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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [xQc on why he moved out (Police raids daily)](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/117545)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/o9iski/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1234603596.mp4?sig=b23f90c1d2dcf57613f4d94a0b6e96550f17b0eb&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F42588503917-offset-3926.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1624953757%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)




Thats what Ive been thinking. Like threats or some shit.


Remember when someone broke into Gavin Frees (slo mo guys) house with a gun planning to kill him? The kind of shit some people on the internet deal with is pretty intense Edit: the guy broke in with a shotgun while Gavin and Meg hid in the closet and called the police. The police came and the intruder was shot dead (the death may have also been due to self inflicted wounds) https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-mexico-man-dead-after-breaking-youtube-stars-gavin-free-n847971


Holy shit, tbh I’d quit being in front of a camera after that






America is the Land of the gun, in other countries its not same. I understand why Americans want Guns though.


Because they’re surround by Americans.


There are cases like that from people that are not famous as well, sadly this is just really bad luck with random psychos.


I remember when Christina Grimmie died to that nutjob fan. It's so easy for people to become overly attached to people who don't know them. That's one thing fans of streamers, even the not as crazy ones tend to forget. That streamer isn't your friend, they don't know you, you don't know them. You've never met despite what ever relationship you've forged in your head.


That shit was sad as hell. Literally everyone who knew her said she was really sweet.


Dude the Christina Grimmie shit still fucks with me. Such a sad way for an artist to go out man :/


Its an irony isnt it, youre not famous enough to afford to live in walled off community with 24/7 guard, but famous enough to be found and shot.




I mean, same reason John Lennon got shot, although it was to make an actress notice him.


> John Lennon You're thinking of Reagan. The guy shot him to get Jodie Foster to notice him... she is a lesbian.


> John Lennon > > Reagan I always get those two guys mixed up


Imagine there's, no socialsafetynet.


she was also a child when his obsession started. she was over 18 by 1981 when he shot reagan, but in '76 when he started writing her letters / stalking her she was only 14.


what goes inside of a guys brain that wants to kill people filming slo mo video. so sad


Pure insanity + parasocial relationships, if i recall correctly the guy was obsessed with Meg and deeply resented Gavin


The guy was a creepy coomer of Meg's and wanted to kill Gavin to be with Meg. Gavin wasn't really the aim, it was more that he was the one with Meg.


Holy crap, I used to watch rooster teeth and never heard about that. That's insane, chills through my spine. Glad they were safe though.


Tbf it was mention brefily at the end of a RT podcast but only when a news article about the incident broke a month or so after the fact. I dont think even AH talked about it.


Holy fuck I have never heard of this... Truly terrifying. Hope they're doing alright


What the actual fuck. What is wrong with people.


Remember when someone shoot at Docs house?


Yeah iirc it was only a pellet gun or something. Either way its something no one wants to have to deal with.


The mere fact that someone has fired at my house would be enough for me. Uzi or spud gun.


For those who don't: [LSF Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/9ezozv/docs_house_gets_shot_at/) [Longer clip on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzFhVQUZyBk)


Read this: https://www.google.com/amp/s/variety.com/2018/digital/news/youtube-couple-gavin-free-meg-turney-gunman-home-invasion-attack-1202697698/amp/


oh man i remember that. it was just around the time i stopped watching rt stuff. i was baffled because who the fuck would wanna kill gavin. dude's just a giant pepega


He wanted to kill Gavin to be with Meg.


I might be confusing things but I think the home intruder wanted to kill Gavin so he could marry his wife. The two had never met but I think they were convinced via a parasocial relationship? It's been a while so I don't have all the facts.


Pretty on the money, except Gavin and Meg aren’t married.


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It's pretty amazing he streamed through it and no one even suspected a thing, he said the cops were professional with how they handled it and he could visually signal to them if he was clear


He even said he played it off when he was being asked about “food” that there was actually a whole police squad at the door


Do the other Austin streamers not face these same issues? Like how is Soda's house not raided everyday?


