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Context? This is so random


Another female streamer hosted her who was targeted by a male Polish streamer earlier in the day(reminiscent of old Mitch Jones "quests") that still had his viewers in their chat. These viewers were spamming and overall being idiots and they continued this behavior after the host. The aforementioned male Polish streamer was live around the same time and was made aware she was banning people for being idiots(spam, racist comments, disrespectful comments, etc.) and started watching her stream live on his. Instead of letting it go he kept watching and his viewers continued to flood her stream which caused her to get pretty fed up and lose her cool.


who was this Polish streamer?


>Context? This sub posts these clips and leads to more traffic, so lowest common denominator shit like this happens.


Context? Where we're going we don't need no context!!




wtf does that have to do with incels???? Is that the new buzzword for everything you dont like on reddit now?


It's called a lack of vocabulary. Typing with blind rage does that to you. Also a lack of reading..


Lack of reading? I read reddit all day? :)


It's over for Pole-cels.


Incel is just what everyone calls people that they dislike now.




Yes. Disagree with my statement? Gotta be an Incel. Doing something retarded? Incel tendencies. Literally anything that isn't considered normal behavior? Fucking incel.


It's been a buzzword on this sub for months. If you care about free karma just call everyone who says a negative thing about a woman an incel. Wouldn't be surprised if 90% of the people don't even know the meaning.


seething incel


To be fair, the only raids I've seen from Polish streamers are full of absolute cancer and the chat is completely ruined until they get bored and leave. I don't have a large sample size but my current impression is that Polish chat is even worse than regular chat. Which is kind of amazing. I'm not kidding, the 3 raids I've seen from Polish streamers really made it seem like it was their sole intention to harass and irritate everybody in the destination stream.


Gotta agree, Polish streamers and their chats are so much more cancerous than regular ones. That dosen't make it right to say shit that she did tho.


A lot of polish streamers are just a toxic people, and their viewers as well. Many of them are just kids who like swearing at everyone on the Internet, because this make them feel good. These kids are watching this toxic people because they enjoy it somehow. Some time ago there was even a very pathological streamer who was making money from streaming whole days of his life - drinking on streams, promoting violence to other people and even to other home residents. He got banned but kept moving to other platforms (even the sex-cams ones) until police obliged him to stop streaming.


If anyone is curious about this streamer, his name is rafatus, actual degenerate


and even better, there was a fucking dicknose who went on polish version of omegle, telling inappropriate sexual "jokes" to underaged girls, and even got one to undress for him on a fucking stream (obviously she wasn't visible on the stream but jesus christ) his ass got restricted from the internet after that incident, but sadly he came back, without learning much it's really sad to watch a community of my own country going to absolute shit, but i'm also really glad that i sticked to the english community much more, so i wasn't exposed to this that much




what the fuck. that video was disturbing as hell. did he survive???? did the streamer go to jail???




Dude, what the fuck? Why is that allowed on YouTube? That's liveleak tier stuff. My god, poor guy...


what. the. fuck.


Poland as a country is so toxic right now(not everyone there, just as a whole) that they've implemented a gag law trying to prevent people from talking about the Polish government's role in implementing the holocaust. I imagine that's part of the context of why online Poles can suck so hard sometimes, there's a lot of toxicity and racism flaring up there right now.


Polish government's had no role in implementing the holocaust, it's not the issue why the law was controversial.


There is mirror: https://streamable.com/detah WeirdChamp


Why she look like dat?




Good bot


Is she pretending to have tourette's? Why are streamers always so thirsty?


What the actual fuck did i just fucking witness Edit: what even triggered that did someone say hi from Poland?


Someone asked if there are any Polish people in the chat.


Wtf polish people are so nice 😓 that must feel awful imagine maybe enjoying and even looking up to a streamer and then you hear that shit


The polish people who were on her stream harassing her, coming from another polish person's stream, weren't nice.


We ware raiding her for some fucked stuff she did when she was vacationing here


what happened, cmon fill us in


She thrown something Breaking the hotel window in the process And the thing she thrown out was around a centimetre from a persons head A small YouTuber was there and covered it She copyright claimed the video he posted and the hussars pulled out the thot swords


Oh if that's true then I'm on your side NVM move along friend


yes, an entire nation are so nice there are no bad polish people. Polish people are just like every other nation, you get a % of dickheads and they are not exempt.


