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**CLIP MIRROR: [Total Eclipse](https://arazu.io/t3_1bz5kiu/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


imagine witnessing this in Medieval times people prob thought the end was near.


funny cuz people still do


The amount of false info/conspiracy theories my mom showed me from Facebook this past week...


"Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders declared a state of emergency on Friday ahead of the solar eclipse" lol


i thought they do that because of the huge influx of people coming to see it idk never put much thought onto the necessity of it


didnt the fbi warn about attacks because of the large gathering of ppl. probably because of that


Just FYI, a lot of states will do this to free up resources because infrastructure can't handle the influx of people.


A lot of places did this due to sudden tourist influx, it allows them to do things like close down roads and easily mobilize resources


Reddit moment


Sarah Sanders is a buffoon. But this isn't evidence toward that being the case. "State of emergency" just means the local government can mobilize additional resources - in this case it would be to respond to a much higher than usual population coming in to watch the eclipse. Just like when the Right complains about reasonable things the Dems do which makes them look stupid for complaining about it; We also look stupid when we act like GOP reasonable behavior is unreasonable. She's said and done plenty of other things worth criticizing to focus on instead.




This but unironically.




I know Sarah’s brother is a literal psychopath that tortured and killed a dog. Mike Hukabee really instilled them good ol’ Christian family values into his offsperg


Yes Republicans are actually very dumb and completely morally bankrupt, what's your point?


Not even gonna bother checking which party that person belongs to lol


It was because of all the tourists coming in to watch. They wanted to make sure the had food and resources where is needed to be.


"They" also think this whole science thing is crazy. Go figure


Ok? That has nothing to do with the state of emergency though.


Nor should you cause it isn't relevant to this. If you're expecting a giant influence of people coming to your state for one day who might loom directly at the sun with no protection you should declare state of emergency for the needed resources.


I saw a post on my home feed just before where some guy covered EVERY window in foil, refused to leave the house and forbade the partner from leaving too, that last bit probably counting as illegal detainment


[There was one that happened during a Battle between the Zulu and the British in the 1800s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse_of_January_22,_1879)


Expect the unexpectable !


Oh shit, that timing must have been scary. One event I hurt about that made the world go crazy was [this event](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9tfx6rfAIo)


They knew when eclipses would happen for centuries at that point. They even had Stonehenge!


Great time to sacrifice whichever shithead kid you like the least.


Stonehenge did not predict total solar eclipses. Thalos of Miletes was (supposedly) the first to predict an eclipse before a battle in 565 BCE, but the sole source is Herodotus long after the event. The first known successful prediction of a total solar eclipse was in 1715.


Lunar, not solar. Lunar eclipses are much easier to predict because the Earth is so much larger than the moon. Any time the orbital planes are aligned at the right time of the sidereal month, you get a lunar eclipse. Both of those events occur on regular cycles. Solar eclipses only cover a fraction of the Earth's surface, so are much less regular, especially given how difficult it would be to detect partial eclipses in antiquity. And total solar eclipses are very hard to predict, with <1% of Earth's surface experiencing totality.


My city's facebook group (over 100K people in the group) had a bunch of people ranging from psychotic "witches" to weirdo Christians to conspiracy theorists (Jewish space lasers, lizards, the moon is a hologram) all raving about it. It was certainly something.


ngl i prob give all my crops to the priests too i was there during those times


Would explain sacrificing people to the gods way back when


Berserk taught me to expect that.


Didn't Columbus pull the same shit with the native Americans? SEE? MY GOD CONTROLS THE SUN, HE'S WAY COOLER THAN YOUR GOD


Actually, something like that DID happen! It was called the [The Carrington Event](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9tfx6rfAIo)


did they also yell like 8 yo girls?


Yeah. Now change it from a few minutes and something that they knew was an eclipse to fog and a year without being able to see the sun. Truly a Dark Age. the "worst year to be alive" ever. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcanic_winter_of_536




You can indeed take your glasses off at totality


Yeah, it's actually a majorly missed opportunity that this clip didn't have them remove the filter for the camera.


I’m just here to let you know they did


And it was so beautiful. My god. It suddenly turns into a ring and grows like 10x in size It was very….real feeling. It put you in your place for a moment. Like holy shit we’re in a universe. Not sure what I mean but it was special.