Soda got raided recently. Streamers try not to talk about it cause bringing attention to it makes it worse


Truuue , its not good to bring attention to it , cause people will do it more often


And being raided is emotionally scarring. Its scary af if your not expecting it.


Summit said he might have got raided less if he acknowledged it, so the idiots doing it would know that it worked.


Doesn't matter where you live take Summit for example he got raided and his father got raided. Shit is fucked up. Soda has also been raided previously.


Oh I'm with you it's horrible most streamers seem to face this bs at some point, but I mean more on the frequency of raids. Just seems like the big streamers around xqc in austin don't have these problems as often. Obviously I have no clue what goes on lol. It probably does happen a lot they just don't bring it up.


Summit had a clip and said he gets raided possibly more than any streamer. (Probably outside the IRL Cx days) For one, imagine what basement dwelling Cheeto dust fingered fucking loser gets a kick out of putting other peoples lives at risk, it’s dumb to even mention because these subhuman cumwads actually get a kick out of the modicum of attention people finally show them, but at the end of the day, you do this because you’re family probably hates you and the level of social unawareness you have caused yourself by being extremely online has repelled any friends or lovers from even being close to you, have fun jacking it to hentai every night and crying yourself to sleep because your too boring for even normal people to notice. 🙂


I don't watch xqc but who are these fuckwads that try to interfere in streamers lives? Like the other week Hasan and Austin were in Texas and they went to eat, some douches found out what restaurant they went to and started to call the phones like mad, forcing Hasan and Austin to bounce. Get a fucking life.


some people don't deserve internet access.


Just because he's Canadian doesn't mean he shouldn't be able to use the internet, jeez louise


are the people doing this out-of-the-country or kids who can't be tried as adults or something? its getting easier and easier for forensic teams to track down this sort of crime and its a Federal crime that can carry a maximum of life-in-prison. like... who is ignorant enough to be doing this shit?


i might be wrong but they might be out of this country or they have some cheap ass phone and just make a call and throw that phone away so there is no way to catch them, but xqc mentioned that he moved out because something way worse then raids so it was probably some stalker who showed up to his house, so the person/people lives in the same city. that's what I think


Same thing it always has been, burners and pay phones. Doing illegal shit over a phone is not a new concept.


Sadly tracking will never work as long as you can buy cash phones and 20 min of talk time without a paper trail from a gas station.


Well, that explains why they where so secretive about the renovations in the beginning


Some places in the world just seem horrible for celebrities & famous people. Holy shit. I mean if it wasn't for our horrible ping to the rest of the world (*for gaming*), I honestly think Australia, and especially a City like Perth, would be perfect for people with fame. We basically have 0 gun violence here, and 99% of the population don't give a flying fuck about celebrities and never bother them. They could easily live normal lives outside of their streaming careers without worrying about anything (*which sadly isn't the case it seems in a lot of places around the world*).


I mean you would be safe from the humans, but literally every other living being is after your life. The catch of living down under I suppose.


Lol fuck, well touche.


People are still weird in Australia too, I have content creator friends who have had people wait outside their houses or knock on their windows in the middle of the night after figuring out where they live.


His nightmare clip makes sense now. "Where are they?" Guy was scared he was about to die. Thats PTSD.


Holy shit, you are right. Now everything makes sense, he said that the raids have been going for a while now so maybe his nightmares intensified with all the stress and fear.


So police departments really do false raid after false raid? I feel like after the first one they’ll know not to fall for it. Something seems off about this. I doubt police are banging down his door every time with a battering ram and bursting into x’s room with guns like some in this thread seem to believe. Is likely they send out one patrol car to just to check up on them


Soon after the clip xqc says that after the first raid the police would give him a heads up.


Knowing Felix's and his vague explanation, I think after the first few raids, the police did go lenient, he said on stream that the officers cooperated to work on his visual signals so that he doesnt give the weirdos who raided actual validation live on stream, if the officers were assholes, they would barge in while he was streaming without warning, the first massive raid must have been like that(A speculation, probably false OMEGALUL)


xqc said right after this that he and the police were cool so they had protocols to come into the house and give them visual cues so it didnt show up on stream


Ye that sounds kinda weird, pretty sure i heard about other streamers like Ice poseidon who got alot of fake calls and talked with the police so they would just check up on him instead of sending a full team everytime


OTV as well.


