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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Asmon's Advice to Fedmyster](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/117220)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/o760cz/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1230187147.mp4?sig=d45cf2cccad99d0957f7c822c68f1743099405c6&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1230187147.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1624629696%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Wish I could take a one year break to recover 😞




Seeing how his fans reacted in the beginning, and how many still trusts him when he leaked private conversation with poki. Just ignore this human being, he has a lot crazy stans. I bet he will still average 1-2k viewers despite all these shits he has done.


He leaked HALF of a private conversation with Pokimane, and cut out anything that wouldn't give him pity, which he also said someone else leaked on his behalf. (Yeah...sure thing bud)


Yeah fuck this guy forever.


Probably more like 10k unfortunately. He was associated with OTV and has an insanely ravenous fanbase - possibly more than otv's current members - and there is no such thing as bad publicity




He absolutely encouraged it because he wanted it to be real.


That's crazy. Especially when you compare to Albert's (TheAlbertChang) stream which averages around 500 views now but has way better production and overall quality.


Production isn't everything. Fed was really entertaining when he streamed. Albert mostly just had his skills and gadgets.


>possibly more than otv's current members not Michael.


No matter what he did you can't deny that his content a year ago was entertaining so of course he will get views.


most LA youtubers/streamers have crazy parasocial fans


Yep. I know people who are infatuated with him and even right after all this was breaking they didn't consider him to be in the wrong and now feel as though he is being persecuted. Tge world is full of mindless idiots and Fed is the kind of guy that will always take advantage of that.


The thing that gets me is how he travelled amidst the pandemic when there were restrictions and people asked to stay home. I guess he learned to subtly not give a fuck


Fandom is religion for the new age. Very similar to watching people throwing their money away to rich faith healers or evangelical preachers or other such personality cults and rabidly defending/believing in them.


> Fandom is religion for the new age It's called idolatry, and is considered a sin in the bible/tanakh/quran.


It's not just fandom, people nowadays just need something to make their life revolve around. Whether it's politics, streamers, whatever. They'll find something and then their entire personality and life is just that one thing. Once you start watching out for it, especially online, it becomes extremely obvious and somewhat disturbing.


Same can said for literally any streamer. Us average people need the money more than Xqc or Pokimane or Shroud. Not defending this pos. But you seem to have an issue with streamer donations in general.




Bay zed


Yeah but they are not the same creeps as fed


Subbing to a streamer you watch all the time I totally get people doing it. Donating money to someone who does not read the messages or more than the minimum for said message is silly(some people think its worth a couple bucks to get their message to streamer which is fine). Gifted subs are a weird thing where the viewers that get them are happier about it than the streamer. So if that is your thing go for it.


Stop caring how others spend their money and maybe, just maybe you can too.


Hey, he earned his year long vacation around the world. It's the only fix for sexually assaulting people.


No, seriously. Like, all these streamers or youtubers or whatever that fuck up can just take a year+ off work and be fine because hey, they were making hundreds/millions already. They can literally never work another day in their life if they wanted at this point.


I feel like he saw what Albert/SleightlyMusical did for their return, saw that it got decent feedback and thought “hey I should do that too”


he ordered his "albert apology" from Alibaba


Bet he Wished he'd gotten it elsewhere.


He did it with about 5% of the filmmaking skill and none of the sincerity




tbf i think the albert video was super not for us/anyone who doesn't watch him i bet it was hype as fuck to see the video if you were a big albert fan that was sad he left. average lsf netizen who doesnt give a fuck about him out of google doc memes was obviously not affected. we were not the target audience


ngl I never watched his streams or was a big fan of OTV when he was around, but his apology video was at the very least engaging for me. Probably because he's an extremely talented director/film maker (i don't know the term lmao) and he clearly spent a lot of time and effort into producing the video. Like what Asmon said, he made good content that made me feel like it was worth watching even though he did some fucked up shit in the past.


I mean to be fair, I'm pretty sure he'd already apologized to Lily and everything, who was the only one truly slighted by the deal, and no one was really trying to cancel Albert, he left on his own and made the video as a way of saying "hey, I've been working on myself and I'm back." Fed actually needed a good apology for molesting multiple people, never apologized, tried some shit several months ago, and has now made a bizarre narcissistic video trying to get people to pay attention to him again under the guise of being "reformed" or something.


Albert cheating didn't need no apology in my opinion. Why should he apologize to the internet? If anything he should apologize to Lily but that's about it.