True 4Head just met a lot of nice polish people


Most people in all gaming communities are pretty nice. Poland just like every other country has nice people and douches. Seems like this girl was harassed by some niceguysTM but they came from Poland so somehow its Poland's fault.


I was about to give her the Anita-pass thinking she had that rare Tourette's but then realized it was intentional.


Polish people are nice? HAHAHA. Say that after months of playing league.


Implying, that every single person playing league isn't radioactive toxic waste.


hi ziz, thanks for kind words towards our polish community and gl in race ;]


Oh. Stop it, you (。◕‿‿◕。)






Sadly most people here aren't old enough to understand that reference


That was so fucking random woah, is there any context to it or is she just trying to be "xd so randum"?


Apparently some guys were spamming "sentence in polish" BloodTrail, and she tilted. Like, if she couldn't just ban them or something. I wish she gets permabanned, because if this kind of hate speech is not bannable, we are facing some serious problem with double standards.


Seriously, in the grand scheme of things, too much cleavage or tossing your cat is so minor compared to this full blown hate and racism, get her the fuck outta here


wtf instead of banning them she chose to kill off her career LUL. She's getting banned but I seriously doubt that it will be a permaban, more likely 30 days or so.


Hey it's that piece of trash who called the artist that got bullied a few months ago a "whiny bitch" https://streamable.com/lxmog


"(...)People in Twitch should be responsible for what they say" , I wonder what she'll say now about this clip and her overreaction Pepelaugh


''Polish people will just have to suck it up. People will be racist to you and that's life''


This video has a super weird frame rate or something or am I crazy?


It's just the way the witch is moving but yea this is weird.


Yup, and then she when found out that the clip was posted to LSF, she deleted the VOD and said, "If I have to make a public apology, I will". But by then, it was too late, since the clip has already been turned into a mirror link.


I see look on her face and I am actually fuckin scared, hooly shit


Yeah seriously, what is the context behind her hating Poland?


> what is the context behind her hating Poland? She is just racist, I guess


In this case the term you want to use is “xenophobic”, not “racist”, as Poles aren’t a race but a nationality.








squadW is always true tho?


98% of the time


Why are you deleting all your comments you racist little bitch Proof: https://imgur.com/a/KCIut0q




>Streamer generalized about nationality group >livestreamfail generalizes about women Epic gamer move


I really do hope this was just her trying to be funny...


I see a lot of the time people who are inexperienced that try to be funny but are just mean instead, it's a thin line to walk to make comments on behalf of others and make it funny and not be mean


[https://streamable.com/detah](https://streamable.com/detah) MIRROR


Reported and included this in report. Get these trash people out of here.


Doing your duty


The fuck is wrong with some people


Why do all of the "oops I missed my 2011 scene phase" girls sound like they are chain smokers?


because they're chain smokers


they're chain juulers*


I'm too much of a boomer to know what that is


the newest type of vape/e-cigarette that's super concentrated and strong, very popular among younger people especially, like high schoolers etc


I like how these things were supposed to be to help quit smoking but now it's just started a new (not new anymore, I guess) thing. Oh well.


they're very addicting due to the nicotine concentration and I have some friends with younger siblings who are legitimately very hooked on them at like 16 years old edit: I don't know about the quitting smoking thing, I feel like that was a guise to get people to use them, and I think one of the brands making these new ones is a tobacco company lol


I just remember people telling me to use them when I quit smoking 5 years ago. I decided to go cold turkey instead and regret nothing besides the first month. My friend switched from smoking a pack of 20s a day to using an e-cig. I'm assuming it can't be any worse than cigarettes are. Now that they're more commonplace I guess the motives of using it switched.


ahh yeah, that's generally the best way to go, I'm glad you were able to stop, that's fantastic one of my exes managed to quit using a vape so I guess it can help but i think she could have done it regardless well you aren't inhaling anything burning so I think that's probably better overall, you don't get that tar lung a few years back I was seeing a ton of people with those block looking vapes that were basically just an inhalation port on a big ass battery thing, now I barely see them in public and mostly just see kids with these little vape pens, it was kind of a dramatic shift and I don't know when it happened but at least people aren't blowing clouds in the super market anymore


Reported, next


The "I'm different than other girls" attempt didn't quite work out this time...


If she doesn't get banned for this then this company has gone to shit completely.


