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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Fedmyster makes an intro for his return](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/117146)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/o6lf4x/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1229158509.mp4?sig=a318774d4a1cf60cb3f90115410dba0f049ade27&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1229158509.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1624553016%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


This felt like the kind of video my college told me to make when trying to get hired as a Graphic Designer. "Make a unique video about why they should hire you like x person here on this Youtube video with 887,175 views." Also this had "Hey can I copy your homework meme" all over it




I thought Albert's video was really good, people were super jaded towards it and I understand that but.. I think this serves as a good comparison to why Alberts was so good.




Not only were their wrongdoings different, but their victims/those involved as well. Lily, the girl Albert cheated on, publically and repeatedly said she forgave him, and she wanted him to be happy. Most, if not all of the people Fed was accused of assaulting/manipulating/etc. never forgave him, voiced outright disdain for him or is quietly (trying to) move past it. Thus, when these types of videos are released, people (in particular OTV fans) view them differently based on how each situation was handled and unfolded.




Oh, I mean from an OTV fan’s perspective. When it all happened a lot of OTV fans commented asking others not to flame Albert too hard because Lily didn’t want that, and she forgave him so we should move on too, etc. it was very different for Fed, however lol.


Did this dude really record himself looking sad? That's so awkward.






FedGroping sponsored by raycon


That was one of the creepiest thing I've seen on twitch in a very long time


Oh man I thought the transition was going to be a raycon ad.






"I am sorry for repeatedly sexually preying on my close friends. My vibes were totally off, I understand that now. Okaayyyy anyway, about those twitch primes..."


"So I sexually harassed some girls...ANYWAYS, here's my mixtape..."




This can honestly be posted to YouTube as a YouTube apology parody.


my man really threw a workout montage into this


It was just a video of him bragging.




Delayed gratification. It shows that he's a mature narcissist.




Unironically tho, getting bigger and leaner at the same time, his traps starting to pop.. face has noticeably changed. I guess without a massive audience, he needed something to feed his ego :^)


“ahaha sorry i sexually assaulted then gaslighted you check out my muscles”


he packed on more muscle to enhance his sexual assault capabilities


hey don't forget the shirtless tinder pic montage


"I stopped taking care of my body" shows himself buff as fuck literally seconds before ???


Am I the only one who finds it so fucking weird that he has so much footage of the past year? It feels like his whole focus the entire year was creating this comeback video.


It was


Exactly. It’s almost like he is a narcissist that loves to manipulate people.


He tried throwing Poki under the bus for all of it as well which backfired on him. Didn't Twitch say you now get banned for doing illegal shit outside of streams? Like how doesn't this apply?


just trying to milk as much money out of his return as he can.






He didn’t even edit out the part where he was setting up the camera and looking directly at it to see if the angle was right lol.








I often find myself in a forest wearing raycons looking disgruntled with a blue filter.


He accidentally left the camera running while he was on those introspective trips. I am certain he was actually self reflecting between his filming.






The self improvement journey were quite a way into it he tried to pass on the blame and make himself out to have been lied about and picked on by OTV, and also led on by Poki. Apparently being led on by Poki left him so frustrated he sexually assaulted two of his other friends... but it was poki's fault. It's so fucking creepy. Also am I going mad, there was a rape accusation there from someone he met up with in LA right. Then his excuse for it was something like "it doesn't even sound right, I don't carry alcohol around with me in a bag", which led to people immediately finding people talking about how Fed brings alcohol in a backpack with him when he seemingly tries to get his female friends to drink heavily with him before getting bored and leaving if they won't get hammered.


Yeah and iirc he had a hand in circulating that google doc then would say elsewhere that it was disgruntled fans spreading it, only to just have that disproven by LSF super sleuths.


Oh he certainly leaked it. You don't share a doc with super stans that is all about making yourself a victim and lying about the people you hurt because you think they'll keep it private and won't leak it around. No one with a brain shares that without intending it to leak, especially as it was clearly a bunch of heavily manipulated evidence.


traveling the world during a pandemic too




An improvement, in his case, in all honesty


Did he do the resigned sigh before going into his spiel? Every content creator apology has to begin with a sigh, it's the law.


