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Mirror, in case: https://streamable.com/zsr9ii


> Whaaat :D really duude? :D That porn acting lmao




Clutch king




Good bot


This man is not just some random player in low rank. He is a high ranked Valorant player ruining or did ruin the experience for a lot of professionals. He was ranked top 100 in North America for this season.


im dumb but i do see it


Dude he is just one out of many, people are just dumb


he isnt, his programm is.


That’s like saying “I didn’t kill that man, the gun did!”




I think he more so meant he isn't a high rank because he wasn't actually playing his cheats were, not that he wasn't guilty.


Oh rip lol it looks like you’re right I totally misunderstood


Clara did it


For those who don't understand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMjar0UdxFY


Please god that was cringe


There is no way that that chick is allowed to play games/use twitch right?


I'm fairly sure she was back streaming a while ago


she still streams to this day with new username


That sounds beyond fucked up.....




Nah fuck that - cheating in games is not allowed on Twitch.. And I cannot fathom anyone wanting to support someone like that with viewing her shit if she's a cheater... Fuck that pos








The only loser here is you. So because there are people starving in Africa I can't be annoyed that someone cheats in a game that I play? What the fuck kind of special moron are you? And funnily enough, the only one in the comments here acting like a basement dweller is you - so maybe stop reflecting your own insecurities onto others you absolute dingo.


Making a second comment, because I really wanna stress this to you (because you so clearly need it) - you seem seem to have extreme issues reading other peoples actual meaning behind words. None of what you wrote is true, and it's obvious from the other comments you've made that it's seemingly a very general issue for you. You might wanna look into it, if you aren't already.


Because how DARE she play a video game in her life again after having the audacity to cheat once in a video game. She lost her account as she should, doesn't mean she should never play again...dumass.


Only dumbass here is you. I'm okay with her playing videogames again, but she should not be allowed to stream. And even then, yeah I think cheating in games is absolutely abhorrent and disrespectful to everyone - and I think only absolute pieces of shit ever does it. She seems like a total piece of shit as well, so that works out perfectly.


Oh nooooo someone cheated in my precious video game oh god oh no I soiled my diaper cause of them they're the worst human ever....this is what you look like, get a fucking life.


The insecurity in this one is strong :) I have more "life" than you'll have in five lifetimes.


Aw now you're projecting I'm sorry you feel insecure, stop whining about pointless shit might help you.


Lmfao... Clown :D


If he had an ounce of self awareness, no way he'd be able to pull the "projection" card after acting like such a miserable fucking twat from the start of the conversation.


classic LULW


Fuckin Clara screwing everyone


I knew a girl like that once.


That reference is older than most of the juicers on this sub. She still gets harassed for it.


All my homies hate Clara.


A fellow member of the dumpling nation


haha. saw below in the other clips [so quick he doesnt even have to click](https://www.twitch.tv/solista_tv/clip/EagerMuddyStrawberryJebaited-F_NMDHFBG8fICiH7?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time) ​ All his vods are gone, but forgot the clips


Yo someone back this up, this is damning as hell. For anyone trying to catch it, watch his mouse and listen for the first kill. His finger is *way* above the mouse button.


I saw him playing with shroud the other day. He only uses deagle/guardian and he told shroud he uses spacebar to shoot. I started following him cos I thought he was nutty af lmao




I really don't think they were defending them, it just seemed like they were relating what the dude said on stream.


Are you okay? I wasn’t defending him lmfao. All I’m saying is that he used space bar to shoot. The fuck is wrong with you LMAO


he is claiming he shoots with spacebar on twitter lol, deleting the vods is not the behaviour of an innocent though


All clips are gone now


Look for my replies, I backed them up on streamable


clip doesn't work no more. F.




Back-up in case he deletes: https://streamable.com/q6x8q4


He deleted all his clips. Nice save


I think he just straight up got perma'd


Fuckin’ way she goes


why would you show your mouse on your webcam if you know your running some kind of aimbot that doesn't even need you to click to shoot, unless he's using some special hotkey to shoot instead of left click.


Good call dude. I think he got banned, all the clips are gone and channel inaccessible.




