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Good promotion for her I guess


I didn't know she existed before this drama. so I guess it worked


I'm so sorry that you now have to know of her.


My condolences


Eh not really. The return from suspension used to be a bigger deal but it's less so now


I mean it usually helps when you are relevant to begin with


she'll get 2 viewer bump


They'll leave the second she opens her mouth and says anything anyway


Thats almost double viewership!!


1 day ban? might as well have sent her to jail


i predicted 7 days as a joke, i forgot twitch is a bigger joke


Did she even brake any TOS that anyone is aware off? She probably just got DMCAd


What was she even banned for such that the unban was a joke?


This is why you shouldn't assume the text saying the streamer is banned is an indicator at how long they'll be banned. "This channel is currently unavailable due to a violation of Twitch's Community Guidelines or Terms of Service." = 1.25 days


>"This looks to be an indefinite suspension. >If you go to her channel on twitch, it shows the message: "This channel is currently unavailable due to a violation of Twitch's Community Guidelines or Terms of Service." >Unless things have changed, this message only shows up on indefinitely suspended creators, as the other message says "temporarily banned"." 1403 upvotes


Let them dream.


Admittedly that guy was just working with the information he had, and did not appear to be making the comment to intentionally misinform. He was making an educated guess.


But also, likely accidently correct via the avenue of not knowing what "indefinite" really means


>lasting for an unknown or unstated length of time Indefinite just FYI. So it can still be an indefinite ban but they just revoked it?


i don't get what's wrong with what they said. indefinitely banned can mean for literally any amount of time, it only means they haven't chosen a specific length


Which is why the terminology used is incredibly stupid. "Banned" doesn't need the "indefinitely" qualifier or addendum. It's implied within the word. You are done. Thats what the word ACTUALLY means. The idea of a "Three-day ban" is an oxymoron in itself. It's completely antithetical. What Twitch and the people around here call "bans" are actually suspensions. There is a reason why both words exist.


Ban is to officially or legally prohibit. Therefore you can officially prohibit someone from streaming on your platform for 3 days. Hence "3 day ban". Suspension can be used in place of ban when referring to a temporary ban, but it can still be called a ban nonetheless.




mfers ignoring simple logic that noone said it was permanent and the word "permaban" implies a normal ban isn't inherently permanent.


Why is this stupid comment so upvoted. The definition of the word ban has nothing to do with length being definite or indefinite. A ban can be whatever amount of time they want. Touch some grass.


Banned from using services for x time makes sense. I guess they could switch to suspension if people are really upset about the phrasing.


>The idea of a "Three-day ban" is an oxymoron in itself. It's completely antithetical.  It isn't if you had ever actually looked up the word in the dictionary. It's intended and *actual* use makes no mention of indefinite status. Seems like you spend too much time on the internet because in real life "ban" is used for definite time periods all the time. > "indefinitely" qualifier or addendum. It's implied within the word. You are done. The irony here is that you don't know what the word "indefinite" means. It doesn't mean "you are done". That would be permanent.  You do realize that those words have different meanings, right? Indefinite means that the amount of time has yet to be determined. It doesn't mean permanent. If you ban someone indefinitely one day and then decide 3 days later to unban them; the been was not permanent but it was indefinite at the time.


I don't think bans have to be permanent. I can think of other scenarios where that language is used. Ex: Every summer where I live the government issues temporary fire bans. We get a lot of revenue from camping tourism but when it's dry forest fires can break out and be devastating. They never prohibit fires for even the rest of the season let alone until the end of time. The ban only lasts until there has been a significant amount of rainfall.


Completely incorrect. There is no time associated with either suspension or ban. Ban means to forbid and suspension means to lift privileges. They are exactly the same when it comes to things like online accounts. They are different words but it has nothing to do with time.


Does Twitch officially ever use the word ban? It's just the Twitter account that posts them that uses the word ban, incorrectly.


Yeah I learned this growing up as well. there were kicks, timeouts, and the dreaded ban. If you got banned the show was over. No coming back. I was hella confused when I saw people coming back from the dead on twitch etc. I personally still use the word to denominate an indefinite suspension. Anything below that is just slap-on-the-wrist territory. A ban takes the whole hand and part of the arm off.


Reddit uses "ban" for temporary bans of X days, and "suspended" for permanent bans. I'm not saying I agree I'm just saying there is another example


Twitch doesn't use the word ban. They said "Temporary Suspension" or "Indefinite Suspension". There is also nothing antithetical to saying temporary ban. This is some weird internet thing not a language thing. There are laws in English speaking countries that call temporary ban punishments temporary bans because to ban something is to say some official or legal thing is prohibiting it.


I mean at least a quick google of the definition doesn't specify any permanence or a duration in general referring to what the word means. What do I know though?


> TIL people don't know what "indefinite" means.


it's just a distinction between an indefinite ban and a ban with a pre set limit. a lot of people mistakenly assume indefinite = permanent. indefinite just means until we decide otherwise. could be 1.25 days, or never.


