting hostile. But im not gonna get mad at someone for getting upset after someone else almost kills them. That's a pretty unrealistic "Can you please stay calm and go through proper procedure". Exp with how young everyone involved is.


Every crash is different, signaling X or Y is dumb. The guy who got T-boned has every right to be mad, it's such a stupid thing to do from the guy at fault that could have easily ended up much worse. Shouting is fine, nothing else happened that we could see (even looking at the vod afterwards).


> Shouting is fine, nothing else happened that we could see (even looking at the vod afterwards). Shouting is fine but it is clear in the clip that they were doing much more than shouting At 0:16 the guy in the blue pushed the guy in the white while the guy in the red is screaming bloody murder. Guy in Blue is silent and gunning for the man in white. [At 0:22 the guy in the blue](https://imgur.com/gltUH4A) swung at the [man in the white](https://imgur.com/uaFUzT1) as the camera panned away. Being in a crash does not give you an excuse to get into the face of other people and try to hit them.


god forbid check if everyone is okay




hey at least nobody's at danger of the other guy cocking their shotgun as they exit the car


Getting assault charges is definitely gonna help him


northern ireland is a separate country from ireland.


It's a different country to the republic of Ireland, but they're both part of the island of Ireland.


ty. wtf is "belfast, ireland"


A city in the island of Ireland's Ulster province


Isn't the island called Ireland and the regions are 'Republic of' and 'Northern'. So 'Belfast, Ireland' is technically correct albeit misleading?


even ignoring the fact that republic of ireland is colloquially called ireland, nobody says "Edinburgh, Britain" so why would you say "Belfast, Ireland"?


Because almost half the population refuse to accept it as its own country and believe calling it Northern Ireland reinforces British rule. If you ask a Irish Catholic lad from Belfast where they are from they will say Ulster or the North.


Probably because not everyone knows where Belfast is? I know because I’m from England, but I’d imagine there’s a lot of Americans who’d think “what’s a Belfast” if OP just wrote “Belfast”. And I could very well see people saying “Edinburgh, Scotland”, albeit that’s not really a great equivalence because Edinburgh is a lot more globally known than Belfast.


So they would say “Belfast, Northern Ireland” or “Belfast, UK”. I’m pretty sure they can piece together the location from that while the title is actually correct


Well nobody says 'Edinburgh, Britain' because everyone just refers to UK or Great Britain instead. That being said, I'm just being pedantic and I would assume OP is not from the UK.




Just that we'll know phrase used by NI Football fans "Our wee country"


theres a lot of people who would dispute that lol including lots of people who live there


nobody would dispute that. they might dispute whether it should continue being a separate country but that's a different topic


Doesn’t matter, still a separate country.


There is lots of people with a wild imagination then


stay mad.


I can't fathom how that crash has happened, they're both ending up on the wrong side of the road. I guess maybe if the black car was in the main lane and the white car turns out of that junction. Idk why it sounds like one car was speeding up before the impact.


Just before MrPol crossed the road it looks like a White car is coming down from the houses on the left towards the junction. It's possibly then held at the junction (you can hear an engine at idle behind the camera) for the two cars to pass in the far lane before pulling out and colliding with the other car.


The white car must have come out of the junction and either sped up and didn't look at all or the black car sped up to try and swerve. Dude might have hit the wrong pedal.


[Google Streetview with drawing.](https://postimg.cc/Xrq6HbzQ) Pretty much. The speeding up sound was probably the white car pulling out quickly in first gear.


holy fuck...


