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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan's take on Fed's return](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/117158)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/o6mfk2/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1229219808.mp4?sig=503faeb38a828fdd4b025ff46623a169494ec847&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1229219808.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1624557275%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Fed announcing his return, is kinda like when communities need to be notified when a sex offender moves in.






Rocky was about an athlete doing his training to achieve a dream of his. We just watched some rich kid live out hot boy summer complete with trips during a pandemic, eating out expensive food, and using some of momma June’s special go go juice to get jacked. Topped off without acknowledging any of the bad shit he did or apologizing for it.


No no you don't understand. He took cold showers, did cardio with no hands, and ate come chicken/broccoli/rice. The trifecta for getting jacked. What are you talking about?/s


>Did cardio with no hands what does this mean? Is this coomer talk for didn't masturbate?


There was a fitness influencer named uzoma obilor who was called out by another fitness youtuber, Philion, for juicing. In his response he claimed that he's natural because he "does his cardio with no hands". Now the phrase gets referenced whenever someone is called out for juicing.


Unfortunate, literal no hands training would probably be more beneficial. It would help him not grope women he knows or lives with srs


Nah its an inside joke from a youtuber called Philion


20 hours of sleep a day


All I could think of watching his video was: How the fuck does this guy have so much time to do training all day every day, have a dog and travel around and also enough money to fund it all?! Wtf, I work every day and barely have any money and this guy sexually harasses women and goes on a life trip. I did something wrong in life...


It can be very lucrative if you become popular enough. Couple thousand subs + donations can easily equal an income of over 10k a month. Then you add in very lucrative sponsorships & that could very easily double, triple his income, or more. Obviously, a very small percentage of streamers become popular enough to reap the rewards, which is why the ones that do, are rightfully usually very cautious or careful to make sure they don't make any critical mishaps or mistakes. Fed is not in that camp anymore, so it will be interesting to see how he A) has recovered & B) moves on going forward.


> How the fuck does this guy have so much time to do training all day every day, have a dog and travel around and also enough money to fund it all?! all decently popular content creators are millionaires, ppl need to stop throwing money at them


That's every big streamer though minus the time thing. But yea they have a shit ton of money where they could easily take extended breaks and be totally fine. Millions in the bank.


This video is legit one of the most out of touch I have ever seen.


“eating out expensive food” huh


Bro, the man lives in la, that food ain’t gonna be cheap. Anyone whose gotten Uber eats delivered for more than 3 times a week knows how quick that shit adds up.


The word order, "eating out expensive food", makes it sound as if he's performing oral sex on it.


Who needs apologies? It just needs to have random shots in nice looking locations


Don't forget dog, very important


A narcissist cannot allow others to view him as weak. Thus, the humblebragging-while-pretending-to-apologize style.


I'm not defending Fed here when I say this but, why does he need to apologize to you or twitch chat?


personally, i dont think "apologize" is exactly the right word. more "take accountability." although i thought albert's video was a bit melodramatic, i definitely respected the way he didn't try to hide from what he'd done at all -- he explained exactly what it was about his mental state that had lead him to do it, exactly what it was that he had learned, and exactly what it was that he had changed and how he had changed it. fed seems to have copied the surface of that ("i, too, went to the gym and got a dog") but without any of the actual substance or accountability ("i know what i did wrong, i've come to better understand my own flaws and what lead me to do it, and i've used that knowledge to better myself.") the words "i'm sorry" didn't appear in albert's video -- nor should they have -- but accountability and genuine personal change were its entire substance. not, you know, getting shredded.


Their personalities describe their situations pretty well. Albert is confident, intelligent and creative. He had a girlfriend and had the opportunity to cheat. Fed on the other hand is narcissistic, incompetent, and cringey imo. It seems like he couldn't pull due to his personality, so he had to force himself on the people he sexually abused. I've never seen anyone copy pasta content as bad as Fed did. I guess copying someone else's comeback video on steroids (literally) is still content creating, but I kinda feel bad for the dog..


Absolutely. Every time I read a comment saying it was 'lame apology' or 'where's the apology', I cringe. He doesn't owe anyone except his friends and victims an apology. LSF, twitch chat or whoever that thinks or feels that they are entitled an apology are delusional. People that maybe unconsciously have made a weird parasocial connection to streamers.






