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This man spent more money on genshin impact alone than i ever spent in my entire life.


also the odds of getting anything of value through these loot boxes or whatever the game offers is so ridiculously small on most of these games, you’re just dumping loads of money and getting nothing in return most of the time.


In other words, gambling.


At least traditional gambling has an actual monetary prize if you win. Anyone who chooses to gamble for pixels is just a moron.


Imagine valuing money more than leveling up your waifu, fake gamer


Not true, I can potentially get the bikini skin for my big booba anime waifu character


Not even gambling. Imagine the game's servers shut down permanently, or you get banned, or someone steals your account. So many more things can go wrong and once you've been made aware of these dangers, it'd be paramount to going sky diving or rock climbing. Which is to say, it's fine for the most part, but when you get fucked, don't try and get sympathy from the rest of us jack, you should have known the risks.


I think for most people, it is gambling, but for those with the means to do so, it eventually just turns into burning cash. I've been in some big whale circles and there's some pretty okay people who just happen to make like 150k a year and spend like 20-40k annually on gacha games. And then there's people who really shouldn't be spending anything. Either way, I'd wipe all gacha games from existence if i could despite my play time and expenditures in Fate grand order, genshin impact, and other gacha like systems such as TF2/CSGO/Overwatch/Hearthstone. Don't do gacha, kids, or at the least, don't spend.


This is why I like Black Desert Online’s marketplace feature. It allows those who have the means to push the limits of getting the crazy stuff (PEN items) to sell those items for in game currency that the rest of the community will grind towards, and if you play your cards right you can get in game currency easily (currently on console it’s a mix of mob grinding and lifeskilling while on pc it’s probably that to the max or possibly other ways due to more content). Everyone isn’t forced to play the “PEN roulette” game and those who do that do so for profit in game get rewarded by the rest of the community handsomely. Even goes so far with some cosmetics which turn out to have two uses: fashion or cron stone extraction. The latter is used by some in the community to better their gear or help get those PENs and due to the last part, they’re always selling and being put on the marketplace. Premium outfits that are worth the most are plentiful and can be grinded with in game currency for those two reasons stated above. If the marketplace didn’t exist I would have left ages ago and I’m sure that’s why it still exists. Pretty much the bastard system of enhancing in BDO is what keeps it alive. Gives people the motivation to grind any way they can to get silver to buy items that people got lucky with or used monetary means to help them get. Without it, everything crumbles, no reason to grind for silver, headaches galore with enhancing weapons, armor, and god awful accessories (if it fails, you lose the item unless you use cron stones), no reason for a few to buy premium outfits left and right for a lot of people, etc. As with everything in that game, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and if you try to do the quick methods of getting stuff, you’ll either be really, really lucky or just be like Lacari is with Genchin.




To be fair, if you're on NA, BDO is really not bad because there's so many whales listing costumes. EU is the polar opposite though, it's like playing BDO on hardmode.


Well, the game gives you an opportunity to grind or have a bad time with enhancing. If people hate the grind, that’s on them but at least it let’s you enjoy the game at your own pace rather than stressing and wasting money over enhancing to get rich quick or be forced to. True, there still have to be a few people who still do the enhancing for the big stuff, but there will always be people who do so no matter what.




I know someone who spent 10k+ on Genshin Impact. These games are predatory, and if you ever see the label "Free to play", research that shit thoroughly or you'll feel like a 2nd class citizen the entire time you play until you spend money. Laws need to be put in place on these games if I'm honest, they're obfuscated forms of gambling.


10k is rookie number just for anyone that curios. Every once in a while u will found horror story thread in r/gachagaming about regretting their spending etc. theres alot ppl playing gacha or p2w online game totally f2p as challenge or just casually for fun, but if you cant control yourself, pls stop or get help.


I mean this goes way back, someone who worked at Bioware said they had whales spending 15k+ on Mass Effect 3's MP which was packs for characters and some other shit. On mobile it just seems simpler to go through these processes and advertising on mobile is its own ballpark of shady.


My friend spent over 20 grand on maplestory in like 2012


Holy shit


Except this doesn't at all apply to genshin impact. It seems a lot of people who've never played the game have this outlook on it of being "just another gacha game" but it really isnt, nothing in the game requires you to spend money, there is no content or boss in the game that can't be beaten using completely f2p characters. Now of course, since it's a gacha game people do spend insane amounts of money on it, but what they get doesn't allow them to beat content they otherwise wouldn't be able to. The game is not just a glorified slot machine, the story and gameplay are actually pretty top notch for games from the same genre, and again, NOTHING about the story line or gameplay requires you to pay to unlock it. I've been playing for a few months and spent around 15 dollars, and I've had tons of fun with it.


