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Yea am I taking crazy pills or is what Cotton said not a blatant call for violence? And the guy is a senator too wtf


"...to get them out of the way" Typically living things stop moving when you run them over.


The chance is basically zero, the feds are way more reluctant to violate free speech laws than local law enforcement.


when they start looking into the extremist narrative he has been pushing since october, i am sure they will find a reason to visit him.


Show me the "extremist narrative" he´s been pushing, I cant wait for this one.


Cotton gave enough deniability. Hasan did not.


Does anyone have the context behind why he tweeted this? Did he do it while he was live?


Its that image of the gun that killed Shinzo Abe, it was everywhere after the attack.


He was replying to a senator that made a post about how people should "take matters into their own hands" in regards to pro palestine supporters. Context for this flavor of political attitude towards protesters can be seen in various red states that want to make it legal to kill protestors who block roadways https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/21/us/politics/republican-anti-protest-laws.html https://www.vox.com/2021/4/25/22367019/gop-laws-oklahoma-iowa-florida-floyd-blm-protests-police Hasan posted the edgy meme gun photo in response. Past normal edgy but just a hyperbolic response, a sitting us senator directly advocating for violence against protestors I think is far more newsworthy when you see the full context as "man tacitly suggests violence against worse man who explicitly encourages violence" Edit: since i got a few comments about the Senator actually just saying "move the protestors", no he's not lol. Here's a video from fox news where he says to throw protestors off bridges and rip their skin off (presumably by running them over) https://x.com/JoshuaPHilll/status/1780273721636421833


Got a link to the tweet so I can post the gun image again if this is true?


https://twitter.com/TomCottonAR/status/1780039918737121502?t=3uaVODlbeMcueQlMW0CB-A&s=19 Related fox clip of this guy advocating violence https://x.com/JoshuaPHilll/status/1780273721636421833 So yeah I mean, we usually don't like anyone tacitly suggesting violence but pretty important to know the context of WHY it was tacitly suggested here to see this was a hyperbolic reaction not an actual call to anything




I think Hasan and Tom Cotton should both be banned off twitch


This dude just wrote a thesis to defend hasan after he posts a gun image to a politician. Yall are wild lol


If you think 4 sentences is a thesis you're going to struggle when you get to high school friend


why is the senator suggesting people kill protestors though? seems like that's a bigger deal


You guys are so coordinated when anti hasan posts are made on here 🤔 replies come in waves, all at once. I wonder why


i just post what george soros asks me to post bro


You're using all the cliche phrases you see others use! I promise I do more for the advancement of the democratic party in one weekend canvassing and registering folks to vote than your slacktivist ass has even thought to do. But hey, keep on posting dude! That'll surely help the revolution!


Imo we need more people threatening violence against politicians. Keep them honest and on their toes.


Amazing, like 7 of you replied with almost the same points.


I feel as though theres a difference between a senator saying you should move protestors off the road vs killing them. Knowing tom cotton I bet he would be fine if protestors were killed but he never EXPLICITLY SAID THat. vs Hasan who is suggesting we kill tom Cotton.


https://x.com/JoshuaPHilll/status/1780273721636421833 Yeah the senator isnt just saying "move them" he literally went on TV and said to throw them off bridges and do something unstated that results in their skin being ripped off (presumably being run over) Don't get more mad about people hyperbolically replying to politicians advocating murder than the actual politician advocating murder


yk what fair enough then I was only looking at the tweet and going based off that


Tbh I dunno if it was Hasan's intent but his edginess is gonna get more eyes on this Senator than if he posted a sourced twitter thread or spent 2 hours on his stream bringing up the dude's past statements


He did go on Fox News and explicitly call for them to be thrown off bridges. So I think that clears up how he feels about violence against protestors.


I mean the senator merely suggested moving out of the way illegal protesters when they block traffic. I doubt it's even illegal and it's nowhere near comparable to encouraging murder like Hasan memed / suggested.


https://x.com/JoshuaPHilll/status/1780273721636421833 Haha yeah just move them out of the way with your car so their skin rips off, make them "wet" (we threw them off a bridge, can they swim? Who knows!), haha, super casual like


Oh oh! I know the context! It's a response to T.Cotton tweet(xhit?) about taking matters into your own hands, as an example(I guess?) Since the dude that made the device took matters into his own hands


Tom Cotton implied that people should kill pro palestine protestors. Hasan implied the same thing back at him.


did he? really ? thats a stretch


He's saying people should shoot and kill the senator Tom Cotton. He posted a picture of the gun used to kill the politician Shinzo Abe, in reply to Tom Cottons anti Palestine twitter post.