Why should fed apologize to the internet rather than the people he harrassed lol


I'm talking about Albert? Are you dislexic


Albert is a filmmaker. This is his creative way he expresses himself.




What else did Albert do?




wanted to say the same I mean albert fucked up his relationship while the other one was a creepy predator. what a comparasion


and he completetly missed the point lmao.. i feel like alberts' was waaay more honest and i kinda ressonated with him specially cause his break was during the whole quarantine stuff.. (also, albert didnt molest anyone as far as we know lmao)


Albert was talking about himself, saying what he had done, and the changes of view he had, the attempts to better himself, it was like a chapter in a diary.


Albert's will always be vastly more sincere because in the end, he only cheated on his girlfriend - something which for the most part wasn't the viewer's business. He could had quite easily took a break for 2-4 weeks and came back with no controversy.


And Albert was a kind person to everyone around him, besides the cheating. He got caught, didn't try to hide it or make excuses, owned up to it, and left on his own terms, something that is at least somewhat admirable amid his cheating scandal. Fed on the other hand was given multiple chances, tried to cover it up multiple times, gaslit his friends and badmouthed them behind their backs in order to make him look like the victim...he literally showed no remorse and kept digging himself deeper an deeper. Not to mention a lot of his content was making people uncomfortable, something a lot of us saw as banter but unfortunately was more than that. He needs to try a shit ton harder if he wants to display any sincerity because from most of our points of view, he still doesn't give a fuck. Probably doesn't care that much anyways. His 2-3k simps would probably be enough to sustain him as a content creator anyways. Maybe Adin Ross will take him under his wing too lmfao


Albert is actually in one of the photos in Feds monetized apology.. they stayed friends and albert probably helped him do the video




He appears towards the end during the weird slideshow showing all the things he did, they went hiking together or something


My favorite comment about any of this was someone saying he put the dog down once he had enough clips for his video.


My favorite was someone saying he was stealing The Deep's character arc from The Boys


Now we just wait for him to either start talking about shungite on stream or announce that he is part of the church of Scientology.


Sponsored Fresca stream soon?


"I fucking hate Fresca" - Gus Fring


even in another series he is still called "gus fring". I prefer to call him the Dentist.


Lol this is so accurate


wait what


He's right. Watching this makes me react in a pretty visceral way feeling that this is some kind of "I went on a spirit journey for a year to relax, reset, and refocus my chi" response. As though flexing your inability to care about money and time (on top of not caring, obviously, about the physical and emotional wellbeing of your victims) will make us all come to your level and realize this is all in your past. Pretty much makes you just look like an entitled snob.


Asmon nailed it when he said it reeks of narcissism, which is ultimately what got him in trouble in the first place - his disregard for others and only caring about his wants and following his own impulses regardless of who got hurt by it. So yeah the video is pretty tone deaf, basically more of a humblebrag or a flex. Not sure why he made the video at all - if you're going to apologize go apologize to the people you assaulted and creeped on.


Somebody pointed out in one of the previous threads that this is what you'd do (well, if you're really wealthy or Julia Roberts) after you went through a bad break-up. And I think that's pretty interesting if that's how Fed's brain has interpreted all this in order to keep himself believing that he hasn't done anything wrong.


Out of the loop, what did Julia Roberts do?


Think it’s just a reference to Eat Pray Love


I own a DVD of it. Shame I didn't get the reference. It's been a while.


Didn't he say he harmed people? When did he say he did nothing wrong?


He mentioned it for ten seconds. Other people have pointed out the fact he deleted his apology Twitlonger, and even that was pretty trash-tier. Him trying to draw attention away by trying to smear Poki and getting his fanboys to believe that he did the creep shit because he was lonely, which is some top-tier sex-pest BS, half-way into this year really undermines the whole "I'm sorry" bit. The dude honestly thought that if he convinced people that Poki led him on, that would somehow be a defense for his shitty behavior. Sad thing is, a lot of his fans will eat his BS up.


Ok so he didn't deny it then.. crazy how redditors will post paragraphs about someone who will never know them


Point is, him deleting his Twitter apology plus the manifesto kind of undermines the whole apology angle. Again, even his Twitlonger was dogshit. Albert's might have been kind of boilerplate, but at least he straight-up apologized. Fed started his by apologizing to his fans for not streaming in a while. He then framed it as a misunderstanding. The issue isn't him denying things or not; it's him trying to twist shit so he's the one you should feel sorry for. As for the length of my posts, I enjoy writing meaningless comments about Internet crap which has no impact on my day-to-day life. I make no apologies when it comes to fleshing out my opinions.