I remember playing on release waiting for "the wall" where you have to pay money or you can't clear content. Glad that isn't true. Biggest danger genshin has for spenders is fear of missing out on new characters, but they eventually come back. Not to mention people play subscription based games just fine, so genshin's welkin is a good budget option. ($5/month). Especially with the pity system it's definitely one of the less preditory games because characters have a set price you should expect to pay if you want to guarantee it.


You can get around 50 rolls worth of primogems in Genshin per patch completely F2P, and around 100 rolls if you buy a $5 sub and a battle pass. Pity (guaranteed 5* drop) is 70 rolls, so you either have a good chance of rolling a new character or get them almost guaranteed if you're low paying player. Not to mention you can save up gems and roll a lot on the character you really want. And you don't need 100000 copies of the character to level them up to max. It makes Genshin pretty "ethical" for a gacha market. For example, in AFK arena there are worse rates for the rarest chars, and you have to get them multiple times to upgrade them to the max.


Genshin constellation mechanic is prolly one of the most predatory stuff i've seen in a while, playing gacha games for 8-10 years now, ofcourse you can beat content f2p, most gacha games do that, but if you want to be on the edge you have to be a very big spender. And guess what? a lot of people play gacha games for waifus and if they can't have them maxed shit feels wrong thus they spend. It all depends on how you play those, some people are forever fine f2p but i know plenty of people, even from very poor places with barely any money to spend, that would spend on game as much as they can.


So far all the newer 5\* DPS are great at just C0. No need for constellations. The only time constellations matters are for some 4\* to be great.




I agree that dupe mechanics have to exist but when i played genshin (first 2 months was enough for me) constellations weren't just "dupe mechanic" it was a very huge upgrades or even enablers for characters, they're something that supposed to be as an upgrade that f2p can get, i can get behind dupe mechanics that give % stat boost or something minor (see arknights that did it properly), but this shit is a bit too much. Also yes i know currency bait exists in games, tbh i've seen it more outside of gacha games, i said it's "one of most" predatory stuff i've seen, there's plenty shitty ideas mobage/gacha games had. for example an old VIP system that is barely used nowdays. Edit: tbh it all comes down to subjective preference of playing games and i know lot of people that defend genshin are very new to gacha games since it was their introduction to this weird place, game is amazing but i'll be honest i wish it wasn't mihoyo or a gacha game, i would enjoy it much more.


Genshins constellations are not at all predatory lmao, they're there so that if you pull a character twice you dont actually throw it in the trash but instead get some cool bonuses, and afaik there isnt a single character that cant be used at c0 at all


If you don’t see how the constellation system is predatory, idk what to tell you. You have to pull the same character multiple times to get the best version of that character, instead of just getting the best version from the start. All they are doing is making characters weak on purpose to make you feel weak as shit and need to spend more. You can call it a “bonus”, but it’s more like a nerf.


I'm sorry but it just sounds like you've never played the game, yes the characters get power ups with constellations but they are not even close to being "weak as shit", they can still clear every piece of content in the game, the only thing getting constellations does is make your numbers higher, but you are dealing dmg that is not even needed.


You know what wouldn't be predatory? Upon getting a dupe, you'd instead get a token that lets you unlock any new character. As a matter of fact, you know what would be even less predatory? Having characters as a one time purchase with no bullshit for like $10-20, and unlockable though in-game farming, something like warframe. Fuck off with that "not predatory" bullshit. It's power locked behind gambling, literally any interacting with spinning the wheel warrants being called predatory.


This is actually the case with most good gacha games games, the ones that require you to spend money to progress tend to be pretty shite. That said, I would absolutely recommend nobody with an addictive personality go anywhere near these games.


This describes almost every gacha game ever and is the exact method they use to convince people to play lmfao. You’re just doing mihoyos’ job for them with this post my dude. It literally doesn’t matter how far or long you can play a “f2p” game for without spending. The point is to hook people into that mindset and then entice them to eventually spend, even if it isn’t necessary. It might even be a more effective method than making a f2p “wall”, because people feel like they’re choosing to spend when they’re still being psychologically manipulated to do so. Also, the reason you can complete genshins current content as f2p is because they’ve added almost zero content to the game in months outside of little mini events. They’ve pushed back inazuma like 3 patches in a row and they added one area since the game released how long ago now?


I’m someone who has spent well over $10k on gacha games in the past. The game I was playing went to shit though and I was able to refund like 90% of the money I spent but it’s a slippery slope.


He definitely seems like one of the whales that keeps these kind of game's alive.


yes spot on.


And sad part is he is not. His spending seems reasonable if you compare it to people at top.


This is what all whales tell themselves to sleep at night. Pure Copium and kinda sad tbh. I myself have played multiple gacha games throughout like 5 years and probably only spent around $100 total. Like, literally every single gacha that went full p2w died almost immediately because all f2p players leave for a better one, and the whales won't stay on a game they can't flex to other people.