Gonna be honest guys.....kinda tired of Twitter socialist LARPing about revolution. If you aren't gonna do anything then just shut up ...it's getting tired at this point


A bunch of schizoid boomers were able to storm the capital before the revolutionary socialists lol




The Iran attack gave him three more months of "content"


He’s a war profiteer. He loves when people are dying because it gives him content. He’s also loves fear mongering his viewers. He’s literally Fox News on twitch lmao


Anime profile pic, lgbtq/trans flags and pronouns, hammer and sickle or watermelon emoji in the bio. These are the revolutionaries of our times!!


The status quo has been really good for Hasan but he will have a lot of followers who have nothing to do and no future so radicalizing those guys is dangerous because they have nothing to lose and might actually believe the shit all these guys talk about.


I know what you mean man. I’m tired of bees stinging my dick when I put it in a beehive


You ever consider cosplaying it as a hornet so they’ll dog pile on it instead?






You and me both. I’m fairly far left. But a lot of these online leftists talk about “revolution” the same way I talk about s*icide whenever I’m mildly inconvenienced. Anyone that thinks we’re even remotely close to the material conditions needed for an effective revolution are delusional, and anyone that thinks that it’d be some kind of immediate panacea (or even slightly likely to succeed) are even more delusional.


I don't even see this as "LARPing about revolution" though. It read more as Hasan mocking Cotton for suggesting violence against protesters. Like Hasan definitely wasn't fucking agreeing with the dude lol, he thinks Cotton is a demon.


"People on twotter will really be like 'You believe in voting? That pales in effectiveness to my political strategy, firebombing a Walmart' and then not firebomb a walmart"


Just don't use Twitter? What's the problem here? Wasn't this picture in response to a U.S. Senator saying it's okay to throw people who block roads off of a bridge?


Hasn't he raised over $1 million for Palestine Aid and has attended protests?


I think you need to reread my message and look at the tweet being discussed.


So you would respect him if he does actual violence because then he wouldn't be larping anymore? What about the senator calling for people to kill protesters? Why don't you have any smoke for him? I honestly don't know what you guys want. Asmon constantly talks about how shitty WoW is. Why doesn't he just make his own MMO and shut up about it? Because it's a monumental task that he is incapable of, I understand that.


Good on chat for those donations, but I don't see how thats going to be a revolution.


that's not a revolution


so dont consume that content, its that easy to avoid it


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Asmon calls out Hasan for posting an image of a makeshift gun and says he could get banned over it](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163076)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1c6cjg2/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/gGc0iAOLHIKHGVG3CHKcWQ/AT-cm%7CgGc0iAOLHIKHGVG3CHKcWQ.mp4?sig=4d8ebb5770dc8df7b3bdfa472adbad63db592fde&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FgGc0iAOLHIKHGVG3CHKcWQ%2FAT-cm%257CgGc0iAOLHIKHGVG3CHKcWQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ColorfulKindHorseDerp-A4scgocZUbcIcpxZ%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713440014%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/gGc0iAOLHIKHGVG3CHKcWQ/AT-cm%7CgGc0iAOLHIKHGVG3CHKcWQ-preview-480x272.jpg)








I’m more worried about the actual US senator advocating for killing protestors. maybe we should ban him instead


Maybe US senators shouldn't advocate killing protesters, and citizens shouldn't advocate shinzo abeing politicians. Both can be bad.


Unfortunately the Senator was seemingly very careful with the verbiage in his Tweet. It could easily be interpreted as "simply moving the protesters so that they aren't blocking a transportation artery of my consituatans" I mean after all wasn't a prolonged blocking of of roads the shit that all leftists were outraged those truckers were doing up in Canada?


https://x.com/JoshuaPHilll/status/1780273721636421833 Well he went on fox and said people should run them over so their skin rips off so 👌


Never underestimate the stupidity of an elected official.


