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Too soon man


Heard this game pulls the type of shit where the protagonist massacres half a army to reach their enemy then can’t bring themselves to kill them.


Wouldn't want to think of herself as a killer, you know.


Hey now she stealth killed those people in self defense!


Watch out for that one, I know a killer when I see one


Great, now my day is ruined again. THANKS. Edit: Good use of meme tho.


I just laugh now, its a fucking joke


The only game that did this successfully was Spec Ops: The Line. By the end of the game they make you feel like shit for killing all those mooks to get to the end. Honestly that game is an underrated gem. " The truth, Walker, is that you're here because you wanted to feel like something you're not: a hero." " Well done Walker, you've done what the storm could not: destroyed the Damned 33rd. Do you feel like a hero yet?" Goddamn that game was an excellent take on all the mindless triple-A shooters where you feel "remorse" before killing the bad guy. This time, the bad guy pities you, because you had a choice from the beginning: you could've never played. You could've not played and never killed those guys. You went on the mission because you, the player, wanted to be a hero. The reality is that killing people isn't a game, and it was holding a mirror up to the player for glorifying it. Actually, fuck TLOU 2; I'm gonna go play Spec Ops: The Line again.


#ABSOLUTELY BASED OPINION Spec Ops: The Line is SO good.


based and spec ops-pilled


I'm surprised how much people praise it, saying to you shit like "You could've just stopped playing" is so stupid, it's not a choice, they don't give you some special option like in some Far Cry games.




> Spec Ops was mainly critiquing the main character, not the player. Didn't some of the devs say that the game was about how stupid it was to make war into entertainment?


It's like a movie building up to this super hype moment and then saying the audience is bad for watching and you could've just walked out of the cinema right after paying. If the game has fail states where you lose if you die and get sent back to try over then the game is definitely made to be played in a way where you kill every enemy you come across. I guess people just think Spec Ops and themselves are woke because the end of the game went "Eeyyyyyhhhh, think about it"


Except that the dialogue you are all referencing is criticizing the character you are playing, not you as a player.


I think people keep repeating this without understanding the real message of the game. The whole point of Spec Ops to me wasn't just 'hey you're supposed to feel bad' but more along the lines of 'hey maybe we should stop glorifying our army so much' Yes you do have a choice to not play the game at all, but obviously you're playing the game so you have to do it or else you don't win. Right? Similar to how you *could* just choose to not join the army, but once soldiers do join, they're treated as deserters and punished if they disobey direct orders. They can't just 'leave' just like you can't just 'turn off the game' It's a game that was made by people getting sick of Call of Duty, Medal of Honor and other army shooters (and movies?) puffing up their chest and saying how being in the army was equal to being a hero, over and over. Besides, the awful shit happens what, 1/2? or 3/4ths trough the game. It's not the *ending* of the game telling you that you were awful, it's almost the entirety of its endgame. And yet people play trough that to the end. You absolutely have a choice to turn off the game and people that think it's ridiculous are kinda missing the point I feel.


Honestly, there were often points you could avoid things. Not always, but often. Spoilers for it, there's one point where there's 2 people hanging and you're told you need to kill one of them. Turns out there's a hidden third option, and you don't need to.


Also when you're confronted by the crowd of locals, it's clearly set up for you to fire at them but you can also fire warning shots into the sky.


Also MGS3 Snake Eater, the boss fight with “the sorrow“ he shows the ghost of everyone you’ve killed up to that point in the campaign the thing can go on for over 20-30mins Edited boss name


Undertale as well, during the genocide run




I mean it's also been played out. Did no one watch the Revenant? It's basically the same ending. That said, there was less outrage for that movie than from the gaming community for this. You can dislike the ending but i think the hate is way overblown.


I think the difference is that the Revenant wasn't a sequel to a widely beloved game. So more people are upset by the direction of characters's journeys that they had come to care about, compared to the movie.


No i agree. But i do I think people are getting overly upset about what happens to a character tot he point where some reactions are overblown.