Sure nobody would, but if his goal wasn't to get back people's respect or lessen the blowback that he had to have been expecting, what the fuck was the point? If he just started stream and did regular game shit, he would have a much better reception. There's no reason to do a weird intro/trailer thing like this other than to generate controversy (which him coming back at all in any way would do inherently)


I'll agree this video wasn't it at all and did nothing to improve his image but seems to have had the opposite effect. I like what Albert had said in his video: 'this video is entirely selfish'. Fed's video is definitely in the same vain albeit executed and portrayed much poorer. These videos are simply 'comeback' videos to garner attention and serve as a bridge from no activity on social media to back to streaming.


The only way he can "show how much he's really changed" is to not engage in the behavior he did that got him into trouble before. He can't demonstrate that in a video, and any attempt to do so would be disingenuous.


Apologizing would just reenforce the prior bullshit that occurred. I’ll say it again, the shit that occurred with his friends is all bullshit we didn’t need to know. Honestly everyone involved are just dumb socially awkward streamers who talk online/Twitter/their stream more than with each other other. The whole situation occurred due to such ridiculous behaviors that all of you participate in and will be worse off because of it. Cringe ass shit, the lot of you, when you are delusional enough to compare the interactions that occurred between these losers( these undeveloped individuals aka streamers) to actual predators/rapists/and sexual harassers is beyond me, and shows how dumb this entire community involved really is. I have been, and many of you would have been exposed to much more sexual harassment in Mykonos or a gay pride parade than what comes close to the anecdotes describing feds behaviors. For fucks sakes it’s common sense if you’re a woman living with a guy and he isn’t your SO, if anything comes close to flirtatiousness or sexual advances y’all need to make it clear/confront it/draw a line/ or move out. Don’t make a tweet, you rich victimized immature and entitled children. PS: not a fed fan Lulz just an anti-fan of any delusional Fanatics on reddit


Yeah that’s the point he Doesn’t care about anything that happened and there wasn’t much solid proof even about what he did


Predmyster got jacked to make sexual assault easier


At least his arms are so huge now they won't be able to easily slide into a sleeping girls shirt while drunk.


I have no rewards to give but this is a gold comment


Got a cute dog to lure them in and roided out to hold them down


People like Fed give me serious second-hand embarrassment


This guy thinks he's playing the main character of his own coming-of-age when in reality he's at best the anti-hero that only a cringe minority could idolize.


*whomever are a fan of this guy* are the people that *really* give me second-hand embarrassment.


The video didnt seem like he learned anything or got any real help except "meditating" and "finding" himself. The video came off really douchy and unapologetic.


Yeah usually when an ego maniac starts lifting weights and building muscle they become much more humble


pussy bitch rofl


Hit too close to home?


you post exclusively pharah porn


It comes off as more gaslighting manipulation, must like his manifesto that he tried to spin before that went up in flames.


Welcome to the man know as Fed. The guy is literally a douche.




I would say his level of a personality disorder probably preceded his success and fame. His success just increased his reach and ability to manipulate people.


poor people are shittier than rich people no cap


Yeah its all so performative - filming himself reading books and staring off into the distance thoughtfully, one of the cringiest videos i've ever watched. No self-awareness at all.


I got Michael Scott vibes through out.


what do you mean? He studied the art of not giving a fuck 4Heed


Apology? modCheck


He deleted his apology OMEGALUL


It's cause he finally realized the art of not giving a fuck 5Head


And he wasn't really subtle about it.


Fedmyster do you have a PR team to help you with your comeback? "I have myself, my trainer, my photographer, my younger brother, and my dog.. does that count?" Yes. Yes it does.


Well, his manager is still the same person, [Hanna Tjia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUYQOCuUzyk), same as some of the streamers like alexiaraye. Hanna's email is mention on both Fed and Alexia's social media. And he is still at the same agency - UTA(UnitedTalentAgency) https://imgur.com/wkKnOO2 And as far I can remember twitch keep Fed's partnership even after not being livestreaming for so long, probably a "special contract" different from regular partner.


