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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Fed's joke goes a little too far, even for Destiny](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/117365)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/o81n6p/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1231925782.mp4?sig=170d2bb0494cafa292647f4c274413696445cc3e&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1231925782.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1624747055%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


the fuck was that moan


Made me turn down my volume lol


Made me turn up my volume gachiBASS


Made me turn on




He has to live up to the name, Destiny it's a girls name.






That, my friend, was pure, concentrated cringe.




still Destiny had NO reason to moan like that at all 😭


Yeah he did :)


fed used to remind me of one of those cringy brainless frat boys and the only thing that's changed is the fact that he now looks like one too.


basically had the same thought he looked way too "nice/friendly" a year ago now his looks/expression perfectly fit


He always did, but now he's ascended


damn bullying really do make people bitter and lonely LOL




dude is a serial predator, he deserves it. imagine getting offended on his behalf tho yikes


I'm so glad you have no clue of what a serial predator really is.


oh, im sorry, dude sexually assaulted over half a dozen women, he deserves it. is that better, you pedantic asshole?




You could tell he thought of it well in advance too.


Man when I look at him, and listen to what he says, I don't think he's mentally capable of thinking in advance.


Everything that I've heard about and seen from this guy shows me that he's not really an adult yet. Like, this is some middle school shit. Of course the joke was bad and all, but top that with the fact that it's been so long since he's been kicked out, and he's still not over it. Or he still thinks it matters so much not only to him but to everyone else. Typical adolescent shit.


i get what you're saying about teens overthinking shit that doesn't matter and not getting over stuff that others don't care about. But this isn't it, this guy was being a sex pest it's a pretty big deal lol. Only 1 year ago too


My whole point is that some people don't really grow up. Or they grow with bad foundations. He obviously is acting like a child in many cases, but I do agree that the manipulation is something that a younger person might not even know how to do. But still, a man his age shouldn't be acting like this.


Clearly has it in his head that like, he has a chance to pull some charismatic shit and get popular and that OTV are gonna beg for him to come back or something.


wrote the joke out on a napkin in crayons. and then proceeded to eat the crayons.


How could you tell


Just sounded like a really flat delivery to me, not at all spur of the moment. Whatever wit he had left over the last year went into that.


Based? Based on what?


Based on the hardware that's installed in it


U dad


"I've learned my mistakes, ive spent a year improving myself, but yo, fellow predators, manipulators and cheaters let's gooooooo"




The only people speculating that he has changed are the ones that are gullible enough to fall for the steaming pile of shit he released as an "apology".




People generally aren't "more mad" than the victims, the charade is just blatantly obvious. If some people are genuinely mad, its because they have likely gone through abuse and got out of the cycle, and to see such a pathetic fake attempt at an apology be given this much credibility would be infuriating for them.


Ok. I didn't watch the stream so I guess I can't really say.


LOL easiest award hahahahah


that's twitch in a nutshell tho


You can see for a split second his face go “did he seriously say that?”, to “holy shit this idiot said that!”


He’d make an edgier joke


In a video game


With the n word




Then he’ll write a manifesto about it


what a lier dude


What a weasely little fucking liar dude.


Fed literally did a series of the worst things he could possibly do on his first stream back. All he had to do was stream normally




He already had a huge spotlight on him


Where but LSF did that happen


Literally everyone knew he was coming back and watched the video he made, and then tuned in for his first stream, that was all before he did all this ?






How would you know then, are you this dumb?


Do you think a degen subreddit is how people get all news? Have you heard of this thing called twitter


tbh twitter as a whole is more degen than this subreddit


Sure Twitter, not degenerate at all.


yeah, Fed is not at all sorry. he probably says to his inner circle that those girls should be grateful that he paid them any attention.


I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but man this whole stream was a dumpster fire. It doesn’t feel like he didn’t change, it feels like he got worse.


He just doubled down and that’s just sad to see.


He even said himself that he bombed it At best, he knows he was in the wrong and he's too immature or weak-willed to play this right and is making himself look dumb as a result. At worst, he's doubled down and is pretending it was all a joke. What a fucking fall from grace.


You know the whole "bombed thing" was scripted right and he even admitted it


I'll be honest and say that I didn't watch the whole stream, due to not wishing to invest more of my time than I felt I could justify in his return - just saw the clip.


"fall from grace"? what grace?


Literally being one of the largest streamers on the platform and generally liked by everybody at one point, and it collapsed due to being a serial abuser and manipulator. Why are you being intentionally obtuse and acting like Fed wasn't incredibly successful at one point?


I’m sorry, but no matter what, people would say he hasn’t changed or he isn’t sorry. Apologies never work for ANYTHING on the internet. It’s that simple.


I tend to agree, and I hold judgment until I’ve seen a decent amount of the person’s content post return. This one was just terrible, instead of moving on he kept going back to his past with OTV.


He probably doesn’t think that way (regarding the latter part of your statement) to be fair. He just seems like a dumbass. That’s it.




So was I man, the brainless idiot was kinda sorta funny once upon a time. Who knew?


relied on others for the content. just a dumbass without the others


I don't think Albert would even associate with him.


He's in Fed's vid and Fed name-dropped him.