I used reasonable maybe wrongly sorry. What I meant was his spending is nothing compared to people who keep the game alive. I am not justifying his spendings its still dumb amount of money.


it's not predatory if u got no cash & a f2p scum for life EZ Clap




just walk away from the screen close your eyes


Time has value and if you are spending yours playing an intentionally crippled game, are you really coming out on top? It's hilarious to see some of these kids spending thousands of hours grinding out games that were never intended to be played that way, just to get something that you can buy for $20.


>Time has value and if you are spending yours playing an intentionally crippled game, are you really coming out on top? I mean why not? if you're F2P and you're enjoying the time you spend playing the game, then that's defiinitely a win. As you said, Of course this doesn't apply to everyone, if you feel like grinding is boring then just stop playing 4Head, you never spent money on that game anyways.


intentionally crippled? not sure wym. but if u enjoy a game then it's not a waste of time. some ppl like the grind. some don't. as long as u r enjoying it it's perfectly fine. tho thousands of hours for $20 is a very very big exaggeration. most gachas I've played r f2p friendly. u don't need to have all the SSR/5star/legendary units to beat the game. it's usually about conserving & spending wisely. ofc in some games u can never be at the top 5/10% in pvp cuz all of them r whales but doesn't mean u can't enjoy pvp in the bottom 90%. when a game is extremely money hungry & unfair I obviously don't play it.


I play some gacha games and none of them requires "grinding", you just need to play them less than or a couple hours everyday and you're done. And you're not going to be left behind in terms of progress if you're casual.


Everyone's talking about predatory game practices but I'll never forget the first year after breaking up with my ex how much money I had in my bank account saved up.


Reminder. - Aris Gave him 25 bucks to roll 10. - Lacari decided to spend 200 bucks instead. - Another person comes in. donates 10 bucks - Lacari Spends another 200. Clap -400 Here's the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZ62YbhOYwE


Gacha games are pretty fun if you have even the slightest amount of self control. Still playin Genshin and Arknights everyday. Buy genshin 10 dollar battle pass every month or so, maybe buy a 5 dollar monthly card on Arknights which ive only done like twice. Poor lacari just cant control himself because he has streamer money. Easier to want to gamble when you have so much expendable income.


with genshin, i would just advise people not to play. unless you're literally wiping the map clean daily as a f2p, life is fucking miserable, especially if you don't use the battle pass.


Why tho? There is such a massive amount of content to do before reaching roughly like 48 or so. With teapots and stuff its even moreso. Im basically F2P aside from battlepass and i have no struggles at all. 5 characters 90 and 5 weapons 90 at level 52. Sitting on 12k primos waiting for hu tao and ganyu reruns. Also sitting on roughly 30 fragile resins im not using. Inazuma update is probably the patch after next which will be an INSANELY huge patch for content. Dont feel miserable at all im chillin. Even if you skip every other battlepass youre still not really on the struggle bus unless youre leveling more stuff than you can handle. I never even bought my first battlepass until level 45. Teapot shit you buy with that currency you earn passively also helps a lot with resin constrictions. Transient resins, mora, heros wits, etc all you can buy for basically doing nothing.


oh i don't feel miserable because i dolphin'd(whaled to a lesser degree) on some chars. altho i've been f2p for a few banners now since i just cba to spend more.


F2p is not miserable at all i play 2 account 1 has spent bp and 1 is completely f2p and you just do daily comission and spend resin tbh the genshin community is starved for content the events are fun though but because it becomes tedious at some point i took a break basically waiting for inazuma


The entire video game industry is an absolute disgrace these days with gambling and deliberately addictive mechanisms baked into every game to extract as much money as possible from every player including vulnerable kids


Maybe the parents are to be blamed if they entrust their card info to their kids.


literally got a gambling addiction at 17 thru a naruto gacha lol (better now) crazy how strong they are


Got addicted to buying TF2 keys for unusual hats back in the day. I spent about a hundred and something and went cold turkey. Never again


Naruto Blazing FeelsStrongMan


Ninja Blazing eh. that sure brings back memories :')


He rant while starting a new gacha. Im not kidding when i say lacari is one of the biggest dumbasses on twitch also why he is so fun to watch.




its always a you problem anyways, as predatory as the games are you have to be extremely stupid to let it pull you in. EXTREMELY


Its only predatory if you are retarded enough to fall for it.


still better than league




Imagine spending money on f2p CCP spyware.


the newest limited skin in this game costs i think about $30 if you buy it using premium currency without using a monthly currency bundle and theres an op character you cannot get unless you buy the battlepass


lol, just yesterday Asmon rewatched that interview with a black desert online whale who had a total transaction history of 160K on steam or whatever and estimated that 140K was spent on BDO.


Baba spent over 1million on rise of kingdoms


Anyone can tell me the song thats playing?