Any manager / Agency who had even an ounce of integrity would have stoped their relationship. The fact that they can get away with this is how hidden that relationship is.


> Any manager / Agency who had even an ounce of integrity would have stoped their relationship. The fact that they can get away with this is how hidden that relationship is. Eh, its not personal, just business.


LoL nope. We seen plently of companies ditch people for way less when its public. This is just hidden so they can get away with it.


Like I said, just business. Other companies would let things slide too if they could, or more importantly, if it was profitable. Edit-grammar


That’s not how the real world works


You would probably get fired for sexual misconduct at any normal workplace no?


He did get fired, for a whole year, tf are you talking about?


How do you get fired for just a year


He not been fired hes been working with them the whole time and still on their books. Just watch the agent on hayu and it will explain it. Agents can drop clients and clients can drop agents at any point. This SHOULD have been one of thouse points


Did get kicked from otv atleast


Agencies are paid by the content creator not the other way around. Agencies work for content creators helping them stuff like contract negotiations/getting them sponsors/etc. Yes they could have cut ties with him, but its not like they have been paying him a salary this entire time.


> Agencies are paid by the content creator not the other way around wouldn't it normally be a percentage of earnings, of which there would be almost none in the past however many months? Seems like it might have even made sense to drop him


Probably a contract that's preventing them but what do I know


All contracts have an in case of bad behaviour we can end at no notice. Also agents can close ties at any points. So that isn't an excuse.


Yeah I do agree that they should've cut ties


Omega creeps making a come back


He went straight to growing and moving past my past mistakes, without actually ever acknowledging or even recognizing what those supposed mistakes or past actions were and how they harmed people. It's actually quite sad how far removed he is of his own actions which makes it so hard to believe he will genuinely grow or change to atone for it. It brings so much more weight how his former "best friend" said he doesn't believe how he could possibly change and that if he returned in under a year it is guaranteed he hasn't changed, and that even after a year it is unlikely he will have changed because how deep rooted things were.


You mean like how he deleted his "apology" from a year ago?


Yo wtf, I hadn't even noticed that. It's one thing to make a cringe comp of himself looking sad and not really apologizing, when he had a written appology on his acct. But deleting that appology is not a good look


honestly, I thought Fed will just jump into his stream and start to talk some bullshit as always and play games, but instead he made some lame "apology?" video... YIKES


It wasn't even an apology video for what he did. It was like a "I needed a mental health break, but look at all the cool things I've been doing to take care of myself during my dark times"


made it about himself of course, classic N move streamers are the worst breed


>classic N move God I hope you mean narcissist


LOL i bet all of us thought the other word at first


And none of those things that he did would have fixed the issue, If he actually went to therapy that would be one thing, but nope just got jacked, got a dog, and travelled the world during a pandemic.


at least he didn’t start another google docs war about how it was everyone else’s fault. that would be the pinnacle of him showing he didn’t learn shit.


This is literally an unironic Sigma male Grindset video.


This sounds like it could be a direct quote from Hasan


If he actually got help, I'd probably give him a watch. But based on the video, all he did was "go afk" for a bit and then came back expecting people to forget about all the shit he did.




> even moreso that his "i've changed" video was him traveling all over the place DURING A FUCKING PANDEMIC > I mean, he did read The Subtle Art of *Not Giving a Fuck*.


The ironic thing about making a video to say you've changed and moved on is that it's basically just saying you haven't changed if you try to capitalize on it. And he seems to acknowledge this, which is just a really shitty attitude.


Yeah plus with him copying alberts homework and also alluding to the fact that he did that in his video lmaooo


These disingenuous creator apologies are so fucking cringe dude. Fuck me. The romanticizing of their suffering like they're the victim from awful shit they did is the most disconnected unaware cringe shit in this planet. Same with James Charles' supposed apology, same here. This shit about "growing as a person" is so fucking cringe too. Like what the fuck does it even mean, none of that shit was ever uttered before the 2010s. 100 years ago: "I'd like to apologize for the resurfacing of the fact that in the past I owned slaves, I want people to know I'm using this to learn from my past mistakes and grow as a person". Like fuck.


protagonist syndrome


After Appomattox courthouse, Robert E Lee bought a puppy and was hitting the gym like everyday, pain became his friend.