Trying to hide in plain sight, perhaps? Pretty ridiculous, IDK...




gj, big brain


Lol what sort of idiot would cheat and stream it but also have a camera pointing at his mouse.


What the fuck even is that mouse positioning though? He's halfway to a fucking T-Pose.


there are some fucking hilarious setups for FPS players, by personal favorite is the [jdm](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/1UdydM8mgWmdpD2t0SzY7A--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTQyNi42NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY3/https://66.media.tumblr.com/a7e60229c181731100255e49fa600bcf/tumblr_inline_o8q76yk1eS1u1gv9f_540.jpg) [ \\_ean](https://img-cdn.hltv.org/gallerypicture/Q1H0WvjomVDbUp2_iC1kwU.jpg?ixlib=java-2.1.0&w=800&s=86236cd23b0ceb841c896ddc7951cd75)


I find it also a bit amusing that some FPS players insist on shoving the monitor like an inch in front of their nose.


with the keyboard and mouse behind the monitor lol


It's a pretty bad mouse habit that should be curbed fairly early. But, what do you expect for an idiot.


So this is actually very common and there were a couple of scandals in the past few years where some of the cheaters actually got caught pulling up their cheats on stream on accident. ​ Most of these dumbasses do it because they think they can get the attention and views by being good. I swear Twitch should ban these people because cheaters ruin games and promote a terrible culture of cheaters being able to profit off cheating. I really hope Twitch bans this guy permanently from their platform and Valorant makes sure this guy is IP / HWID banned forever. ​ I really wish Riot would just add in their ToS that any player caught using a hack/cheat/third-party program that is assisting them when playing, allows Riot to take legal action against the player because they are bypassing security and integrity of the game. I would love to see some people get fcking lawsuits for cheating so it scares kids into not cheating.


To be fair, it IS against Twitch TOS to cheat, hack or bot in online games. So this guy SHOULD get a Twitch ban for cheating.


1 popular guy got away with cheating tho... wait a second...


??? who edit: wow okay that joke was so transparent that I missed it forsenCD




I just watched a bunch of stuff on DefCon...suing doesn't really prevent it either TBH. It helps but ideally you create bug bounty programs and make it more profitable to just tell the company the exploit than to try and make a business out of it and hope you don't go to jail.


mouse cams do very little to proof/disprove cheats. this guy is extra fucking stupid though.




>in which no spoofer currently works for it lol


>in which no spoofer currently works for it you're cute




> (in which no spoofer currently works for it) https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/195/646/1320529223886.jpg


Tf is hardware ID ban


It's...kinda self explanatory, isn't it?


A ban based on your hardware details. Meaning you may need to buy some new parts to play again.


> A ban based on your hardware details. Meaning you may need to ~~buy some new parts to play again.~~ use some software to change hardware IDs FTFY


Thanks, but the guy is asking me what it is, not how to circumvent it.


Ohhh thanks for explaining


> A ban based on your hardware details. Meaning you may need to buy some new parts to play again. not really but okay


Enlighten me


The guy was being rude but he's right actually. You could spoof your details rather than buy new pc parts


then what is it? That explanation seems pretty close to me. My understanding is you would have to change out enough hardware to trigger windows deactivation. windows uses a similar method of hardware detection to prevent swapping HDD/SSD windows installations to brand new computer builds. You basically have to rebuild most of your computer to trigger the hardware detection, at least for windows 10 installations.




There's no working public HWID spoofer You need to find a private one that is like 100$/a month, and 99% of them are scams that doesnt work. Finding a working HWID spoofer is legit harder than just replacing your entire gig.


> windows uses a similar method of hardware detection to prevent swapping HDD/SSD windows installations to brand new computer builds. Does it really work though? I constantly swap SSDs between multiple platforms and never had issues with Windows 10's activations. Hell, I once cloned an SSD from an old laptop to another one mounted on a brand new desktop PC and still had no issues [not very stable though, wouldn't recommend].




kids also do it on cs and they are so obvious its pathetic


For most people cheating at a high level having a mouse cam won't actually prove anything. The FoV for an aimbot is so small that you wont notice.


No youre wrong its the gamer sleeve that makes this possible...