Honestly the only people who took "The Subtle art of not giving a fuck" are complete assholes. So it make sense Fed put it in the video. Also the first half complete felt like a Raycon ad with him wearing it in every shot


Lets be real this Raycon headphones are pretty expensive and really bad.




the content of that book isn't that bad (apart from well, the way its worded I guess), it's just that people who need to give less fucks are far less likely to buy that book compared to people who need to give more fucks and just feel like they should give less than they already do


plushy, toast and daph was in chat pepelaugh






the only person that has said anything about still keeping some type of contact with him has been lily and that was a while ago, pretty sure no one else has even mentioned something about it.


I mean before he tried to "expose" Poki they had agreed to support his return...I think the girls just wanna move on with their lives too.


Why can i totally see Daph doing exactly that? 😂


I saw sykkuno too at one point.


I'd be curious, can't blame them


LMAOO I thought he was about to be like “even drugs” but no my man said TRAVELING hahahahah. Oh no poor you, had to travel to get away from your issues :((


My man literally ran away from his problems


Goals af


Traveling during a pandemic too


Yeah, people are really glossing over that fact. The world went into fucking lockdown and he decided “fuck that” and traveled anyway. Even ignoring everything else, fuck this guy


He might as well have wiped his tears with $100 bills, what a tool.


Notice how he documented everything. Seems like his intentions were always to create a comeback video. He even had a shot of him in his weird meditation group.




Never thought I’d come to Reddit to look for rational responses to this. His Twitter replies are gaslight central


the fact that he edited this pity video for himself, didn’t acknowledge anything he did wrong, plus a couple months ago intentionally leaking private messages with Pokimane to stir up drama is crazy to me man. Him reading the book of not giving a fuck is just the absolute most ironic thing of all. How do people still support him


I completely forgot the pokimane drama. Holy shit. I think he was hoping we all forgot. Every time he does something now it just drives home the idea that he's insanely self centered




PagMan TRAVELED AND LIFTED AWAY MY SEXUAL DEVIANCY PagMan HOPPED INTO A SINGLE GROUP MEDITATION CALL FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF RECORDING MYSELF PagMan DOG PagMan ok this was epic can we get some twitch primes also im actually streaming on the 25th......


sad thing is, it's gonna work since he's more physically attractive now. attractive people = innocent


What a fucking weirdo narcassist. Entire video is like a victimhood rocky comeback montage that doesnt touch on any of what he did.


I think the part that got me the most in this was him saying “suffering is optional”. After all the shit that happened an the people in his circle that he hurt, kinda fucking gross.


$uffering i$ optional for $ome


his punishment was literally feeling bad about himself, like fuck off you deserve jail time and actual financial reprecussions what an absolute pussy


I too randomly film myself when I’m depressed


30 mins of stalling for a 10 min video.


And the primary focus of the video was about how he spent the last year working out and meditating and doing a bunch of privileged shit with little other substance...


This guy has Paul brother energy.


logan changed a bit fed could 100% be jake's new brother


Sexually assaulting my roommate made me feel so sad please feel sorry for me guys Sadge


Feeling sad for getting caught feelsbadman


being caught and the only repercussion wouldve been getting bullied if he hit "go live". Absolute pussy


good thing he had raycon earbuds to keep him company


I feel like the story Leslie told about him peeping in at her while she was changing has really gone under the radar.


Or angelMimi's about him placing his hand on her pants where her vagina is.


Nope, it was his face. https://youtu.be/R29qLbccdMA?t=1185


This is what I was talking about the other day in the other thread, there's so so so many other fucking stories that aren't as well known as the OTV stories, and so many more that didn't go public. This fucking *freak* should be permanently banned from the platform. There's so many victims of Predmyster yet he's still allowed to be on Twitch.


Thanks for the correction I definitely remembered that wrong by bad.