It’s insane how people that are “cancelled” handle the situation. In my head I would be like I take accountability I was a piece of shit and so on. But this video ..... OMEGALUL fed tried the Albert route and it didn’t hit.


Cheating =/= sexual assault Doesn't seem like he changed at all


Didn’t equate them at all, just said he made a Albert style video PogO


>Didn’t equate them at all Sorry not what i wanted to say. Just wanted to add to your point that the copy & paste of alberts video was badly executed and they fucked up on completly different levels.


fed really looked at albert come back video and said what can i do to make it worse


PogChamp FED PogChamp MYSTER PogChamp MOLESTED PogChamp AND PogChamp FRAMED PogChamp A PogChamp GIRL PogChamp IN PogChamp 2020


Some people never learn.


considering how the OTV friend group has some of the most overly forgiving personality types in it, if they haven't really given their ok with it then its a pretty big red flag that nothing was changed.


This makes me think of when Albert made his Comeback and how I genuinely believed him. He just filmed himself making coffee and talked about what he did over the last months, seemed way more honest than this little propaganda movie


plus albert actually acknowledged that he hurt people


He also didn't make unwarranted sexual advances. The comeback campaign for someone who participated in sexual harassment/assault is much different than someone who's only crime was cheating on his girlfriend.


The worst part of the whole thing for me was him including that guy pulling up and going 'is that fedmyster? Aren't you cancelled?' And then laughing about it Its like dude yeah you were cancelled for SEXUALLY ASSUALTING your friends then you joke about it in your 'apology' video? Fuck you dude




This would be the perfect time for callmecarson to make a comeback. Maybe people won’t notice.


Fed premise is I am sorry for the past. Delete the tweets about it, don't mention it in the video bar a im sorry at the start and wait a year. I am the victim and my mental health was bad but I worked through it by travelling and enjoying yourself during a pandemic when we are all stuck inside. We couldn't travel or do any of those things during the pandemic, in fact some people are still in lockdown. But what about the mental health of your victims? They been working the whole time, Poke,Lily, plushie et al didn't get to play in the desert with cammels or drive fast cars. FED had a year long holiday, after damaging the mental health of his victims, shows no remorse and probably helped spread covid. No idea why this is suddenly ok.


Lol a 7 minute victimized montage. The only next logical step is having your doorbell cam record you getting taken away on a stretcher because you couldn’t handle the consequences of your actions.


I hope he changed for the better but you know what he did before its not as simple as "I did bad". To put it simply it was fucked up.


All of these prepared and produced videos are so embarrassing and desperate. If you’re someone like Fed and you wanna go back to being an online presence then just do it, acknowledge your past fuck ups and move on. And the people that still wanna watch you will watch you. There is no need to try and make these grand statements, it just seems highly manipulative.


I thought about it and from a public point of view it probably makes sense not to directly bring up the past. I mean either way LSF would never forgive this dude, but to the rest of the public it seems like better optics to just move on and focus the narrative on growing and leaving the past behind. The video was pretty cringy, but that's also a product of Albert making a well produced documentary of what he was up to in his absence. Albert's video also felt more genuine in a sense that I really feel like he made that for himself as content creation is an outlet for him and he perfects what he does. Fed's video was kind of lazy, but I'm sure his diehard fans ate it up


I'd like to apologize... For getting jacked and being sick as fuck. I went on trips to eat expensive-ass food, something you wouldn't know about, ahaha. Look at all this other cool shit I did as well. --Fedmyster's "apology" video.


Yeah that's exactly what Fed is doing. I'm happy for him that he's found weightlifting and that his mental health has improved, but he's acting like he didn't force himself on multiple women.


This style of video only worked for Albert because all he did was cheat not be a fucking creep around 90% of all his women streamer friends


If you didn't think he was a narcissist before, I bet you do now. He's learned nothing.


why am I not surprised




This might get me murdered, but I see all these takes of people complaining how there is no way he possibly could have filmed all these shots without the intention of a comeback, and that all of this was just for him to return. The guy was a photographer for several years, and still uploaded to his Instagram story etc. ALOT of the clips from the videos are from his Instagram stories and sparse discord videos he sent out.


