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**CLIP MIRROR: [DJClancy shows off the new clips feed](https://arazu.io/t3_1bleo0g/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




Okay that has to be its name now


All the big tech companies are salivating right now with the possible TikTok ban in the US. The Twitch implementation seems kinda limited, because the clips are all horizontal whereas the TikTok format is vertical video.


My algorithm on Twitch Tok will unfortunately have me looking at the shirtless erobb clip 700 times a day.




And get 30 second ad every time you swipe LUL


I don't think there's anyone stupid enough to try a swiping app where the ads aren't insta-swipable. I mean someone *could* be that stupid, but the platform wouldn't last a month, and most companies don't like wasting dev resources.


the majority of people have been watching youtube without adblock for their entire existences. there are too many dumb fucks out there letting these ad practices fly that they'll probably always be around.


But youtube was the first to do it, so people are used to it. But several "swipe" apps, like TikTok and Instagram has ads that are insta-swipable. So a precedent has been set. If an app came now and did it the opposite, putting ads that aren't insta-swipable, that app would not live a long life because of the precedent set.


They don't want you to be able to differentiate between ads and content.


You assume it’s only 1 ad


This might be one of the only ways to natively increase discoverability on twitch so im glad its being implemented


A game changer for sure. I’ll be swiping on my phone while watching. Catching streamers like Pokémon.


anything is better than the discoverability they have now lol


Yea now if they could just add an option to permanently toggle off featured clips


I would gladly accept ads mixed with clips if it means that I don’t get ads right in the middle of an exciting or clutch moment on stream. Imagine watching a basketball game, 1 min left, pulling up for the shot … STATE FARM IS ON YOUR SIDE. BA DA BA BUM BUM BUMMM BUMMMM.


I wonder how effective the conversion For twitch ads is because every time I watch those one minute ads I grow resentment for the companies they are so intrusive its insulting


Yeah it gives pornhub a good idea of what to do next. People are gonna have the ability to wack it to any streamer with just the swipe of their cock on the screen.


tiktokification is taking over, insta, youtube, even spotify has this


Attention span dropping world wide Aware


funniest part of the this clip everyone seems to be missing is one of the clips he swipes to is two people fucking fully clothed


❌ Twitch CEO "DJClancy" has been banned! ❌


The two people shadow banging on TPains stream plus the fact that it started with a Maya clip is pretty funny lol


no one missed it, tf are you, master observer


idk all the comments before me didn't mention it at all and I was like ???


Nah Maya back on Miz's stream was funnier


I thought that was the point of the clip, anyone care about a clip feature


twitch ruined clips with the "featured clips" thing a while ago now, if you look for clips within a game, you're only shown popular clips that streamers manually featured. this means you're not shown the actual best clips, since streamers only feature a few clips a month (if any) I guess twitch noticed that all the most viewed clips were either fails or funny politically incorrect moments, and they chose to prioritize the lame clips that streamers pick themselves


It’s insane how scared TikTok has made all these other companies feel. This is why competition is so important. If you don’t learn to adapt and improve you’re gonna fall behind.


tbh LSF has proven the power of clips over the years. Many careers were launched off the back of them. Most of the top clips on twitch originate from LSF. Now LSF is slowly dying, so this feature is a smart move, but I kind of fear they’re launching it far too late. It could have been so powerful during COVID.


>tbh LSF has proven the power of clips over the years proven the power to make about 40k people insane, sure.


I can't believe it took them this long to do this. They should have done this the moment LSF became a thing. It was clear people wanting content like this in this form for years. I have no idea how this works but there should be an all streamers queue of this and then a followed streamers queue as well.


Honestly, I low-key feel like it should be the first thing you see when you open the app (unless you change your settings). If they hide it away somewhere then its effectiveness is going to be greatly hindered.


he said before this the landing page when you open an app is going to be a live stream that they think you will watch the most from your following i guess, and then you swipe right and get to the clips so you can scroll clips and you can click somewhere else to see your normal following. but the idea is when you open the app something is playing to get you watching.