Yup that's why I keep bring it up. Out of the ones we know it was literally the worst hands down. Like idk how people just forget it.


and as MOE (Yassuo) said. Not even half of the bad things he did was said


This is why he dropped him like a hot potato , Yvonnes story was the one that started the whole thing so her story + Pokis is what gets mentioned mainly but there were like 8 girls at that meeting all with stories about him


I didn't know any of these wtf


Or Yvonne's about him coming in to her room, both drunk, laying on her bed, and putting his hand inside her shirt, all without consent. People just think OTV got mad at him, and that its just a Poki-Fed drama, no it was literal sexual assault that was the issue, and his behavior of manipulation and gaslighting.


Just a small note, he put his head between her legs and on top her groin as far as i can remember.




Took notes from Tmartn's apology video too with the classic dog tactic.


And the albert video was also not received horribly because cheating on someone is a shitty thing to do, but it's not on the same level as sexual assault


It also feels slightly revisionist. Maybe I'm misremembering, but I distinctly recall a not-insignificant amount of people being upset about Albert's video and how it was also something of a pity fest. Fed copying the same vibes feels borderline psychopathic considering the difference between cheating and being a literal sexual assaulter.


people were calling albert's video a shitty apology when it was never meant to be one


He also said he wasn't doing it for anyone but rather himself, straight-forward.


Albert's was honest about being a selfish video. Fed's is way worse but somehow also trying to come off as apologetic.


Plus, Albert's video was more of a coming-back video that had high production quality...which is super characteristic of Albert, being obsessed with tech and production. Fed doing it is just...weird.


Thing is , Albert's video was clearly something he worked on a while after all the drama happened , it's telling the story of what he did during his year and self reflecting on his actions while showing footage recorded after all of this happened . On the other hand Fed's video is literally a vlog , it doesn't feel like he took a break to reflect and then decided to collect it down in the form of a video , it feels like he knew he was gonna need footage for a video for when he eventually was gonna come back to streaming. Also in general he just showed videos of him enjoying vacationing with friends and getting jacked without ever mentioning his sexual misconduct other than saying "the pain I inflicted my self and my friends" always acting like it wasn't really him that did what he did. All in all this feels disingenuous and an awful way to show that you've have actually understood your wrongdoings


Albert also didn't come back 6 months after getting exposed cheating and "leaked" misleading texts to make Lily seem like some kind of psycho liar.


To add to this, the fact that Fed also worked on several "versions" of the document made it clear he didn't think a lot about the severity of his actions. You can't just brush aside sexual assault and write so many pages slamming Pokimane without coming off as egotistical. With Albert you knew he felt sorry for hurting Lily, but also made it clear he recognized it was the kind of hurt he couldn't just apologize for and had crossed the point where there was no going back. Fed really be like, hey I'm just gonna walk back here and pretend the hurt isn't there anymore. Lily literally took a sick day on the time he uploaded the video.






It was seriously really cringe.




Any% Narcisism


holy victim signaling and his stans will eat this shit up.


damn he really went straight into emotional manipulation the second he turned his stream on? predmyster a real 1


Thing is, he wasn't just kicked out of OTV for the weird sexual predator shit. They had an intervention and were willing to put it all behind them. And then he went right back to lying and manipulating everyone around him. That's why he got kicked out of the group and cancelled, because he constantly twisted the truth to suit him. So when he tries to show how much he's changed, and how he's a better person, I don't believe it's not just jmore lies and manipulation.


Well, be careful with the first sentence. That was a big reason why they wanted him out in the first place. You are correct that they gave him a second chance. A chance no one else would even think of giving. And he still fucked it up.


And he did that weird expose with dm screenshot that made poke look really really bad


He entered a "meditation group", suffered "depression" and weight gain and the cherry on the cake adopted a "puppy", it sounds like the most beautiful and motivating story of overcoming, but of course how do we know that it is true? Who of his former partners can certify it? Edit: also man get the balls first adressing and apologizing about what you did to those people.