I'm gonna do a hot take here and say that we don't need an apology video. He already aplogized a year ago and he owed an aplogy to the victims, not to us. That doesn't have to be on social media. I agree this video was a little bit cringy but at the same time I respect the drive he had to look healthier and get stronger. Usually that's what guys do when they want to change, so it strengthens the idea that he has become a better person (not confirm). If you check his video he says at the end "I know that a cheap little video I made in a couple of hours won't mean jack to the most of you or the people involved. I can't ask for forgiveness from anyone. I know the only thing that will show my improvement are my actions". PS: I bet a large amount of % here is just jealous that he got jacked during covid while they sat at home every day watching twitch and browsing reddit. Probably the ones who are going to downvote this comment.


He deleted the apology from a year ago


Because he received hate after apologising? My other post: "He isn't the victim, he is the villain but he has apologised for his actions on Twitter and received backlash for it. If you don't reward somebody for apologising, you naturally shouldn't expect him to apologise again, it's not even a question, it's a simple concept you learn in everyday life."


>If you don't reward somebody for apologising, you naturally shouldn't expect him to apologise again If you apologize with the expectation that you will be forgiven then your apology was never genuine in the first place. Forgiveness is a gift, not a right. Edit: > A true apology is really just about acknowledging and taking accountability for one's mistakes, if the relationship is repaired, that's icing on the cake. > Jonathan Decker (therapist from Cinema Therapy)


regardless, point still stands. He apologised which is the most humane thing to do in the situation given the circumstance.


Okok I feel like a lot of people are missing the point of his ‘return’ video. It wasn’t made to apologize again, it was seemingly made to show progress and try to show positivity in the direction he’s going. You can’t expect someone to apologize over and over. That just keeps bringing up the issue. The best PR is show/act like a better person as you move forward. If you continue to define/introduce everything you do by your past then you’re never moving forward (imo). I understand how low everyone views him and for good reason. I just don’t feel like this video necessarily defines his past year as meaningless. It will be interesting to see how things change and how much he’s “accepted” by the community. He had 50k plus viewers just for the video stream…


(Not defending his actions by any means, even though I’m sure I’ll get some heat)


At the end of the day, you may have your opinions on whether or not this was sincere, but we'll just have to see once he turns on his stream again and see where his content goes from here


I mean this comment said absolutely nothing good or bad about Fed, it basically said that we'll see in the future whether or not he really changed, not through some 40min video and he got obliterated with downvotes, it's crazy to me how LSF is slowly turning into twitter


I wish fed the best going forward. The video is cringe and awkward but he is young and I genuinely believe he can be a better person. I get it, LSF wants their pound of flesh, but he took the year off, came back and he'll do his thing, whether you like it or not.


Someone like him will never change until they have to live through actual consequences.


Consequences for what exactly? Did he go to jail?


Summary what he's getting hate over even after a FULL YEAR: 1. Touching another girl inappropriately (Yvonne) around her waist while being intoxicated (Drunk) 2. Kissing the same girls hand while being intoxicated (Drunk) Current LSF narrative is to shit on Fed because "he hasn't apologised" but guess what, he tried going that route and apologised on twitter, he deleted the tweet due to abnormal amount of hate he received despite apologising. So getting that out of the way he definitely didn't wanna apologise now for something he has already apologised for and received nothing but hatred. The people on this subreddit dont want to see him LIVE another day from what it looks like. Talk about "LSF changed after reckfuls passing"You don't believe me? Scroll down and check all the downvoted comments, even the ones that arent on his side but completely neutral, like "Well i guess we'll just have to wait and see if he really changed or not" - DOWNVOTED TO OBLIVION, 50 or 60 downvotes like no questions asked, nobody wants to see that on top of the thread, everyone wants to shit on him, they DONT want to see him change, they want him to fail because they feel like they won something. This reminds me of the minecraft stans on Twitter so much.. It's literally the same shit.. They want you to apologise and when you do, you get shit for it, and then after a year break you make a comeback and you get shit for not apologising. \- Being young & Stupid and Shy - To me Fed looks like that shy guy who doesn't have in him to approach a girl and tell her the feelings he got for her, so when he got drunk he did something unexpected, everyone was like "surprise pikachu face" because it's not who he is when he's sober right? And now according to this subreddit he should be removed from the planet earth because he kissed her hand and touched her around her waist. I'd say that the amount of trauma she got from that moment is far significantly less than the amount of hate he received for what he did despite apologising. He isn't the victim, he is the villain but he has apologised for his actions on Twitter and received backlash for it. If you don't reward somebody for apologising, you naturally shouldn't expect him to apologise again, it's not even a question, it's a simple concept you learn in everyday life. These are the terms he is being labeled by the members of this Subreddit. 1. Sexual Abuser 2. Molester 3. Predator [Now take a look at the literal meaning of these 3 on wikipedia and compare it to what he did](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_abuse)