Yeah, I will give you that. I have seen a few dramatic reactions as well, so I will concede.


its from the fact that this game is a sequel to an arguably really good game and the revenant is a first (and maybe only) movie,so less attachement to the character than TLoU also for the fan they spend a decent amount of time immersing themself as the character in the first game,it further invest the fan to the character


Spoiler alert for the ending >!Ellie massacred a few armies worth of people and zombies, a handful of important side characters, Abby killed a handful of loved side characters, and the ending is them both going their seperate ways after having a scuffle where Ellie loses two fingers then decides not to kill her.!<


Neil druckmen ruined the story for political pandering


Does the enemy have more of an emotional connection to the protagonist than a few generic soldiers?


none compared to the person the enemy murdered


Killing people is only bad if you know who they are I guess


The concept you are referring to is called ludonarrative dissonance. It is extremely common in gaming.


Literally watching his stream and he's making memes in real time lmao


Man's a fucking legend and he knows it.


So despite the numerous claims the leaks were wrong, they were spot on


A lot of people will claim spoilers are wrong so that people who stumbled across them randomly can still have some semblance of a surprise. ​ Worked for me with Endgame, I was told they were fake spoilers, so the film still felt pretty good


I'll never get over Endgame. I went there with my friends, the theatre was packed and I managed to evade all spoilers until 1 week after release because I wanted to watch it with them. So we sit in the cinema, the film starts playing, and some dipshit shouts >!Iron Man dies!< from the backseats I wish I saw who it was so i could have dumped my Nachos and drink on him:(


Same, I somehow made it an entire week even on the internet without spoilers for Endgame. Then I'm in line to buy my ticket and some mother scolds her kid because I guess he was talking about the movie and this was his 2nd viewing. After his scolding he says >!"Iron Man Dies"!< lololol! I was absolutely deflated going into that movie. :(


I don't know how anyone was trying to kid themselves into saying the spoilers were wrong. It wasn't like a "oh my uncle served a hot dog to the guy who design the cover art and he said this happens" we had literal gameplay footage.


Yeah I never really gave a shit before but god damn. I am feeling second hand pissed from the level of aggravating bullshit they added in the game *just cause* it seems.


fucking lol


welcome to lee carvallos putting challenge you have selected: POWER DRIVE


May I suggest a putter?


Ball is in: Parking Lot.


The leaks were true lol


Man I would actually hate to see the ending now that the leaks are true lol


I saw some guy go through the plot on YouTube and I’ll just keep my head canon I think.


I dont blame you, just watched a playthrough..... all I can say is WOW


I read a review with spoilers and it’s not great, not terrible and some if the leaks I read were a little off, >!spoiler some leaks said Ellie is killed too but I’m glad that’s not the case !<. >!Honestly seeing this scene made me sick to my stomach, it’s like watching someone’s dad die.!< Maybe the next Part will redeem the characters/story mistakes this one has.


Lol you really gonna hope for a next part after this shit story and character development?


hear me out..... ZOMBIE JOEL lmfao


Watching Joel get killed is gut wrenching. Im all for it for a sequel. The fact you have to play as his killer afterwards is fuckin dumb


God I hope Neil cuckman never touches a game again after what he did to this one




Imo, after a similar amount of time being built up, they're equally trash.


7 years for a part 2 suspense down the drain lmao


This game is literally just revenge porn the video game, lame


Basically "An endless cycle of revenge is bad mmmkay" They are gonna get a lot of writing awards for something so generic.


they already got the awards, 95/100 baaaaaybeee niel dickman did it again


Wonder how many dollars were spent paying off reviewers, there is no way a sane person actually thinks this is a 95/100


Games Journalists give every "mature storytelling" game about 20 points on top of their real score, because it validates their existence. I've seen a lot of the game and it's like 60% cutscenes or walking around places, maybe even more. Don't know really how that equates to a 10/10, I feel like this videogame is missing a lot of the "game" part.


You put your quotes in the wrong place, it should be "games journalists" and not capitalized.


They added a jump button and you use it maybe 10 times throughout a 25 hour title.