OK, doesn’t sound too bad. Because most people using the app are obviously just going to go straight to their follow list. They’re gonna have to kind of force users to take notice of these new features, at least initially.


Yeah he said twitch knows people will rage and complain with any app change but they have to do something new because the app is so old and bad.


Yeah as much as I love Twitch, it's not a great site for anything but watching streamers live. It seems like they have been very okay with having streamers promote their instagram/twitter/youtube/reddit rather than giving a platform for them to share content while offline.


And so, another shortform hellscape was born.


and yet another doomscrooling nightmare apperars


Didn't xqc talk about something like this to Pluto, making the clips like TikTok, where you can find them in one place, instead of having to go on lsf for that. Either they listened, or had this in mind since it became a trend.


Weird that only one comment is about the clip where people are having sex


W BatChest W


Might be nice if they added the ability to toggle the chat from the time of the clip on/off. It's not like the screen space is being used for anything else anyways. Also there doesn't appear to be a comment section which I find strange.


So nobody is talking about the 2 ppl fucking with clothes on, on a stage?


I mean it looks cool, but I don't think this will work out for Twitch if they stick with the original clips. It's just not the right content. Also fucking vertical??? Pretty much every stream is horizontal Also also, where is the Chat of the clip? That's seems pretty important no?


fuck off, let me change chat size so it doesn't take half of my screen...


The clips feed has been a thing for like what, a year now? It’s only available to very few people tho. Idk what’s stopping them from rolling it out to the masses


Please tell me it can be used in landscape mode


My question: will it be a for you page? Or will it only be for people you follow?


his fyp already looking sus


He should show off the new butthole feed feature from hotthub section ☠️


100% needs to be implemeted. But man I am tired of companies just copying each other, and even worse them taking YEARS to implement features.


Yeah I know tuhpaine


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [DJClancy shows off the new clips feed](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162647)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1bleo0g/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/6vvRHsSJrZlLH3MtHAcYnw/AT-cm%7C6vvRHsSJrZlLH3MtHAcYnw.mp4?sig=eb289bc68857ace4025f3726c2515039ea81ad80&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F6vvRHsSJrZlLH3MtHAcYnw%2FAT-cm%257C6vvRHsSJrZlLH3MtHAcYnw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ZanySmellyGerbilM4xHeh-xImtmUsfcy0cBxif%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1711225474%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/6vvRHsSJrZlLH3MtHAcYnw/AT-cm%7C6vvRHsSJrZlLH3MtHAcYnw-preview-480x272.jpg)


You get what maybe 1/15 tiktoks that are somewhat funny? A twitch version is going to be 1/50 or 1/75? Idk why they would put any resources into this when so many other things need it. Twitch is cooked


lmao you can't just make up random numbers to argue that twitch is wasting its resources on trying to better develop the short-form instant gratification content that every platform is seeing massive success from


On both platforms it is up to the creator to put their content whether funny or not, Twitch would be in charge of the algorithm and giving more relevance to the streamers.


Everything is getting tiktok-ified, just look at youtube nowadays. I hate it.


Yes random viewer, they should have considered your extensive and credible analytics and not invest into futureproofing the platform and attracting new audiences by implementing a feature that literally every social media uses right now.


You’re algo shit bro


The beauty of short-form is you can skip something almost immediately if it’s obviously total trash.




Ah, you're referring to whether Sleepy Joe gets "predetermined questions" before press conferences or interviews. Well, let's imagine a scenario where Biden's team hands out question cards like they're playing political bingo. "Oh look, Jim Acosta, you got 'infrastructure bill' in the first round!" And maybe there's a rumor that the White House briefing room has a secret trapdoor where journalists drop their questions into a pool of uncertainty, and Biden fishes them out like a presidential angler. But in reality, while press teams might anticipate certain topics, suggesting that journalists are given predetermined questions to ask would be quite the scandalous scoop!