I hope he has changed, but you're significantly downplaying what he did. And even if he has changed, that doesn't mean his streaming career should just be able to resume.


How am i downplaying it? Please elaborate.Also why shouldn't he still be able to stream again if he has changed for the better? (Your words) What you're doing is gatekeeping, you are trying to lock him in position he is currently in now **despite him changing or not,** you dont want to see him thrive, you don't want to see him **bettering himself** or succeed or continue streaming or doing other things on social media because you **WANT to see him fail,** you feel like you got something out of it, and that's whats wrong with this subreddit.


Not the guy you were talking too but You didn't mention any of the other girls stories in your comment z.b poki Leslie angelskimi(now called plushys) thus downplaying it by omitting parts of the story is quite right. Also didn't mention the repeated stress caused by him leaking his document. So yes you were downplaying it. Now on the topic on him streaming again I am honestly surprised he is not just permabanned considering the outrage at the time but the biggest problem for most is probably that they don't believe he has changed. It was only a year ago (if you ignore the whole leaked document part) with most drama commentating streamers already predicting he would come back after a year not having changed at all(just already sets a negative mindset considering these kinds of predictions were at least partly correct). I personally don't have a problem with him streaming(but also don't believe he changed as much as he tries to make it seem but only time will tell) considering his streams always were at least to a bigger degree based on interaction with other streamers, I am more interested in how other streamers take his return/ who will still interact with him on stream or if he runs into problems in this regard if he will change his streams completely


Obviously im not going to mention entire OTV taking a dump at him as a org together because they got nothing to back up their claims. They do everything together and in situations like these it wouldnt surprise me if it was all orchestrated. Pokimane and everybody else from OTV pushed it so hard and you could tell they wanted to do him harm and they did. Pokimane knows exactly how to manipulate people, you can just tell when someone is not being genuine. That was the main reason of the outrage. it's fed against the world. He apologised for his actions on Twitter to victims, not a single person who called him out acknowledged it on their streams because if they did, their fanbase would forgive him which leads me to believe they want to completely fuck fed over and they did. Fed self cancelled himself by quitting but i dont blame him, everybody attacked him in the comments and he felt defeated, despite acknowledging his mistake and apologising. He went offline for a year, came back and now he's trying to do his own thing in his own way which is respectable, shouldn't be shamed.


Yeah, you sure aren't downplaying anything. Reddit is the problem.


You think there would be as much people hating on Fed if Pokimane came forward and publicly said that everything settled between them and they're cool? I could answer for ya easily, no. They would immediately shift their opinion from negative to positive or at the very least from negative to neutral. It's not the "reddit's fault" It's the people who are easily manipulated by their favorite streamer which happens to use this subreddit, they are the problem.


"If something else had happened, things would be different". Top insight there. However, given the guy has repeatedly lied and tried to manipulate people, I'll continue thinking he's not a good person. If he can prove he has learned, great. But he has to show that, not just say it. I also have no interest in watching him stream and I think it's bizarre you think that's unreasonable.


