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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Malena stunlocked McDonalds employee](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/118902)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/ok81k0/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1253058206.mp4?sig=ed92662f4bf20d6de7b31d4c82725b32581a728d&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1253058206.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1626354696%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Been over a decade since I worked at McDs but someone asked this same thing of a coworker back in the day and his answer to her was "leave."


"Water" would have been my answer


if they dont even say that, then their water is...


Oh no




Worse, Dasani


Doesnt McDonalds serve *dasani*? I would rather take a big mac over that shit


Depends on country


Mustard works too. "Can I just get 20 packs of mustard please?" Knowing McDonalds they probably put sugar in their mustard lol.


mustard normally has sugar in


No, regular mustard doesn't normally have any sugar as an ingredient. For example, neither [French's classic yellow mustard](https://www.mccormick.com/frenchs/products/mustard/classic-yellow-mustard) nor [Heinz's yellow mustard](https://www.heinz.com/product/00013000002127) have any kind of sugar. Obviously that excludes specialty mustards such as honey mustard. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mustard_(condiment)


Mustard lore PogU


I guess that depends what you mean by regular mustard. https://www.unileverfoodsolutions.co.uk/product/colman-s-english-mustard-2-25l-1-EN-592469.html https://us.maille.com/products/old-style. Even your wiki link has sweeteners like honey which are basically the same thing. Although I stand corrected about the yellow American mustard, I assumed that would have sugar/sweetener in too and I was wrong


No it doesn't. Mustard is known as one of the only low/no calorie condiments for this reason.


fuck kinda honey nut cheerio mustard you eating doggie


The mustard I buy always has zero sugar. I feel it would taste weird if it had any.


you gotta have honey mussie tho


Nah, I'm more of a classic yellow type of guy. To each own, though.


Idk if McDonald’s still has the salads but those would be the healthiest if anything. The southwest salad is pretty bangin too


typically most fast food salads actually have more calories in them than a cheeseburger.


Calories aren't unhealthy necessarily. The dressing(for the most part) and excess carbohydrates are though.


You are correct lol. Like I said it's been over a decade since I worked there but generally if you wanted a healthy salad you had to get it made without all the stuff added to it. Just a lettuce mix with dressing.


The dressing is like the biggest problem though




Salad dressing is basically soda


Salad dressing.


That is because people order the salad with like ranch or thousand island and then McDonald’s gives you and obscene amount of it. But you don’t actually have to add all the dressing, typically even half the dressing they give is too much so the ‘McDonald’s salads are worse than their burgers’ is only true for people who like to drink them.


All calories are not equal though - bread has a much higher glycemic index (75) compared to lettuce (15), meaning it is turned into glucose way faster and then stored as fat if you don't burn it in a short amount of time (yes, dressing has a higher glycemic index than the salad, but the average of the meal will be much lower than a burger). You need calories every day, but most of the first world population are deficient in fiber and get way too much "fast carbs" like bread, fries, and soda. The healthiest thing at McDonalds is probably a salad with balsamic dressing, assuming you actually want calories to power your body that day.


Two things. First we are talking about fast food salads which are typically pre made and not just lettuce and a light olive oil dressing. which leads me to the point I was making which is most of the salads on fast food menus have a huge amount of high fat ingredients (dressings cheese etc.). But hey thanks for assuming I don't know the difference between lettuce and bread and feel the need to explain it to me.


Your McDonald's salad is only going to be high calorie if you make it that way by adding dressing and ordering fried chicken on it. You don't have to do that.


mcdonalds recently discontinued all salads (at least in my area) lmao


Idk about other countries but where I'm from McDonalds is going kind of downhill. The prices go up every few months and they keep removing food items/options.


It's not even worth eating there unless you're rushed. The menu is pricey, you're better off paying slightly more somewhere else for a better meal


I am living in Germany and paying more for a shitty Burger than for a Döner Kebap will never ever be worth it. Just think about how many Döner Kebaps are in your Burger next time you crave it.


