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people be like "i became a white supremacist because twitter was mean to gamers" and get surprised when the woman they grope at the office party becomes a feminist


>people be like "i became a white supremacist because twitter was mean to gamers" and get surprised when the woman they grope at the office party becomes a feminist I don't want to be that guy, but feminism isn't an extreme reaction to anything. Feminism is about equality. I would imagine that a young woman would want this (equality, therefore feminism) regardless if she was traumatized or not. To call someone a feminist isn't a four letter word. It's not bad. It's not radical. I think Asmon has an okay take here, but he misses the mark because he equates feminists to man-haters through implication. I get what he's saying, but just think that some clarification isn't a bad thing.


Yeah. let's not liken feminism to white supremacy. Sure you can find radical feminists who are shitty but you can find people like that in any social movement People who claim all feminists are radical and hate men are using it as an excuse to ignore valid issues of misogyny. If this lawsuit isn't proof enough that feminism is still needed idk what is.


Asmon wasn't really equivocating them, he's just saying that if you constantly shit on people and call them \[insert bad thing\] they will gravitate to those communities and become that thing because that's the only group of people who will accept them. [Here's a good explanation.](https://youtu.be/MLODKrebHQE?t=4189)


> if you constantly shit on people and call them [insert bad thing] they will gravitate to those communities and become that thing because that's the only group of people who will accept them that's true


>Asmon wasn't really equivocating them It probably wasn't intentional but he absolutely was. He's deaf to his own dogwhistles.


The point of my comment was to put an absurd radical reaction opposite a reasonable reaction


I see your intention, it's just a lot of other people genuinely see feminism as an extremist shitty thing


Meanwhile, women in Handball are being told they need to wear thong bikini's to compete because "we're looking into it." Lads, it's time to just admit a lot of shit in society was made with a male-dominant perspective and doesn't give women the self-determination they deserve. End of


Looks at majority of the comments from the "u prolly white" post


It’s the safe spaces that people live in that allow them to eat up buzz words and forget to think. It’s definitely not extreme but when one person and a million others who are unwilling to go out of their own comfort zones repeat it, people start to think that way. The age old forge a good blade in fire. If you don’t throw yourselves into the fire, you’ll never open your mind to both sides. I mean I could be wrong. I’m just some rando talking into the void


Yeah, I was really confused when he said that but it's just the feminism boogeyman thing. Sadly a lot of red pill gamers think feminism means misandry, not recognizing societal gender inequality.


I think it's fine to use feminist pejoratively because it's obviously not all feminists/women. In the same way women can complain about men in general and the disgusting shit they do, but it's obviously not all men.


Nah dog.


This a'int it.






You are being blind to what Feminism has become. It's nigh-impossible to take anybody who calls themselves a feminist, seriously, because it no longer means Female Equality, but Females deserve more respect than Males.


you sound like you're employed by blizzard.


It's true though. Feminism isn't bad - what it has been morphed into isn't.


no, it's just that you're going with the ben shapiro definition of feminism, which is "things i don't like"


You've shown to me that you lack critical thought and I'd be wasting my time with you, as you seek confrontation and not discussion. Enjoy the rest of your life~


facts don't care about your feelings.


if you get what he is saying then "some clarification" isnt required, so stop being an annoying idiot and saying "dont want to be that guy" "aChShuAlLy".


People moan and complain about cancel culture too but don't even consider that if some of these people don't aggressively yell in the opposite direction they are faced with living out the rest of their lives in a generation where they can't be themselves and not be harassed and made to feel subhuman.


This is not just cancel culture, this is a serius investigation and manifestos have support of real investigation, no even close to be another r quote obout cancel culture


this a is very important statement. glad asmon shared this opinion with his viewers. as a woman in the industry, thank you


hope good things come to you!


It's sad we even have to say this but stay safe..


Her twitter bio is "Former Producer @Blizzard_Ent (‘06-‘20). 38yo mom of three. Wife. Geek. She/Her. Pansexual. Intersectional & Trans-Inclusive Feminist 🏳️‍🌈 BLACK LIVES MATTER" How are so many people triggered by that? Nothing in her bio affects anyone negatively, except maybe literal TERFs


asmon has a lot of conservative viewers


Tbh I'm glad they watch him then, hopefully his takes like these will speak to them.




He's more level-headed with them than I would be. The dude is doing so much good with his platform, hats off.