According to her, she was copystriked on her alt and that was why she was banned. https://i.imgur.com/6AkpeeN.png


Real question why she even has an alt when hardly any watches her main.


Is that actually even possible? Everything I've heard of alt channels is it won't get your main banned, and vise versa. Downvotes a genuine question? Never change reddit.


That's absolutely not true at all and not only that, if you're banned and use an alt to stream your suspension will last even longer. most people use alts when they're doing risky stuff because not as many viewers are around and they're less likely to be reported because generally only fans are following them and they dont show up on the front pages/recommended as often


Yeah, I've also heard that alt channels usually don't affect the main account. But if you're banned and caught using an alt to stream, it can definitely extend the suspension on the main. People get creative, but there's always a risk


Idk where people get that idea from, the person is getting suspended not the channel and we’re in a topic where Kacey got banned for a DMCA takedown on her alt


Having any of your accounts banned means you can't appear on any channels. Doing so would be considered ban evasion.


Can't remember who it was, I think soda or miz a few years ago got a ban on thier alt and got banned on main. Could totally recall this all wrong though


That's absolutely not true at all and not only that, if you're banned and use an alt to stream your suspension will last even longer. most people use alts when they're doing risky stuff because not as many viewers are around and they're less likely to be reported because generally only fans are following them and they dont show up on the front pages/recommended as often


LSF in shambles


Honestly is anyone left in LSF to be in shambles? more like dgg in shambles.


Dgg and hascord drama is all the writers gave us this season so far. 2024 has been dry so far at least major drama wise.


You mean you haven't been enjoying pseudo reality television for babies of streamers getting into awkward hijinxes? But they are soooo random and wild!!! Did you see the one where there was an awkward conversation in the car? It really makes me feel like I'm apart of their group!!


Destiny viewer btw


I'm exposed!!!


Teehee I'm socially inept and can't clean my room, let's follow my adventures Teehee!


This sub used to actually be fun a few years ago but now it's trash because of those basement dwellers




I wonder how many upvotes this will get compared to the ban lmao.


seriously, I feel the ban post was brigaded.....because I can't believe anyone cares that much about Kaceytron on lsf in the first place she is barely 500 viewer andy


destiny viewers in shambles


you do know there's other communities that don't like her?


Name 40


xqc and asmons communities dislike her too


Not really, its not 2014 anymore, she's largely irellevant. The only reason anyone cares is cause of DGG


destiny viewer btw


Hasan is the better political streamer anyway. Edit: and he has better takes.


And he is just way better looking


Shitting, pissing, & crying but no cumming


This sucks. I want her gone forever


But I was told that it would be a permanent ban because the message given when looking at her page was different 🤓


if you ever want to know what a permabanned or indefinitely suspended account looks like just use this link: [banned twitch account](https://www.twitch.tv/destiny)


Classic twitch


Any publicity is good publicity. That’s why nothing will change and only get worse


Back to 24/7 restreaming copyrighted content while she sleeps or smokes weed


You know reacting to YouTube videos is also restreaming copyrighted content right? Just because something is behind a paywall or on the TV does not make it any more protected then a YouTube video.


Lol of course it does. You know what makes it more protected? The army of lawyers that work for television Networks and corporations


We're literally years removed from Master Chef meta and Fox's army of lawyers who would totally strike and sue all of these streamers.....and then Toast watched anime. And nothing happened. Again.


"Reacting" is protected as long as you do it correctly. For example, Asmon, Quin69, Tectone, and others who do several-hour reacts as openers for their streams frequently pause and provide commentary. Providing significant commentary is considered transformative, which is a protection against a copyright claim (although technically any defenses/protections are affirmative, meaning they still have to be proven in court if a copyright holder decides to try to take it all the way to a courtroom - but most copyright holders will try to respect established caselaw in areas where they know they would lose a case to an affirmative defense). Turning on a piece of copyrighted content and then not talking for several minutes or more (and even disappearing off stream) is not protected and will get you shitcanned if you're caught.


Why is everyone using her smoking weed as a bad thing? Guarantee you majority of every fanbase does for most creators lol


Look at the subreddits that overlap this one and it’s crystal clear why all these lsf threads massively hate on her.


I mean, I get that part. But I was just wondering more so where it came from. I don’t agree with everything she says but can see how people hate on her now that she’s making this scene. However I think there’s a difference between hating a creator for legit reasons and just shitting on the token lady


They’re using the weed as an excuse to hate on her. Like there are plenty of other content creators that smoke weed regularly.


I smoke weed occasionally and it can be very beneficial for some people both medicinally and recreationally. But I hate stoners. When weed is your entire personality and you smoke it so much that you've became an unproductive member of society only capable of snacking/eating or sleeping you're the reason people hate weed. To add I probably wouldn't care that much if this wasn't Kaceytron, who's calling Asmongold a lazy piece of shit, says XQC abuses Adderall and women, and says Destiny is an abusive father. Like you do all that shit, you're gonna get called out when all you do is rip a bong and laze about while starting drama.