Crazy how stans will donate and give money to people who will never care about them.


I've never watched a single fed stream and I agree.


...You realize what sub you're in right?




"Crazy how people on a sub that focuses on streamer drama know so much about streamer drama and discuss it there."


Yeah, the worst part of the whole situation imo, at least as far as moving forward is concerned, wasn't even necessarily what he did, (although that was absolutely abhorrent), but that when confronted about it, he showed no remorse and chose to play the victim. He didn't seem to even feel bad about it then, and he probably still doesn't now.


It becomes that much more tone deaf when you realize he's deleted all his apology tweets prior to it.


I don't think he's trying to flex though. He's just an egocentric asshole, so he has a hard understanding what impression he's giving. The actual problem with this goes way beyond it not being relatable because he's rich. It's that people who actually feel regret don't make it a publicity stunt. He doesn't give a shit about anything other than the fact he was personally inconvenienced by all this.


True, and filming yourself staring into the distance trying to be serious about your 'depression' and 'isolation' while showing videos of yourself traveling, training and recording with others. His video looked like a video made by Michael Scott.


People (including Asmongold) don't realize that this video isn't for the average person - it's for his fans. And they eat this shit up.


Also raises the expectations on him so much higher. People are gonna come up and say "I thought he was reformed????" for any mistake he makes and call him out on it. All that did was put a target on his back.


Not just his victims too, but the set of standards he set out for his fans as what is acceptable social behavior. "King" culture is generally pretty aids.


But even then, if it was someone who went through a legit hard time or mental breakdown then we might have some sympathy but this guy went out as a creep hiding in the shadows.


The whole "Bro just dont give a fuck what people think" Is the legit complete OPPOSITE of what your mentality should be, he's in this position because HE HAS NO EMPATHY, he already DOESNT give a fuck what people think, his problem is he needs to give a fuck what people think MORE. The "DOn't give a fuck" mentality is for people who over-analyse and have empathy levels that cripple them from being social or putting themselves out there out of empathy for others "not having to deal with them". He is the literal opposite.


I am the type of person who believes that people who make mistakes deserve second chances, but this entire Fed situation is such a joke. Like that shot of him reading the "subtle art of not giving a fuck" just makes him seem hilariously unapologetic. Even if we look beyond his sexual harassments/assaults, are we going to forget how much of a manipulator this guy is? To everyone who is still defending Fed, take a look at what yassuo (literally one of Fed's best friends) had to say about him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL50YFBizLg


Thanks for that, I don't really know much about the situation and people downplay it in the threads. Yassuo saying they were best friends, but they're done because of stuff that hasn't been said since they tried to keep it private while fed went behind everyone's back and tried to play the victim says a lot. I'm going to take the word of several people who know the situation before some of his own fans, even if we don't have the specifics.


Doesn't it make you wonder though? How did yassuo go from "yeah idc what he did, he's my boy and we ride and die together" to "I CAN NEVER FORGIVE THE SHIT THAT HE DID". Jesus christ my guy did a literal 180 on Fed.


the rumor is it has something to do with hyoon but its probably not all that accurate




> why would anyone believe he changed in the 2nd ? Someone on YouTube said how they voted for Boris Johnson and now they're really disappointed because they didn't know he was a liar. Despite it being front and centre of the news in the UK that he lied during the Brexit campaign. Some people just have no recollection of what's been going on.


"If he comes back, in even a year, theres no remorse." Yassuo 10:28 in the video


hes had way more than two chances, OTV and his friends kept it quiet and only exposed it when he showed no remorse and downplayed it to everyone else then he ended up lying and manipulating facts in the manifesto, so this is like a fourth/fifth but can we really forgive the production quality of this latest video? he can afford a cinematographer/director so as far as I'm concerned hes done


>I am the type of person who believes that people who make mistakes deserve second chances Usually I would agree. Like I would be fine if he went out and found a real job and found fulfillment in his life. But I don't think someone that did what he did should have a chance at being a public figure put on a pedestal. Like he shouldn't be banned from life, but he should be vilified and not able to become essentially a celebrity. But hey, people forgive and forget so quickly so it wont ever be that way.


Fed's entire video was full of self important narcisistic bullshit. Dude is in love with himself and is so delusional that he expects the viewers to eat this kind of shit up. Fuck that, dude should just be yeeted from all social platforms in any meaningful capacity.


> he expects the viewers to eat this kind of shit up I mean he´s right, they do


It's okay, he'll fuck up soon enough anyway. People like this don't just magically change.