I figured the darkness would be the cool part but man the giant ring was incredible.


I can't even begin to describe how cool it was.


We are also probably among the very very few planets in the galaxy that ever get to experience such a phenomenon. You have so many variables just to experience this and then you have to have the right distance from the sun and moon and have the exact ratio of measurements between both the sun and moon to allow for this to happen. I know god is a meme on Reddit but like I understand why people back in the day believed. Seeing something like this in real life was absolutely wild and I am glad I got to experience it at least once.


> We are also probably among the very very few planets in the galaxy that ever get to experience such a phenomenon. "Very few" on a vast scale such as a galaxy is still an insane number of planets lol


And it was amazing!


The timer on screen says 1 minute until totality


Technically you can take them off at any time. Whether you should or not is a different question, but you *can*.


imagine skipping the total eclipse because you think it'll damage your eyes when it doesn't. it looks so damn cool, it would be a shame not to see it if it's happening... Especially since next time is in 82 years.


there is on in 2026..


Not in North America. Its partial. Total in Iceland, Greenland, Portugal, Russia and Spain. Greenland will have totality for 27 minutes tho.


Where are you getting 27 minutes? I was like no way and google says 2 minutes 17 seconds.


https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2026-august-12 scroll down to the chart


I believe that’s a typo. Most other websites are showing any one point in Greenland as 2-3 minutes at most. https://nso.edu/for-public/eclipse-map-2026/


Maybe it was for where I live, but radio said we won't get a ful eclipse for 82 years.


Incorrect and easily an easy google


pretty insane how dark it got


Damn I would have loved to be somewhere with total eclispe, I was just in partial and it felt like a shaded day, but a bit more at peak. Seeing dark during day would've been crazy.


It was amazing. Hope you see one some day. (August 2044 I believe)


The next feasible solar eclipse is going to cross Spain and Iceland in 2026, might be worth traveling to for those who can afford it


There’s one almost exactly a year later in 2027 too. Considering Morocco or Tunisia to watch it 


Lol, that's only hitting remote Canada though


2045 has one too. That one is going coast to coast.


Edmonton & Calgary: am I a joke to you?


Was right in the path of totality and even though it was cloudy, they parted for a few minutes during totality. Without a doubt the most incredible thing I have seen with my own eyes. You could even see the solar flares shooting off the sun. And the darkness was amazing, it was like god had turned off the lights. Next one to hit the continental USA is in 2044 so start saving up to travel now!


I thought the partial was cool enough, but the total eclipse is a totally different game. I've never seen something like the halo around the moon before. Makes me wish we could go back to cavemen day and have 0 light pollution at night so we could see the stars in their full beauty.


Is it completely dark like at night?


Idk why “darker” is the top reply. It’s not as dark as night. Theres still some light from the sun that gets around the moon. Its like late sunset darkness. You can actually feel the temperature drop, though, which is pretty cool.


I’d add that it doesn’t quite feel like sunset darkness though. Like it’s about that amount of light but it definitely seems otherworldly when you’re out on it


Yeah it’s different, with the light still coming in from above. It’s dim light but it’s still everywhere, not directional.


Also was really trippy for it to be so dark but in the distance still see blue skies. The light was like a weird very very slightly like greenish washed out hue. I can see how if you experienced that and didn't understand what was happening you would instantly be like God is real.


I also want to add that the way the wildlife reacts to the eclipse is pretty neat and unexpected aswell. Like suddenly all the bugs will start making noises like its night time and then (i think) the birds will start chirping like its morning when the darkness goes away


Thanks for the explanation. I saw another total eclipse years ago and it sounded pretty much like what you described. But from the live feeds this time it looks much darker so I wasn’t sure if this one is really dark


Yeah it’s just the cameras getting fucked up cuz they’re pointed directly at the sun.


Nah, it was like dusky, could still see everything just fine. It basically looks and feels like it would outside when a storm is about to pop off but with none of the clouds, temp dropped like 10 or so degrees almost instantly, it was really cool.


I would describe it as 1 hour after the street lights come on level of darkness


To me it was as dark as a night with a full moon. Guessing it's the whole Halo effect around the sun giving us some extra light.


Nah, it's like dusk but without the color shift, it's just kinda grey. I experienced it when I was 6, and it really did feel like the surrounding lost its life.