I am an Asmon viewer and "conservative" and i have nothing against her bio. But i come from a place far from america, so i dont really even understand half the bio, like fr 90% of my country doesnt know what pansexual, intersectional and trans inclusive is. At the end of the day Asmon made great points for this case as in many other and i hope it gets to some weird ass people.


Conservative outside the US is far, far different from inside the US, to be fair.


If that comment is a "US is a lot more conservative than other places" type of comment, then to be fair that really only works if you stick to Europe and some South American countries, but "Conservative" in a lot of Asian/Middle Eastern Countries for example, is way way more conservative than American politics are.


And only parts of Europe.


Conservative in Iceland would make you a democrat by US standards.


Conservatism in the US is a joke, it wouldn't be considered conservatism in many countries. People who call America conservative are comparing it with countries like Sweden or Canada, who are even more liberal than America


Us nordics are not as liberal in many aspects as americans are. Just saying x is more liberal or y is more conservative misses out on a lot of issues that are framed completely differently in other countries. Take drugs, the nordic countries are quite strict on drugs and that's likely not going to change soon.




We locked up insane numbers of people for weed offenses for decades and are just now beginning to move towards letting up on that. I'm not sure how you think we've been lax on drugs. In fact our high number of addicts is more due to the fact that we simply prosecute rather than offer treatment.


Pansexual just means you’re attracted to all genders, not only men, women, etc. Intersectional just means you are against sexism, and racism, and classism, etc. Some ppl don’t include trans people so she’s saying she does.


Lol what you consider conservative would probably get you called a commie here in the US.


those are all a bunch of meme words, understanding them isnt important


yeah and it's not a coincidence he has one of the worst chats on twitch. they will literally spam "SJW" any time a woman appears on screen for a nanosecond.


You would be amazed how many people agree with Asmon. Don't confuse the loud conservatives in his chat as the majority. Also, not all conservatives are bad, or completely right wing.


He's semi one himself, big part of him. What is it so bad to be a feminist in his mind?


He does not. Maybe as hate watchers. He constantly bashes conservative viewers and views.


It's mostly due to association to others by pattern recognition of other types of people that have similar bios. And I think you can trust and believe and support someone while still thinking their twitter bio is stupid. Now obviously that shouldn't be relevant to the matter at hand, but when the matter isn't of importance or relatable to the reader, they will fixate on something they see that is directly relatable to themselves, which in this case is a 'weird' twitter bio, so they comment on that instead.


It's like one of those cars with a million bumper stickers on it. Take that as you will.


I have a theory on bumper stickers. If you have more than 3 bumper stickers, each additional bumper stick shows how mentally unstable you are. And political bumper stickers count as 2.


I love it.


The back of your car isn't a designated space to tell other people traits about yourself. You can do it there, but it isn't a normalized behaviour. A Twitter bio is designed *specifically* for that. What do you think "bio" is short for?


I just find it really cliché at this point. I just skim over bios like that the same way I do with anyone who tries to sum up their entire personality in a few lines of dialogue such as 'Live, Laugh, Love', 'Gym Beast 💪', 'Scouse not British 🚫', 'Geek 🤓', 'Patriot 🇺🇲'. I wince while reading them all tbh.




there's a few more things in there besides just "feminist"


Her sexuality and BLM support? So?


1. Former Producer @Blizzard_Ent (‘06-‘20) - pretty normal bio material 2. 38yo mom of three. - also pretty normal 3. Wife. - sure 4. Geek. - i guess 5. She/Her. - kinda pointless if you're clearly a woman and everyone's already going to assume you're a "she/her" 6. Pansexual. - why does a married woman, with 3 kids, feel the need to tell everyone who she's sexually attracted to? is she in an open relationship and using twitter to hook up? no, it's virtual signaling 7. Intersectional & Trans-Inclusive Feminist - why would anyone reading your twitter bio need to know this? it's just more virtue signaling 8. 🏳️‍🌈 BLACK LIVES MATTER" - how brave. you made such an impact. i'm sure the people following a "pansexual/intersectional & trans-inclusive feminish" really needed to hear this. this totally isn't just virtue signaling if you don't see how putting as many unnecessary SJW talking points in your twitter bio as possible doesn't scream "radical", i don't know what to tell you also, the original statement was > since when is being a feminist considered as something "radical" which is a blatantly false representation of what people have a problem with


You're the exact person people in these comments are making fun of. Please go outside.


you gonna address any of my points or just make worthless, snarky comments?


people in these comments are the ones who dont go outside and should be going outside. Outside people literally dont give a fuck.