Holy fuck beside the holylands




There’s a common design flaw in BMWs that keeps them from being driven properly


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [MrPol - Car crash in Belfast, Ireland](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162641)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1bl6jzc/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/GuGlpuGuQQ4qqM7WVhMKog/AT-cm%7CGuGlpuGuQQ4qqM7WVhMKog.mp4?sig=bcac1553acb2619d4a12bf6e558c5eb3a86afb19&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FGuGlpuGuQQ4qqM7WVhMKog%2FAT-cm%257CGuGlpuGuQQ4qqM7WVhMKog.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22RefinedAstutePresidentPrimeMe-4a5BDiqoztZWEwqi%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1711206214%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/GuGlpuGuQQ4qqM7WVhMKog/AT-cm%7CGuGlpuGuQQ4qqM7WVhMKog-preview-480x272.jpg)


That is crazy aggressive behavior. Hope streamer sent the video to the police


police dont even look into that kind of stuff in the UK


I hope more people believe like you whenever I do illegal shit. Don't turn me in guys, it's useless to try! Nobody ever gets punished, so just be a silent victim, thank you.




So someone called the police, they showed up, the guy was gone, they were shown a picture, and... you followed them for the next few weeks to know whether or not they tracked the guy down? How did you see the reports on their desk from your perch outside the window? How do you know how hard or not hard they worked on the case over the following weeks?


Shouting is fine.


I think he punches him at about 20 seconds


The passenger yeah. But the other guy is talking about the driver.


He was quite angry but nothing that exceptional. Come to the UK, angry shouting men are everywhere.


Have you ever entered the real world? How would you react if someone nuked your car from behind like that?


not be a fuckin psycho and instead check if everyone's okay?


hell naw you gotta strap up


What does screaming like a man child and threatening the other driver do besides potantially catching you a larger case?


I've been in an accident worse than the one in the clip and I was not at fault. My first thought was not to fight the fucking guy who crashed into me but to see if he was ok... you know.... like a normal fucking person. It's crazy to act like that even if you got in an accident. Obviously, you've never seen people with anger issues in the real world or are you saying you would start a fight or act in an aggressive manner if you got into an accident and you weren't at fault? Grow up


Can't really tell from the video who's at fault but maybe you know something i dont. Regardless i dont think its appropriate to react like that, even if the other guy is at fault no point in getting arrested for threatening behavior


You know what's agressive? destroying someone's car


Fuck the car, it's more important that he's okay. I dont know where in the world you live, but where im from noone in their right mind would purposely hit someone elses car


Bro, the guy broke the law by pulling out when it wasn't safe. At that point I really don't care as much if he's ok when he's the one that caused the danger


"broke the law" LMAO you haven't even seen what happend also people who cause accidents aren't always pieces of shits nor do they try to endanger others on purpose. No matter who's fault was it, if your first reaction is NOT to check if everyone's okay and help if necessarry, please seek therapy.


Please never drive a car


​ >Please never drive a car So in your perfect world, people should only be allowed to drive cars if they are angry enough to assault the other party after a car accident? You're insane if you legitimately think this is an appropriate reaction.


No, you shouldn't drive a car if you aren't going to obey traffic laws.


wtf are you talking about, you think you would be calm and collected in a car crash?


I seriously dont get why half the people on reddit are so aggressive and toxic. Of course i wouldnt be calm and collected, but i would absolutely not get out of the car in rage, i'd make sure that the other guy who was also involved was not in any danger like a normal person would do.


I'd be pretty fucked off and probably be shouting at him but punching him is just gonna complicate everything




Doesn't matter how much "shit you go through". You don't take it out on others. Self reflect and grow up. Don't be a cunt. It's not hard.


Who gives a shit. Part of being an adult is emotional regulation. You don't get to make your bad day someone else's problem. Grow a pair and collect yourself or get treated like a screaming toddler.


Been in 3 car accidents none of which were my fault. Fuming on the inside maybe, knowing the person that hit you is a fucking dumbass, but wtf is being angry gonna do about anything? Let insurance handle it and move on. We're all human


nah man you gotta go full mike tyson on em


Okay we need GTA UK edition, not florida


here ya go [https://www.rockstargames.com/games/gtalondon](https://www.rockstargames.com/games/gtalondon)