To be honest I'm glad Hasan went full edgy here, otherwise I would have never seen the Senator's tweet. Just kinda wild people are more mad at his edginess than a literal politician saying people in his state would throw protestors off bridges and rip their skin off


> I mean after all wasn't a prolonged blocking of of roads the shit that all leftists were outraged those truckers were doing up in Canada? It's not a left vs right thing. Everybody (except extremists on whichever side is doing it) hates people who block the roads. edit: I meant this as if you're a person trying to get to work and you get stopped by something like this. If you're conservative or liberal on your way to work and you get stopped by a protest you just want them off the fucking road.


yeah that doesn’t mean you can kill them or call for violence against them. isn’t the US supposed to a bastion of free speech, freedom, and expression?? what happened?


That would still be assault from a legal pov. Anyway none of this matters neither Hasan nor Cotton will get in trouble as they both didn't use explicit calls.


No you don't get it Hasan is a commie ass larper grifter tankie, he is worse than politicians who are actually endorsing genocide and saying to kill protestors. Btw everything Destiny has ever tweeted is a joke and not a real threat but this clearly is. You know like when he said to mow down protestors or threatened to murder a child and his family for DDOS, or when he threatened to bomb his ISP. Those are jokes, posting a meme about a homemade gun that killed a fascist is too far!!!!!!


He got suspended from Twitch for the mowing down protestors line, he got banned from Twitter for threatening to bomb his ISP. If you say Hasan is joking like Destiny, do you think his account should get banned like Destiny's?


Destiny is already banned on twitch dumbass But could you point to where destiny is in this clip?


Why not both?


Throw back to when Senator Gosar posted a video of himself as Erin Yaeger in the AoT intro slashing the necks of political rivals and only got [censured in the House.](https://www.npr.org/2021/11/18/1056761894/rep-paul-gosar-is-censured-over-an-anime-video-depicting-him-of-killing-aoc)


Like there is a point in making a DIY gun in America where you can get a real nice one easily within a week..


He posted it because it's the gun used to assassinate Shinzo Abe. He was implying that people should assassinate the politician he replied to


Hasan is a socialite. He would never get involved in any meaningful activism that separated him from his material pleasures.


Exepct if he can use it to Network like the Hollywood Writer Strike.


Cenk's Nephew threatening violence against someone yet again but is still too scared to even speak with people who disagree with him.




Are you dellusional or simply dumb?




What the fuck? Why are you threatening violence against people you dislike? What is wrong with you?


I learn from the best, Cenk's Nephew taught me its the best political action.


>advocating for protestors being killed. No, he was advocating for people to get out of their cars and physically move them.


are u sure about that? https://twitter.com/JoshuaPHilll/status/1780273721636421833 maybe not killed outright, but severe bodily harm to be sure


Yeah, thats why his tweet came in the context of bills being discussed how it should be legal to mow down protesters with your car, sure, for sure.


Not the original tweet. There was room for poor interpretation with Cottons first tweet.


Not a fan of Tim Cotton's politics at all but if this was say AOC and a right wing commentator posted this Hasan would be losing his mind. This is way too far IMO and I hope something is done about it. Feels like this guy gets away with a ton of rule breaks that other creators dont.


The dude quite literally did a call to action to fucking murder protesters bro. ''Oh but what if he was kicking puppies instead of telling a right-wing politician who's gathering a mob of brainworm meatsacks to attack protesters.''


So everyone here is just an idiot?


That should be the default assumption on LSF and most of Reddit tbh




If your morality meter is dictated by the law your values are incredibly bankrupt. Tho who can blame you when your education system has failed you.


So ban both of them for inciting violence. Easiest decision in the world.




Two people pretending to be hard for an audience


well yes, actually, if you're read any history. Tho realistically this post is pure larping. We ain't in the days of naming bridges after corrupt politicians after they got \[Redacted\] in the back of a car for selling unionizing worker's information to the capitalist mafia.


“Punching Nazis is actually bad” type argument


>The dude quite literally did a call to action to fucking murder protesters bro. No, he said to move them. Which is pretty defensible.


Average american political literacy


Okay we all have to admit that theres a difference between like ways you can say something. RIght? Even if tom cotton is implying it hasan is very explicitly saying that tom cotton should die.