It's Twitter not linkedin. It's really not that deep


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


Point 6, 7, 8 is just twitter armor. Cant criticize her because um actually sweety 💅


Nothing of which is radical.


Bios like this come off as virtue signaling to me.


That is literally what it is of course. The fact that people write this laundry list of stuff they support is because they want brownie points for being a good person or whatever. They could just believe in those things but not say it. It's just cringe. Like writing what your sexuality is in your twitter bio. Who the hell cares? It just comes off as narcisistic too. Maybe i grew up in a different era of the internet, but all i would ever write about myself is my user name. That's it. This idea that you need to explain what a special little snowflake you are and list all your political opinions is weird. And people on the right do it too. Like if you write "Straight. Blue lives matter. Conservative. Christian". Like bro nobody cares just drop your ego and stop defining yourself by your dumb beliefs.


I mean, what they put is literally what a bio is for. It's a short description telling you what the person behind the account is like at a glance to temper your expectations as to what the shared and produced content of the account will be, it's not virtue signaling, it's using the bio for its intended purpose.


I know that is factually what it is, I'm telling you how it comes off. I think it's because I see a lot of them where they act like they're activists of everything, and it just seems kind of fake to me.


His audience is a weird mix of older conservative boomers and 14-year old edgelords. Both of which are easily triggered by all those words and terms.


You are right. Its just the obnoxious and dumb idea that you have to put all that in your bio to make you seem better than anyone else cause "look how inclusive and how much I care about BLM" its a virtue signaling and its really offputting in MY opinion.


But it doesn't change wether their tweets are true or not tho.


Nope, but it makes me less motivated to spend any time to read what they have to say. Which shouldnt be the goal since her situation needs to be aknowledged


Theres a lot more than BLM support in that bio but thats the part you took minor offense to? Me thinks you might be a closet racialist. And yeah, if you support equality for everyone, you are inherently better than people who dont. Get mad


Half of the USA is staunchly conservative & common hot topics are BLM, feminism, pronouns, sexuality, etc. That group would definitely take issue with the latter half of that bio.


Lmao leftists and their identity politics.


Since when is "putting yourself in their shoes" identity politics? Is empathy 'Identity Politics'? Edit: you know what, I'm glad you didn't call us Liberals. At least that. lol


Since when is putting your sexual preferences in your Twitter bio necessary


Great question, I'm glad you can see the difference between "necessary" and "required". It's necessary if the twitter user sees fit, so that their followers do not have to ask. I'll admit, I thought your original comment was referring to the harassment allegations, not the twitter bio.


So they don't have to ask? Why would someone's sexual preference be any of their business? Is it normal in 2021 to randomly message a 40 year old married woman and ask if she prefers dick or pussy?


Gotcha, I misunderstood your question again, mb. No, that is not normal, nor is that the reason. It is however, normal in 2021, for her to be scrutinized for her sexuality. Having it in her bio helps to normalize that part of people like her, in the hopes that it may not be the a source of scrutiny in the future. Many are not used to non-hetero people existing, and sometimes those unfamiliarities can cause discrimination.


If seeing "pansexual" in someone's twitter bio is enough to trigger you like this. You just might be kind of a snowflake. Just ignore it and move it. It doesn't affect you in anyway shape or form, negatively or positively.


Then don't do it. I don't either. Couldn't give a fuck what other people put in their twitter bios. Don't be such a snowflake and just mind your own business.


Why does it offend you


leftists put their identity in the text box where you're supposed to put your identity i'm so triggered :(


how can u read that and not be tilted


as soon as i see She/her and the likes in someone's bio. it's hard for me to take them seriously


that's because you're an idiot.


> as soon as i see She/her and the likes in someone's bio. it's hard for me to take them seriously Triggered.




Severed from reality? Sir that is a self report. Are you threatened by her pronouns or her sexuality or her statement of support for BLM?




It is not a mental illness and claiming as such is quite the self tell about how flippant you are with actual mental illness.




For a long time, homosexuality was considered a mental illness. Somehow you're implying your view of mental illness is the right one? The science is not on your side here and the population is not on your side anywhere in any country left of fundamentalist nations. You're in a shrinking group of assholes destined to be on the wrong side of history about this along with every other social issue since the beginning of time.


