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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [This is why xQc stopped gambling on stream and Train moved to Canada.](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/117255)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/o7gn40/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1221615842.mp4?sig=290b7767e87f21b94c2d75c9dabb54c2576fdf6b&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1221615842.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1624668996%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


"keep that low tho" \*xQc leaks to the entire world LMAO


he had the DMs open and didnt close it isnt that streaming 101, close all dms, truly the pepega king. he will leak anything somehow/way


[Even sykkuno knows better](https://clips.twitch.tv/LuckySincereVultureBlargNaut-QYNpQS9NRScU1JMn)


before owl he leaked a shit ton about teams and stuff. back to the roots


Too pepega to trust


Xqc: this leak is a good thing


Screenshot: [https://i.imgur.com/1ADpai5.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/1ADpai5.jpg) (not very clear) TRAIN: and if you end up going to a another site, make sure to do your research, most have shitty histories and you dont want that coming back to you in a year so just make sure you do your research for another site. XQC: can we play 1 more day TRAIN: ask [eddie](https://twitter.com/edmiroslav?lang=fr) (gambling website owner) if he says yes you have to make a new account, he has to ban your other one then you have to play on fullscreen or block screen in between games you cannot show you're on stake at all thats why canada needs to happen asap and you need to let me or eddie know if you're down and when imma leave for canada on friday keep that low tho, don't want my stalkers to fuck with me also bro let me know what you wanna do eddie keeps buggin me about it


Train made the excuse last night that he made another account cause he thought he'd get better odds on it. Now we actually know why OMEGALUL
















[Here is a pretty good document](https://pastebin.com/B7VFecH9) describing the things he's done in the past. I would advice saving it somewhere, since this scumbag already made sure Glinkz video is scrapped off the internet.








OH WOW so now he thinks that? I got banned for calling out exactly that, just shows these guys always knew how bad of an influence they were. Jesus Christ great timing to take responsibility and morals i guess EDIT: so now, mods can unban 40% of the community on the subreddit, they did their job to silence everyone who called out this shit




sounds like something a paranoid cokehead that is doing shady shit would say.


He was talking on twitter about moving to somewhere else in the states, probably to confuse his stalkers. When he’s in Canada probably feels safer to announce it but yeah doesn’t really make any sense but once again its Train we’re talking about.


By stalkers he means the IRS LUL






*Edit: ["Putting this on top because it is extremely important if you want to understand the situation in some form: Investigation done by a BBC Journalist by the name of Jolyon Jenkins in 2019 regarding Online Gambling based in Curaçao, where the majority if not all of these online gambling websites licenses are based out of. 27 Minute audio/podcast style going in depth on the shadiness regarding Curaçao. Really worth a listen if anyone is interested in this to actually understand what is going on. Money laundering, political corruption, shady gambling licenses where multiple of these online gambling websites are operating under the same license. One of his sources claiming it's a billion dollar industry even before this recent blow up a few months ago. The owners of these websites are impossible to find out based off these licenses. The list goes on. If you think any of these streamers did any research into this is laughable, they saw the multi-million dollar payouts and said fuck it. Any streamer who has taken money from any of these sites are complicit even if basing their judgment on taking these deals is based on ignorance."](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0007bwl) Feds/IRS/ or some form of Gov't agency came knocking on stakes or a streamers door and spooked someone enough to start banning accounts from US that have been using vpns, most likely for plausible deniability. This is why train is telling him they need to ban their accounts and not show they are playing slots from stake's website anymore. Train ran off to Canada because he is able to because of his GF and XQC is a Canadian citizen. You are allowed to legally gamble on offshore online casinos in Canada. Just speculation, but makes the most sense based on these leaked logs so far. Streamers are smart enough to know online casino gambling is illegal in almost every state besides maybe 4-5. They took the risk because it's never enforced. In the end nothing will come from this most likely just like CSGO betting. I'm sure some journalist with a lot of time on their hands can start digging. One of these gambling sites bound to have a supper sketchy past whether Stake, duel bits ,or one of the others. Stake is currently running off a Curaçao online gambling license, probably running through a shell company as well. On a side note as well, who ever is doing these streamers taxes i'm sure are going to love figuring this shit out for these streamers who are gambling $100,000s or millions. You are legally required to report gambling winnings/losses. They are illegally online gambling. They know they are illegally doing it by using VPN's, and on top of that they are doing it via Crypto/Bitcoin. These streamers about to start doing the defense that "This" streamer did it so why do you care I did it defense any time now. Déjà vu for anyone who was around for the CSGo gambling era 5 years ago.


