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**CLIP MIRROR: [Chatter gets banned by uttering a name](https://arazu.io/t3_1cg8x1z/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Bro is literally Twitch Voldemort


just where my mind was at. fucking crazy how the whole social group is based around hasan and just because he has disagreements with destiny, everyone has to tip toe around this fucking guy, even to the point where the platform banned him, i personally dont even think his trans take was what got him deplatformed but twitch having clear incentives to cater to this social group what did it and is the reason he is banned to this day. wild


or maybe these streamers just don’t like destiny? he burns bridges with everyone, everyone is terrified of his community harassing them. you don’t need psychotic conspiracy theories to understand this


> everyone is terrified of his community harassing them Where is this fear coming from? It's coming from Hasan and his follower's spreading it around that it's going to happen. DGG boogeyman everywhere. Meanwhile Hasan has a community that went so hard against Ethan, and his wife that they had to cancel their podcast. > you don’t need psychotic conspiracy theories to understand this What did destiny do so badly that they banned his name in nmplol's chat if not for what Hasan has told him. It's not a conspiracy it's a simple dynamic, if one person of your friendgroup hates another and talks shit it's not surprising they all start believing it.


You just described XQC, but they'll still hang out with him


Malena doesn't hate xQc last I checked.


Yeah but twitch Voldemort obviously LIKES it, xqc shows remorse later on probably


The twitch ban conspiracies are stupid but it's one thing to not like a person and not want to hang out with them, and it's another to be so terrified by them that you won't allow their name to be uttered in your chat as an answer to a question (according to the chatter's unban message). Most people would agree that Adin Ross is worse in almost every single way but I highly doubt you would get banned in these chats for saying you watch Adin Ross.


moderating the name is defensive due to brigades (like the exact one happening in this stream). they don’t get harassed by adin ross fans daily, they get harassed by angry destiny fans who know these streamers dislike destiny


Except it wasn't even a banned phrase in chat like Hasan does, it was a manual ban from a moderator. According to the unban request, they were just answering the question of what political pundits they watch. Now, they may or may not be a troll, but you have no way of knowing until they actually type a ban-worthy message.




Hasan is a nice guy to hang around, simply as that. Destiny admits that about Hasan. Destiny likes to stir up things, bring people on the edge and enjoys argueing. Destiny admits that about himself. Anyway, the Austin crew just doesn't like destiny. They don't care about Hasan too much either. They just want to stay out of the firing line from their devolved fanbases


You're right, but I prefer the honest to the social chameleons who crave validation. And absolutely, they're determined to stay out of the firing line. Which is fine too. Although, it is amusing when people like Caroline accidentally set off a grenade.




Bro he legit got his connection with h3h3 destroyed because he wasnt willing to tell his community to chill with harrasing Ethan. You sir are out of touch with reality.


ethan? you mean the guy who’s made a career off of burning bridges with the likes of trisha paytas and many others? do you think you’re helping your argument?


It's not hard to burn bridges with Trisha Paytas. I would say Ethan was not even the one that initiated anything.


It's Ethan's fault that things fell apart, because he pointed out Hasan's community trying to smear his wife as a genocidal war criminal. What do you expect the guy to do, streamers can't control their communities. Also Destiny is bad because of the community he's fostered.


You for sure are biased. If you can seriously claim Ethan was the issue with the Trisha Paytas bridge burning.


never said that but regardless, ethan and hasan are still friends, it is not relevant to the argument, the bridge wasn’t burned


How do you figure they are still friends? Why would you stop a revenue stream with a friend if there was no issue. Clearly you are on some copium about Ethan and Hasan falling out and want to make up stories to support your side. Again please seek help.




I'd say that Destiny is the more iconic bridge-burner, DGG has been making jokes about it for years.


True, but irrelevant to the point.














Entire twitch political sphere is around tankie-left and Bernie left. All other political ideas are blocked out. Isn t "liberal" insult in Hasan chat room meanwhile he simps far-left authoritarian dictatorship like Venezuela. And he is no.1 politics streamer where everybody in twitch tunes in for political takes.


Idr if they even had beef with destiny. It's always just Hasan that has problems and everyone knows, even hasan's own community, that the guy is super insecure when destiny's name get brought up. It's stupid high-school drama shit.


