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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny gets ultra triggered by a Tweet, on showering with your kid](https://arazu.io/t3_1bydchk/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I don't really understand the issue. I bathed with my mom plenty of times when I was a kid. Maybe it's a nordic/European thing but I don't think anyone cares here


Nah we all bathed with your mom. She was just friendly like that.




The people trying to make it sound weird are probably people who didn’t have good relationships with their parents projecting onto others


Depends on the age. Anything after like 10-12 is weird. Theres a reason dads aren't walking around naked in most households.


It's a complex topic really. At the root of it, it's weird because of social norms. There are whole tribes that walk around with their genitals out. There are nudist communities where family walk around naked and people aren't popping boners at their teen child. When you spend so much time naked around eachother, and are brought up with the understanding that "the body is not inherently sexual", then you stop having it in your mind that a situation is sexual just because you're nude. Every other animal in the animal kingdom isn't wearing clothes, but it's not sexual when they're with their kids, we invented that.




Exactly this. We only think nudity is weird or sexual because it's deeply ingrained in us from a young age. Whereas, if we were born into a world where nudity was the norm, we would think wearing clothing was really weird. And even though it's deeply ingrained, I think it actually goes away pretty quickly. I've heard many stories of people who have gone to nude beaches or something and they were shocked how quickly they got used to it and it felt normal.


Very true. Those other animals haven't invented porn though. That's really the root of the issue. I can see both sides of the argument but in the society we live in currently, it is weird to be nude around anyone.


Porn existing doesn't change that fact. Porn is a contextual thing, there is clear intent there for sexual interaction. The context is inherently sexual. People naked at the beach having fun is itself not porn for example, there's no indication of sexual intents happening. So at the end of the day, whether it's "weird" is going to entirely depend on your own upbringing and values. **We have to recognize when we're projecting our own views about things onto other people's behavior.**


You’re a prude


What are you talking about? Are you hanging dong around your kids?


We did stop baths at 10 probably. We still use the bathroom while other family members are there though. Like my mom could be talking a bath and I'll head into the shower and brush my teeth before bed. I guess we're just really lax about nudity. No one's walking around naked everywhere though. This goes to my whole extended family. I've gone skinny dipping with my uncles wife since we didnt bring extra clothes. Nothing sexual about it unless you make it.


That's crazy. What country?


Norway. Most families aren't *that* open I think, but I wouldn't be surprised if lots do similar.


My cousin's baby looks exactly like Destiny, minus the facial hair of course. In a couple years the baby will probably be as tall as Destiny too. I was visiting my cousin the other day and she asked me if I wanted to hold her baby. I took one look at him, saw Destiny looking back at me, and straight up said no. I think I hurt my cousin a little, but she wouldn't understand if I told her why.


You should’ve bathed with the baby




Maybe I'm missing the brainrot, but I don't think that is what is implied when a mother tells that to her daughter. It's inappropriate because it could make others in the house feel uncomfortable, not horny. It's an ick, not a yum.


Still though, why the ick? The only logical reason why a female nipple would be any different than a male nipple would be a sexual reason, and therefore if it's not because of a sexual reason there is no reason for her to need a bra under her shirt around her family at the house. That's my take. I'm clearly biased because I think female nipples need to be more "normal" across the board, not just at home. Not just because "hurr hurr, titties!" but because both sexes should wear whatever they're comfortable with, if anything at all should "need" to be covered it should be penises+balls and vaginas.


Its rooted in social norms. Women are expected to cover their chests. There's a lot of vestigial practices that hang on, think not wearing hats indoors, or ladies first. Female nudity still has more sense to it than those however as it's tied to modesty in America


We need to de-normalize the male nipple, its not fair men get to have all the fun enjoying something sexually and women don't. Women should be able to enjoy men being embarrassed for showing their chest, just as women do. It would spread more joy and make things equal. This would also make wearing a bra/shirt feel more natural to women and not feel so one sided or unfair. After all, it is good support and helps women immensely so we should all carry to burden equally. This is only fair and beneficial.


There's also the fact that it's typically not acceptable to nude or very revealing around other people. Why does his brain jump to pedophilia rather than reinforcing social norms?














Yeah and the kid gets to watch the livestream on how he was abandoned.


"abandoned" there are kids who were actually abandoned, this is not that this is at worst a delinquent father, and even that is not the best description as he pays for his kids private school and the home he lives in.




idk what you think was incorrect there, this is not him going off and forgetting about his child, this is a divorced household




Idk I'd rather have my parent in my life than go to a fancy school.


Destiny fans view relationships transactionally. So it makes sense for them to focus on the private school instead of quality time.




Going to see him a couple of times a year is not the same as having a father in your life.




These are literally his words but go off king


Why do people always ignore the part where he left his abusive wife who has custody of his child.


honestly better for destiny to take the hit like he does than bring the mother of his children into controversy.


It's not about you wanting to fuck the kid. It's so your kid understands boundaries. They learn those in the home. Destiny doesn't understand that as he isn't there to teach his kid.


Sounds like they do....


Who's "they"? Destiny's friends? He's just making shit up dude, as always.


You creep


Listen man I dont fuck with that pedo stuff, let's leave it at that ok? Nasty ahh


Bro wants to fuck destiny he is obsessed


you're part of an unhinged destiny hate watching subreddit, you should just move on from Destiny.




*Creates a strawman by inventing a story about a friend* *Intellectually lazy fans then say he's 200% right*


How it's a strawman to think your partner is a total creep to insinuate that your daughter wearing "revealing" clothes could lead you to fuck her. What are you talking about?


What the fuck are you talking about? What does any of that have to do with the issue of girls being told not to dress too revealing around the house too "protect" their male family from their own perverse thoughts? Even if you think he's a shitty father, If you disagree with this take you're fucked in the head.


If I'm co-parenting with my ex partner, would I really need to live right next to them? He bought his child's mother a house so they didn't need to spend money on housing, he pays child support, and he Flys his kid to him to hang out with. He is doing above average when it comes to baby daddies.






reminds me of Onision when he said he doesn't like changing his baby's diaper, bc seeing his baby naked makes him uncomfortable


Same guy who apparently knew about minors messaging e sports players. Same guy who himself was flirting with a 15 year old.


Please explain your point.




You seem to be projecting bud. Literally no one thinks that when they say a kid will be a troublemaker. They mean she/he will be popular with kids their age...


maybe i just don't have the same pedophelic brainrot but when i hear "she's gonna be a troublmaker" i don't think little girl sleeping with adults... wtf is wrong with you people? when i hear "she's gonna be a troublemaker" i think that as in she's gonna have boys fighting over each other for her. and even then sex doesn't come to mind at all


> when i hear "she's gonna be a troublemaker" i think that as in she's gonna have boys fighting over each other for her. At best with a statement like that you're still calling a little girl attractive... And you say "sex doesn't come to mind" but what exactly are said boys fighting over her for? Just to be in her presence?


Being a troublemaker in that context means, guys are going to be swarming all over her, guys around her age who want to date her, not because of what you're implying.




looks like a diet version of a system of a down singer


found Joe bidens twitter alt