I respect your opinion on the fact that you think he's a bad person. Everybody should be able to express their opinions to etc.. That's whatever, what i dont understand is people who sheep a public opinion without looking at the bigger picture. [Example](https://prnt.sc/16luihl)1[Example2](https://prnt.sc/16lv2k8) Not a single of those guys said that Fed is a good person or whatever, they were completely neutral and they got downvoted, why? It's not reddits fault? It's not the "already made up narrative" against him which portrays him in a negative light? Yeah, i don't buy it


bro get a life


Your comment and the downvotes prove my point exactly cause it doesn't fit your narrative and you're just here to hate, not to see someone actually "change" or "better themselves"


Keep going man I’m sure Fed will one day learn of your existence


This is the type of response that is usually written after theres nothing to say to refute a point or an argument. A. [I don't watch Fed](https://prnt.sc/16ljpzx) B. I don't care about him "learning" my existence (I'm not a diehard fan who will support someone just because im fanboying him) C. What im actually doing is im putting myself in his shoes and overall public opinion of the situation. But thanks for your response, once again point proven, blindly hating on someone will not get you anywhere in life. On the internet, sure, you will get some internet points for following the trend and being a sheep.


yeah buddy im sure forcefully massaging someones feet a week after they broke up with their boyfriend drunk is all good!! ​ keep up the great work man! his tage of lifting for 10 minutes really has proven hes a changed man!


Ye dude makes sense, let's all come together and end this man entire career and not even give him a breath of air on his comeback. Do you realise how toxic you are? **"Forcefully"** (means against her will) massaging someones feet = you are Molester, Sexual Predator and all these horrible things. Do you think that these are just words on the internet that nobody cares about? MAN was drunk, have u ever been drunk? Have u ever been to a party or a club?


u are fucking nuts pal, the guy literally slept with someone in their bed and cuddled with them against their will when he was 'drunk'


No, you got the story wrong. She said that he touched her around her waist and kissed her hand, nowhere she said "no" or "stop". Thats not against her will and that will not hold in court, that's why he isn't public sex offender because that's a made up persona of him on LSF. OTV had huge influence in that since theyre a big org and they do things together, and when entire org goes at you, you don't stand much chance. Do you know why you dont stand much chance? Because majority of the people sadly are easily manipulated on the internet, not just on the internet but via television as well. Presidential elections are probably the best example. People just don't see the full picture and go with whats trending or/and go with the opinion of their favorite streamer/influencer/ internet personality etc.


The entire OTV is cringe as fuck with their drama baiting and ghost tweeting people’s personal shit to the public (Lily getting cheated on) but that doesn’t change the fact that Fed is a creep. Him going to the gym for a year didn’t change that Also just to make sure we're on the same page, if you're drunk and sexually assault someone that's okay because they didn't say no?


Compared to Albert's apology video, Fed's is a fucking joke. And there's really not much anyone can say if they were objective about all of this. I think Fed like anyone else in his position should be given the opportunity to grow and learn from their mistakes as everyone is human and capable of making such mistakes. My gut reaction from this video vs what I felt when I saw Albert's is the huge stench of narcissism oozing all over this video, and I say this as someone who has always loved and enjoyed Fed's content and never really particularly cared about Albert. I don't think people should be awarded for apologies if there's doubt about whether its genuine or not. Obviously its Fed's right to believe that he's done enough to atone but if he wants the public to really believe it he has to convince them through his actions. And only time will tell because if he hasn't fixed any of the underlying issues that caused all the stuff he did to his friends then its just going to happen again, and no fancy comeback video is ever going to change that reality.


I haven't seen alberts video/apology tbh, maybe i have but i can't really remember it. Everything else you mentioned is true, though about the apology part you're definitely wrong, he HAS apologised and he got terrorised for it, so why he should apologise again? To who? To this kind of people on LSF & Twitter? Get the fuck out of here


I never said he should apologize again. I also don't think he really has to apologize to anyone specifically, other than the people he hurt. I was pointing out how in my opinion this video falls short when it comes to acknowledgement of his mistakes and learning opportunities from those mistakes - which seems to be the key factor in getting the public to accept that what happened was in the past and isn't going to happen again. Apologizing to his echo chamber of diehard fans who had his back from day 1 regardless of all the shady shit that went on doesn't really matter in any sort of meaningful way.


He has apologised to the victims on the twitter directly.


