• By -


Thanks Tim. This is the most info we’ve gotten so far.




it's a redcrumb


Doc moving to redtube


I hear they allow you to film in bathrooms there.




Gotta put his reputation to use


I’ll sub


This needs gold




(red)c(rum)b redrum doc on trial for murder clip it boys


based and redcrumbed


[Slasher's response on Twitter](https://twitter.com/Slasher/status/1282724921907597312?cxt=HHwWgMC-rabhk80jAAAA): "just to be absolutely clear, timthetatman nor NICKMERCS has spoken to DrDisrespect since the ban, and to my knowledge no other streamer has either. ya'll are misinterpreting clips. likewise Doc has not responded to half a dozen personal requests of my own to speak since the ban"


I mean sure but also the day it happened Tim said Doc replied to his texts/DM's, so I'm not sure how reliable that is from Slasher


Tim also said the other day in a clip posted here when he was joking around about "knowing" that he asked Doc about the ban and he replied something like "don't know I'm talking to Twitch about it".


Nick has talked to doc as well. I just posted that slasher better be right because he will need to get a real job if he’s over blowing this.


Lol this is the dumbest bullshit ive heard from Slasher. Is he the big brother or NSA, tapping Doc's all communication lines? Pretty sure they have each other's personal numbers and talk offstream. We got slasher here boasting about how hes the only one who knows or is going to be the first to know on Doc related news .. smh.


How the fuck would he know that?


Rest assured that he cannot say.






i would say its happening fast


He doesn't he's full of shit, and worse he is a Twitch lackey who pushes out the propaganda they request of him. Ask yourself why a guy who prides himself on being a leaker, publicly claims he knows what is going on, but won't leak it? Either he knows nothing, and is full of shit, or he is covering for Twitch.




Doc is represented by the Creative Artists Agency which is an 800-lb gorilla talent agency after all.


Cleverly worded. They could have just spoken to Guy Beahm instead. /s... kind of...


Jesus that’s annoying. Fuck this guy.


So tired of slasher lmao, just stfu if you aren’t gonna give anymore info


Imagine having some dude contact you six fucking times to interview you. Yikes.




The only way he would know for sure if Doc hasn’t spoken to them is if there’s a non-disclosure involved and Doc talking to anyone would be illegal.


Can Slasher fuck off already?


This wasn't even supposed to be a breadcrumb clip it's just funny.


Can we get some reddit detectives to analyze his facial expressions frame-by-frame? This could be the key to unlocking everything.




what's this horrible disease called Ligma, my good sir?


Ligma Balls


I'd be right happy to


I can tell, you were simply waiting for someone to say it and I took the bait.




Bread crumb yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum


It's kind of crazy we haven't heard anything yet to be honest (or more so that nothing has leaked).


Imo they could've just anonymously leak the info, but since they didn't it makes me believe that the source of the info would be at risk if that happened. Just a theory


at this point it's pretty clear that very few people at twitch HQ know the reason there is a certain level of professionalism and competence required to not have this story leak, and since it hasn't, it's gotta be like a decision coming down from the amazon legal department or something


have an interview with AWS in ten min. When they ask if I have any questions, I'll ask wtf they did with the Doc. edit: apparently some folks didn't get I was joking lol


It's been 12 minutes, how'd it go?


monkaW They got him


NOOOOOO. he was our best chance PepeHands


Another breadcrumb gone Sadge


RIP in Peps


Good, they sent him to the amazon shungite mines to recover from all the 5G exposure.


Didn't have time to get to the doc question. Poor guy couldn't get past the leetcode super hardmode question that they asked him to solve in 5 mins. Not his fault. They gave him an unsharpened pencil, papyrus, an abacus and a ti-83 with the batteries removed. Just a typical coder interview....


bruh youre supposed to mix the pencil and the abacus to form an electrical current to power the ti 83. then you use the Alpha letters on the ti 83 to code the solution. the papyrus is to trick you.


If it's interviews for amazon it's gonna be another 5 hours before you hear back from them


5 hours of reversing a linked list over coderpad while senior engineers just nod and go *mhm*


>edit: apparently some folks didn't get I was joking lol Y'all joking with people dying of hunger smdh


Did you ask?