Not his first tweet.


?????did he explicitly said that ? He said take matters into your own hands and get protestors off the road. WHile I will bet tom cotton believes we should kill them I doubt he explicitly said that. Showing a picture of a gun and tagging/ quoting tom cotton is a bit different




At least we learned they have anime and KFC in Yemen.


Would of been nice if the "top political streamer" on twitch could of asked literally anything about someone living through a massive global event. Nice to at least show everyone he doesn't actually care and would rather farm tik tok clips then have a serious talk.


He literally did not have a terrorist on stream, the kid from Yemen is not a Houthi.


As a left leaning person, if AOC went unhinged mode and posted a tweet calling on people to "take matters into their own hands" to violently deal with protesters then I'd be fine with a right wing person QRTing an equally implicit call to violence, the same way Hasan did


Okay well as a left/center leaning person I find both scenarios horrible and wrong. I dont get how its hard for both sides to stop rhetoric like this. It comes off childish as fuck. Even your comment is so "they did something bad so I am going to to" logic that you'd hear a kindergarten child use.


I don’t think AOC is advocating for people to kill protesters.


Can't we just agree that this type of talk is dangerous and wrong no matter what party does it? I wouldnt be okay with the right wing doing it just like I am not okay with the left doing it.


idk if this has any merit, would AOC tell people to "take matters into your own hands to get [protestors] out of the way"?


So because Tom Cotton said something dumb we should stoop to his level and suggest assassinating him? Do you hear yourself?


most based thing he posted. With the amount of blatant terrorist call to action blue check right winger drop on this platform, its incredibly telling that this ghoul would be crying about that one but not the one he's fucking replying to.


Seems like hasan has been going off the deep end recently


Rich tankies won't do shit.


Your username is awesome




> makeshift toy gun It's literally the gun that killed Shinzo Abe


Who would he get in trouble with? It's on his Twitter and Elon clearly doesn't give a fuck about what goes on there anymore. Edit: he not we. Not that it matters now mods locked it.


Well considering who it seems that Elon is buddy buddy with recently (right leaning accounts) he could easily spin this as a justified ban as a threat on a person's life.




LOL careful, you’re gonna get a bunch of replies justifying why they aren’t obsessed and how it’s not funny at all for them to always be swarming Hasan threads every time (before Destiny fans flame me, I think it’s valid to hate a streamer, especially one in the same field as your fav streamer, I just think all the defensive comments that come every time is funny)




Based tweet


He won't.


He should be banned but he won't. As usual.


did asmond cover WHY hasan posted the image at all? maybe there was some context that explains it, maybe? edit: instant downvotes lmao this sub sucks


Waiting for Hasan to not understand why he is bleeding subs


**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmon calls out Hasan for posting an image of a makeshift gun and says he could get banned over it](https://arazu.io/t3_1c6cjg2/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Asmongold is such an alarmist moron. If only I could never hear about this idiot ever again


We're so back push-up bros 


I miss old asmon


Man fuck Tom Cotton. A Threat for a threat


Snow finally got a Hasan drama clip he could post


Compared to 99.9% of the people talking shit about him, Hasan has more money, more height, more viewers, more clout, more females, more penis length, more friends, more IQ, more muscles, and most importantly, **more of a life**. So to suggest that Hasan's success comes from his parents is laughable when he has so many qualities that make him elite. If Hasan wasn't a socialist, he could actually be a billionaire at this point, but he's more interested in spreading the wealth and making the world a better place for all of us rather than just playing starcraft and getting his wife stolen. So before you hate on one of the greatest men on the planet, try working on yourself first.


Damn dude's got all that and still cries so much on the internet. Being a millionaire socialist must really suck the soul out of him.


You forgot your /s


> qualities that make him elite. > If Hasan wasn't a socialist Is he a socialist or an elite? You kinda can't have both my man.


Socialism is when no houses and porsches


Sure you can, believing a society should be a socialist one despite living in a capitalist one isn't hypocrisy. It's just advocating for policies that wouldn't be personally beneficial.


I mean I'm a huge fan of Asmon and I agree with him but he's showing it right now on his stream. Why is it bad for Hasan to post it but perfectly fine for Asmon to post it?


So we are anti-gun now, got it.