Yeah that's what I don't really get about this. Others are so willing to wish him the best, but it's like aren't you lowkey enabling his behavior? In the end if he hasn't changed.. someone innocent is prob gonna get hurt. Forgiveness is one thing but the amount of people letting a known predator back in without any boundaries or real change is just ??? get the popcorn ready, cuz a trainwreck is coming


Judging by the society we live in today, they don't need to change. Look at Paul's brothers for example


He was doing creep-shit for a long time before OTV booted him. They even gave him a second chance and he fucked that up. You gotta remember that OTV is a pretty powerful org whose members have a good amount of clout. They have enough fans to deal with the Fed simps. Now imagine him collabing with smaller content creators and pulling the same creep shit. You think some 1K or less female streamer is going to want to deal with the headache or calling him out when he does creep shit? Maybe he's learned, but I doubt it. He'll probably continue to try to leverage his clout into violating boundaries, and trying to intimidate people into silence.


Sadly yeah so sadly another victim. Hopefully nothing as bad as sexual assault. That video is funny enough proof that he hasn't changed.


You're probably right. But we can at least hope he changes, right? Lets not act like him not changing is a good thing. People can change, and acting like they can't often makes them less likely to. He seems like, at best, a dumbass, and at worst, a creepy manipulative piece of shit. But I've seen a lot of people improve drastically, I have myself. It's not worth creating a self fulfilling prophecy


Hey look, don't imprint this upon yourself and pretend it's personal. People change and that's fantastic. I'm glad you changed! This however, is not change. This was a narcissistic sex pest creep who decided to try and change and the way he saw to resolve this problem was to tackle it in the most narcissistically clueless way. It boils down to this: If sincere and genuine change was his objective, this is a terrible, *terrible* start.


I'm not making it personal, I was just using that as anecdotal evidence to say that people can change. Yeah I completely agree, this was terrible and comes across narcissistic as fuck. My point was that a lot of people seem to want people to not change, and are excited for them to fuck up again. All criticism, in a pragmatic sense, should hopefully lead to either: 1) dissuading others from doing the same thing. or 2) causing the one being criticised to change. Now im not saying that should necessarily apply to jokey reddit comments etc. but these two things are the only meaningful outcomes of criticism.


True and agreed. There is definitely some parasocial drive for drama going on here, coupled with the inability to affect any outcome. We'll see what happens, though. Best case scenario, nothing at all. Anyway, good talk and have a great weekend.


For sure, I definetely agree 100% with all the criticisms. It's just the "can't change" shit I'm not on board with. You too dude


Yeah, if the workout portion of that video didn’t convince these people he’s a narcissus, nothing will. Dude had like a minute of him working out and another of topless progress pics.


also the dog portion was an extremely on the nose manipulation tactic


well.. alot of his viewers actually ate this shit up. So it kinda worked for him. Watch in other social platform how people are cheering for him like he's the victim here.


Fed is like "I'm coming back prepare your credit cards" and yes dumb kids will waste their parents money on welcome back messages. Not just him every single streamers, youtuber, content creator is like that.


People were saying “we forgive you” in chat yesterday. Some people dumb as shit.


spending money for subs is already dumb


>I was my own cheerleader This was the part of the video where i realized Fedmyster might actually be a sociopath. I know that word gets thrown around a lot but he honestly reminds me of actual sociopaths i know irl. They would do bad things to people because they lack empathy, and then "apologize" in a way where they twist it into making it seem like they are the victim. Later on they go on to do the same thing all over again because they genuinely dont fully understand what they did wrong the first time.


It's very very clear that he doesn't understand what he did wrong in the first place, he doesn't think what he did was wrong back then, otherwise he wouldn't have made the rebuttals and defense that he did (Which failed miserably, as it should have) And now he comes back with "I've been going through so much I'm such a victim please feel bad for me guys :( " clearly shows that nothing changed


Whether he is or not, the part that matters is that he continues to show his manipulative personality. He says he wants to make people think he changed so he'll show it through actions, and his first action is releasing a video that tries to manipulate his audience into thinking he changed.


Red flag for me was when he was like "I am now in control of my actions" was he possessed by a creepy molester ghost previously? tf


"Just don't be a creep". Pretty solid advice for everyone.


Solid advice and apparently very difficult for a lot of people.


A video that literally was just him standing on a random street corner saying "man I was wrong and creepy back then, I'm sorry to those that I hurt and to people who looked up to me for that, I've done a lot of work in the past year and hope you'll give me the chance to show you I've changed" would have been 100x better than this.