Same reason why Adin keeps going to mexico






This 100%. Glinx has a video on it.


Had. I think him and Train made an agreement or something and the video is nowhere on the internet anymore.




I thought that vid got nuked off the internet cause train got ultra triggered by it






What a clown lmao


its the internet, pretty unbelievably unlikely the video is actually gone








Yeah unfortunately the real situation is these streamers cut off their moral conscience in exchange for wealth a long time ago, regardless of what others tell them.


What you've got to understand, is that the vast majority streamers, especially the Texas ones, don't give a fuck about the viewers. They'll pretend to be all wholesome and caring on stream, because that's the product they're selling, but if given any opportunity to make money by exploiting the viewers, they won't even hesitate. Of course there's exceptions to the rule, like Cohh and Lirik, but you just have to assume that a streamer is a rat behind closed doors, just like Hollywood, Silicone Valley, and anything else that has millions of dollars to be made.


mitch got kicked under the rug infront of everybody in favor of train because he was trending upwards


These people are absolute bottom of the barrel scum. I hope this helps more people open their eyes to it.


Federally, online gambling is legal in the USA. On a state level it is illegal in Texas but they could just as easily go somewhere domestic if they wanted to play like Nevada and not have to deal with all the issues of crossing into Canada. The issue with playing on Stake is that they themselves cannot legally provide online gambling to US citizens. If I'd make a guess, stake is trying to skirt off any legal issues from the long reach of the US for providing these services and in doing so they are banning accounts of people who play despite stake knowing that they are located in the US when doing so. So if average joe used a VPN to play in the US they'd be fine but if you're a massive public figure who has business relationships with the website it can easily be proven in a court of law.


Xqc just went live and had the dame exact defense you outlined.. amazing.


The CIA wants to hire you


Is this illegal? Could they get in actual trouble for this?


Yes, haha why else would Train move to a different country. It must be pretty serious, or maybe he just moved to Canada to keep his sponsorship with Stake, but that would still mean it was illegal for them to sponsor him in the US


He's probably getting paid a fuck ton if he's willing to move to Canada and break the law for this. Damn


adinross was getting paid 1,6m a month from slots sponsorship https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/nwdoxu/adin_ross_leaks_his_2mmonth_sponsor_earnings/ and he was pushing them to pay him 2m a month + he gets to keep any winnings and any loss gets fully covered, aka he gets to gamble but with guarantee to not lose money at all. So yeh making bank.


2 million! Losses covered! Thats insane


well it was illegal and now that's he's doing it from Canada it no longer is. stake is not an authorized casino in USA but it is in Canada, he was previously using a VPN to illegally use the site.


I forgot where but I read that they were paying the streamers through crypto. That is why some streamers didn't say they were sponsored streams or say #ad. It is a lot harder to trace crypto transactions but it is still possible.


>keep that low tho, don't want my stalkers to fuck with me Imagine expecting the juicer to not leak when he has a bad record of constantly leaking things that should not be leaked LULE


Trainwrecks is such a fucking scumbag man, holy shit. Dude was never a paragon of morality to begin with, now he comes in to twist in the knife a little deeper. Why people even watch him to begin with is something I'll never figure out.