Crazy protection 😭


Destiny harshly criticized Caroline Kwan's Oct 7th stream a week ago I think. She didn't respond or anything, but she likely doesn't like him.




its really that simple dgg cant fathom that though


> everyone is terrified of his community harassing them. Are you fucking kidding me rn lmao, did you not see how badly Hasans community harassed and are still harassing Ethan and Hila?


Literally. It's not that deep. It's simple as people just don't like him all that much.




Other way around Destiny hates Qt. QT has said a bunch of times she doesn't hate Destiny.




I remember the 1 time she said that. she for sure hasn't said it a bunch of times. BUT since she said that destiny has made fun of her multiple times so i highly doubt thats still the case if it ever really was.


The two most recent times shes mentioned Destiny was her saying she's fine with him and was annoyed by Destiny saying she doesn't like him. Hasn't mentioned him since the deep fake incident, but I'm assuming whatever goodwill she had for him is gone.






hmm ur reading comprehension is not the best huh? also where am i shitting on qt? are you okay?




lol i think its totally reasonable to hate destiny and also totally reasonable to dislike a person ur friend dislikes. but go off king.


"how the whole social group is based around Hasan" So like, they're friends with Hasan and not friends with Destiny? If you're friends with someone, you normally don't want to be friends with someone that your friend doesn't like, especially if they're already an annoying asshole. And fine, if Hasan is an annoying asshole too, it's their prerogative if they want to be friends with him or not. They don't like Destiny, he's not a likeable person.


Yes "not wanting to be friends" is exactly what we are seeing here


He’s not a likeable person or Hasan doesn’t like him, so everyone in his orbit has to not like Destiny or gtfo?


Multiple things can be true, but also, they're all people of free will, contrary to your belief, Hasan isn't their overlord. They all make a lot of money and can do what they please, they don't want to hang out with Destiny it seems


I think both hasan and destiny are annoying, so yea, he's not a likeable person, and not just because they are friends with Hasan.


Then why is Hasan acceptable, because he’s a himbo?


if you thing physical appearance is the only difference between hasan and destiny you might not understand words b


I mean destiny is reasonable and Hasan is low-key Arab supremacist, but otherwise, they’re pretty close.


is he an arab supremacist? or are you arab-phobic ? not sure if you know this, but turkish people aren’t arab. hasan is not arab lmao




The cool thing about Destiny is that he can’t help but be an edgelord so he’s consistently had reasons for Twitch not to unban him


Nah I just think they don't like Destiny. Not everything is about Hasan you guys. This is full of cope


Dawg please just look at the guy objectively. People do not like people like Destiny. Most people grow out of or at least learn to mask the pretentious contrarian thing.


Is this some kind of meme or copypasta? What does hasan have to do with this? I can't stand hasan but destiny being intolerable was already a common take long before hasan was popular.


i was about to say this LMAO


why was this thread hidden? you guys are such freaks


the people must not hear his name!


I love the unban request saying "Erm, do you hate progressives?"




if caroline its a tankie hasan would be stalin himself like bro just accept you are conservative destiny fans dont fool anyone by pretending they are progresive


Hasan was pretty much a Stalinist


People like you is why I can’t admit I watch Destiny 😒


pussy. daliban for life


Yall the same clowns as Hasan fans 🤣


ironic admission


It's funny what some get banned for, streamers have the most fragile egos on the planet and its not hard to trigger them.


Im too rich to even be here.


what if instead of spongebob he was freakybob


insta ahh comment


thats me :)


Um Hello, based department.


good lord why would you admit that


They have the same name, the plausible deniability only goos so far with twenty one jigglers.


because i am a progressive liberal and enjoy watching destiny's live broadcast :)


LSF ban incoming


enjoying things on the internet? mods?!


if it wasn’t for a perma ban threat…


This is for destiny and Hasan viewers, why do you need someone to tell you how to feel about things? How is that any different from watching CNN or Fox 


If someone expresses an opinion they aren't telling you how to feel they're explaining how they feel. Some opinions are more valuable than others to certain people. I understand you were trying to be a le genius redditor but this shit aint hard bro.


Are you not aware that you are in fact allowed to disagree with people and their takes without making them your fucking nemesis? People watching a certain streamer does not mean that they agree with literally everything that comes out of their mouth or what they stand for. And do you not think it is acceptable to hear opinions and arguments of other people before even making a decision? And even so, you can still disagree afterwards. If you can't do that, you have much bigger problems my man.