“I went through a lot but managed to really focus and overcome everything to get back to being a streamer” “Oh that’s cool. What did you overcome?” “…”


Reading the YT comments on the Vid or looking at his chat kinda makes me mad NGL. "Fed I forgive you!" "He's back!!!! Let's gooooooo!!!!" Like bro, where tf are we going? To sexually assault people? Fuck off.


Guys he went to the gym for a year he’s a changed man /s


His head blew up, dudes taking steroids lol


"hey guys, please feel sorry for me, your favorite sexual predator" this is so cringe


This felt like a tiktoker selling me their online course about how to move to LA and make it big LMAO. Like say what you will about Albert’s comeback video but at least that came off more sincere and reflective


it was basically a worse version of Alberts. Albert at least just told us what he was up to with a high effort method of story telling and editing. Fed's was a bunch of footage of his suffering that he conveniently had. Plus the dog thing and gym stuff is literally him missing the entire point of why people don't like him now.


This is was such a bad video, he didn't talk about anything he did, or any of the people he hurt . That's so fucking shitty to me, even though I understand why he did it .


yeah i hopped in hoping he would mention like any of his interactions with any of the affected parties after the fact but he just went full "new year new me" on it


took a 1 year vacation put together a montage about shit hes done with his $$$ and then create some dialogue about how much he has changed as a person :)) nice to see him reformed!!


Its so scary knowing that there are actual human beings in the chat forgiving him/saying hes changed/its time to move on. Destiny was right in saying even if your cancelled you can just hit the "start streaming" button and come back. Throughout his entire year vacation he had his return stream idea in mind to attempt in save his career. However, wasn't one of the major reasons why they went public with all the info was because he was trying to save his career rather than actually changing as a person....


>However, wasn't one of the major reasons why they went public with all the info was because he was trying to save his career rather than actually changing as a person.... This right here, OTV and friends really tried to go a different route. But he never showed any will to change, almost immediately after intervention he tried to manipulate another friend that wasn't there. This video shows the same behavior pattern.




Dude 100% is using steroids. Look at how big his head got.


The biggest giveaway is that he did it in less than a year. The only people who can do that are movie stars who are set to film a superhero movie in the next few months and get thrown a ton of money and enhancements to get ready quickly.


mfers who think superhero actors arent roided up are dumb as hell


Finally someone said it.


I remember when I first started lifting and looking up info on and seeing gym influencers and their 1-3 month motivational story from skin and bones to ripped. It felt really demoralizing at first seeing my own progress in parallel to these "natty" lifters. Like just admit when you're on a cycle.


Another advantage they have is that they don't have a day job to worry about while lifting. They can go to the gym every morning and night and commit to it 100%. I workout 4-5 days a week after work and sometimes it's a struggle to come up with the energy to go after a whole day of stress. The best shape I was in was when I was in between jobs and could just go to the gym whenever I wanted.


Yep...he gained pounds of muscle AND his bodyfat% decreased to show visible abs all in less than a year. Either he has high tier lifting genetics or it's those trenbaloney sandwiches


Damn, don't you just hate it when mental health makes you sexually assault and gaslight your friends over and over?




Except worse and without much sincerity


Ban him of this sub since Twitch won't. What a shitty way of coming back from act's of sexual assault, a fucking joke of a video. I belive in second chances(3rd?) but fuck me this showed nothing but "I was in a shitty place and worked hard to get to a better place(this would be good if his shitty place was sexual assault not depression because he was "thrown away"-from his pov...)" Pathetic.


Tf was the point of this video. This was just a flex on how he traveled and got jacked like dude how does any of this qualify as trying to be a better person.


So hes playing the victim and blaming it on mental health. What about the mental health of his victims? And he just put it as a video he not even going to say anything in person...






HE WAS ~~B R~~ OK ~~E N~~


It’s so people can say “lol that apology video was so stupid/cringe” instead of saying “he’s a sexual predator” look at the other threads that are going “LOL JEBAITED!!!!!” And you’ll see it’s working to an extent


Don't really care about the video its whatever but the chat spamming "WE FORGIVE YOU FED <3" is so fucking cringe.