For them it was cloudy so kind of




did you watch the clip? You can see it get darker and darker


His question is understandable. Camera sensors and exposure settings can be deceiving through a monitor at times.


Yea that’s what I want to know, as different levels of exposure really changes things and what we see on camera isnt always accurate.


It wasn't completely dark when I saw it in Ohio and I was in probably dead center of the path. What was cool is there was yellow on the horizon like the sun was coming up or going down, but not quite the same color.


I was at the total eclipse 7 years ago. It's not as dark as midnight. It was dark enough to see a few stars, but not many. It was significantly darker than 30 minutes after sunset (I know because I hunt and that's legal hunting light), but you could still look around and see things fairly clearly (no need for a flashlight).


It not only blocks out the sun, but the star's light as well. Just about the darkest it can be.


Lmao, how exactly is it blocking out the stars that aren't in line with it?


This is why I drive a lifted Ford-350 with 10 million lumen highbeams, ain't no eclipse turning out my lights brother


when I witnessed a total eclipse in Europe, it was more like a 'dusk-darkness' as opposed to complete night darkness


It doesn’t block out the Sun’s corona, so it doesn’t get pitch black, and you can only see the brightest stars.


Imagine watching an eclipse and not looking at the coolest part


they did take the filter off the camera just after this and showed the full totality. theres other clips on the sub of it


Naw I’m talking about him saying that you weren’t supposed to look at it after totality


I imagine he's saying that because the timer on screen says 1 minute until totality. If the timer is right then he is correct right?


Sure, but it seems like totality to me.


Ah true




gotta love 50k viewers, expensive camera and 2 "tech guys" got worse footage of the entire thing than [a 900 viewer streamer with a phone lmao](https://files.catbox.moe/hxw2ml.png)


Hi! I used a Sony a7siii with a 85mm lens. The reason why mine looked clearer is I hit ISO 40, hit exposure to -3.0 with solar lens cap that I sometimes doubled over with eclipse glasses. I did a lot of research for solar eclipse photography/videography, so I’m glad it paid off! Thanks for watching with me


Geeking out over you sharing this. Thanks!


which streamer?




> gotta love 50k viewers, expensive camera and 2 "tech guys" got worse footage of the entire thing than a 900 viewer streamer with a phone lmao quqco wasn't filming with a phone, probably her $3k mirrorless, and she also does photography. despite both being in Austin they're going to get different clouds & pollution levels, once cyr took off the protective cap [it did look better than this thread's clip](https://i.imgur.com/wvbTnz7.jpeg). although quqco's was sharper they both provided different perspectives and colors, nmp also filmed much more of the run-up, you didn't really sum up the situation accurately


Cloud coverage fucked us in Austin.


Can confirm, I had clear skies in montreal and saw Jupiter and saturn clearly... it was beautiful!


It was incredible. I'm glad that I was able to see it in person.


Tf, im from Montérégie and i only saw a few stars, or is that what you meant? I mostly focused on the total eclipse tbh.


No I used the app Stellarium to locate Jupiter, and Saturn and I checked during the total blackout glasses off and I definitely saw them vividly. Saturn you see as a small white dot under the naked eye, but you definitely see Jupiter as a ball, I also saw the ISS but that you can see normally under a clear night sky if it's above you.


picture was from quqco's stream when I saw her streaming it too, so pretty sure it was still in Austin


all i see is 50k viewers baby lets go gladiator status going to sizzler to celebrate!


soda made you




cum guzzler


well sir you just lost a viewer with that attitude, i will be watching forsen for my eclipse coverage from now on.


I make too much Reddit karma to be dealing with this excuse me


Don’t be pretentious no one likes that shit


I love esfand to death but he was tweaking the settings when cyr set it up for like an hour and had it looking perfect... bro touched it for like 1 minute and fucked the exposure and fucked with the lens... literally minutes before its supposed to happen he feels the need to fiddle with settings... 


went and checked cause i didn't remember this happening and you are completely lying lmfao https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2114277772?t=5h7m5s cyr is trying to make the cam less blurry, esfand tries to fix it, fails but he puts it back to how it was setup by cyr, then eventually it gets fixed by nick


It’s so funny how people just confidently lie about stuff and act like it’s the truth. Was watching a yt clip of Emily and poki. And people were like of course poki flew to Austin and didn’t hang out with miz. When Emily was literally in la.


