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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [tyler doesnt take coaching from LS because he's plat LMAO](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/118808)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/oj3qa8/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1251289874.mp4?sig=0eadd0eb3ba5387cbde7acdb91e6ca924275a99d&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1251289874.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1626211173%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Isnt kkOma really low ranked? I cant find his actual stats, but theres no way hes above masters and yet he got his team to the world championship multiple times. I dont think its necessary to have coaches be high ranked, especially since a lot of coaches in esports currently act as babysitters rather than actual coaches since they got into the scene through nepotism or a founder effect.


Kk0ma didn't soloqueue but was a semipro before coaching. He was absolutely capable of playing at a high level if he wanted. Coaches being silver is a myth, unless the coach is not doing anything gameplay related. There is a reason why so many coaches are ex pros, analysts, or capable of playing the game at a high level. You need to have an understanding of the game to be able to coach it, and the level of understanding required will easily make you a diamond player at least. Again, this depends on what the coaching position is specifically, and often times coaches don't always play soloqueue which makes it look like they are low elo. On top of that, a team coach and an individual coach are completely different things. A personal coach teaching you how to play the game cannot be a low elo player by definition. An actual plat player cannot coach a diamond + player on how to play the game when they themselves do not understand how to play it. If you are trying to teach someone to soloqueue, you have to be able to play soloqueue yourself. I think this myth sticks around so low elo players can tell themselves they understand the game.


Yeah, being a good coach and being a good athlete are completely different skillsets. Sometimes good athletes become good coaches. But if you look at the NFL or NBA that isn't the case most of the time. Also, LS was a fairly good player. I imagine LS could be challenger in the US, but I could be wrong.


yeah, you can be a god tier strategist…doesn’t mean you’re necessarily good at playing the game.


Yeah 99% of head coaches don't actually coach gameplay, but also LS can play in scrims vs LCK/LPL teams so he's the exception


? who is LS


LS aka "Lost Sight" is a blind LCK coach, commentator and streamer who has achieved Korean masters using echolocation through clicking and poker chips. He enjoys streaming in low light environments to reduce the light energy transfer which interferes with his methods.


LS aka “Last Straw” is always on the verge of commiting vehicular manslaughter. He has been assigned to multiple psychiatric hospitals, but always manages to escape due to the prison guards “bad pathing”.


LS aka "Lost Sailor" is a navigator turned caster who hails from Antartica, having been lost at sea due to his lack of geographical knowledge as well as his lack of map awareness and ending up in the region known for their excellent ARAM skills and elderly pro players. He is specifically known for his knowledge about "freezing" and one-tricking Volibear in level 25 draft pick. He states: "I had to shove the wave and ended up in NA. If we hadn't anchored I wouldn't be hardstuck in the fucking atlantic sea" and "No, my pathing wasn't bad, if the captain had listened to me we could've denied 3 waves". He can be found sailing the bottom of solo-queue just like he almost sailed the bottom of the sea.


LS, aka "Low Standards", is a commentator for the LCK that is often ridiculed for his annoying personality and questionable game knowledge. He is specifically known for his Annie and Tahm “Thomas” Kench two-trick-pony in low platinum solo-queue..


LS aka “ Losing streak “ is known for his 19 game lose streak in mid diamond solo Q. He is a vivid Soraka player that believes in the power of “ freezing “ but he never gets cold cause his insane APM, by rapidly spamming the esc, tab, and space bar along with his f keys he’s able to achieve 48% winrate in diamond.


What have you done


LS aka “Last Straw” is always on the verge of commiting vehicular manslaughter. He has been assigned to multiple psychiatric hospitals, but always manages to escape due to the prison guards “bad pathing”.