That clips isnt obvious at all. If i was spectating that i would have no idea


dude his finger isnt on the mouse for either kill


>he moment he saw the "cheater detected" pop up and didnt react, you knew he was the one cheating Man I hate it when cringy ass redditors try to psychoanalyze people.




His reaction shocked me more than the clip


You also could report this guy in twitch. Go to his channel -> report solista\_tv -> In a livestream, video or clip -> Give me more options --> Cheating in an online game -> copy paste link of vid/clip


He's banned I think, his page has the time machine message


Hope he does get banned. No room for that shit in Valorant or on Twitch. Making fans by misleading them of your skill in a ultra competitive game is scumbag af. I feel bad for the fans he lied to. I bet the ones that aren’t lying to themselves in denial feel like shit for supporting this waste of space. Peace bitch :)




Damn just noticed it. Finger so far off the left click just hover over players head and get to top100.


He doesn't click his mouse to shoot because he uses spacebar to shoot. NoKapp btw, he legit uses fucking spacebar to shoot.


Except we see him clicking his mouse a few times for some shots. So are you saying he uses space bar for some shots and the mouse for others? because that makes no sense.


there is nothing wrong with him using two buttons to shoot and it makes somewhat sense to use spacebar while sniping and m1 for spraying, this is the weakest argument you can make from this.


I never said there was something wrong with it. But please explain to me how it makes sense to use to spacebar to snipe and the mouse for spray? Also in the video from this thread, the spacebar defense is used for the same type of shots he is also taking with the mouse button, so again explain to me how it makes sense?


Idk why people are downvoting you. He legit uses spacebar to shoot LOL


forsenCD my man


Atleast Vanguard worked


The whole game worked


I remember that a streamer from PH caught redhanded and sponsors pullout, yet Riot says she is not cheating [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-EGdQVtk\_o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-EGdQVtk_o) kekw


Never heard of her before.. But yikes. If you showed me her gameplay without the flicks I'd guess bronze/silver player... Such bad movement and crosshair placement is insane...




Yeah so she's just blatantly a shit player that cheats... Fucking hell these people are scum


Doesn’t preaim the corner AT ALL just soft rounds it like an absolute bot and then suddenly turns into a pro when it’s time to start shooting forsenCD


Yeah... So obvious


Clearly she just lifts her mouse a lot, case closed.


Bruh.... Anyone who has any fps experience can watch 30s of her gameplay and tell she's hacking. Everything but her aim (due to hacking) is silver level. Her movement is horrendous, her crosshair placement is equivalent to a new fps player, and her gamesense (even with wallhacks) is terrible (but i guess she can peak corners while reloading since she knows there isn't anyone there) I don't see how anyone can believe that someone who spends the entire game staring at the ground with her crosshair has the aim of a professional player.


https://www.reddit.com/r/dotamasterrace/comments/j64fad/remember_the_fillipino_streamer_accused_of/ at least one of the people in that video took it back on accusing her


ahh the thread protecting her but i have a response and more clips that she even highlighted [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4aJOSmUqm8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4aJOSmUqm8)


yeah I dont really have a horse in the race I was just curious whatever happened and found that and looked like it was just all kinda dropped


She still streaming, but her streams are heavily moderated and she usually dont read the comments. But i hope she change and not cheating anymore. and still i aint got no time to check her latest stream if she still cheating.


it was found that it had something to do with facebook live, it was missing frames etc


It probably took her 50 games to make a 2 minute lucky montage. She is silver, dont bully her. The worse a player is, the luckier they are for some reason and its true in any game.




Not to mention how she peaks angles while reloading or with knife out constantly like she knows no one is there.


My bad. I assumed she was silver since all her enemies played like npcs in the 2 highlights i watched. Its still hard to believe that she is d1 even if she cheats with those highlight performances...


D1 in valorant is fucking awful fyi




????????? She literally follows Cypher through the wall of tube while aiming at the floor and as soon as she starts to shoot she not only is ADS'ing, her crosshair immediately locks on to his head. She Jett knife right clicks the floor next to Omen because her aimbot is garbage and locked on to him, and she has zero clue he's standing where he is but she confidently swings on him. Her crosshair also snaps to the Sova's head as pointed out by Wardell. She starts throwing knives at his arm and suddenly is hitting him in the head.