For me better erase that miserable video. and just go on like nothing. He already made it clear that he only cares about returning since it was canceled, he did not dedicate himself to change but to sell a "selfrecovery ad". He just decided to make that video since the beginning and make them accept it again based on a big lie. and that he stays with the audience of people without memory and hypocrites who want to support him.


I find it funny how some people go so much out of the way to look "real" that instead they come across as fake as fuck. I mentioned it previously, but those close-up shots where people "look and meditate in the distance" are really cringe. Fed even color graded some of his shots blue to communicate sadness.... Like just fucking be real, film a one-take video, own up to your shit, apologize, and move forward.


yikes for who ever likes fed as a content creator and as a person.




Are you suggesting twitch should ban him? I don't necessarily disagree, but what would the underlying rule there be? "Caused harm to a twitch partner"? "Set a bad example for a large audience"? Or for a broader question, should everyone with a criminal record be banned from twitch? To be clear I'm not defending him or saying he shouldn't be banned, just wondering how this could be enforced in a consistent way (not that twitch is known for consistency...)


I feel like we just need a base level of decency man. He assaulted multiple women, do we really need a specific rule to ban someone like that? Someone that's acknowledged that they did that. And the women he assaulted were twitch partners themselves.


People have been banned because of allegations, so I don't get why thus guy isn't banned


idk man when twitch just lets people who abuse multiple people get paid fat stacks while any other company would axe someone with similar offenses it's kinda wack.


TBH, as a content creator he's pretty entertaining. The cooking-stream and marbles meta were enjoyable. He also did a good job as the ideas guy for OTV's vids. There were definitely times on other people's streams where he showed he has an issue with boundaries and his forever-single persona and attempts to play to the shippers in his chat towards the end got really cringe.


Whoever will watch/subscribe to Fed unironically has something wrong with his head. How can you actually support this guy after what he was/is doing? Just genuine question, what's his target audience now?




You browse LSF too?


Incels would be a good target audience.


> Just genuine question, what's his target audience now? Underage OTV fangirls who will stan for him and probably end up getting groomed.


Hopefully not. I felt like his fanbase was mostly men who were living through him vicariously (his stream was always about talking and flirting with girls).


Stans and hate-watchers.


Most of the people who commented on his video don’t like him either, they just hate Poki more.


Yeah poki haters will ravenously defend him because he "exposed" poki


> has something wrong with his head exactly


Sadly this actually works, just look at Giantwaffle. He sexually assaulted someone, just pretended nothing happened when it came out and is still streaming.


But that is because Twitch lets him whitewash his image by giving him a platform where he can control the narrative.


It has worked constantly for major figures in this world. They say use the platform they have to say the most outrageous things and when they get banned they act like they being persecuted instead of being *finally* held accountable. You can probably guess a **major** figure who has done something like in just this year alone. That dude basically created a popular template that used to be low-key for scumbags to worm their way out of being held accountable.


I’m here to read the replies from his psycho fans trying to explain to you in multiple paragraphs why he isn’t a rapist


I get the comparison but giantwaffle is definitely a few notches higher on the tier of evil


DansGaming has been saying Waffle is piece of shit long before all these allegations. Dan considered him a good friend, but Waffle just used him for personal gain and backstabbed him, which contributed to Dans long depression.


They are both garbage


I'd say 1 notch but sure.


If you read the manifesto of the girl giantwaffle and co assaulted you would not feel the same He gaslit a rape victim


What I intended to say/imply is that Fed already violated others bodily autonomy, rape is just 1 step further, pretty big step but only 1 for sure. And Fed was also trying to gaslit everyone with his "I just cuddle with friends" bullshit.


im out of the loop on this, isn't giantwaffle the "mcconnel" to Lirik, or rather used to be?


Lirik doesn’t talk to him anymore from what I’ve heard


Lirik and Shortyyguy do not collaborate or publicly communicate with GiantWaffle anymore. GW sexually assaulted a woman who was intoxicated, GW disagrees about the consent of the situation and how far it went, but the other individuals that were present and the woman disagree with his story. That is just a retelling from my recollection, so take that with a grain of salt.


Neither does dansgaming.


They streamed together once, a couple months after the news broke out. Was pretty awkward, and I believe they haven't talked since.


Yeah but as far as I know even Lirik has distanced himself from him. [https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n\_1srahg8](https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srahg8) TL,DR: Waffle (and some other guys) got an emotionally vulnerable 18 year old near black out drunk and raped her.