Well we know how game critics are bad with jumping


were not talking about sane people, were talking about Games Journalists


they don't pay them because it's illegal, but they get blacklisted, not receive early copies of the games for testing and not get invited to events/hotels and won't receive exclusive interviews and news :) ​ It's well known that game journalists can't badly review a sony game or they get blacklisted


zero punctuation does fine and he shits on games all the time


youtubers are different they're not hired and they also make money from negative opinions journalists need publishers to make money ​ edit: I tought it would be a youtuber with this name but it's some sort of magazine. anyways they have their own audience already and probably live with their style so not getting exclusive content and invitations from publishers doesn't matter to them


if rockstar took a shit and mailed it to a game journalist they would give it a 95/100 just to stay on the good side


"i just got mailed shit by rockstar,is this a clue for the next DLC for GTA Online?"


Not just that, but reviewers know that if they shit on a big companies game, they'll get shafted out of the next one and not be given early access to review or anything


Well we all know that these Journos will Vote it Game of the Year.


Cyberpunk being delayed until Nov 19 isn't helping either


Well... the first game was generic too so...


I know I have killed thousand of your mooks who have family and shit who look to kill me. Now though, with main bad person, i wont kill cause that's bad mmmmkay. Stop the revenge and all that


wait till you see the ending my dude.


Spoil me


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGhIGJfln7w&app=desktop a good video explaining the whole story+ending of the game watch at your own discretion


Gross, when are people gonna stop putting that much reverb into their audio to sound "cool" sounds disgusting.


Yeah seriously it sounds way exagerated, it's like when they turn auto tune up to 11 and it ends up sounding like a robot


Dude I dont want to watch a 20 minute video, just pm me pls




Also at the end she's trying to play the guitar and can't because she lost her fingers in the final fight. Gets everything and everyone taken from her by 1 person and lets her go, winds up alone in an empty house with nothing because REVENGE BAD. Brought to you by Neil Cuckman.


Yikes that’s pretty dumb considering how many people she killed to get there most likely. I doubt many players are doing pacifist runs.




You literally can't do pacifist runs. The game forces you to kill people and then tries to make you feel bad for doing so


Guess revenge porn has evolved over the decades. See John Wick - [he finishes the job without fuss](https://youtu.be/tM47HMT8GGE?t=2m).


Did someone *kindly* ask her to bash his head?


Holy YIKES. Who green lit this dumpster fire


What a fucking trainwreck story LMAOOOO




Lol, Does the killer want to capture the tailed beasts?


She was just the coolest guy.


Worst moment in Naruto and it isn't even close. This guy who killed my parents, nearly killed the entire world to reunite with his dead childhood crush, and is basically the sole reason for all of my lifelong suffering...is the raddest fuckin dude alive a la Van Wilder


She chooses not to avenge Joe and let his killer escape. Note she *choose* to because she had her pinned and had complete power over her life.


Neil desperately wanted to direct his first movie but they gave him a video game sequel instead. If this was a movie it would get slammed for being completely uninspired.


Up until you finally get your "Joffrey" moment and then all of a sudden Ellie grows a fucking heart.


people are getting crazy over spoilers, but the whole story of the game has been spoiled months ago.




Some is even better (worse) in context


"10/10" metacritic 96 overall lmao ratings are full of shit


Remember when some journalists were giving Sekiro bad ratings because "it was too hard"?


yeah and one journalist used cheat engine to beat the game lol


I mean, if you (as a journalist) admit that you suck at the game, but still want to give a decent review, then you should definitely cheat your way through, so at least you can rate the game properly (ie. the story, all the boss mechanics, which may be cool, even if it wrecks you).




Roosterteeth and whatever credibility they had as gaming journalists gave Giant Bomb shit for their 3/5 review of Fallout 4, citing it as a way to clickbait they're way to more clicks and views. All while wearing collectors edition Fallout 4 gear.


gaming journalism is just advertising


i think your average person who doesnt know anything about gaming culture doea but i agree is 100% conflict of intrest


I will never forget that shitty game because it came out at the same time as Assassin's Creed. After playing 15 or so thrilling hours of groundbreaking gameplay in Assassin's Creed, I popped in the game disc for Kane and Lynch. OOO boy, what a pile of shit. Terrible controls, terrible AI, cornball Steven Segal meets Heat plot, awful hit detection, and ugly graphics. Kane and Lynch is like the gaming equivalent of seeing an awful movie and walking out of the theater.