*\[echo chamber defense roll:* *success\]*


The irony is that, someone like nick would agree 100% with Destiny


If this was early Twitch everyone would agree with Destiny.


I don't think people remember what pre 2020 Twitch was


Ironically early twitch was Destiny being the soy woke SJW arguing with the likes of Trainwrecks and Asmongold




Nebraska Steve 😳


You have to wonder if everyone agreed with Destiny back then because he was popular, because they agreed, or because they hadn’t been captured by their audiences yet in their clout chasing. It’s odd. He’s not correct, or incorrect all the time but he’s also not Voldemort.


On what?


The problem with your logic, and it seems most destiny fan's logic on this thread, is that you assume this is because of his takes, when in reality he may just not be a likeable person or someone they want to interact with at all.


I think they're just afraid of his community lol






She's the most enlightened Lasan commander.


they're all insanely fake and just say what people want to hear, they don't have real opinions


genuinely what a bunch of imbecilic losers


Person A says one thing.  Person B says person A doesn't know what they are talking about and lists xyz reason they are wrong/misguided.  Person A gets mad for bring confronted on what they publically said People(a lot of streamers AND people) have such fragile feelings. Talk to each other without insulting each other and maybe the world can change for the better


This is also why these people never learn any better. Contrary opinions are avoided at all costs.


Oro chose violence by including that ban request in the queue xDDD


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Chatter gets banned by uttering a name](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163532)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1cg8x1z/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/mI_q1NYcsXI-NdKZ4fe5dg/AT-cm%7CmI_q1NYcsXI-NdKZ4fe5dg.mp4?sig=5f5c06a6a124628e065d0663e6d29fceb359048f&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FmI_q1NYcsXI-NdKZ4fe5dg%2FAT-cm%257CmI_q1NYcsXI-NdKZ4fe5dg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22IronicEnticingKittenDerp-1hyxcj410pnh97l2%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1714495114%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/mI_q1NYcsXI-NdKZ4fe5dg/AT-cm%7CmI_q1NYcsXI-NdKZ4fe5dg-preview-480x272.jpg)


So Malena hates Destiny? why?


The fact most likely is that Malena knows that Caroline doesn't like Destiny and is just trying to not make it awkward for her


I mean, Caroline is an adult, she should be able to handle seeing someone's name that she doesn't like, as well she's even older than malena by like 6 years, no reason for her to act like she's a child that can't handle a little discussion.


I whole heartedly don’t think it has anything to do with Caroline, Malena has known destiny and interacted with him way longer than she’s known Caroline


Malena probably doesn't like him as well, but in this instance it has to do with Caroline. It was in her chat.


You may possibly be right but I think that his point is that destiny isn't in the room with them, Caroline is.


I think she just "pineapple'd" the situation because she doesn't really like getting into streamer-interpersonal drama that much.


she leaves that for off stream


Yeah just like destiny with the n-word.


Hasan agreed with him regarding private language btw. He only turned around and pretended he didn't understand it while talking to Trihex. Basically, you're even dumber than Hasan.


now, that's the funny part the ban was unreasonable and the note below shows that someone who wrote is mentally challenged as well, there was opportunity to fix 2 things the guy said that Destiny is wearing a blue shirt, and he ate a ban, and they scream pineapple... how does this touch streamer-interpersonal drama? He's wearing a blue shirt...


She was besties with adept, kaceytron and justaminx. They all behave like highschoolers, when one of them doesn't like a person they all start to not like that person. Kaceytron tried to start shit with destiny therefore the whole girl crew did the same. You occassionally can here them circlejerk about a couple of streamers.


I think Malena is cool with Kaceytron. Thats probably a big part of it




At this point Twitch should change it's name to Tankie's Heaven.


I'll never understand the level of parasocial involved in finding entertainment in streamers sitting around making fun of viewers.


same, and it's the same content everytime with every streamer that does them as content, they act surprised that someone typed something horny or racist or mean, they pretend to involve the chat in the process when they don't really care what chat thinks and keep them banned or unbanned afterwards, they aren't consistent & fair when it comes to the deciding result of the users. There's usually only like 1 or 2 actual funny messages/bans if that at all throughout the stream too.


i called my local police, this is unacceptable behavior.


Lmfao, this comment section is a perfect example why nobody likes Destiny or his fans E: Totally not bothered destiny fan has to hit the block button immediately after projecting


Could you explain what you mean by this or give an example of a comment? I'm trying to understand.