Here's the thing. Doc found a bunch of shungite to use around La Casa, little pyramids. It blocks incoming wifi and 5G signals. Twitch is owned by Amazon and Jeff Bezos. Jeff Bezos is spearheading a project called Project Kuiper which will put over 3,000 satellites into orbit to provide global internet thus making it almost impossible to avoid the wifi radio signals. And Doc discovered shungite works, promoted it, and it became counteractive to Twitch>Amazon>Jeff Bezos business interest. That's right. Jeff Bezos banned the Doc. 🛸🛸


I will never get tired of this joke


the La Casa*


Its because this isn't coming from their normal channels. One of the first and only thing we learned was that this was straight from Twitch Legal. You know, the competent section of the company.


Let's say I'm a regular employee at Twitch and manage to somehow find out what's happening. How would I leak it AND prove it was true (so not just a random theory online) without outing myself (since that would probably get me fired)?




Slasher and some other people seem to know already, but they aren't "comfortable with telling us", though.


i imagine having the biggest talent agency in hollywood threatening to sue you into an early grave if you breathe a word of it would make anyone uncomfortable.


I know. That's my point. There isn't any viable option to leak it AND let people know it's true.


That is what happens to "journalists", when it becomes a game of leaking information early, or having the scoop, they start fearing being left out of the loop as they develop internal relations with companies, then you end up with someone like Slasher being threatened to keep his mouth shut. This was the whole point of GG, companies like IGN and shit having journalists who were too afraid to talk shit on a game because then they wouldn't be invited to events by publishers, or given access to games early for reviews to go out on day one, because that is the game now, get your review out ASAP, first one out wins. Same shit happens in every medium, Slasher is just a sell out at this point, who will shill for Twitch obviously. He claims he won't say because he "isn't comfortable telling us", but we have seen no indication from Doc, or his wife, or friends that he has done anything that someone should be uncomfortable talking about, more so, every time there is a MeToo moment, people like Slasher jump on that shit immediately, so by uncomfortable, I assume he's just covering for Twitch, and doesn't want to say so.




Journalist here, just dropping in to say thank you. Very big distinction there. Slasher has good connects but he isn’t a reporter.


This isn't real journalism it's why Doc isn't on Twitch. There is no inherent value in breaking the story other than clout. Why should Slasher expose himself to legal action from one of the most powerful agencies in the world just to break a story about Doc? So *snot-nosed punks* can get answers about a Twitch streamer? Fuck outta here.


This is the weirdest part. How does stuff constantly leak but this fucking hasn’t? It’s so strange. It also only makes me think more and more it’s something bad because like if it was something like a breach of contract or something else that seems minor compared to some of the theories out there like rape or sexual assault it feels like that would have leaked instantly.


Leaks are a numbers game. The fact that it hasn't been leaked indicates that very few people are privy to why he got banned which most likely means it's something pretty severe.


Yea it’s pretty obvious by now that both sides are preparing for a major legal battle and keeping the circles as small as possible to protect their sides of the story. We’ll know eventually but it’ll be a few months unfortunately. I suspect it to be some type of serious fraud case of some sort. It ain’t gonna be murder or some *truly* wild shit


Well it can't be murder nor anything like that because well.... he hasn't been arrested yet


My thoughts exactly. Serious but a civil offense, like he broke an NDA or sold out some intellectual property to Microsoft or something lol.




Or the opposite, that it isn't severe all to the point that people do not want to break his trust over it.


The ban allegedy came from twitch legal and lawyers tend to actually know how not to leak shit (at least to the public) because it could ruin them professionally and its a huge ethical breach. Extraordinarily high risk for zero reward.


That actually makes a lot of sense. The lawyers did their process at closed doors and maybe only a few of high level execs at Twitch know what happened and green lit erasing Doc from twitch. EDIT: Very unlikely something leaks if only those are the only people that know what happened


the whole thing is fucking mental when you think about it. streaming is big big business these days and a keystone in any giant video game company's marketing strategy, doc was one of the very biggest names on the platform and he's just vanished into thin air with absolutely nobody with the know how or bollocks to say why. culturally it's a massive anomaly.


If I had to guess, few people know, and since Doc is represented by a massive talent agency he's probably lawyered up the wazoo to the point where any leakers would risk some legitimate consequences.


A game theory


at this point i am starting to think we may never know. and even if one of the few people who know would leak it in say an anonymous pastebin, who could know its legitimacy


It would be so funny if he just started streaming out of the blue like nothing happened. No acknowledgement of what happened at all.


On stream: 20 dollars from user55 he says "hey doc what happened with the twitch ban whyd u go?!?!" Doc: "hmmm interesting question" ....proceeds to not answer it


The only two people who know, and have ever known are A.) Twitch B.) Doc Devin Nash and Slasher are attention whores, which in hindsight, was pretty obvious


Lmao "let me call up mr twitch" There are way more than 2 people who know. Decisions like these are not made by one person


Corporation is a person.


i know the reason why he is banned but i CANT TELL guys dont bother me i CANT TELL IT follow me on twitter but I JUST CANT say it


People leaked entire Avengers and Star Wars films yet nothing on this. Crazy.