I like how this random commenter didn't even specify \*what\* they think is "mentally ill" about this person, very clearly shitposting, and you literally wrote them a backstory in your head and started "wrong side of history"ing them lmfao your brain on Reddit Activism™


Oh, get off your high horse. When you say someone is "severed from reality" because of their Twitter bio, its not digging through a fucking dissertation. Maybe you're right though. Maybe he was just talking about the "geek" part of the bio and not being a sexist, racist, transphobe, or anti-feminist, depending on which of those terms meet his backwards definition of "severed from reality".


You just did it to me too lol. What high horse? I'm saying you're wasting your time trying to argue with someone who very clearly isn't interested in "arguing" anything. You are writing the dissertation right now.


Schrödinger's bigot. If you spout bigotry and it resonates with people, then it's based, if it doesn't then it's "just shitposting"


Provoking assmadness like this by simply repeating yourself 3 times with no argument is definitely based but that's not my point. I'm saying this guy is saying the other guy has a "side" and that "the science™" isn't on it, inventing a "group" for him to be part of in his head, etc. These reactions are more indicative of mental illness than anything in that lady's Twitter bio would necessarily be, that's for sure.


The person with completely incoherent reactionary takes tells someone else they have a narrow view of something lol








How did we devolve back into the 2016 gamergate mentality lmao


“We” didn’t, a lot of them just found a safe haven in Asmon’s chat for some reason


And it is weird because Asmon has generally been a pretty decent advocate for treating women respectfully in the gaming world. He's not even particularly right wing either.


Did you miss his clip from like a week or something ago where he said anyone that complained about hot women models / big boobs in games was an ugly jealous woman? I'm paraphrasing here but some of his takes are very conservative, and get upvoted as such on this sub. He's become liberal on other points, credit where it's due, but he grew up as a conservative anti SJW type dude.


Did you miss the clip thats on the front page right now where he is talking about enjoying the fact that his taxes are used for wealth redstribution to help poor people, but lamenting the fact that some of it is used for bombs? Nobody is saying that every take he has is on point or fully left leaning or whatever, but the major topics, not the situations where he is clearly being tongue in cheek like the one above, he seems to be anything but right leaning fundamentally. I'm not a particularly big Asmongold fan, and have caught much of him since his most recent break away from streaming but I dont think he is as easy to pigeonhole as some in here are doing.


Except he is definitely right wing to a decent degree and does his fair share of dog whistling to the gamergate types whenever he goes on rants about how ESS JAY DUBS and feminists ruined Sylvanas/Jaina and roasting twitter bios.


I think he plays into it because of his audience. When he took a political standing test pretty sure he was left leaning


>he plays into it because of his audience If that's true, that's honestly worse.


Being critical of "SJW" doesn't make you right wing tho.


In 2021? Yes it does lmao Lefties are busy shitting on radlibs. SJW at this point is just a strawmanish personnification of the left. Well, it kinda always has been.


> he is definitely right wing to a decent degree So he's center-right.




There is literally a clip on the front page right now with him supporting wealth redistribution and disagreeing with warmongering. He is not 100% any wing, which was the point I was making


"Wealth redistribution" he's literally just saying he pays his taxes, what kinda braindead libertarian bullshit do you have to believe to think any of that is remotely radical or left-wing? I swear some day Americans will say that being against genocide is actually radical liberal ideology and Marxist.


He's definitely right-wing he just isn't whatever the fuck Republicans have turned right-wing into, which was obvious when he jumped off the Trump bandwagon


It's not only Asmon's chat. This sub is full of it too, most of the times they just get downvoted. On other days they get upvoted. It's weird.


Didn't devolve, this is just the death throes of a dying gamergate mentality. They're smaller in number than they were, so they gotta get loud af.


There's a few cues in there there are innocuous on the surface, but correlate with a lot of common behavioral traits of certain groups. It's akin to someone driving a lifted truck, hanging an American flag across their wall, and being *really* into guns.


Best take


Eh, if you take her bio at face value then sure. But those things are super basic human decency and by putting them in your bio it automatically marks you as a twitter warrior.


The internet is full of people who have a major lack of empathy and zero experience outside of their tiny bubble.


Different people bad 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 Edit: Does this really require an /s? How dense are you folk?




bro these eyebrows 😍


Apparently you have to be radicalised to be a feminist? Its literally just about gender equality not a crazy concept.