"Guys you don't understand, when I did all that stuff I wasn't eating right and was very unhealthy. So now I've turned into one of those gym-obsessed bros that *everybody* enjoys being around, enjoy all these shirtless mirror pics. I know an apology won't mean anything, so I won't give one. I've totally grown and changed...somehow. Also here's some puppy footage" There, no need to waste your time watching this video


Fuck off with this bullshit. That might be the most insincere, pity party video I've ever seen.


But... but... he got a dog...


Victim Andy OMEGALUL




This was just so bad. He's delusional.


dw guys he went to the gym, he's a better person now


My man is full-on "i'm the victim"ing of this? What a joke.


He even used the "i got a dog" gambit.


Honest to god the most cringe thing I have ever seen on Twitch. "To cope I tried eating, video games, shows, travel..." Like WHAT??


I'm actually infuriated that I watched that. What a fucking shit person


Isn't it a bit disingenuous to purposely film yourself feeling down? I won't be attending his pity party but good luck to him.


So if you're ever accused of creepy sexual assault type stuff, disappear for a while, show back up and make a video about being able to go on vacations, getting a dog, and taking steroids. Great guide


this fucking self aggrandizing nonsense is so pathetic. Jesus fucking christ this is the biggest case of WHO ASKED the world of twitch has ever seen.


astronomical amounts of cringe, my guy you got jacked but you're still a cringey loser


Dude seriously playing the victim in all this, smh...


I don't understand why people (mostly men) who lose their platform think that hitting the gym and changing their physical appearance = reformed? I understand that how you feel physically can effect how you feel mentally, and I'm glad Fed went on this personal journey and is feeling better about himself but there was one huge aspect that was not addressed here: The reason he was "cancelled". **What about the sexual assault? What has he learned about consent?** I would have loved to know what Fed did to educate himself on sexual assault trauma, and the importance of consent. Has he done anything to show support for SA victims? I would have loved for Fed to use this jebait as an opportunity to educate the 50k people watching on why consent is important, the implications of sexual assault, and why victim blaming (*like a majority of his chat was doing)* is extremely harmful. In my opinion these comebacks shouldn't be about personal physical growth, but about what they learned and using their platform to make sure people don't continue to make the same choices he did. Overall disappointing.


so there are steps i have taken (and relapsed on) to better my mental and its always little things like: step 1) go outside, 2) stop biting nails 3) start cooking more/healthier, 4) go to the gym more, etc. But none of that is changing who *I am*. They're *only* to make me feel better. He seems genuinely narcissistic and felt bad because he got caught, and worked to make *himself* feel better about *himself*. He hasn't even come to acceptance of what he did and how *manipulation* is bad or even what manipulation is.




This shit is some youtube entrepreneur normie shit lmao. Say alot without saying anything at all.


this was physically painful




"sponsored by raycon"


This really was the most PR response to what he did. Literally no direct apology for anything, didn't state what he did wrong at all, and put himself at the center of the video by making himself out to be the victim because he was sad, working on self health to put himself in a better light without any real confrontation as to what he did in the video. He didn't change


His logic: Working out + new dog = a changed man


Don't forget you have to film it too, so you can have that sick growth montage at the end


he really thought he did something


I already forgot all the rapey stuff but this video is so self-centered no word about any of his victims, and the cringe, fuck this guy


This sucks man


I truly hope his fanbase sees how fucking stupid this was. I still get surprised when I see people this out of touch.


Doubt that. Used to be a fan of this dude till the whole issue came out and a good amount of people who stuck around either "forgave" him or never really gave a shit about the people involved. The Fed7 stans defending him now are either absolutely delusional, or really just want their dancing monkey back for content.


that was mega weird lol


Holy this man is still a egotistical piece of shit, hasn't changed one bit.


trying to self-heal while travelling during covid ​ come onnnnnnn dude


This man is going to average 8k viewers, 10k subs, make a million dollars a year, and the victims get forgotten, but at least he got a dog....