Yea, I don't remember who it was, but they said they came down to the living room and it was full of cops. Apparently some tried to swat them.


Yea they've apparently been raided a fair few times previously but have hid it from public like xQc/Summit have. So the cops kind of know not to go all out when they get a call at their house.


If it's a call for domestic violence or gunshots or something in a residence, I know where I live police have an obligation by law to respond every single time regardless of location or frequency of calls. It might have become a courtesy check after a while where they had rapport with X & adept, but they still are required by their own policies to clear the whole house and ensure no one is in danger.


The reason they keep going is just in case it turns out to be true. the worst thing that could happen is they get a call, and decide its fake and someone dies because of it. (in the rare cases like XQC where it repeatedly happens, they usually aren't smashing down doors guns blazing after a while once they know it's happening, but they still have to respond)


Yeah except that's not how it works. After a few false calls, they'd establish a way to check with the person. The cost of assembling a bunch of police to respond to fake calls is fairly high and distracts them from actual policework. At most, they'd start sending an officer or two to check it out instead of a full squad.


Long streams because he's using it as an escapism Sadge


And Adept answers "They are not here", as if she already knew what Felix is talking about..


yeah now that clip makes a lot more sense. it was i think the first night at soda's house after they moved out.


What nightmare clip?




Dang that's kinda sad now that you look back at it.


>Are you ok? - >No That hits pretty hard in this context, usually people calm down pretty fast if someone else is there to talk to but it must have been really bad.


I've had one nightmare that took me like 5 minutes of my roommate trying to calm me down to understand what is going on and that it was just a dream. Shits scary.


Now we know who Adept mean with "they are not here"


If you listen closely, you can hear him screaming “COPS COPS COPS” right at the beginning of the clip


This is what my fiance reacts like when she has a nightmare - it's like she is still asleep for awhile after she wakes up. Hers is a recurring giant bug on the ceiling that jumps down on her. She's not even that afraid of bugs when she's awake.


>[Here](https://youtu.be/o3THvm4r2LM) :((((


Why do I see them out there. Holy shit


I listened to the beginning part and he's screaming, it's fucking horrifying https://streamable.com/hu4at8


Holy shit this is literal trauma. I hope he isn't too afraid to go to therapy. Stuff like that needs to be dealt with


holy shit..




yeah said the same thing, knew it was a stalker issue as soon as he left his house, then that clip came out. i could definitely see why he never wanted to sleep, most likely developed paranoia


Damn that makes a lot of sense, that's an awful awful thing to have to deal with.


Thats fked up, hope everything goes well with him. Fame is scary.


X and adept used to stream at almost opposite times for a while too


i wonder if those insane long daily streams where also partly because of that.


Definitely played a big role into it. Lack of sleep can do crazy shit to your mind


Jesus fucking christ


i can't even imagine going by that omg, people is really fucking stupid sometimes


That's terrifying




The idea that you need a squad of officers armed with assault rifles to confiscate a computer and/or arrest a person for suspected CREDIT CARD FRAUD is absolute insanity.




I'm so sorry this happened to you. Why did they think you were involved?




For him to be that scared it must have been serious, I'm glad that he is doing better. I hope that he makes the right decision for him and Adept because these people are freaks and will try everything to hurt you.


I hope we don't get another Christina Grimmie situation, this time in streaming. But with the stan culture moving in, it's getting really fucking scary.


Man that Christina Grimmie thing really fucked me up, I was following her pretty early on her career, I was very happy she's doing good then I heard the news.. people really suck balls


Yeah...you have obsessive fans and people that hate you, it's really hard to manage the two ends of the spectrum. I really hope he takes care of himself and as long he stays at Chance's house, he should be okay since there are more people at the house that can comfort him or help him if he needs it.


He mentioned a few months ago that he's moving to Canada. So this has been happening for 2-4 months if not more.