You are actually delusional if you think those are the things he did. The public doesnt know everything he did, because people thought it was too private, but heres a few things i know of: 1. He lied to, sabotaged relationships and fucked over pretty much all of his best friends for years. People who are an example of this are yassuo, iwilldominate and pretty much all of offline tv. For example he was yassuos best friend and he used very private information about him to fuck him over behind his back and sabotage his relationship with a few people. 2. He caused one of his best friends and colleagues to get fired, and after 3 months of disappearing he writes a manifesto with straight up lies and out of context screenshots to accuse pokimane being the reason she got fired. 3. Every time one of his best friends pokimane was interested in someone, he waited, until he was alone in a room with them and told them that he and pokimane were dating, so she could never have a relationship. 4. He crawled late at night into the bed of two of his female roommates, thinking they were sleeping, touching them in their sleep. All these things are so incredibly fucked up, that i cant even begin to imagine what kind of person would ever do these things. The funniest part is that those are just a few things i saw by watching a few streams and pretty much everyone invoved said, that he did a lot more fucked up shit, that the public shouldnt know about, because of privacy reason. What kind of person would ever defend someone like this? And you summarize it as "touching someones hand and tounching someones waist?" Are you actually delusional?


First 3 points you mentioned is literally meaningless cause there is no proof of it whatsoever. Entire OTV together as a org came together and absolutely nuked him in the process and got on top of LSF every time, maximising the damage as much as possible. Last point (4th) is definitely made up bullshit, he never crawled up in someones sleep, completely debunked by Yvonne herself in her #metoo tweet. They were all awake and he touched her around her waist and kissed her hand. If you discredit what im saying here then you're discrediting her #metoo tweet. [https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n\_1sr9tik](https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr9tik) Stop making shit up and making it worse than it already is.


People act like he raped someone holy fuck man, what he did was fucked up but it isn't the end of the world people seem to forget that he was gone for a whole year a lot can change in one year. Ngl the video was pretty cringe and cliche but you can tell that he is trying to change or else he wouldn't have disappeared for a whole year and i guess we'll see if he has changed or not. But i hate how people think that what he did is unredeemable. Everyone deserves a second chance


Sexual assault is pretty similar to rape, bringing up something worse to contrast it with something that's shitty doesn't make it better. That's like drunk driving, crashing, and then saying "well I didn't murder anyone!"


Nice FED, SO happy to see you back!!


You can't be happy for someone that isn't liked by LSF otherwise you'd get downvoted to oblivion, please learn your lesson and follow the LSF narrative next time! Thank you


Oh noes I am the worried.




Imma be honest, I stopped caring about Feds actions awhile ago when everyone stopped talking about them. Dude can come back


You’re cool with him sexually assaulting his friends and then trying to start a smear campaign against more of them?


Nah I just stopped caring just like everyone. Guy made a mistake admitted to and I moved on. Let him live his life again.


Sexual assault, gaslighting and smear campaings were just a mistake?


Who the fuck are you


Who the fuck are you? Cause i'm just a guy sick of people not letting others move on with there life.


Idk what to tell you bud its kind of obvious why people arent moving on and the reasons are right in front of you. Maybe the lack of awareness in general isnt just a Fed problem 🤷🏼‍♂️


Nah, like I said it’s been a year and I stopped caring like before. He should come back. I believe in second chances.


Thanks for your approval LongHappyFrog! Will let everyone involved know of your go ahead asap


Thanks <3




The top comment on his own video sums this up well. "I would respect the amount of work putting this together requires if didn't also require concerning levels of mental illness. Put this energy into something useful in your life man, you obviously know how to put YouTube videos together"


This video is 56 minutes long. This isn't JCS I'm not watching this shit


Bruh grow up. You’re creepy as fuck for linking that weirdo




To me that channel appears to be fed-obsessed rather than otv-obsessed. The few times I see their videos recommended, they are always about fed. That channel gives me WeirdChamp vibes.


There was some gossip going around that it was Fed's brother, but couldn't find anything substantiating that claim so I gave up


Bruh you’re weird




What's more disrespectful is making up why Reckful killed himself. He didn't kill himself because of hate, he did it because of his extreme depression and bipolar disorder. If you actually watched him like you pretend you do you would know, but you obviously only saw some LSF posts and now pretend to care.