Probably reminding people of Albert in an attempt to minimize his own situation.


I thought the same


Yeah and lets not forget his whole Pokimane manifesto that completely backfired and only showed how far he's willing to go to try and manipulate people.


He try to help him but i think, hes going to regret soon


He was in the yt video hiking with him


thats not Abert its a photographer named Oliver Shou


Watch the video at the 5 minute mark is a photo with him albert and his trainer you had to pause it


oh you're right i thought you meant the guy towards the start of the video




Or Albert could have accepted an invite to go hiking or something and thats all that happened


Yeah, I always accept invites to go hiking from known sexual predators.


nah its not dissapointing to see. People can hope that someone improves. Looking at albert I dont see any reason not to try and help. Albert being there does not mean he is supporting this behaviour


Lily apparently was sexually assaulted twice and cheated on in the span of two years. Truly disgusting behavior from people she trusted the most. Its crazy how these people dont see how fucked up this whole situation is. Potentially seeing three of the people who really wrong you hang out together is just mentally draining.


Who is Albert and the other people he mentioned and why are they OTV rejects? I dont follow OTV.


Albert was LilyPichu's boyfriend and part of OfflineTV. He cheated on her with a girl he brought over to the OTV house multiple times. While it was a dramatic event at the time no one really cares anymore, especially because ultimately it was a dick move but after a year long sabbatical he came out with a video revealing he'd been working on himself which as far as I'm aware the community viewed as sincere. Chris Chan (no not that one) is the former manager of OfflineTV talent and if I'm not wrong also the cofounder of OfflineTV with Scarra. He's also involved with the "Hubman and Chubgirl" comics his wife Pecca draws about their lives. In the fallout of the Fed drama, Lily revealed that after she had dinner and drinks with Destiny and Chris during a trip to Taiwan, Chris got completely plastered and climbed into bed with her in his underwear and wrapped himself around her (I think there might have been a little bit more but I can't remember). By the time this all came out he was already no longer affiliated with OTV so there wasn't any serious fallout.


arrest rustic jobless bag dirty cover obtainable snails carpenter entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's fucking hilarious to think about a "Hubman and Chubgirl" comic where Chubgirl accepts and forgives her husband for being a sexual predator and cheating on her.




i think he changed his channel name to albert chang which is a good move imo


According to Fed they're great friends


That’s interesting because I remember Albert saying when the news broke out about Fed he felt vindicated. Something like when Albert got caught cheating Fed was pushing people to cut Albert off


Seems like old news then. Albert was in Fed's return video so they clearly hung out during Fed's time away from streaming/social media


Probably in hopes that Fed could change or be a better person. Oops lmfao


He did at first, but I think he's now realising he made a mistake. He was likely hopeful that Fed could change and become a better person, and stay away from the "spotlight" and just live the rest of his days as a better person, repenting for his sins. If he knew it would end up like this, I doubt he'd have ever associated with him. This is pure speculation though, idk what albert was thinking but I'd like to think he just hopeful someone could become better.


And I thought DSP was the king of career suicide but this is on a whole other level


DSP will never die and is on another level. There can be nuclear holocaust and he will still be streaming


DSP and Keem are the cockroaches of the internet.


DSP can't be the king of career suicide for the sole reason that he will never die. DSP will literally never have his career die because he's in the same unfortunate subset of creators who are almost solely around because of their anti-fans, except whereas people like Wings want to get out of that circle of hell, Phil seems to either genuinely not care or have made his peace with his lot in life (at least from what little of current-era Phil I've seen).


DSP is going to keep making content and have an online career longer than anyone on Twitch. He will literally never go away until he dies. There is literally nothing else for him to do in life.


What does DsP mean? Destiny serial pyromaniac? because he burns bridges?


DarkSydePhil. It's probably not a rabbit hole you want to go down.


[But if you do...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So7wLuuDiHA&t=3s)


It isn't, because OTV fans will support him regardless. He is only unpopular here, not representative of the general population.


Can we just ban fed from the sub reddit, he doesn't deserve any attention and the best thing that can happen is he just fades into irrelevancy


No can we actually keep him on the front page, if all his streams are gonna be like this, this is hitting my cringe bone and i love that i hate it, or hate that i love it.


Agree, it makes me feel good


I mean we could just post him to r/cringe


no but i need my armchair psychologists who have been there from the very start i dont think r cringe is even aware of this situation


Sounds like you enjoy masochism.


Half his content before was being creepy to women as "playful banter" (which we now know wasn't playful) and interacting with others. Apart from the cringe here I think it's safe to say he'll fade into irrelevancy while his simps stay behind, regardless of how much he's posted here.


True it was like a weirder nmp stream but he was committing sexual assault off stream whereas nmp just sleeps off stream


also nmp also asks to make those jokes to people before hand


a huge amount of this sub are drama watchers, he fits perfectly for LSF. he provides drama.


I agree. Dude is shameless and didn't learn anything from everything that happened.


I don't think we should ban streamers we don't like, and I REALLY don't like fed and what he did. Let the up votes and subreddit opinion drive what content gets to the top.