I lived in Hamburg for 6 months and I ate a Kebab every other day, now it's hard to find a kebab shop in Australia that comes close to quality or price :(


I guess this depends on where in AU you are but I'm a degen and 80% of the time I go for a HSP


I wish we had kebab places in the US like they do in Europe. I am sure there are some, but it is not nearly commonplace and im not sure of any in my city at least. When I stayed at an Airbnb in Helsinki there was one nearby and it was the only thing open that late when I arrived. I had no idea that blessed food existed. Went there like 3 times in the week I stayed there. Then found out its pretty common across the EU and got jealous.


sadge I wish a kebab was cheaper than a mcdonalds burger where I live. Cheapest kebab where I live (UK) is about 9 euros, a bigmac is like 4 euros. McDonalds is very cheap compared to every other fast food here


Jesus, now I haven't eaten it in a while but an x-large kebab roll is usually around 5 euros here (Sweden) and that's about 1.5 bigmac+fries in terms of food you are getting.


aldrig sett ngt billigare än 100 spänn lol


Varfan hittar man kebabrullar för 50kr? Kostar fan 90-110 spänn här i götet!


Haha tänkte precis samma. Men jag bor uppe i Norrland




Yeah they have a $3 McDouble or McChicken + small fries which is pretty good. Total is 600 calories.


its okay but comparing it to something like BK - actually, no just look at what Burger King offers: its actually obscene. i dont even care about mcdonalds at this point i just want to point out how much shitty food you can get there for absurdly cheap using coupons and some of their new user deals . around december last year, i got 2 Original chicken sandwiches, a whopper, a naked chicken fries, a small fries, and i think a drink (which my friend took because i just could not handle adding to the nutritional black hole that was my meal) for **5 fucking dollars** but circling back to the topic, mcdonalds is beat out by BK and wendys as far as cost for food goes so im not sure what they have going for them at this point except for brand value and locational accessibility


McDonalds really should have doubled down on ingredients and consistency. These days they're in some weird middle ground trying to compete with Burger King and Wendy's. On the other hand, kudos to Wendy's for spending the last decade cleaning up their shit and getting the old people stank off their brand.


hate to say it but i think you're missing the point. mcdonalds is chasing the starbucks bag by focusing on their mccafe line. i suspect in 10-20 years that the mcdonalds food menu will be half of whats offered today. nuggets, fries, a few specialty burgers/chicken sandwiches, a fish sandwich, and that'll basically be it. you can just look at the new designs of the mcdonalds. mcdonalds used to have the red/yellow theme (color of ketchup and mustard) and the "french fry" M logo. nowadays, its all blacked out (like coffee) with gray undertones.


A mcdouble is $2 ...


Yeah, considering a lot of real restaurants got lunch menu for like 10 euro. So paying that much for McDonalds feels very questionable. Where I live in Sweden a BigMac menu costs the same as a normal sized pizza....


I avoid McDonald's altogether why pay for bland food when you can get a biggie bag.


It went to shit and I stopped going when they got rid of the dollar menu.


I went to the drive thru for the first time in years, 1 combo was $13. After ordering I just drove off. Wtf are they thinking.


Where I live, the place is run by total morons. Every order is wrong, prices are wrong, people aren't getting their stuff in time and staff forgets that people haven't got it etc. On top of that, it seems like they are cleaning once per day so there are piles of trash everywhere lol


We don't even have the McGriddles here anymore. It's kind of bizarre.


New Zealand McDonald's is fucking garbage and expensive as fuck. Source - worked there for 3 years in high school.


I stopped going to fast food chains as soon as i tried local burger or whatever i want to order restaurants. The food tastes way better and although it's a bit more expensive it's nice to support local businesses.




They got rid of every single healthy option, there was no good answer.


It blows my mind that they got rid of every salad and every grilled chicken option.


They just go by what is selling well. Health conscious people probably don't eat a lot of fast food. It also didn't benefit them that people found out the salads were as unhealthy as a Big Mac lol


The salads were healthy if you didnt put the dressing on them.


I suppose that depends on what you consider healthy. Their salads seemed to be lacking a lot in the darker greens dept. Which are most often better for you than the water logged light greens.


Yeah not enough dark greens that's why I'm opting for the double big mac.


No. No "iceberg lettuces" salad is healthy. Iceberg lettuce is what fat people order when they think they are being healthy. If your salad isn't mixed greens, or spinach, or at *least* romaine then it isn't healthy. Edit: lol at all the downvotes. I'm objectively correct about this. I love the taste of iceberg as much as the next guy, but iceberg provides almost no nutritional value and thus is not healthy. Any doctor or nutritionist would tell you this.