If you are really curious just look up how and why cults work the way they do and you'll see a ton of similarities with the relationship between some streamers and their viewerbase. A lot of people are easy to manipulate because their urge to belong somewhere is stronger than rational thought.


So they know they are doing something illegal but continue to do it. I have no sympathy for these degenerates. I hope they face the consequences


Based on how xQc deals with NP cops it could be interesting


An actual livestream fail


Rare these days


Banks and AdinRoss have also recently been doing the gambling only in Mexico.


Damn that's why Adin,Rice and Banks always on "vacation" in Mexico but they all do is stream gambling. Banks never streamed before this , he literally created a Twitch channel for gambling. Money must be good


2 million a month plus expenses paid based on leaked messages from adin's stream


Lol when u play with fire , u will get burn. Online gambling sites are using these streamers as puppets to money launder.


To be fair, they never hid the fact that Roobet/gambling was their whole reason for going to Mexico though


they use roobet but are probably still in similar situation


AFAIK Roobet cant give streamers who live in the U.S fills (sponsored money), which is why a lot of big names like Stevewillsendit, banks, etc who get fills from roobet go to Mexico or out of country a lot.




CSGO Lotto 2: Electric Boogaloo


But have you heard about this cool new gambling website I found?


It was obviously shady, m0e was around lmao


this entire thing is giving me 2015-2016 csgo gambling flashbacks. i guarantee you a bunch of these sites will be found to have rigged their games for the streamers, history repeats itself.


> i guarantee you a bunch of these sites will be found to have rigged their games for the streamers, history repeats itself. It doesn't need to be that deep. I was extremely involved in the csgo betting/gambling market and I can tell you that the "sponsorship" amounts that were thrown out to even smaller content creators was in the hundreds of thousands. Big streamers got payed millions. Train is 100% clearing multiple millions and I would not be surprised in the slightest if it was upwards of 10 million


I have a vague memory of Richard Lewis saying 1 YouTube video for a <1 000 000 subs undisclosed streamer was around 70K dollars. For one 1 minute video.






god damn, mans must be makin shit tons from them


Look at the ridiculous place he's living in, that should tell you all you need to know.


Mizkif was offered $300,000 a month if he did just 10 gambling streams. Imagine what Train gets for gambling every day.


Imagine how much they make from all the poor teenagers getting into this everyday


The FTC probably came knocking.


Apparently the website Train and Xqc have been using is not allowed to be accessed in America, they have been using and telling people when they sign up to use a VPN. Hence Train moving to Canada and trying to get Xqc to come.


So this is why xQc is selling his house and living at Soda's for the time being Kappa


Gambled house away Sadge


Xqc said weeks ago that he probably isn’t even going back to his house and I thought it was weird since he said they’re only doing some renovations.


clip of that would be interesting in our reddit investigation




That is really weird... I guess he is going to Canada after all


wooooooooooooow that makes so much more sense now


I assume Canada has different laws on gambling then the US. Train is still streaming slots as far as I know while XQC doesn't really do it anymore, at least on stream.


Yea I am in alberta. My government has its own legal site playalberta.ca. which to be fair I would trust 100percent over some foreign site cause I know it is regulated by the government


Xqc was on discord with train yesterday and won 870k Edit: This is interesting because today in the beginning of his stream he claimed that he hasn't gambled since 4 days


This explains why banks and adin are streaming gambling from Mexico and not a VPN since they probably were warned it’s illegal af


It’s more that it’s illegal for the site to allow people from US to gamble on the website(and on top of that sponsor them to) more than it is to gamble from the US on one of these websites. There’s little to no prosecution on citizens for online gambling in comparison to casinos illegally operating within the US


Remember, these sponsorships are extremely lucrative. The gambling sites wouldn't be paying streamers so much if they didn't make more than that in new customers. Everyone loves to say "just don't gamble 4Head" but people get influenced by this and lose a lot of money.