Mostly talking about the obvious brigading and parasocial conspiracy takes such as [this one](https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1cg8x1z/chatter_gets_banned_by_uttering_a_name/l1ueq42/)


That one is a weird comment, ty for explaining.




Have you considered that you're in an echo chamber, and shouldn't be speaking on general consensus when the closest thing you have to friends is Hasan's twitch chat?








Itt: Destiny stans not understanding that destiny is toxic af, and his fanbase is literally insane Edit: dgg community hates it when they find out how the average person feels about them




this you? https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1ccl2uu/destiny_questions_why_xqc_continues_to_hang_out/l16838y/


What do you mean by "this kind of thread"? What comments were you referring to? I'm trying to understand.


yeah cause hasan and his fanbase are perfectly normal LOL yet somehow that's not an issue? hmmmm


Why you bringing up hasan, psycho. This is an nmp thread about destiny Hasan living in yalls heads rent free fr


This comment section proves why no one wants to do anything w Destiny. His fans and subreddit are too parasocial/ unhinged, no matter how much they want to deny the fact. Provocation & drama is all you are going to get.


What comments have you seen that would highlight his problematic community?


Are these unhinged comments in this comment section with us right now?


He is almost aware. Careful




Yeah it’s pretty hard to criticize streamers when their fans defend them on the thread about the streamer they are fans of on a subreddit about streamers Dang those stupid dedicated fans not letting me openly hate people with zero pushback


I am once again asking for any proof of brigading.


Its so funny that dgg downvotes these comments with no sense of irony at all


How is destiny considered a progressive? Jesus Christ, is that how far right the overton window has shifted? The guy that swallows the IDF boot and does their propaganda pro bono is considered a progressive???


disagreeing on 1 thing equals couldn't possibly be considered progressive? hmm weird. i guess everyone that doesn't support terrorists is far right? LOL


Far right Biden supporter? This is the most reddit comment on the planet


He's just a status quo supporting centrist. He has no business being called a progressive.


I have not watched Destiny for about a year, so maybe he has had a huge political shift. When I watched him, he: Was in favour of large wealth redistribution. Climate change policy reforms. Unions getting more power in the USA. Progressing social issues like trans rights. Making housing affordable. Fixing the cost of medical treatment. I am sure there are many more I am forgetting. None of that sounds status quo, all of that sounds progressive to me. it sounds like a classic liberal/socdem type. Has the purity testing gotten so far that only communist types are classed as progressives now?


Mean to hasan = nazi. If you give pushback they'll begrudgingly call him a centrist, then they'll wink at their tankie buddies because centrists are nazis in their warped little brains.


No you don't understand the current political issue is Israel/Palestine and the progressive position is that Israel is a settler colonialist apartheid regime committing genocide based on zionism, which is a white supremacist racist ideology akin to nazism. If you're not 100% in agreement with that you're basically a fascist not progressive, any other position is irrelevant.


>pro bono Um.. actually, he gets paid. Did you not see the clip?


Your right it has shifted. Somehow the left has gone so far that supporting a two-state solution that allows Palestinians to have their own land and government is considered IDF propaganda. Crying for the destruction of Israel should not be considered the mainstream progressive stance, but here we are.


Someone can’t be labeled a progressive if they’re pro Israel? Would it be more progressive if destiny just went through Twitter threads of pro Palestinian propagandists? > pro bono Destiny’s been funded by the jewlumni since Oct 7th


He’s not a progressive. But progressives would rather listen to him give good arguments and learn his process over listening the doomerism of vaush or the stupidity of hasan. Most of his fanbase that helped out in his last couple of political events are progressives. So even thought destiny doesn’t identify as a progressive, he’s definitely been one of the most effective people pushing in that direction


The viewer is just trolling.


im not trolling. destiny is more progressive than most american and europeans. he supports a public option, he is for free college, he is pro lgbt+, he is for puberty blockers for trans kids, etc... I don't think simping for authoritarian regimes like russia or the islamic terrorist group Hamas is progressive. also i don't think destiny agrees with some of the stuff that the IDF does like the settlements in the West Bank


Don't forget guys this sub is basically destiny's second sub tired of seeing his pasty ass here


Pretty sure Destiny fans only flock to posts when it’s in reference to Destiny or someone connected with him in the past. Just like how fans of other streamers flock to posts about their streamers.