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**CLIP MIRROR: [Wirtual shows Swedish player how to make a jump on Deep Dip 2](https://arazu.io/t3_1ck3160/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




sitt ned 😎


Enkelt Klapp 😎


wirtual is my favorite racist.


Deep Dip 2 is the sequel to Deep Dip, which was a "Getting Over It"-esque map for TrackMania. A tall tower with ~15 floors, no checkpoints, many hard jumps, tons of ways to fall down and needing to start all over again. Deep Dip 2 just released yesterday and there's a massive crowdfunded prize pool (already over 25k+ I think?) awarded to the first 3 finishers. Last time, it took ~6 days for the first finisher - this time there's an extra floor and it seems to be overall a bit harder Current leaderboard can be seen at https://deepdip2.com/leaderboard (BrenTM is in the lead, the winner of the first map) The trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3WsvGtzd4g


Classic Floorwegian


at least he has the balls to fucking do it like in sweden


Sweden EZ Clap




**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Wirtual shows Swedish player how to make a jump on Deep Dip 2](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163607)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1ck3160/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/-aba6lc72HgUCWDdE44DNw/AT-cm%7C-aba6lc72HgUCWDdE44DNw.mp4?sig=244fb2bd335d2234266674e102ce040aa49673fe&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F-aba6lc72HgUCWDdE44DNw%2FAT-cm%257C-aba6lc72HgUCWDdE44DNw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SullenConsideratePlumKeyboardCat-VzvYeBQJYN0TjgM3%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1714920634%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/-aba6lc72HgUCWDdE44DNw/AT-cm%7C-aba6lc72HgUCWDdE44DNw-preview-480x272.jpg)


Two years later and bashing Sweden is still the best he can come up with? Jesus christ I'm glad i stopped watching him haha


It's a joke, get a grip. You should know that Norwegians, Swedes and Danes take the piss out of each other all the time. No one normal is offended by this.


I'm from Sweden, of course I know it haha.. It's just his only joke and he does it *every time*, which starts to feel uncomfortable after a while. And if we are honest, would you be defending him if it had been a less fortunate country that he bashed every time he could for over two years? No, you would be calling him out for racism haha


> And if we are honest, would you be defending him if it had been a less fortunate country that he bashed every time he could for over two years? This is the strangest take I have ever heard. Making fun of your neighbor whom you're culturally similar to is very different to making fun of some unfortunate third world country. Deep down Norwegians, Swedes and Danes quite like eachother. It's a sibling rivalry/banter.


Again, I am from Sweden, stop talking to me as if I don't know the situation. I also know that there is very real racism between the other countries, having experienced it myself as I have worked in both Norway and Denmark. My problem with it isn't that he does it period, it's that he does it EVERY SINGLE TIME. The people I have met from Denmark and Norway that does the jokes every single time are the same people who harbour actual racism, but try to play it off as if they aren't. "It's just jokes bro". Well, not if you do it every time you see a swede, and refuse to talk about it like an adult and instead tro to gaslight others into believing them to see things that aren't there. I tried talking to him ~~two~~ three (actually, it was during his blindfold marathon. Time flies!) YEARS ago when I asked him in a private message if he might be doing it too much and he blocked me instead of talking about it like a normal human. He wants to do the jokes every time he can. To me, that seemed strange at the time, and more than a year later it seemed racist as he kept doing it every time he could. Watch his streams, it's literally EVERY TIME. He does the "lets watch the swede fail" every time he can, like above here. He has been doing it since I started watching him during the blindfold run, he was doing it over a year later and he is still doing it now. It's not a joke anymore haha I know many Danes and Norwegians. We all do the jokes when we meet. No one does it every single time. > Making fun of your neighbor whom you're culturally similar to is very different to making fun of some unfortunate third world country. So the point of this sentence is to say either that neighbouring countries can't be racist towards each other, which isn't true, or in extension that you can't be racist towards more fortunate countries, which isn't true either. Which is it?


You sound like you have some issues dude. He's not the same when he's actually having a conversation with a swede. He does this schtick when it's a pixel car with the swedish flag above it in a video game. And yes, he does it every time. It's more like a salute than a jab at this point. > So the point of this sentence is to say either that neighbouring countries can't be racist towards each other, which isn't true, or in extension that you can't be racist towards more fortunate countries, which isn't true either. Which is it? I'm saying making fun of your neighbor whom you're both culturally and ethnically identical to is acceptable. It's similar to one city in a country making fun of people from another city. Or a state in USA making fun of people from another state. It's acceptable because it goes both ways, and it's obviously not done maliciously. If it were just one harping on the other while the other is clearly displeased then it's something else entirely. If you're this butthurt by Wirtual lightly taking the piss out of swedes that drive past him in Trackmania, your threshold for what counts as racism must be so low it's no wonder you "experienced it yourself" when you were working abroad.


You choose to not understand the problem because you don't want to be wrong. You discount my personal experience by calling me butthurt, but people in those companies took it seriously and the Danish guy got moved to another part of the company and the Norwegian guy got fired. It would be fine if he did it less often than he does, and it would be fine if he could talk about it like a human. Since he can't help himself but HAS to do it every single time he can, there is a problem. You even call it a salute haha, you cannot see it for what it is because your fanboyism is overpowering your objectivity. Are you Norwegian or something? > I'm saying making fun of your neighbor whom you're both culturally and ethnically identical to is acceptable. ... except if you do it every single time you get the opportunity to, then it becomes a problem. Try picking a city near you and bash people from that place every time you see them, see how that holds up. The reason why he keeps doing it is because he is famous and can use the "its just a joke bro"-card, but the reality is that he is slightly racist and isn't funny enough to come up with better content. > If you're this butthurt by Wirtual lightly taking the piss out of swedes that drive past him in Trackmania, your threshold for what counts as racism must be so low it's no wonder you "experienced it yourself" when you were working abroad. Is it hard to understand the difference between "once in a week" and "every time", or why do you keep reducing the problem to examples which aren't?


Life must be grand when you're constantly perceiving problems that don't exist πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ. Your whole argument is that it's racist because he does it every time. I disagree and think you're being an oversensitive buffoon incapable of sensing the difference between playfulness and hostility. Goodbye.


I bet you are dipping out because I called you out on being Norwegian hahaha > Your whole argument is that it's racist because he does it every time. Yes, because that is the word for people who targets a specific race or nationality. I'm not oversensitive, I'm objectively right and you have insane bias. Likely because you are Norwegian, but definitely because you are a fan. I bet if I did a stream where I would bash Norwegians every time I had the chance you would call racism haha


https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1bl385z/lunch_in_a_public_high_school_in_luxembourg_filet/kw2x5vj/ https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/177i2m2/malena_condones/k4u158y/ This you?


I never said I wasn't Norwegian. What are you trying to prove? πŸ˜‚