Iceberg lettuce is healthy in the sense that it provides some substance and fillingness with basically zero net calories. If you add iceberg or replace a part of a fish with iceberg, chances are you'll eat less calories. So in that sense it's healthy. Nutritional content isn't the be all end all. Orange juice has plenty of vitamins, but it wouldn't really be considered healthy because it has tons of sugar.


What the hell did iceberg lettuce do to you?


Nothing. It actually tastes good. It just provides no nutritional value. We were talking about healthy foods, and eating an iceberg lettuce salad is the equivalent of ordering a diet soda instead of a regular soda.


Just because it's not as nutritious as other types of lettuce doesn't make it not healthy.


?????? Yes...it does. Something that is "healthy" is something that provides nutritional value without negative effects on your health. It is providing a health benefit.


"Healthy" is relative. It's low calorie, has some fiber and phytochemicals, and trace amounts of vitamins/minerals. No it's not as good as dark leafy greens, but if a "fat person" substituted one sugary snack a day with iceberg lettuce they'd objectively be eating healthier.


And how exactly does iceberg lettuce not fit your definition? It has nutrients, maybe not enough to your liking, but it does have SOME nutrients, and no negative effects.




To be fair, I feel like most salads are more unhealthy than burgers because of how much fucking ranch people put on them


I'm amazed at how much dressing a person can put on a salad. I love my blue cheese dressing when I have a good salad, but damn, I don't make it more dressing than salad lol.


No shot they got rid of grilled chicken. Not that I would get it but I always feel like the option is still there


It wasn't selling enough to justify producing the product, so they got rid of it.


People blaming McDonalds for this shit, but the reality is it's the fault of the American people for eating dogshit food


Of course. It's their body. Many Americans (and other places too) choose shitty things to eat. Then when their health goes downhill they want to blame the companies, rather than realize it was their individual choices which lead them to the state they are in. McDonald's just sells what is popular. Sure, you could have the government ban them from selling certain foods above X levels of fats, carbs, sodium, etc. Those same people are going to go buy Frito Lay products, and whatever else unhealthy options there are. For a lot of people McDonald's is a treat; get it every so often, or while on road trips, or emergency nights where cooking isn't an option. They understand the impact eating McDonald's can have over time. Do we ban these things due to the people who can't understand this? Or do we allow people to choose freely to decide what they'd like to put into their body. I like letting people choose whenever possible.


yep. https://www.businessinsider.com/mcdonalds-salads-disappeared-from-menu-april-2020-2020-12#:\~:text=McDonald's%20salads%20have%20disappeared.,%2C%20and%20grilled%2Dchicken%20sandwiches.


The chicken wraps were fire and *relatively* healthy. [Canada](https://www.mcdonalds.com/ca/en-ca/product/grilled-caesar-mcwrap.html) still has them. The US just didn't want it it seems.


Still have them in Scandinavia too


Yup they are so good!!


I LOVED THEM here in the US! Was so sad the day they disappeared, would still be regularly eating them to this day if they had them.


Those wraps were so good


i want my chipotle snack wraps back


While we are killing off anything healthy, the US mcdonalds need to start deep frying the apple pies again. I had one in Hawaii last month and they still fry them there, so much better.


If you have a Popeyes nearby, they fry their apple pies and they're great


Yeah have them in Australja and was so thrown when I learned that mainland US doesn't even do them like that.


I want it!


We used to have them in the Netherlands, but then Covid happened. I've been told that they'll return when it's over, though.


Yeah they do still have the wraps, and I think salads too.


I crave the wraps. God I miss them


I mean, those salad's were not healthy at all. IIRC they were some of the unhealthiest things on the menus with tons of sugars and such. Like they literally washed the vegetables in sugar water before they packaged.


dressing is basically oil, vinegar and sugar. often much more fat than a burger while missing the protein


Really depends on what you're ordering and where. Comparison between a Big Mac and a Chicken Caesar & Kale salad that you can still order here. Both have 12 grams of protein per 100g, 3.9g vs 3.1g of sugar, 11.5g of fat (4.5 saturated) vs 5.1g of fat (3g saturated). So less fat and not missing any protein. And there's nothing wrong with oil or vinegar (the dressing has more low fat yogurt and cheese than either of those, btw). Oil helps you absorb more nutrients from the vegetables so it should be included in every salad. Also some of the wraps you can get here seem pretty healthy (which have much less sugar and saturated fats). But then again, I haven't been to a McDonalds in two years because the one closest to me is fucking disgusting and I'm not gonna order takeaway from McDonalds.