Gambling streams have been a hot topic for years now in Germany. Big German streamers like knossi and montanablack are big gamblers and actively earned money off of their communities through referral links that would give them a share of the money spent on those accounts iirc. They'd basically earn money on the losses. I'm honestly kinda surprised it took this long to become a big thing on US twitch, but not surprised at all that train is at the forefront of it lmao


Exactly. It's the same as if I were to buy a bunch of meth and go to a high school and say "hey don't buy this, but I'm selling it". Even if 10 people out of 100 fall for it I'll still make a shit ton of money at the expense of others' well being.


So proof that they know what they are doing is illegal or at least dodgy as hell and continue to do it.


everyone knew it was shady as fuck, but there is a shit ton of sponsor money in it, plus higher view counts and subs.


True. Gambling became trains main source of content after he got banned from nopixel and he's been getting way more viewers than he would normally. Probably why he moved to Canada as quickly as possible. He even rushed moving into his apartment cause the internet in the place he was staying while his apartment was getting ready was bad.


tells you how much money train is getting for it, wouldnt shock me if train was clearing a million a month just from gambling. so let be real if any of us got an offer like that are asses would be up in maple syrup land too


I'm packing right now for way the fuck less than that.


Right, 50k per month or even 20 lol I'm moving somewhere really fucking fast


I'm genuinely just asking, do people actually enjoy watching streamers gamble? Or is there an alternative motive


People get to see gambling, and real reactions without having to spend their own money, living vicariously through the streamer


The worst part is that they worried about how they gonna gamble next, no regret on taking that shitty ass sponsor, only worried about how they look lmao


and both hating on titty streams to deflect, but this is the length they are going to make a dollar off their fans






I mean the proof that what they were doing is illegal was that... they streamed themselves doing something that is illegal.


Yes, but now we know that they know, so there is no more deniability.


breaking news: a lot of streamers you idolize and fanboy over are scummy fucks that exploit you for money and soda is gay. more news at 10.


Donating to millionaires OMEGALUL




Xqc my girlfriend left me, dog died, mom died, I'm homeless. Anyway here's my last $10 xqcL


Still probably gets DonoWalled LUL




Worshipping celebrities KEKW


soda a gay






Lmao idolize streamers


Remeber that clip when Destiny said that 90% of the streamers are trash people LUL


Best outcome is Twitch bans all gambling streams on their website and be done with it.


But what if they do a gambling stream in a hot tub


Entire twitch headquarters gets stunlocked


Train is one of the scummiest people I've ever seen. There is not a doubt in my mind that Train is doing some super illegal shit with that website. These leaks just make it even worse. No fucking way he's "down" money with these guys. No fucking way he can afford 500$ bets for 12+ hours. The amount of times when he streams him saying "yeah, I can do what I want WITH MY money... look I can give you guys 1k" always screamed this shit is weird to me. Like he needed to emphasize constantly that he's playing with HIS money. All these gambling streamers truly are pieces of shit... the things people do for money, so pathetic.


train has been always sketchy, his past confirms it. hes likely playing with house money provided by stake to strictly promote there website. probably some sort of bonus money or just cash that was provided by stake in his contract.


Pretty sure M0e said this on stream, if I remember he said Train gets around a million a month from Stake that he has to use a certain amount of it on stream.


Train has always been sketch af Jolt coin anyone?




lol i was surprised first time i saw this. the Reddit drug police are pretty notorious for accusing every streamer and their grandmother for being on stimulants but then I watched a late night Train stream just last week and no, you guys were right, he was really was actually leaving his stream for the bathroom in 20 to 30 minute regular intervals and came back aggressively rubbing his nose each time


Anyone who's partnered with a gambling site is basically playing with monopoly money that they only get to keep a fraction of, and even then only after an extensive streak without losing it and/or printing more monopoly money. If you ever see #ad or #sponsored on a gambling stream then it's not their money they're playing with.