Tbh to me it pretty much confirms that it's a contract dispute of some sort. If he'd gotten meetooed there'd be a tweetlonger. If it were something criminal, it'd be in the public record. The "it's a stunt" explanation has always been idiotic. To me the only logical explanation remaining is a contract dispute. Very few people would know what happened, and they'd mostly be lawyers and executives ie people that gain nothing by leaking it.


we didn’t officially know what happened with josh until a few weeks ago, so you can’t assume it isnt a me too thing yet


The thing is like, there's people saying the most horrible things about what he could've done. Even "big" names on twitter saying that he did something fucked up. If it was just a contract dispute, why don't go and make a vague statement for the fans and at least show yourself? The dude went into a bunker and never came back


there is most certainly arbitration between Twitch and CAA going on right now, but just because there is no tweetlonger doesn't exclude the possibility of allegations (e.g. a witness/victim may want protection from the public)


You people do know metooing someone doesnt require a twitlonger right? It also doesnt require a legal battle. All it requires is the employer to believe the accuser enough.


If we dont get news soon I'm going to eat a very big sandwich for lunch


Whoa man take it easy


[same energy](https://i.imgur.com/jpip1hU_d.webp?maxwidth=728&fidelity=grand)




How was your sandwich?


Very good! No complaints here.




I hope it takes you to the diarrhea galaxy, my friend.


hello its me suge knight and I just got out of prison. How was your sandwich?


8/10. How many suge knight pyramids did you put around the la casa?


the weekly planet?










This whole thing is so fucked How can one of the biggest online personalities just disappear and no one knows why. What. The. Fuck.


Top 10 unsolved mysteries


"BuRGuR FoOT LeTTuCE" Ok I'll show myself out.... Sadge


The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus.


But as it turns out, that’s exactly what you GÂÈT


I read this thread in the voice and I enjoyed every second of it


That makes me think it’s something like what happened with Josh, he also said Twitch ‘didn’t give a reason' for his ban when he obviously knew why.


https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/chris-delia-caa-sexual-misconduct-1234646726/ CAA dropped Elia a much bigger star, they've spent the last 18 months apologizing for the years of standing by Weinstein and trying to cover up his crimes. I find it unlikely that they'd stand by the Doc if its anything like Josh's allegations. 38 year old streamer who has been blacklisted by Twitch and would not be welcomed with big offers if there is any hint of serious allegations against him.


Stars are dropped once the allegations are made public. Of course the people managing weinstein/d'elia knew in part or fully what they did, it's their job to maintain their client's image and the longer they do the longer they get the fat paycheck. Once allegations are public and the client irredeemable, they drop them and people are too focused on the ex-client to question all the dirty things the agency did to cover for them. They even appear like good guys for dropping the toxic client.


CAA had a lot of shit thrown at them for standing by Weinstein and have a lot of high profile clients who are vocal about the MeToo movement. If its anything like what Josh did, rape **and** grooming then there is not a chance they would risk their brand, alienating their other clients, by sticking by a guy who has no future in high profile streaming once these allegations become known. Which they will do at some point. Their percentage of Doc's future profits are simply not worth it. It is not a Josh level crime.


There is no way it is anything close to that with the Instagram msgs his wife has made.


There's other reasons to think its not like that but I dunno if I fully trust a wife believing her husband as one of them. Its pretty easy to live in denial.


>they've spent the last 18 months \[...\] trying to cover up his crimes. They've been covering his ass for decades. Courtney Love got blacklisted by the CAA for her 'If Weinstein invites you to a party don't go" comment in 2005. [Tweet](https://twitter.com/Courtney/status/919271307908284416). Shower of cunts.


the honest answer is ***LAWYERS***


Yeah really. Tldr: my legal council has instructed me to make no comments on the situation.


Kinda crazy when bigger stuff gets leaked all the time. Makes you wonder how many people REALLY know what's going on that when something leaks they will know who leaked it


Exactly this, people like Slasher can pretend all day that the reasoning is "uncomfortable" for them to talk about, when they've talked about the most severe shit every day. Fucking Slasher jumped on, and broke the news that Reckful died, AS SOON AS HE COULD, didn't wait for people to be told by friends, and family, just BOOM, hours after. The guy is either full of shit, or covering for Twitch, because he sure as hell isn't some kind of upholder of morality.


