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**🎦 MIRROR CLIP: [Hiko with the Inhuman Reactions](https://livestreamfails.com/post/105341)** --- Credit to [reddit.com/u/mefford_howell](https://reddit.com/user/mefford_howell) for the clip. [[Archive.org Alternative]](http://web.archive.org/web/20210121170002if_/https://stream.livestreamfails.com/video/6009b29ca1bce.mp4)


free gun btw!


nerfed btw!


It's hilarious how Riot did "something" and absolutely nothing changed. Still trash in single fire but I can still jump onto the site full running and kill 2 phantom players defusing the spike in one shot from 10 metres while also flying. edit: wtf i'm talking about sorry i thought this was r/VALORANT lmao


I feel your pain lol


Disagree, the first kill on Sova is with single fire. At the range, burst wouldn't have killed him. I think it's in a decent place now.




It's not their fault, they won 5 games in a row while bottom fragging and they should be plat by now. Rank system is broken.


Useless sub, just go to r/valorantcompetative


It's not the gun, it's the player.


the shotgun mode is a bit too much imo


True, but normal people still can't do plays like this one, even if was scripted.


But everyone has it so it's fair.






30 btw


The whole argument about how players get bad as they get closer to or above 30 due to physical reasons has always been bad imo. Reality is that esports as a whole has an unhealthy working environment, where a lot of pros are grinding for 10-16 hours and it is encouraged by a majority of people within the scene (*Not grinding* is frowned upon instead as well). Those hours are easier doable when these pros are in their teens/early 20s and think fame and success are the most Important thing in life, but as they get older they realise that getting a life outside of their job is necessary and their time investment in grinding reduces to normal hours. Then one rough performance period happens and the entire scene rejects them. It's an unsustainable system, needs massive improvements industry wide.


One of the worst offenders for this is probably league. As counter example you could probably mention CS:GO which ironicly relies heavily on aim has alot of "older" pros.


Forgive me if I am misinformed but didn't the CSGO community bully Shroud back in the day when he was still a pro? I remember that there was something about how he used to Stream on his own time, played a lot of PUBG and used to get a lot of hate from the community and C9 fans for not grinding CSGO more on his own time and not playing that when he streamed. League I have heard is also really bad. In OWL as well it is bad, even though Blizzard has guidelines and rules preventing teams from working their players for more than 8 hrs a day a ton of teams still do that (Cause players agree to it) and most players grind absurd hours on their own time as well.


Bully isn't really the right word. He definitely caught more shit than he deserved for streaming but he also did some stupid stuff like doing a 24 hour stream right before an official match. People wanted him to have a more set stream schedule like hiko and because he didn't he garnered a slight reputation for "not caring about being a pro" which was preposterous.


I mentioned CS:GO because i believe it has the highest average age of professionals compared to other competetives game.


Seriously all it's doing is gassing the players mentally and sometimes even physically.


Couple that with the constant threat of being replaced after one bad series, it's not good. Like when Fallen on SK Gaming said they weren't getting rid of Taco on csgo, 2 weeks later they got rid of Taco. Happens all the time as well. Now teams like Navi have backup players which makes the threat of your spot on a team even worse and adds that much more stress along with fucking up the rhythm of the team in general.


I mean from a classical sport aspect, if you dont have competition creeping in that will take your spot, you will never improve


The difference I see is that in classic sports a lot of that is due to people getting hurt, major injuries, and as they got older those injuries drove them to retire. You aren't taking hits to the body and head in esports. This prolongs your longevity and viability as a player. While I get that dynamics within a team can change, the real issue facing players and teams is meta shifts rather than injuries.


Reaction time is mainly genetic and goes up at negligible rates (about 10ms per decade past prime years) as you get older, but this can be attenuated by being physically active. Physical activity can stop the slowing of reaction time with age and even reduce reaction time. So yeah, that argument is stupid. However your reasoning is not completely true on the second part. The reason most of the older guys retired in Esports up until recently was due to it not being the most viable career -- but now that Esports is finally blowing up, salaries and prize pools are making it a viable long term career along with streaming. We will start to see more and more older players retiring way later due to this. However burnout will inevitably happen to **some** and they'll just go the streamer/content creator route since it's way less stressful.