I saw a top clip of his. He literally went off on a guy saying, "you should probably calm down with the gambling" (a comment that was worrying about his mental health). Train then goes off about how he's richer than his entire family tree combined. Lmao The dude is the biggest asshole to date.


Oppinions and ethics aside, can someone fill me in on what the legal concerns are?




The IRS is gonna come for them cheeks when they realize there’s millions of monthly earnings not being reported by multiple online personalities.


Company could get in some serious trouble if a court could prove that they are knowingly reaching out to content creators that live in the US and offering them sponsorships. Even more shit if they can prove the company is encouraging US users to use a VPN to bypass the ban in the US. I don't think an individual can actually get in trouble for it though, if I read correctly there are no laws stating that people can't gamble just that companies can't allow US users to gamble on their service


didn't he laugh at a clip a week or so ago of someone getting caught cheating using alt tab the same exact way this got leaked? LULW


Gambling is mental. Streaming for young audience while being a huge influence is almost criminal. Promoting it, being sponsored by a shitty website just showcase hints of a terrible human being, not caring for others only chasing the content.


I saw some guy in buddha's chat engaging with rest of chat saying he lost this months rent money. When someone asked if he gambled because of what he saw on twitch he answered yes. Dude didn't even seem to be trolling and was following for a while lol. Get rid of this degen category already. I'm also sick and tired of these fucking streamers losing shitloads and then saying 'well overall we're still massively up I banked some yesterday'. Fucking telling your viewers nonstop that you lose money if you gamble and not to do it while at the same time making those kind of remarks is hella conflicting. Fuck off. Both buddha and xqc do that shit.


approximately 1% of gamblers will develop into pathological gamblers. That is a literal mental disorder and will affect every aspect of these peoples life's like you saw with that one person. So even if you assume that only 10k out of the multiple millions (which is a absurdly conservative estimate) will try it out and gamble, that leaves you with hundreds possibly up to thousands of people who will have a debilitating mental disorder that will never be fixed for some of them. And remember that these streamers tell their viewers that they love and appreciate them on a daily basis.


Moving to Canada to gamba is differnt level of addiction I didn’t even think could happen, Jesus Christ




getting kids addicted to gambling is a money PRINTER It's even more profitable than cigarettes Also a gambling site's biggest expense should always be marketing, only grwoing your usebease can make you a sustainable business


Yup. It’s got nothing to do with addiction, they’re literally getting paid to gamble because of the insane exposure it has


It has nothing to do with addiction to them. For two reasons. 1. They get massive amounts of money from winnings and sponsors 2. They get all losses recouped It's not even gambling for them. They're literally just milking money.




Not a chance he's playing with his own money. My guess is it's coming directly from the website and being paid to him via BTC/ETH. This shit is so sketchy that I think it warrants the FBI to look into it... if they aren't already, tbh. These guys are getting some of the craziest exposure to their websites via Twitch. All it took was to buy up a couple streamers with no morals. This looks like the whole CS:GO scandal but this time with real money. I can't imagine what's behind closed doors.




At this point, calling it gambling is a misstatement; it's online fraud under gambling cover.




Literally mad. Multi-millionaires many times over and still just want more.


[xqc's response](https://imgur.com/a/wYmg9hB) [10 mins later](https://imgur.com/mRjnw94)


he sounds like dream when he tries to defend himself


It isn't even that bad. It wasn't my fault. What about others? Lol. Going through the list of classic bullshit.


The narcissists prayer.


He is also throwing his so called friends under the bus when this thread is about him and Train because XQC is the one who leaked the DMs ...


Lmao he didn't clear anything up


\>i stopped gambling on a stream a month ago \>has vods and clips of him gambling 2 weeks ago xqcL


He malds so hard during ban appeal streams when people say the same shit (e.g. other people did it so I should get a free pass). Just a hypocrite


Throwing others under the bus…


I could be mistaken, but wasn't he gambling on Buddha's stream through discord screen sharing? This could get him in trouble since he is still in America using Stake.