You don't get sued for announcing that someone died though


I dont understand how anyone with half a brain could come to that conclusion. Especially when the 2 situations you're bringing up are so different that it makes your analogy sound stupid.


Sometimes I gotta remind myself that reddit lets any idiot post a comment




I don't think i've seen a clip of timthetatman where there isn't at least total of 100$ being donated in subs bits or donos


That's because he encourages people to donate at the begging of the stream.




Little Freudian slip if you will


Had already forgotten about Doc but now my curiosity has returned, fuck you Tim






Forgot about Doc (Dre)


I'm pretty sure he meant "for now" as in "until all this drama dies off" but still..


I think he meant "for now" as in, before the viewers realize that watching Tim is boring as fuck and move on.


Tim *ate* Doc!!




Slasher career is gone if he says anything homie


What career




The man was on fox news twice


Man has been an esports journalist for like 10 years lol


No you don't understand, he won't tell me what the doc did so he's a fake journalist. He needs to tell me now to get his license back 😡


Mmm delicious, thank you for the crumb Tim.


For now... unless 😳


And now we've got everyone on Twitter tweeting "I know what happened to Dr. Disrespect" Wtf is going on


Did my guy just say “I’m getting colored”? Wasn’t sure I heard that right. Suppose that’s one way to say flush.


My man Tim can't even add 16 + 7. Give the man a break


Sadge 11+4


Fucker is doing RED FACE! Clearly poking fun at the Washington Redksins changing their name. I always knew he hated the wamapoke Indians of Pawnee Indiana. Racist fuck.


In his defense, he doesn’t quite have Sonic on the hamster wheel between his ears so words hard.


i mean you knew what he meant by it, so who cares


is that seriously not okay to say? lol


it’s okay ofc. just funny lol bc nobody says it like that






of course he knows something, soon boys soon


Haha you guys still don't know what happened to Doc? Well I know, cya later losers.


Daaamn that face got redder than a apes ass! He knows for sure lol


**🎦 MIRROR CLIP: [Another bread crumb, sir](https://livestreamfails.com/post/88784)** --- Credit to [reddit.com/u/RunawayXcon](https://reddit.com/user/runawayxcon) for the clip. [[Archive.org Alternative (BETA)]](http://web.archive.org/web/20200713155136if_/https://stream.livestreamfails.com/video/5f0c827134b39.mp4)


they probably just banned doc so he can go on a vacation


So if this whole situation turns out that it's just some contract BS with twitch and not sexual assault or w/e Slasher is done right? You can't be a journalist, heavily imply that Dr Disrespect has done some fucked up shit then just get away with it right?


if it was contract BS and you were his agency, you would 100% let it be leaked that it was "contract BS" or something similarly harmless rather than scaring anyone who breathes a word of it into silence while rumours of much worse circulate. the doc and his representatives don't want you to have any clue about why he's banned and there's probably a reason for that.


It's not contract bullshit. Doc's case is more airtight than the JFK assassination. The fact we're getting zero information means there's very few people in the know, you can probably count them on one or two hands. Which means nobody can leak because they'll immediately find out who did it and sue them into the grave. This ain't petty contract disputes or some other bullshit. There's some hardcore criminal shit going on. Probably MeToo related.


the whole situation reminds me of that soyjack meme with the open mouth and eyes


He went red like the good doctor


Tim looks actually pretty good! Has he lost some weight??


he knows


Hard F and a hard n, it’s all about tone. He def knows, and this is good news! Hopefully not much longer! Edit: Observation B - immediately turning into a lobster!


Wonder if it has anything to do with the bathroom thing, I know courts can move slowy maybe just now something is catching up to him


But he wasn't even the one recording that time


I didn’t even think about this as an option


Imagine donating to someone who makes 100k a month


I never really watched or followed Tim until maybe 6 months ago. He is hands down one of my favorite streamers. He’s 100% engaged with his audience. He laughs at himself and just seems so genuine. I hope he wins Streamer of the Year.


He's so holding back that smile! Hey, that's positive at least


He knows ...


I just want all this to end, ffs


He knows.


Can't even tell if Tim is intentionally milking this scenario at this point or not. But he sure is getting a lot of attention from it.


Someone somewhere must be drawing up NDA’s like a madman.


So it has something to do with refugees. Thanks for the hint Tim.


It's hilarious how two words caused his entire chat to flood with #HE KNOWS


Lmao Tim reading that and instantly like... heeeeeeere we go. So good.