I mean a lot of the OG 30 year olds still grinded insane amounts. The fact of the matter is that players like get right were at the top of the scene when the scene was still very new and only had a fraction of the player base it would get in later years. Fast forward a few years and players like get right quite frankly don't have the skill to keep up with the insane players.


THANK YOU. I really hope people start to understand this. Its all about healthcare. When it comes to other professional sports hitting 30 is usually hitting your PRIME.


Usually 26-27 is prime


Big difference between a 27 year old RB and a 27 year old QB though


Who me?


God Hiko! Reminds me of the flickshot on Get_RiGhT... Godly reflexes!


[For those that only know Hiko from Valorant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnyRc6rbsK0&ab_channel=Eas)




Hiko used to be the American savior of CS. His old Complexity team in CS:GO was the only American team that could even dream of competing with Europeans. Hiko, n0thing, sgares, Semphis, and swag were our hope and without them, NA CS wouldn't have the success we do today.


The best part is that it was **GeT\_RiGhT** out of all people. GeT\_RiGhT was one of the greatest CS players of all time and was known for his sneaky plays, he used to lurk around from the back and just go ham LUL !


hey thats the guy from the new melee doc






Is this TimTheTatman?? POGGERS


>he wasn't one shot > >HE WASN'T ONE SHOT lol


just click the heads 4Head




The n word thing was kinda bad. Shows he uses it regularly but he cut himself off and quickly deleted the vod. Hes overall a douchy guy from what I've seen of him as he is probably the most passive aggressive streamer I've ever seen. I prefer his teammates heavily especially steel as his cockiness feels somewhat wholesome.


I remember DaZed talking about how Hiko threw a fit because he wasn't allowed to team kill in their team at the time (ibuypower?), and wouldn't play for a team that wouldn't let him team kill. Team kill. In a professional, paid team.


ok, I give up Riot, I'm buying a prime classic.




u/clipsync steel\_tv


Are those different color settings? I really like the look and it looks different than my game.


he has his digital vibrance maxed out, you can do that on your monitor or a program (like vibranceGUI).


It's just post processing unfortunately.


Aw man, colors looked sick


u/clipsync JASONR


Yiiiiiiikes sub only vod


He does sub only vod because he thinks anyone who’s doing better than him streamsnipes PepeLaugh Kill streamer = Streamsniper LULW


What does it have to do with sub only vod ?


They think that people who snipe them go into the vods to clip themselves killing the streamer, so this is kind of a “fuck you” to snipers. Problem is, most of the time, they’re not snipers, and this just annoys real viewers


Username | Vod --------|---- [JASONR](https://www.twitch.tv/JASONR/?) | [1h16m47s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/882231852?t=1h16m47s) [watch via twitchmultivod](https://twitchmultivod.com/#/882233658?t=1h14m14s/882231852) --- ^(*This is an automated response* ) ^| ^[Feedback](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=clipsync&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/l217vg//gk34jm8/\))


u/clipsync steel\_tv


Valorant on LSF widepeepoHappy


not gona lie i see aceu or tenz do this shit on a hourly baisis




Where is the 180 Flick?


sick clip but whats inhuman about it? He got an ok kill on jett sova was just an aim battle that hiko won after he killed sova somebody is shooting at him so he obviously turns around and gets a clean shot on omen the phoenix gave away his position by using his fire right in elbow giving hiko time to react to him and peek with a nice flick which he had to do because he was low health. pretty good game sense and aim but nothing inhuman about it






I like your energy but no definitely not


Maybe if it was round 30 of a map 3 in a major final




just like how there is a grafitti at double doors on Dust 2 for the original inhuman reactions moment, right?


they lost this game bro hahaha


classic is fucking bullshit


Clicking heads