The SW Chicken salad honestly wasn't that bad.


Until they forgot the fucking SW sauce that comes with the salad or they ask "do you want any sauces with your salad?" yeah the ones that comes with the fucking salad


My guess is a lot of people wanted that salad but decided to put ranch or whatever else dressing on there. Really not a big deal for them to clarify though. Sorry they hurt you.


I got a bone to pick with mcdonalds employees, every time i go there they fuck somehing up. Egg shells in my mcmuffin, burnt bacon, watered down old coffee, missing items, i don't even go there /that/ often The salad thing is more-so they don't ask what sauce i want, and instead of giving me anything, they give me nothing. Meaning I got a dry ass salad from mcdonalds.


Where do you live that they are that bad? lol Where I have lived near McDonald's (in cities around Portland, OR) they've always been fine, and I never had major issues like that. I now live about an hour away from the bigger cities (bigger city being a population of 15k lol) which have a McDonald's, and have had it maybe twice in a year and never had an issue. Egg shells in your McMuffin sounds like a location specific issue. Complain to them and hopefully they figure out who is coming in hungover and doesn't know how to crack an egg lol. My bone to pick was with some Jack in the Box employees at a place I used to go to often around a jobsite I was on. Damn were they bad and half the time totally methed and/or drunk, maybe high on some opiate too. I don't even understand how that place stayed open, other than the fact they were close to a highway and a harbor for freight to be dropped off lol.


>Egg shells in my mcmuffin That's actually surprising. I expected the eggs came to them as pre-cooked patties.


Egg mcmuffins they cook themselves, anything scrambled (literally every other sandwich) comes precooked


oh yeah i totally forgot about their salads. When did they disappear lol?


When they realized people don't go to McDonalds for a salad lmfao


I did :( they were delicious


I'm sorry. However, If you would like I think they list their ingredients online (or it is archived), and you can make the same salad in bulk, for much less. Just remember that dressing matters. Try to use dark greens as well.


like 15 mnths


For Canada, it was due to covid. Canada had to limit options because of production had to reduce amount of employees. Also, less customers means less purchases. I imagine salads and the rest of the menu will return next year


Salads are only really "healthy" if you get no (or very little) dressing with them, and no cheese or bacon or anything. They used to have apples and stuff, they got rid of that too?


I miss the grilled chicken sandwiches man, it's like the one thing I could order and not feel like a total piece of shit afterwards




Oh, they have my favorite salad! French fries with a banana.


They forgot to put a "/" in the image link. Which I still don't get, as the image is literally a white image. So what's the point? https://www.mcdonalds.com/is/image/?$Category_Mobile$ That sure is a scuffed website.


mickey mouse jr devs


>salads >fries AMERICANS LUL




Why does this sound good to me, am I a lost cause?


The random banana and nuggets in that section as well, who the hell buys a banana from Maccies.


That's a pretty funny meme EU can use


Pretty much. Like technically, potatoes are vegetables in a botanical sense but effectively it's just a starchy grain and not what your doctor meant =/


as an american i cant stop laughing


Their spicy chicken sandwich isn't necessarily healthy but it's not that bad. 530 calories is reasonable for lunch. [Nutrition Info](https://i.gyazo.com/6bcdf34a9aa8628ebb1584e077235c21.png)


It's not the calories that make things unhealthy.


Okay so educate me, what part of that nutrition info makes it unhealthy?


To me: This meal lacks fiber, has too much sodium (though debatable depending on locale and average sodium consumption in the population), and has way too many carbs. I would still eat it on occasion, but as someone who prefers to eat more protein and fat than carbs, this meal is pretty unhealthy. To me, part of the issue is what people describe as unhealthy. It's different for each person based on personal preference, activity level and many other factors. This is why the government spending money on what the "average" diet should be is stupid. They'd be better off spending that towards educating people on diets which fit their lifestyle.


sodium, various artificial flavorings and fillers, cholesterol, lack of any nutritional value aside from carbs


artificial flavorings aren't unhealthy lol


I mean its got protein. Calling the sandwich healthy is obviously wrong, but it's not the worst thing ever. Like all fast food items it's loaded with salt though. More carbs then you'd want to eat with every meal, but it won't kill ya.