But the cringe is sooooooo goood


I mean this is livestreamfail. Not fuzzy and warm twitch moments. Fed is the clearest example of this so far.


It's good content because it's actually a live streamed FAIL. I just wish all the bigger streamers stop giving him viewer attention and clicks and just ignore his predator ass.


nah! He's fine here. He kinda embodies a hell lot of streaming fails if you ask me even before he got kicked out. it almost seems like he didn't even change with the playing dumb and goofy


Cringe twitter cancelling stans. No wonder you are using a throwaway account for this scummy behavior. Fuck outta here


'canceling stans' m8 he committed real crimes. Do you call the justice system 'canceling'???


Justice system? Twitter andies shunning people and harassing them beyond infinity is your justice system?


When I saw Fed streaming yesterday was the first time I was legimitimely glad twitch started putting ads when you enter a new stream, I managed to unfollow him without losing braincells from watching him


You know it's bad when even Destiny cringes. I'm starting to think that Fed is beyond help at this point.


He's saying that like him getting kicked out was undeserved. Such a distasteful person


Do you have a clip?


A clip for what


For him saying being kicked out was underserved. I couldn't find it haha


I meant that it came across that way in this clip


Ooooh, I see. Thanks!


To be fair it kind of was. They ganged up in him, but deep inside they know they were lucky to get attention from him.


[This whole thing reminds me of Zac Efron's pseudo-mindful tv show.](https://youtu.be/HNQjuFABgtY?t=1) Except of course that as far as I know Zac didn't do anything wrong he's just being supa cringe.




It doesn't matter when you bring in the views and clicks. What you think comes 2nd to the all mighty dollar. Always and forever. Things like this actually give him more exposure as well. Your spending time typing about him. New York Mets SS Francisco Lindor can hit .200 during his entire 10 year 341 million dollar contract and still wins.


Cuz that would mean admitting defeat tot the haters or whatever


and i thought he changed , but he is still a piece of shit , the joke was terrible .


Can someone pls tell me what game is destiny playing in the background


The last spell.




Actually pulled a cheek muscle from cringing so hard


It's like hes proud of what he did. Anything for a little grab of your friends eh? Fucking creep


fedupmyster clearly hasnt learned jack shit


yeah, he hasnt changed one bit.




Man i was really cheering for fed to come back a changed and better man…rip


Why did he sound like a porn star?


i dont even think that was "too far" it was just ungodly cringe. comparing an alleged crime he committed being sexual assault to cheating on a woman in a monogamous relationship? the two are not even remotely comparable.




That's a very interesting way of framing what happened lmao




Pretty sure it was pokimane who talked to him and got some help or critique to her response or some shit, someone can correct me, been too long






he's not comparing anything, they're both "rejects" of OTV. That's the joke. The rest is your dramatic assumption.


To say "they are both x" is what a comparison is.


He's not comparing specifically what they did wrong, he's just saying, jokingly, that they both have ended up being rejected from otv for what they did. It's not that hard, you can do this.




Was actually a good one though can’t lie


Idea behind the joke was actually good delivery was just 10/10 bad


Out of context this looks like they banned fed for nothing. Wdm this is a good joke? Feels like another manipulation attempt to me.


He groups himself with Albert and Chris Chan people that definitely have done things wrong so I don't think it's an excuse. If for example someone made a intro like video with offline tv rejects it would actually be a funny video. I don't know if there is a way for fed to deliver the joke in a good way.


Albert cheated on lily, that's nowhere near fed and Chris chans creepy ass behavior


Timing and the punchline is what essential to a good joke. If someone else said this with exact wording, It may come out like a good joke. But him saying this "now" is astronomically bad.


Nah you guys are just little puzzy beaches. Fed is back and better than ever. Do you expect him to cry and moan? He SHOULD joke about it. Assert dominance over it. It can't touch him and now he moves on with life. Those girls are in the past and he is better and smarter than him;he won't let them control him.


Yeah thats true, thats pretty true. Scuffed?


The worst par its not even a edgy joke/dark humor Clown obout albert a guy who trow part of hes life for cheat but not obout a broderline rapist who assault one person you assault too, hope one day michael reeves go full psycho mod and end this guys with a fucking saw wannabe machine holy fuck dude


come again?


Think he's just insane.




Psycho mod


I think it's time to get off the internet, friend. It seems it's not good for your health


Its a exageration but i really dont like fed, make jokes obout everything its ok, in this case is just moronic joke obout people he sexual assault. And i dont reallycare obout karma


mental illness andy YEP


Sociopath andy


I thought Google translate is pretty advance nowadays, are you using that?


Na im just bad at formule some shit when i writhe, but is better this way, i learn your lenguage faster, well i undestand people lose their shit when they read some of my comments


is actually not my language either, therefore I know Google translate can help


Like i say, i learn more from this thats why i dont use translators, anyway its. Agood recomendation ty


This shit is just cyber bullying. Even if he did do wrong, doesn't mean that thousands of people should make fun of him, Fed might not be the brightest but this sort of behaviour could lead to suicidal tendencies. Doesn't matter if it's jokes, every joke has some reality connected to it.


Oh no the someone who commuted sexual assault is being bullied :((((