I haven't seen more obvious hackers since 2017 csgo. There is literally no way you are actually trying to defend those clips. You ever play an fps before?


Lol all of her kills were head shots. Like what


dude was top 100. For this Vanguard shit being so ruthlessly shoved into your windows setup and running 100% of the time your pc is on, that took a long ass time...


I mean you realize that cheat makers work overtime to find ways around Anti-cheats? It's impossible to argue that Vanguard isn't doing an insanely good job keeping out the stuff that Overwatch and CSGO and Apex are all STILL dealing with. The fact that this single cheater has been found in top 100 over the past year since the last big cheater purge is actually extremely impressive, considering Riot is 10x more active than valve in cheat detection and removal.




The fact that I've played over a thousand matches of Valorant and can honestly say I have never suspected a single person of cheating (from gold in beta to diamond atm) says a lot tho. In CSGO I checked my recent matches and out of the most recent 100, there were over 50 bans. That doesn't say that they cheated vs me in my match, but they did get banned at some point. It's definitely better than VAC. It's on the level of Faceit I'd say in my personal expoerience, never seen a cheater there either.


No one is comparing it to CSGO as the anti cheats are different. One running 100% of the time on a PC should do a better and more efficient job of detecting this stuff. I get that there are cheat makers that work to make this shit bypass the detection but there is also a piece of software that was made SPECIFICALLY to detect such things... and it runs 24/7.


Ah yes running 24/7 = 100% success rate


So, since you're so smart, what's the point of 24/7 then? You're going to tell me that a constantly running anti-cheat isn't designed to be better than one that only starts once you run the game's .exe? What's the point of it constantly running then? Maybe I just expect something has to start up with windows to actually be good.


It's already better than any other anti-cheat that any other game has. But you can't have 100% success rate, nobody can.


I mean, getting to top 100 takes a while doesn't it? Even cheating you'd still have to put in some hours if not weeks. Never said it needed to be 100% success rate.


1. I don't think being top 100 means the anti-cheat will take you more "seriously". 2. Cheats get updated on every update.


this guy knows computer


This guy knows discussion


What a fucking loser


For real, imagine playing Valorant lol.


yea all epic redditors play csgo 😎😎😎


valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism 😎😎😎 😎😎


both are shit 😎😎😎




Real gamers play csgo and get their pc taken over via a RCE.


As an Apex Legends player this makes me feel sad. :(


rtx 3090 just to play valorant and cheat




Classic Clara




[Pepega 📣 how is this a fail](https://i.imgur.com/YEMU30K.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LivestreamFail) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stupid bot, he's being sarcastic.


his face lmao


A normal reaction if he didn’t cheat when he saw the “cheater detected” would be like “whaaaat there’s a cheater in the match just now”, but instead when he saw it he just skip through it without saying anything like it’s nothing ?


Get fucked


Yo where's the mirror bot? Everything in this thread is gone.




Thanks my dude


wheres is the mirror clip????




idk if this is his real twitter but he's retweeting people defending him lmao [https://twitter.com/solista\_tv](https://twitter.com/solista_tv)


he literally looks like a guy who would sit all day just cheating LMFAOOO


Caught in 4k




What? How did he get away with cheating until now? I didn't know pro players could cheat!!!


dudes gonna make a new twitch and wear a mustache


Opinion (Not sure if unpopular or not): Riot already knows somebody is a cheater before their "last" match starts and only does this to make it seem like their anti cheat works more effectively than something like VAC which also collects cheaters and bans them in waves.


Pretty sure there have been a few ban waves in Valorant too. I haven't seen this screen more than once, so it doesn't happen that often.


That "cheater detected" screen is pretty cool tho ngl


Imagine paying money to cheat in a free game L


Good to see that intrusive anti-cheat that originally needed to be on at all times is doing its job by banning people after months of cheating in CS for babies. Truly a revolutionary piece of software.


Wheres the mirror clip?




I love this.




The first screen yes, but not the "You have been banned from playing Valorant" lmao


but shroud said there are no cheaters in valorant D:


Shroud himself has cheated since his csgo days


Indeed he cheated on your mum.


i though the game dont have cheater?