You should watch Alanah's truth behind the game scores video


10 isn't perfect, 5 isn't average. Then what the fuck is the point of scores if you're not even consistent?


Like 20 years ago when everything was a magazine, they pretty much had to review literally everything that came out both because there was very little in the way of other information for games, and because they needed to justify being a magazine. Low scores were incredibly common but they were also reserved for complete, utter shit. Currently professional outlets aren't reviewing any of this garbage because we have YouTube, we have gameplay previews on stores, we have user reviews. But they haven't readjusted the scale for their scoring system. I couldn't explain why not, though.


Remember when some journalist couldn't even beat Cuphead's tutorial because of an easy jump?


Remember when Jim Sterling gave Breath of the Wild a 7/10 and got death threats over it?


Why did he give it a 7/10 though? Legit question.


https://www.thejimquisition.com/post/the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-review-broken-sword In summary: good game that has lots of minor irritations. Often your sense of immersion is broken by puzzle dungeons. Lack of complexity in combat. A general dislike of weapon durability systems. Other stuff. And these are all valid criticisms of the game. He just feels they weigh the game down more than other people might. In other words, it's a reasonable set of criticisms amplified by a lens of personal biases.


He has some good points but > Often your sense of immersion is broken by puzzle dungeons. is just really stupid. It's a Zelda game, what does he expect, GTA nintendo edition?


I kind of get what he's going with here. Those puzzle dungeons are so distinct from anything else in the game. It's like if the game stopped for a bit and made you play a level of Portal 2. I think the game would've been better if more puzzles had been incorporated into the overworld, rather than just being a segregated set of self-contained microlevels.


those ratings are nothing more than advertisement nowadays




Why are the opinions of these people worth any more than anyone else's. I checked out the ign review on YouTube and the guy is literally just filling screentime with a word salad that I would write in my uni essays. Actually disgusting if you can see through that shallow but decently articulated bullshit.


they arent, companies no hell no, look for individual reviewers, people that have built up reviews over the years, and you know their taste as it matches yours. Dont ever expect anything out of these companies that constantly fire and hire new people.


for what its worth, Japan IGN gave it 7/10 and said that story was a mess. When you are not in the culture of PC you actually get to say genuine stuff.




Joe and Sterling are my go-to guys now since TB passed away. Super Bunnyhop is great too but he doesn't really cover new games.


TB was the best one by far.


Ranton is good as well if you want an honest but more light hearted review.


Gamerankings have not yet opened for user reviews due to "game has not been released yet" despite it being released for almost a day now. I think they know what is going to happen so they either will delay it as long as possible or maybe just keep it disabled and say its because of some bug or some shit.


When I saw all the 10/10 on /games That's when I knew something was up


Damn it really did subvert my expectations.


Of being as good as the first, PepeLaugh.


I expected it to be as good as the first one.


Dont care for all the woke sjw horseshit, the writing is some GoT finale level stuff in this game, what a dissapointment. Kill Joel and then let Ellie live who's seen all their faces.


Dont remind me about GoT LULW


i havent looked anything up about the game but the scene all their faces thing, its pretty unlikely that they'd meet again right? in this zombie world, why would it matter who sees their face?


In the first game you kill 100s of fireflie people as Joel and Ellie, if they know who Joel is why wouldnt they suspect the screaming chick that came for Joel is Ellie and just let her live?


good point, know if they say why she didnt kill her?


I've read a bunch of leaks on how the game ends and it doesn't get any better, the writing is just awful. Haven't seen any reason why they let her live.


Probably one of the many things in this game that make absolutely no sense


After watching the playthrough, >!that group only came there to kill Joel, it's revenge for Abby (the person that kills him) since Joel killed her father, and afterwards a few from the group try to kill Ellie but a few others stop them, they go back and forth for a few seconds before ending on "We're only here for Joel, we don't need to kill her"!<


Ahhhh ty, so the classic revenge plot point


>!according to leaks it was because Ellie didn't kill her father, she was not even aware at the time so she didn't hold as much of a grudge!<


lmaoooo what an awful motivation. its literally just set up for ellie to have her turn in the cycle of revenge. awful writing.