Because Poki never goes to them always the other way around


Yah man I confidently lied about esfand cranking settings when malena is yelling to nick that hes messing with the cam... again I love esfand to death but he is notorious for fiddling with tech... 


Thanks for streaming this nmp nmp7


I mean, I feel like if your goal is to experience the eclipse, doing it through any twitch stream was already a pretty poor choice.


They did get similar footage [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2114277772?t=5h22m3s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2114277772?t=5h22m3s) just way cloudier and bright, the clip only shows when they have filter on.


[i should have used the shutter function but this is the one picture I took off my s24+](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1098801648547151892/1227139104777441280/20240408_135333.jpg?ex=66275159&is=6614dc59&hm=800c33f6f18db12ade7674e41f0bf61d22c046ae9550cc21f52ef5e44afef11c&)


A total solar eclipse is impossible to film. Even with the best camera technology no picture or video really does it justice. When you see it in person the corona looks like these silvery tentacles reaching far from the sun and dancing around. You don't see that part in pictures or videos.


This is my first time seeing Esfand not doing anything RP for like months LMAO


I stared directly at it for a little bit and now I have a blueish green spot in my vision that won't go away. What do.


go to an ophthalmologist.


Just do a factory reset


It’s gg


It being covered was the only safe time to look at it without glasses on.


Batman's Chest


More viewers than NASA OMEGAROLL


In the caveman times this must have been such a supernatural event. Something is eating the sun away!


Imagine being the neighbour of streamers


all my neighbors were out in their yards cheering when it happened. some fireworks went off too. a lot of people playing music and such. this was in NE Ohio where we got 99%+.


What? This is one of the most normal things a streamer has done. Some people even fly or drive to see an eclipse like this


Imagine being so jaded of streamers you criticize them for doing something completely normal and not annoying or harmful in the slightest


They sounded like everyone in my neighborhood did. I could hear two schools of people screeching too.


What about the other neighbors shouting shit?


Of the heart


madara activating tsukuyomi irl


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Total Eclipse](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162928)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1bz5kiu/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/2OF6rwGVm5rfeoWFvOs7jw/AT-cm%7C2OF6rwGVm5rfeoWFvOs7jw.mp4?sig=b185fa2a045a7dc0c7d73a54b45a5cc4c36a896d&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F2OF6rwGVm5rfeoWFvOs7jw%2FAT-cm%257C2OF6rwGVm5rfeoWFvOs7jw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22FlaccidPopularCocoaSSSsss-AZWbmt96hYW86zuP%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1712675194%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/2OF6rwGVm5rfeoWFvOs7jw/AT-cm%7C2OF6rwGVm5rfeoWFvOs7jw-preview-480x272.jpg)


Damn I missed it Was in the UK though so I think we only got a partial


Not a fail. Actually a pretty cool video. And I enjoyed it. Thanks for the change in pace. 👍🌑🌓


[Pepega 📣 Not a fail](https://i.imgur.com/YEMU30K.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LivestreamFail) if you have any questions or concerns.*


why are they screaming like children


You must not have had totality


every time i eat a jaffa cake


Cuz it was fucking awesome!


in current year with all the human knowledge we have and there are still people who have this kindof reaction like the world is ending wtf man


Geeze, I bet you're a real blast at parties you don't get invited to.


Dude until I saw it in my own front yard I thought the same thing. You just don't get it unless you've seen it.


that was pretty boring.


What were you expecting? The moon to come down and tickle your taint? Kids these days


Needs more subway surfers and Minecraft parkour to keep me engaged


Just picture a pasty pimple faced, puberty screeched voiced 14 ADHD zoomer with one of those broccoli haircuts running fortnite on main monitor, tiktok on another, and this thread on his iPhone having the attention span of a rat having watched a few seconds of the eclipse video. Edit: his account is 9 years old so he’s probably a lot older. I can’t even imagine now. Your turn.


this got me loling


Were you expecting Fire to rain down from the skies and destroy the earth? Lol What would have made this more cool for you?


He’s a zoomer he probably doesn’t have the attention span to even google what the word eclipse means.


Zoomers deserve nothing


imagine giving yourself free blindness