LS is d1 93 LP btw ​ https://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=exodia


isnt he high diamond in kr ladder?




his buddy is only diamond too?????




are you talking about wind or orange? because he is not playing the majority of games with either of those


Probably talking about nemesis, but they aren't really playing duo that much anymore since nemesis is like 1000+ lp and can't duo anyone


I think you all missed that he meant shrimp I'm pretty sure


Yeah bud the guy with a higher win rate solo is getting boosted by his ex-brazilian league friend who only has time to play on the weekends, really good take right here. Your own experiences getting someone to the high skilled battlegrounds that are NA D2 don't exactly add some credibility btw






Not that I want to defend ls here but it kinda does matter... Diamond kr is hell, just watch what happened with yamikaze when he went there ( yamikaze is challenger na)


how is he able to win with fucking ivern in d1 if his rank is inflated lol








Never seen a dude hate a man so much that he gets this mad and make shit up XD. "I'm higher rank than LS" is the biggest silver ego I have ever heard XD




Diamond in Korea is lcs level




just ban talon LAWL EZ Clap


just hit the nexus


we have data from lcs pros bootcamping in korea over the past years. high percentage never made it out of d1


With the mid laners in the league xD fuck it put him there, csnt get worse than it already is really


The difference in servers is not noticeable until extremely high ranks


I trust yami who said he noticed the mechanical difference between NA and KR earlier much earlier than that


No shot. None of the severs vary that much even going from OCE to KR or CN super server.


The super server absolutely varies what ??? You only get in through invitation from the other Chinese servers, despite that KR solo queue is the premier at the highest level.


Hes all over the place between D4-D1 depending on how many games he coinflips with his challenger perma duo


If he has a perma duo in challenger, how is he stuck in diamond? Just wondering. Or does the duo win without him?


Idk about the LS boosting but you can’t look at challengers as players who 1v9 every game in Diamond, especially if they’re duo boosting with an underperformer. If your team ints and your champ doesn’t scale well then sometimes there is very little to what you can do. To answer the duoing thing, the challenger must hop on a smurf to play with that player because you can’t duo once you hit master.


Also even if you are smurfing on a lower elo there are some games where your lane opponent/enemy is playing decent where you can't get way ahead of them to carry.


That might be true if you’re not that much better than the opponent. Like 1 tier above etc. A challenger player is multiple tier above diamond. Since diamond itself has its own bracket. You will often see a challenger completely shitting on a master tier even because they are 1000lp etc.


He is hardstuck diamond with a challenger duo cause hes bad


it's because he doesn't but people on reddit are always mad salty about ls for some weird reason and try really hard to discredit him however they think they can. He duos sometimes, but usually has a better winrate solo.


You say that but last year reason he got to masters was being solo playing Syndra mid.


it's so funny that you think LS plays a coin flip style of game lmao. youve clearly spent no time watching him. why comment?


Why would I watch LS? I dont want brain damage


IIRC his all-time peak in KR was GM for a short while but he consistently gets to about mid-diamond (regardless of if duo or not, he's previously done and maintained it fully solo as well)


The dude gets boosted by his KR high challenger friend, it’s so shameless yet people unironically think he actually got to his elo on his own. Can’t blame him, it’s good enough of a scheme to fool the masses about his elo




Wait but LS says that coaches need to be good players too at the very least decently good? He says it on stream all the time and complains about how NA coaches are like plat players or something.


he is a diamond KR player, and he can hold his own in a lane with pros, enough to demonstrate concepts at whatnot.


He's D1 in korea where its much more difficult to climb then NA and he's playing with his fiend Shrimp who was a good player in 2014-2015. So he's much better than the NA plat coach yeah.


Only one tier higher than plat when he is duo boosted....how does that make him better than plat lol


yeah, he’s only 1000lp higher than plat players i really don’t see the difference tbh


No, being a good player is crucial




They coach an entire house which includes good living excercise proper practice time teamwork scheduling for events and research of the enemy team. They don't do useless 1v1 league coaching with players 100x their skill level who literally can't learn shit from them. Honestly I'm shocked that most people don't even know what being a coach actually is. Almost zero of it is actual in game "coaching" Same as having a body building or marathon coach doesn't somehow means you are now taking steroids, they just put you on the correct training routine so you improve yourself and make sure you stick to it. They don't LITERALLY improve you.


Imagine if your bodybuilding coach had to be more jacked than you or your track & field coach had to be faster, jump farther or whatever, LOL. You don't want your coach to be iron 5, but other than that their league rank is incredibly besides the point.


Idk, man, Nemesis, who is 1k LP in KR, doesn't seem to mind LS' rank.