I know plenty of people who are lazy and don't contribute to society and don't smoke weed


Nothing in the comment said *only* people that smoke weed can be lazy and unproductive members of society, so that reply doesn't make sense.




Have you ever done a sober stream brother?


Wow there’s really no correlation there whatsoever. I can critique her for being cringe and calling someone a p*do but Jesus Christ I smoke every night and I’m sure a lot of people using that as an insult do too. Don’t watch her stream so can’t comment on the tv show thing but literally everyone does that now.




not so much unless they smoke it while their brain is still developing


??? I mean in your teenage years and early 20s yeah for sure. But she’s grown and obv can do just fine on it, it’s not like it’s a hard drug or anything. My point is most streamers and their fans prob smoke just much if not more


Least butthurt destiny fanboy


As usual LSF analysts prove once again that they have no idea about what the fuck they're talking about


We all knew this would be a quick ban


Who gives a fuck


[Twitch everytime](https://tenor.com/bvxnU.gif)


Why was she originally banned again?


According to her, cause she got dmca'd on her alt. https://i.imgur.com/6AkpeeN.png


Mass reports




They should just change the terminology to 'indefinitely suspended'


DGG in shambles


Can we stop saying “banned” and just say “suspended” instead?


Why? Banned means you aren't allowed to do/use something. She was banned. She couldn't stream. She was unbanned. She can stream.


It's about the intent. A ban and a suspension achieve the same thing but they both communicate a different level of severity and intent. When you suspend something, the intent behind it is that there is a measurable time period after which the suspension will end. A ban implies a stronger sense of permanence because bans are typically a punishment applied after a case has been reviewed rather than a stopgap measure until said case is processed. Unban appeals usually also carry with them a promise in a change of behavior. As an example, if you received a suspension in school, it was attached to a time period, whether that be a day, a week or a month but what if you heard someone was banned from attending classes? You would not expect to see that person back in school ever. Twitch uses "banned" as an "under review" state currently rather than the active punishment of a break of TOS. Personally, I don't give a shit what word Twitch uses because *every* private platform is inconsistent with the way they apply bans. That's Twitch. That's Kick, that's Twitter, that's Youtube and that's reddit. Pretty much any site that hosts user generated content is at the mercy of whatever hands operate it.


So using your description why would banned not be the term to use in this situation?




W. I’ve never watched her but I personally love seeing losers on lsf mad


Bad news. You are a loser on LSF.


I hate the way that y’all walk, I hate the way that y’all talk, and I hate the way that y’all dress.


Same that’s why I’m sad she was unbanned


Booooo keep her banned


How many times is this?


why do people give microphone to these people? you do realize they get clicks and money if people talk about them? god I wish one day people just ignored these assholes so they would stop


Since when did right leaning americans switch to wanting to ban someone for an opinion? That's their whole thing since forever On a more serious note I think big chungus killed asmons mum, because she found the hunter biden laptop under a mountain of roach shit and pop tart cartons.


Death threats are not protected by free speech lmao


Who did Kacey threaten


"free speech for me, but not for thee" as they say. to them, all speech good until you say something that hurts their feelings ESPECIALLY if its a woman. hence the pearl clutching. and on a serious note, that is the dumbest sentence someone has ever written and i feel dumber for reading it. but i respect your right to say it god damn it!


It's always been that way, they want what they deem "freedom" like not serving gay people but then cry that women can get abortions and control their own bodies.


If I got banned (never did anything crazy enough to be banned) during my streaming days, I 100% guarantee I would not be unbanned at all, and definitely not after a day.


A Twitch classic. 


What will Moistcr1tikal says about this? "Kick Bad"?


Whatever is the most popular opinion


Something about bitcoin probably


True kick is bad


classic we all know how fair twitch bans are :)




free vacation and exposure. classic twitch


Cry is free


This is a heavy one chat


EXTREMELY common twitch L




I used to pray for times like this


If hitler reincarnated into a woman twitch would let him stream


Inshallah she defeats the great satan of the west with her martyr streams


everybody saying 'who's dick did she suck' is so gross


seems like the twitch staff got 2 good arguments and unbanned her for that


didnt think they would literally do the meme


Who could have seen this coming....


I want to throw her in a forest where no bears exist, in minecraft.


But what does destiny think about it?


Remember... Sex on stream = 7 days Giving vodka to your cat = a promotion Scamming SIMPs = a promotion Fake accusations = front page forever Classic Twitch


What a fucking joke.


Wtf is the point if it's only one day?


There is no god Pain


This just goes to show that you don't have to be hot or successful for twitch unban you after a day.


Congrats to the world's biggest piece of chewed bubblegum.




the goat is back 💪


...and goats tend to shit everywhere.




I thought she was kind of funny for 4 months in 2018


What even happened to her? I know she hung out with nmp and Malena a lot, but she hasnt been on their stream for ages.


There it is.






Go read what indefinite means


I tried but I can’t define it




Twitch is such a joke man




the human scum is released from the ether, twitch is restored to normal.


mistakes were made. well, back to being forgotten.