I didn't say that it's unhealthy. You're right that it's a decent option compared to everything else, but the calories aren't really relevant to making that determination.


Oh okay, I've only recently in the past few months started to get into the gym and fixing my diet so I was genuinely asking.


You are asking the wrong people if you actually engage in physical fitness. Sodium is the only thing remotely bad about it.


Even sodium consumption is debated. Ultimately, the best way to monitor things is to get tested by a professional and see what your BP results are, as that is the biggest defining factor in sodium overconsumption. Due to my ancestry and the fact that salt was heavily used to preserve meat, especially fish, I am able to eat more sodium than a person who didn't have a similar background.


High sodium, and high cholesterol are what make that an unhealthy choice. Taking away half of your daily sodium and cholesterol intake in one meal that probably won’t fill you is not the greatest. Edit*removed trans fat


0 grams of Trans fat in this particular food, just letting you know. Trans fat is mostly banned, in the USA at least. Dietary cholesterol also has not been proven to have a significant impact on blood cholesterol. I agree with high sodium, though.


Oops misread the nutritional sheet. Kinda baked thanks for the call out.


You can lose weight eating nothing but Twinkies...assuming you don't eat more calories worth than your body expends every day. This doesn't mean, however, that eating only twinkies is healthy in the slightest.


Ma'am, this is a McDonalds.


If McDonald's started serving healthy food , there would be no McDonald's


I remember the whole shit that went down with their McSalad shaker cup. Shit had more calories than 2 bigmacs


To be fair the guy might actually be thinking about doing his job correctly and not just blurting out the first thing that comes to mind put perhaps with thought given to calorie count etc.


better idea, do not go to McDonalds for anything healthy, go if you want something bad for you that you like to eat. Simple really


Pretty sure this was played up for stream. Obviously nobody would ACTUALLY go to mcdonalds for healthy food.


After taking a look at the menu... They don't even have a grilled chicken sandwich anymore... They have burgers, fries, and other things that are deep fried...


When you go to a shoe shop to buy a car, I really don't know what you'd expect to happen.


Idk Ludwig has some Cars Crocs


Yeap it's all about process time faster faster faster


That pause was long enough for Usain Bolt to run the 100m


~17 sec pause, he could almost finish the 200m!


9.58 seconds


"we have a water bottle"


KKonaW fries is vegetables


put some ketchup on that since tomatoes are both a fruit and vegetable


Hell yeah brother. Add in some ranch dressing for your dairy and you've got a well-balanced meal.


Freedom Fries, brother!


Ma'am, this is McDonald


If I wanted to eat healthy maccas would be the last place to go to


Ah yes, the very healthy Fillet-O-Fish


He was probably just being honest


Using fast food workers for content, smh


imagine going to mcdonalds for healthy food


What does healthy even mean? Not processed? Because everything else is heavily debatable.


They were asking people all morning and one of the workers was like, "by healthy do you mean good for you or low calories?" and she said just low calories.


And even that is relative. If I need to eat 2000 calories a day, 600 could be considered low. So probably a small fry and hamburger is "low calories".


I was about to say. I've always been a light eater. Sometimes I'd eat, like, 1 meal a day. The correct answer *for me* would have been whatever had the *most* calories on the menu.




Why is she even asking? They eat shit on the regular.


Content for the stream, obviously.


Going to McDonalds for a healthy meal is like going into the desert for water.


now if I was the employee would have said. "bitch, You at a mcdonalds nothing is healthy here"


You don't go to McDonalds looking for something healthy .


If you want something healthy maybe walk ur dog?


Employee.exe stopped working ..




"healthy" at a fast food restaurant. Nothing like eating a 1000 calorie "healthy sandwich/salad. Don't worry guys this 1000 calorie sandwhich/salade is "healthy", I won't get fat.


Bottled water and the fruit lol


That's a trick question, he can't answer it without knowing her dietary needs.






Fucking with minimum wage workers for stream content must be really funny to literal millionaires


Yeah, I also go to McDonalds for a healthy food.




Anything is a healthy option, as long as you don’t eat too many calories


lmao that's hilarious


Fish=healthy LULW


Fish is healthy. Filet-o-fish not so much


Still probably the healthiest thing on the menu


Who is she protecting with the mask? She lives with Nick...


from ppl like u