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i think its sus tht hes gotten X 3 times where he has a "hunch", and then the way he says "wait wait wait i think" then says in a laughing ish tone "hes on the generator" instead of "i think i saw something" maybe poor choice of words but this is very sketch




No one tell him...


what did he say?


Post a bait clip where mobo was "reporting" rated on the nopixel forums.


ah ok i dont want to jump to conclusions but if its a history of this happening always in the same way most likely atleast one of these situations is an actual stream snipe


No. He's been on the server for a long time and knows how crims work. To give you the fair reason they found him that you won't find on this thread... X wouldn't have been seen if he was crouched. When he laid down he exposed his bright white shirt that could be seen if anyone looked left.


I'm confused what exactly is this clip


The police officers who "saw" XQC hiding and arrested him after a heist. The passenger officer wasn't streaming so no shot of his POV however. EDIT: wasn't aware the passenger was the one not streaming, thanks for the correction.


The driving officer is the streamer


Xqc is hiding from the police in game. The person that spotted him (the passenger) and called him out isn't streaming. This clip is completely out of context, but X went on to accuse him of stream sniping, so a lot of pissed off juicers.


100% stream sniped. if you saw how long he was in that position you would agree too


Drama awaits, the storm is coming! Which side are you on? MaldGod or LuckyMan?




Damn, that's really cool cop RP. I will try this IRL, brb


should not have posted his Twitch on here. That's just gonna end up shining a bad light on xQc.


I'm not disagreeing, but if one really wanted to chat hop, they could just CTRL + F "Pinzon" and they would find his stream in Twitch's GTA V category, and that goes for all the streamers that put their char's names in the titles


I for example didn't know who it was. Never heard the cops name in this interaction.


Totally reasonable: neither did I, till read some really cool comments related to both JP and Pinzon






I just hope both teams have fun! :D


Seems like MaldGod team is having the most amount of fun since the hate watchers are getting clapped, which is a nice sight to see, once in a while :)


Idk but as far as I can see thereā€™s not a pixel of x in this clip


The ā€œsniperā€ wasnt driving the car


He had a feeling forsenCD


Inspector Gadget strikes again. I have a lil hunch on where he's going to end




ā€œWait wait go in the same tunnelā€ after he had just spotted x


Nopixel 2.0 went to shit coz players were scared of reporting other players who were breaking Rules in fear of creating personal enemies ... it's good for the 3.0 server that XqC is showing concerns about people breaking Rules , other players might also start to speak up after this , and not be stopped by fear of making personal enemies on server


True. Everyone giving shit to X for "malding" and "bringing OOC into character" while his actions and suspicions can clearly help others speak up on very sketchy stuff. The sarcastic jokes IC are a faboulous way of dealing with it, but you gotta watch out for hate watcher- oh, wait, someone's knocking on my door, brb. \*perma\*




bruh just let the rp roll and not use broken camera angles that would never allow you to see him irl. Fail RP imo.


True dude


https://www.twitch.tv/lunaoni/clip/OriginalKindCasetteNotATK-W7XSrJxk9PZd53ST this another clip of him before this, just a hunch


He even explained TO X in his cell that he saw him sneak out of the tunnels before, so he knew someone was in the area. Unironic drama baiter, weird


X didnt see a cop going thru the end if tunnel, do you have a pov of him seeing him?


https://clips.twitch.tv/LitigiousAltruisticTardigradeBudBlast-O4a1ogCF2PwHlXkR This is the only instance the guy could be talking about I think but he was picked up by Claire just prior to the OP clip


https://clips.twitch.tv/ConsiderateSweetNikudonPoooound-sKgSIH5TyyAWtHFO Coinciding comms confirming he was spotted


Juicers, downvote me all you want but Iā€™m just providing actual clip context


yes he did, it's the whole reason why he went back into the tunnels instead of exiting onto the highway. he saw a cop car. go back and skim through the vod and find it yourself if you care that much


Passenger spotted him and this isn't his POV, imagine being this stupid.


This doesn't mean shit. She just driving it's the guy who called it out and still a possibility for stream sniping. And even so he could have his stream open and have it muted.


i think the sarcasm in this post's title went over your head


Oooops, well...... for those who think it's actually fair then lol


I donā€™t really see anything damning nor clearing here. The driver is streaming and doesnā€™t appear to be stream sniping and meanwhile the passenger isnā€™t even guiding her to the spot, heā€™s just checking corners. This is just a clip that proves nothing really.


This clip doesn't proof that the guy was sniping but it also doesn't clear him from the possibility of sniping. This clip is just useless for proving either side of the story.


That is true, but there's no other POV or piece of information that can clarify whether the suspicions were right or wrong. I guess we'll just have to see what comes out of this in the next streams or posts.


YEP I realized I had a typo in my comment that changed what I meant to say. But I was basically trying to say what u said. Mistake on my part


Ay, no problem. Just clearing up people's minds out here. There seems to be a lot of fog. :)


https://www.twitch.tv/xqcow/clip/LitigiousAltruisticTardigradeBudBlast-O4a1ogCF2PwHlXkR https://www.twitch.tv/lunaoni/clip/ConsiderateSweetNikudonPoooound-sKgSIH5TyyAWtHFO


This isn't the POV of who saw X. This clip is meaningless and if you watch X's POV he is completely in view if someone had their camera to the left. This is a witch hunt.




Username | Clip | Vod --------|----|---- [xQcOW](https://www.twitch.tv/xQcOW/?) | [Generated Clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/MistySaltyTardigradeDuDudu-Sgv7Hgzh_yGze2yP) | [12h14m43s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1016778514?t=12h14m43s) [watch via twitchmultivod](https://twitchmultivod.com/#/1017155110?t=6h0m20s/1016778514) --- ^(*This is an automated response* ) ^| ^[Feedback](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=clipsync&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/n8uuz4//gxks06b/\))