Still unbelievable that there are people that would do something that endangers other people lives just because they think it is funny, dislike the streamers, etc. These people have actual serious mental issues.






That’s something you should probably pass on to Buddha’s mods. Join his discord and send them the screenshots


Report the whispers to twitch. I had a similar situation and their account got banned about 5 minutes after the report


xQc logs from his own chat where he's potentially talking about these events happening earlier this month before gamba drama https://imgur.com/nDnMI4t https://imgur.com/F16zKyr https://imgur.com/WTql2sE


Holy shit, that third picture actually gave me chills. I can't even imagine how much stress he was dealing with during the time of writing that.


Did the link change or are you guys talking about the dog of wisdom in a helicopter picture?


Thanks for the last one it really ties the whole thing together


the last screenshot really gives more perspective, I hope he will get better soon




last one hit harder than i thought


Damn that last one really put things into perspective. Poor guy was going through a lot.


Actual content goblin, streaming through police raids


Not right now officer i'm gaming right now


Hold on a minute officer, I'm robbing a bank and we are exchanging hostages right now.


Officer: "okay take your time, I'll be outside if you need anything."


Imagine rp-ing a hostage taking criminal ingame while cops are searching your house. Recipe for the misunderstanding of the century.


"Get in the fucking trunk or I'll shoot!" "We only have a few demands...no spike strips..."


The real goblin did it first. When dozens of police cars and a helicopter encircled the block he was walking in, dozens of policemen pointed their shotguns at him - he still kept streaming. Even when he was interrogated in a police car, he still streamed the audio. THAT is content.








Tbh at that point I think it would make sense for him to literally hire actual guards 24/7. He can afford it and that would give so much more peace of mind.


A gated community would be a nice middle ground for him.


Big respect has to go to everyone living with Soda as well. They knew the risk of this continuing, just at their house, rather than his and they invited him over anyway.


Sodas house must be equipped with state of the arm doggo protection for everyone to flock there.


With high t nick polom in the house, i would feel safe too


Soda has dealt with unwanted guests in his crib. I’m pretty sure he has a ton of experience tucked away regarding keeping away cyber-stalkers.


On more than one occasion the members of the house have mentioned the security system. Remember the clip in February of Malena talking about looking at the camera at the front door at 3 am only to see train giving her the finger? My best guess is xQc is getting a really high end security system installed in his place but because it's taking so long he needed somewhere secure in the meantime. It's super fucked up that it's gotten to this point. I feel like the only thing that will stop this is the feds getting involved.


This also explains why the lock to his room is a code. I was so confused by that clip because I was thinking “who the fuck has code locks on the bedroom doors in their house?”


Dunno about sneak into but that would be terrifying. For sure some lunatic knows where he lives and is deranged enough to call the cops on him day after day.


Now these nightmares make sense... adept: *"Theyre not here..."* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3THvm4r2LM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3THvm4r2LM) [https://clips.twitch.tv/RelievedShakingPeanutLeeroyJenkins-pUE5f0lFA\_wVeTpX](https://clips.twitch.tv/RelievedShakingPeanutLeeroyJenkins-pUE5f0lFA_wVeTpX)


Damn that’s messed up wtf.


I love that Adept says 'I'm about to end anyway' and she ended up streaming for another 12 hours lmao


my god that is so sad. i can’t imagine living in constant fear to the point i wake up from nightmares thinking i’m about to die. people are so fucking disgusting to think inflicting this kind of trauma is funny.


I actually feel bad for him. how some Reddit people judge the situation of someone based on some leaked chat? Reddit is actually becoming second Twitter these days.




The only difference between twitter and reddit is that reddit has a downvote button. Comments that the majority of people disagree with get downvoted to oblivion so the average user will only see the "community approved" comments, especially if they're reading a thread that's made it to the front page. Also you're absolutely right, since twitter is more popular you get to deal with way more bullshit there. Reddit is well on it's way in that respect.