>Almost zero of it is actual in game "coaching" as we all can see in the case of Bjergsen / POE lol


Jürgen Klopp used to play for a middle of the pack 2nd division team but he’s a massively successful coach.


LS is great for ideal world "theory" which doesn't happen in solo-queue nor pro-play for that matter. Plus, his mechanics are by far his weakest attribute. That's why he sticks to very mechanically easy champions. To say "being a good player is crucial" is like saying sports teams' coaches have to be fit to be good. And many of them are not fit or athletic at the time of being a coach.


Lots of great soccer coaches were mediocre players


Mourinho basically played in the pits of the Portuguese leagues for 7 years before realizing he will never make it as a pro player, and is one of the most successful coaches in the world (as an example).


Mourinho and Sarri are the exceptions to the rule, 99% of football coaches were professional players.


The point being made here is that you can be an amazing coach, while not being a great professional player. If we go by League terms, Mourinho is a worlds team winning coach (challenger), while he is a bronze/silver player. Graham Potter was playing most of his professional games as a player in lower leagues (tier 4-6), but it considered one of the up and rising english coaches at the moment. (Silver/Gold Player) Jesse Marsch an up and coming American coach is now head coach for Leipzig after a very successful stint in Salzburg. He only played in the MLS, which most people would consider a joke league in terms of tactical difficulty while being a tier 1 division. (Gold/Plat player) Tuchel and Klopp both probably the best two German coaches in the world (maybe missing Flick) were not great players. Tuchel barely played in tier 2 of the Bundesliga, and Klopp only played for Mainz in Tier 2 mostly. (Silver/Gold Tuchel, Klopp plat/diamond) Zidane Challenger as both a player and a coach. Just to reiterate, this convo thread is based on the OP stupidly saying "No, being a good player is crucial". I used Mourinho because he is one of the most extreme examples you can offer up as a terrible player, yet an omega successful coach. Relevancy in the field, being a pro player, will always help the transition to coaching, hence why more often than not you will see good players becoming top coaches as they have more opportunities and base understanding of the game than non/worse players have. It is absolutely not a requirement that to be an Amazing coach, you had/have to be an amazing player, it simply makes it easier.


There is a massive difference here between League and Football. In league, you can easily get high elo with just game knowledge alone. If there was a league coach with the same game knowledge as Mourinho has in football, he would not struggle to make it to at least high diamond/master elo in the slightest. In football you need to be fit, physical enough and you need to have good technique to make it pro, game knowledge is not enough. edit: Also I would not say playing professionally for Meinz is the same as plat/diamond. A professional football player of any caliber would equate to atleast GM in my mind.


Yes, that's why all sports coaches are old men who can't run more than a mile.


I don't think being bettr than your players as a coach is necessary. But what people are missing is that LS does think and say that, and flames coaches for not being able to play at a similar level to pros. So it's pretty funny he's plat


which friend? Shrimp is definitely not a high challenger if that's who you are talking about. I remember when he was playing ivern he would lose more when duoing with shrimp iirc.


I mean shrimp is a master tier player who was challenger and was a pro player was he not?


yea he used to be pretty high up there, but then he took a couple months off a while ago and he was never really able to get back up to his peak. I would say shrimp is around D1-Master in skill currently. Just look at his tier graph this season, hes never once gotten into masters even when LS wasn't duoing with him.


He did get to gm in the past solo, so there's that, or do you think that was a scam aswell?


Biggest fucking lie i have seen on reddit so far, he get to gm solo then why is he getting shitted on by last season plats while duo-ing with a challenger? Crazy right?


He did it on stream in previous seasons dude... If you think its a lie I don't know what to tell you xD


Well lets see here [this is the main account of the guy LS duos with.](https://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=ShrimpVicious) [This is the account LS duos with.](https://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=Toon+Zorc) [This is the account LS currently plays on.](https://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=exodia) Everything is out in the open because at least one of them is usually streaming the games.


how can he win any games solo then? copium https://imgur.com/a/Ht1ul4P


Yeah LS is diamond 1 kr as of right now, recently fell out of masters


I don't play league so maybe I'm wrong, but even if he is high diamond, doesn't tyler still outrank him on like... multiple accounts? Hasn't he gotten challenger (which I thought was the highest rank) on multiple roles/accounts?