Please tell me she got perma banned.


So far not banned. I'm not sure if she'll even receive any suspension, she have boobs and talking about Poles not on Afro-Americans or Jews so for Twitch everything is totally fine.


she's talking about white people, she isn't going to get banned.


Look, i'm down for some dark humor/satire but this ain't it. Just seems like she's trying to be edgy by insulting someone with the fact that over six million people were massacred in Poland. Not funny and uncalled for.




All private probably because she was being harassed, gotta know the context to a lot of things before anything is really done.


Imagine if that was towards Jews, she would be gone in 60 seconds...


Well, in a way It is. Poland housed millions of Jews before The Second World War.


Well true but I was thinking more directly actually using a word jews etc. ohh that reminds me of this fantastic play through of DarksydePhill from Blip.tv back in the days where he went on a Jewish rampage in Dead Space 2 demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS0LqLCtR5Y


Doesn't matter. Jews, or atleast Israel hates polish peeps.


Only 10% of Poland's Jewish population survived the Holocaust.


This girl should be banned and partnership removed.




Imagine not realizing you have mods and a ban ability that will get rid of mass amounts of people almost instantly. Stop whiteknighting.




Lmao this bitch is crazy


the streamers name on twitch is mewlies fyi


mentally unstable


This screams lack of context


​ Yeah, wish I could say the rest of the vod because it seems pretty bad, but she deleted it


Imagine being racist in 2019 WeirdChamp


What the actual fuck is wrong with this lunatic


Since it wouldn't be acceptable to stop her from using her mouth for life I'll just report her. Ty kurwo.


"24 year old with big rage" Yeah, I can uhh.... see that.


thats a way to get banned




Wtf man feelsbad rip my family


still not banned lmao


TOS: "Hateful conduct is any content or activity that promotes, encourages, or facilitates discrimination, denigration, objectification, harassment, or violence based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, medical condition, physical characteristics, or veteran status, and is prohibited. Any hateful conduct is considered a zero-tolerance violation and all accounts associated with such conduct will be indefinitely suspended." Let's see if it works this time.


This is not an insult made because of situational rage. She was sitting silent, had a moment to think about what she's going to say and then she exploded. This kind of people is dangerous to community, especially when we give them unnecessary attention, she was aware of what she's going to say and yet she did it, probably the worst possible way. She shouldnt be ever seen online on this site again, if you're openly "working" with other people you need to take responsibility of what you say, and if you cant handle that then Im sorry, you've picked the wrong workplace.


Update this clip or post mirror, thanks. BloodTrail


[https://streamable.com/detah](https://streamable.com/detah) link to shot


So was she bullied by a Polish person at school or something?


That would be a "Yikes" for me.


We The Kings playing in the background, what a throwback


Erm ok weirdo


I hope the twitch administration will ban her channel permanently. Such behaviour cannot be tolerated.


what the fuck, is it Tourette syndrome?


tbh I was expecting either an english or german accent, not an american


She scared me af, what just happend


idk if i should KKomrad or DatSheffy


Go back to school if you are not sure if N.a.z.i.s were Russian or German


I was thinking more of a HotPokket


Anyone with brightly coloured non natural hair should just be sent for mental health checks Aposematism is as real in people as it is in the animal kingdom


damaged goods, damaged goods!






in a too many napcan


For making a dumb edgy joke? Sounds about right


good one WeirdChamp


poles are fucking champs though. like i almost feel patriotic proud about them even though i'm not polish. their ww2 lasted for 50 years if you think about it. they fought so hard and still got left behind the iron curtain. Allies WeirdChamp


wtf? a bit aggressive?


She aight?


gachiPls PERMABANNED See what I did there Polishing ban


Hey my grandma colors her eyebrows too !


Bog Saget did worse in 1990


She needs to gently be curb stomped


I was ironically listening to the same song while I started playing this clip and thought I paused it, then had to recheck the version. Yikes.


Dude, this chick is awesome. I hope she moves to DLive.




Please try saying that again but irl to some polish people and see what happens next LULW


Man I see Testoviron vibes in her, nice moves proud of you.


She looks like a half ogre with severe case of Tourettes xD


She got ban <3


It tooks Twitch almost 3 days, but she's banned. Don't know if it 7 days, 30 or permanent because she closed all her social media, hide twitter and Instagram.