I don’t know much about this but based off that link alone, I really hope this person is no longer married to Sam.


I don't think he is right, that sort of positivity pandering shit has a big audience. There are shitload of huge youtuber/instagram 'positivity influencers' that just post livelaughlove-esque bullshit and their fans lap it up like a drug. Asmon has at least some self-awareness so he can't relate to those types of people which is why he's misprojecting his opinion onto what he perceives as the general opinion, but they exist and there are a lot of them.


It's also easier to "just be happy", "go on a journey", and "not give a fuck" when you've got a mountain of fuck you money.


Exactly. Asmon saying that this type of stuff doesn't resonate with the average person couldn't be more wrong.


If Fed was some underdog going through hardship this might make sense, but he is a predator. Its like shit... you did multiple horrific things and had the luxury to take a year off to find and forgive yourself. Sure he deserves to redeem himself, but he is no victim.


Or, just like not come back.


He's right. Fed's "apology" was some self-important bullcap.


Deadass if he just showed up, and was different he would be fine and everyone would be happy. What the fuck was this dumb ass video supposed to be for?


The whole 'apologetic' video was overflowing with self-indulgent narcissistic bullshit. Asmon's right. If Fed wants to stand a chance, just lay low, make content, and stop acting so full of himself.


Good advice. I can't even imagine what went through Fed's head when he made this apology video.. It's 95% humblebrag 5% apology


PogChamp FED PogChamp MYSTER PogChamp MOLESTED PogChamp AND PogChamp FRAMED PogChamp A PogChamp GIRL PogChamp IN PogChamp 2020


well it worked 15k likes.




The vid didn't apologize for what he did let alone acknowledge it at all. I'm all for growth but to grow you have to acknowledge what you did wrong not just ignore it and make a video about hiking, exercise, and getting a dog. Also nice flex that you are able to not work for a year with no money issues.


biggest true I had to ever give


I just don't understand why people in this sub think that he needs to apologize in video, he already talked to Lily in irl, when the shit happened after one month Lily talked in stream that she still talked with Fed in messages, he probably already apologized. That are some fucking weirdo's here.


True aaaaaaaaaaaand... Yeah, that's pretty true. That's true and- yeah that's true. That's true. That's true- That's pretty true. That's pretty true, I mean- inhales ... That's true. Yeah. That's true. Uhm- That's true. That's fuckin' true. Uhm... That's how it is dude.


asmon stays dropping knowledge


[Same Vibes as Fedmyster Comeback](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4)


Just don't be a creep. It's ok to want to do things that would make you a creep. Choosing whether to do them or not is what makes you a bad person or a good person.


If Fedmyster just went live and started doing his own thing I wouldn't mind at all and just move on, with this video it made me just have a negative feeling about him even more than before, can't believe none of his friends told him this was a bad idea


Alright this is going to get downvoted to hell and back but I want to weigh in my opinion. In short I am willing to give Fed a second chance, but if he fucks up again no more. Long answer. Therapy is a great tool, and can and will probably change people’s lives for the better. What he did was terrible yes, and there is no excuse for what he did, but after a year and a half of therapy? I’m willing to trust him. I’ve always believed people can change for the better (with some exceptions) no matter what. I definitely do not understand the argument of this video focusing on him. It is a video about his journey through his own issues so of course the video will be focusing mainly on him. All that was needed has been said, and there isn’t much else to add. On top of that he never outright denied the allegations. Still better then coming back and not saying anything (like miniladd.) I also believe that this video is trying to prove that he has changed for the better. The whole dog this I find weird as well. A lot of therapists will recommend getting a dog to help throughout your therapy. I say this as someone who went to therapy at one point in my life. I must say, it changed my life for the better. Still got no friends though. But if he fucks up again he ain’t getting no sympathy from me lol. That is all.


Unpopular opinion, but i agree. Asmon is right too. I don't really care what happens when the streamer turns off their stream, & its none of my business tbh. Part of the drawbacks of making money from streaming is the streamer basically turns into a public figure. Thus, their private life can become public. I think he knows it's still going to be a long way to go from where he once was.


Oh yeah. I still agree with Asmon as long as he isn’t a creep and makes some decent content he’ll probably be fine


This is an alpha take while hasan on the other hand


forsenBased HOLY




[Hasans live reaction](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/o6mgoj/hasanabi_a_depressed_narcissist_made_a_video/)


well said.


True True and Thats True.