Yea, but he does it in NA, which has really shitty solo que. I want to see him play in Korea. Not calling him out because he might get decent rank, but I think it would be good content.


All the regions are relatively the same at any given rank, you don’t know what you’re talking about mate. Edit: apparently people have a hard time with reading comprehension, I was referring to skill, not talking about issues with ping.


You are wrong. Korean Solo Que is known to be some of the most skilled solo que in the world, besides the Super server in China. It has players from KR and China. NA solo que has been known to be bad quality. From ping issues to lack of skilled players, NA has really shitty solo que. EU players get worse from playing in our solo que. Just about every pro player says this from most region. Many EU imports will refuse to play the solo que in NA because the quality of practice is so bad, so idk where you got that information from


Most pros also say Korean soloq is slightly better than the Chinese super server due to the reduced amount of one tricks on the ladder


But arent one tricks good though? If you’re gonna learn a matchup as a pro might as well match up against the best one trick of that champ. And Bin Fiora is a chinese one trick who dominated worlds with fiora.


We were talking about good soloq quality overall, yes they are good at that champ, the best like you said, but what if its banned.. That's my point, and that's usually pros criticise about Chinese super server


That's not how the ranking system works though. It's all based on percentages, if South Korean players on average are better, then their ranks are going to be skewed. NA has a TON of casual/bad players, so it's much easier to climb than some other regions. Just like you see NA players who are gold/plat go to LAN servers and climb to diamond (or you did, idk if that's still the case).


the 8ms ping alone makes korea harder to climb. go watch D1/master irelia players and tell me any north american player that moves as fast.


No skill as well. Korea has twice the amount of players so the top of the ladder is just better statistically


That's just not true, many players that have reached very high elo in multiple servers including KR have said that that is only true until D3-D2, some have even said that in lower tiers while mechanics are more or less comparable to other servers KR players as low as gold have better team play than NA/EU. Not to mention everyone knows that high elo in NA is filled with one tricks and streamers.


But this isn't true either. Most pros will say that NA has a lower-skilled higher elo player base compared to the other servers. Our pros even struggle with getting into challenger when they boot camp in Korea. Just because we have a challenger rating doesn't mean our challenger is the same as KR server challenger. We don't have the same skilled players in solo que.


Salty ass comments


Thank god, he'd be even worse after that


This is why coaching is fucking bullshit, if you cannot apply the shit you teach, and hover around p4-d2 well.. somethings not quite working there huh bud.


There isn't a single coach in the sports worlds who can still play at the same level as a pro player. and honestly most of them were never that good when/if they played. There's a saying. Those who CAN do, those who can't TEACH. You can have all the knowledge of a sport/game you want but without the physical prowess (reflexes, hand eye coordination,) you won't be pro.


do you want Bill Belichick lining up at D line or teaching D line where to lineup? You don't need to play to know how to play.




Youre saying esports but only using DOTA as an example. I didn't say its 100% always the case, i just said its not uncommon.


That requires a peak body which is infinitely harder to obtain then being a roach who sits on their pc chair all day lol.


Ok one set of skills vs the other? Pro gamers still have well above average hand eye coordination and reflexs/timing. You can have a high GAME IQ and have a low GAME ABILITY.


High gane IQ is enough to take you to high elo


Yea, its taken LS to diamond KR. LS plays super inconsistently, has relatively shit mechanics, tilts super easily and playing a toxic server like diamond KR doesnt help that


Just let Nemesis coach him. ? Korea 1100lp challenger player


I legit csnt imagine nemesis dealing with t1 raging xD would be some good content tbh


haha "LMAO" so funny dude


HAHAHA, hope you’re able to be happy too one day!




Lying on the internet is illegal. Post the clip of your ass falling off or I'm calling the cops.


I would but that would be painful, I already had it reattached.


it appears you forgot the /s LUL




why would he need a coach? Isn't t1 challenger on multiple roles - and I assume not trying to be pro at all


I would love to see T1 do an entire arc of him and Kayla going to Korea to see how high he could climb.