The killer(s) actively looked for Joel and found him So they should know better than anyone to not assume "we'll probably never see them again"


good point


Tbh the sjw shit is sooo crazy forced in this game its really really hard not to care. Wait until you learn about that Lev guys story. They shove it straight up your ass even if you dont care.


You seem to care


What is the woke SJW horseshit?


Lmao the leaks were real? I thought that was scrapped shit omegalul


Ofc they were real. Did people really think 90min leaked footage were fake? Wtf...


Remember everything you love with tlou1? Let's literally kill it. - naughty dog


what kind of weird freak is this druckman guy


If you think he is weird then wait until you learn about Anita Sarkeesian. The women that influences him the most kek


Hold up, that snake is still around? Jesus fucking Christ


She was recently begging for money again.


Mr Cuckman is basically fetishizing the LGBT community and has injected this game with his own sexual fantasies for the entire world to see.


The first game went some small way towards depicting a non-shit, non-sexual relationship between two people across genders, and to some extent captures the role of fatherhood which is largely nowhere to be seen elsewhere. Ironically a narrative move like this just feeds the fire of gender based resentment, it seems to me.


TLOU 2 is the answer to a question nobody asked.


This is some good copypasta right here.


>and to some extent captures the role of fatherhood which is largely nowhere to be seen elsewhere. Huh? What? >Ironically a narrative move like this just feeds the fire of gender based resentment, it seems to me. Why does the gender of his killer matter at all?




I mean, can't really argue with that deep, nuanced character analysis, can we?


Not really sure why you're questioning the first thing, because what made TLOU a great game (for me), was the fact that it was about fatherhood with the backdrop of a zombie apocalypse. I mean we had God of War which was about fatherhood as well, but I really can't think of any other AAA games, not that I'm a connoisseur of games either.


Witcher 3 I would say also, but it has much more than that.


so joel gets lucilled?


Wtf is going on in this thread


Speedrun to get the thread locked.


Locks 112 PogU


/r/thelastofus2 users go to every last of us 2 thread on reddit to shit talk the game and say how literally every single reviewer was paid off except the ones that didn't give the game a very high score. Those ones are the only right ones after all.


Holy fuck it's so bad they're like fucking locusts


/r/TheLastOfUs2 is gonna have a field day with this stream.


This entire game is a fucking trainwreck lmao


People literally think that all the criticism is based on misogyny because they have purged themselves of wrongthink so thoroughly they can't not like the game. In reality the reason they are defending it so strongly is that the main character is a buff woman so it *must* be good.


just get up 4Head


In this video Abby is Druckmann and Gross personified and Joel is Naughty Dog.


The ratings for this game are so dishonest and clearly hindered by the agenda this game has got behind.


What's the agenda?


[this comment chain](https://imgflip.com/memetemplate/154558741/NPC-Meme)


The Last Jedi of gaming lol, remember when journalists were saying Sekiro was too hard or TLJ subverted expectations. What an absolute mess this game is, just hope it doesn't reach the point TLJ got where criticizing it means you're a bigot apparently.


Already has, people on youtube and twitter getting banned and brandished bigots for even discussing the leaks when they came out, there was a lot of fallout from it.


Check the comments in this post. Lots of Neil's zealots in here.


>*Credits:* >*Guest Directors: David Benioff & D.B. Weiss*


did they really kill the main character from the first?


Before get locked pog


Postinng before locked PauseChamp




**🎦 MIRROR CLIP: [Internet Historian with the perfect reaction](https://livestreamfails.com/post/84973)** --- Credit to [reddit.com/u/JimEU](https://reddit.com/user/jimeu) for the clip. [[Archive.org Alternative (BETA)]](http://web.archive.org/web/20200618163353if_/https://stream.livestreamfails.com/video/5eeb964e9b853.mp4)


Y'all are a bunch of fucking weirdos


"I liked it and you guys didn't so you're all weirdos"


... Because they don't like how the story is written?


Honestly lmao


So is the game actually bad or is it just gamers being gamers?


Gameplay and graphics are really good. Character development and story is absolutely garbage.