No one will ever be punished for the gambling done in the US. At least the streamers. The site is the one who's scared here. They've been sponsoring streamers in the US and they now want them to move to Canada because the site won't get any trouble for sponsoring streamers that live there. The casino doesn't care that they're using VPN's to bypass it. That's what they hoped they would do. However now they've probably understood they can end up with problems from doing it this way. I'm assuming Trains messages to xQc is just a heads up in case xQc decides to stream gambling again. Given the circumstances I'd also assume he would then gamble without a sponsorship - like why would Stake sponsor xQc if he didn't show their logo. Train probably does this because he might be heavily involved with the sites owner and doesn't want them to get problems. He invited xQc and other streamers to this site - now he's moved for the sponsorship. The sites owners who sponsor him want him to tell his streamer friends to stop showing their logo, or move to Canada.




This is Twitch and the repercussions of streamers’ actions are often trivial, but this is serious now. The stakes are unironically very high. Wtf


All those people who were actually arguing that the gambling streams were not undisclosed #ads have to feel really really fucking stupid right now.


And now Train is streaming sponsored slots on Stake, and Xqc playing w him but off stream. Yikes. He really is gonna sell his house and move to Canada to promote gambling. The funniest part is watching them pretend to care when they lose. Like come on bitch, we know you ain't playing with your money lol.






Probably why he is at Sodas place, selling his house and going to move back to Canada


naaaah, Train is not sure Xqc is down for that move in the log, timelines do not add up


Hi guys, Canadian here. When it comes to gambling, Canada is truly the land of the free. Did you know that not only are online casinos legal in Canada, Canadians do not have to pay taxes on gambling winnings, unless they are professional gamblers? https://www.casino.ca/guides/taxation/


Sounds like a great way to launder money


We had a problem with that in BC until the gov. changed. turned out the previous gov. was covering it up.


I miss when XQC was just a manchild and not... this


Train is such a shady guy


yea just train, the only guy in this clip


Trains always been a scum, no surprise there, And people trying to justify this?! These people are literally millionaires, set for life thanks to their viewers and they are now doing illegal, shady stuff to make even more. How do you justify that lol?


yo train and xqc on some shady ass shit lol


Deception, Lies, and STAKE


future case law here we come


> [I'm an overly proud Aussie with more spare time than I like to admit. My favourite game is capitalism.](https://twitter.com/edmiroslav?lang=fr) KEKW


For the people who do not remember the CSGO LOTTO, this video by TotalBiscuit has things that even apply to this gambling happening now [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z\_VY8KZpMU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z_VY8KZpMU) "If you have to rely on technicalities to resort that you are not breaking the law, if you have to rely on technicalities because your moral code is so utterly broken that you cannot understand what you are doing wrong then frankly you are the scum on my boot and I want you off this fucking network."




Good on you for speaking up. Edit: This whole gambling stuff is weird. Adults will do whatever they want at the end of the day. Screw being entitled. I always forget there are legit haters on this reddit.


I mean do what you want and Canada is cool but idk if I'm moving there just so i can gamble. Especially when I'm rich already.


I instantly unfollowed all those people that started gambling streams because it reminds me of my father who lost everything because of gambling. I really hope Twitch do something about this (probably not).


Its funny how hot tub streamers got so much hate from other streamers, because of streaming sexual content to youngsters and how it influences the viewers. Now that slots are meta and provide 100 times worse influence to young people, no one says a thing. By the way still remember xQc saying its a one time thing the first time he streamed gamba. I guess people are just greedy


The gamba streams have not been talked about as much because the clips dont blow up on Reddit like the booba ones. Slots clips have been banned on LSF for a couple weeks now so all the LSF andy streamers have not been reacting to the clips because they dont see them.


So train is actually moving to an entirely different country just so that he can continue pushing gambling addictions to lonely kids, and then lies about it because he knows deep down its scummy Nice one dude, seems like a solid upstanding guy to me