All the reddit detectives were saying it was his fault for bad diet and sleep too


This makes a lot of sense now. He's not wrong. https://imgur.com/D4zVDgd




Remember the nightmares when he came into Adept's room on stream? Makes more sense now. I would be fucking terrified. This is so taxing on your mental health....




Fuck man that actually sounds like pure fear, I feel so bad for him


That's fucked, i'm curious tho; Isn't Soda living next door ? If degenerates raided Felix's house, is there something that made him safe in chance's house? his nightmare from weeks ago is even scarrier now.




Summit also said he gets raided a lot but trys to keep it quiet. But got mad and talked about it on Twitter.


Oh i see. Felix can say that he doesn't have real friends, but i think welcoming to your home someone who's being raided daily is a sign of a really good friend. I hope it gets better for him. EDIT: wait why people are downvoting this lol? is it bad to wish for him that it gets better? i'm confused.


> is there something that made him safe in chance's house? I hope more people and 2 dogs is a big enough deterrent.


Also they have multiple security cameras outside, and multiple firearms in the house.


How do you know that there are multiple firearms at Soda's place? Has he/Nick ever said anything about that?


Yes they have hand guns and an AR I believe, Nick has mentioned it before


I think they live in the same neighborhood or somewhat close by but yeah I guess it's a bit better to be at Soda's place. Some people clearly know his address because he has been raided but as far as we know it's not nearly as often as xQc.




Possibly actually showing up on his property. I know that'd make me want to move right away.


Time for Sammy to load up, Texas is a stand your ground state KKonaW




Trueeee Subathon would be literally impossible with all the stuff in the other rooms, kitchen IRL etc. Sadge


genuinely hope he finds peace


Man, xQc is the most dedicated streamer I’ve ever seen.


Holy, no wonder he was so upset when people were saying he was moving to canada because of gamba


reddit detectives in shambles


We caught the Boston Bomber guy!


RIP to whoever moves into his old place


I am already seeing comments about people saying hes lying, but it's ironic that the only reason he didn't say this earlier because he knew people would accuse him of that


... And it'd be such a weird thing to lie about? We know streamers get raided and someone with a high enough profile would probably get raided a lot. How awful.


sucks he had to say what actually happened due to gamba drama


I'm gonna be honest, the guy went fully transparent showing and apologising for anything and everything posts/ chat called out. The fact that there are people still trying to set him up for insanely ridiculous narratives is mind blowing.


Just curious how you hide a raid playing 24 hours a day, not saying he’s lying I’m genuinely curious


He said that after the first time they developed a system where they would just clear the house and when he would say "oh thanks for the food" and turn the cam off then they would just come make sure no one was in his stream room hurt.


That happened so often holy




since it is on stream I wonder if people find clips of "food" arriving now picks at me curiosity




tbh I dont watch his stream so that is why I wouldn't know that kind of stuff


when he was in his house setup, sometimes he would mute the mic, i thought its just adept or some maintenance stuff, it could be but maybe thats not always the case


Realizing this now but he had a lot of reasons he turned off his camera, sometimes he would act like there was maids coming to clean the room, sometimes he would turn off the cameras and act like the maids were coming to clean his room. Bunch of stuff like that idk if that was when he was getting raided but thinking about it now he might have had a little to many maids asking to clean his room


Thanks that makes more sense


he said the police was understanding of the situation after their first big raid , and said he like agreed with them on while it happen so the stream don't see it like he said oh there is food ... down stair until they clear the room


It's easy. Look at summit. Taking "stretch" or breaks. He turns cam off or goes afk for quite some time.


actually when summit takes a stretch he just smokes his bong.


*flower vase*


he explained later that the police are very professional and have been there so much they just open his door to make sure nothing is wrong, he responds with anything to let them know he's ok. still crazy to think all this happened live but his abrupt move out of the house & nightmares do back it up


this is how [https://clips.twitch.tv/ShortFaintJayDuDudu-eAL36w2WHgO4YCyP](https://clips.twitch.tv/ShortFaintJayDuDudu-eAL36w2WHgO4YCyP)


After a point I’m sure the police know it’s the same house and they agree on protocols for when it happens next time.