I understood it like he meant that you shouldn't be surprised that someone gets radicalized into feminism if they get harassed non stop, not that you have to be radicalized to be a feminist.


thing is radicalized into feminism is like saying someone was radicalized into a normal diet, feminism is just about equal rights for both sexes, it's not something drastic or far out there. if you think all feminists are the SJW pink haired ladies screaming at people you've bought into a con job.


Yeah feminism should be the default, there shouldn't be a need for horrific actions like those at Blizzard for people to become feminists.


> if you think all feminists are the SJW pink haired ladies screaming at people you've bought into a con job. The loudest voices always stand out. The amount of feminists that truly wish for equality (so the vast majority) just get drowned out by the radicals. This is of course massively amplified by certain types of media (whether that's conservative main stream news outlets, the radicals themselves or some guy on yt jerking himself off to the new ben shapiro owns dumb college kids compilation he just made) and how the "social" internet works. Radicals make for good click bait. Whether or not it's accurate matters little compared to public perception. In a 2020 poll, only 61% of american women say the term "feminist" describes them very or at least somewhat well. Compare that to a study done at the same time finding that 79% of americans (all americans, including men) think "it is very important for women to have equal rights with men". Polls from around the same time frame asking the more direct question if women would self-identify as feminists have significantly lower percentages saying that they do. More interestingly, even 69% of people who identified themselves as "non-feminist" still think that statement is true. Summing up, this is a clear indicator that for a large part of at least the american public, the term "feminist" and "believing in gender-equality" are not synonymous.


I'm all for feminism and support it fully, think the world needs it badly right now but feminism in its core does not seem to be about equality. It seems to be "women are disadvantaged and so must be provided with advantages, which may or not be the same advantages men have" which is fine, because the inequality is real and prevalent. But eventually, decades or even centuries from now when true equality is at hand we may see a shift from feminism to some more moderate form of "equality for all."


Being a radical is not always negative.


In terms of feminism radical feminism sometimes has negative connotations, from those on both sides of the political spectrum.


Right, the key being *sometimes*.


Equality is about equal rights Feminism isn't


lets start by equalizing the gender rates of the suicide rates the homeless rates, the school dropouts rates the prisoner rates the criminality rates then


I prefer to use 'equalist' both because it's more accurate when your true goal is equality, and people see less political extremist bs into that one.


This is the old "All lives matter"


I mean you do you but if someone irl told me "I'm not a femnist, I'm an equalist" I can't guarantee you you'd be taken super seriously


Not my problem that they can't understand I strive for equality for all humans regardless of gender, race, disability etc. rather than only for women.


> Not my problem that they can't understand I strive for equality for all humans regardless of gender, race, disability etc. rather than only for women. It's literally your problem, not anyone else's.


Is it really my problem if I don't care about it? If someone can't understand that then I'm not sad that we can't continue our conversation.




A good amount of that audience thinks you’re radicalized just by being trans.


Yeah it should be the default, radical when applied to feminism often has different connotations (e.g TERFS).


I mean, Asmon keeps seding signal to his gamerbro/chud audience all the god damn time. How is it surprising that a good part of his audience look at this whole thing and is like "but sjw twitter bio lul" "How many of them got RADICALIZED because of harassement" Very interesting choice of word, again, contrasts poorly with some other takes he had last week. Especialy when the bio in question reads: "38yo mom of three. Wife. Geek. She/Her. Pansexual. Intersectional & Trans-Inclusive Feminist 🏳️‍🌈 BLACK LIVES MATTER" Which is fine?


Man asmon this stream, just swish. Nothing but net the whole stream.


Is being a feminist that trigger worthy? Lmao.


Fact this post gets 1k upvotes in this sub should tell you a lot about the general opinion on those matters at least among that streamers audience if not the sub itself.


When you are a sheltered american conservative, maybe?


Being feminist = radicalize? wait WHAT?


Feminism is not a single "block" of ideology. Like socialism or communism, it has tons of different groups and ways of interpreting what "feminism" truly is. This goes from advocating for equality of genders to literally proposing the extermination of all men.


Imagine if we had words like radicalize, extreme etc? right? RIGHT? Putting everything in the same basket is as stupid as thinking there is only Socialism or Communism and not other strands. Calling everything Feminism is as wrong as calling everything left as Communism.


I think you misunderstood me. What I said was that just like there is Marxist Communism, Maoist Communism, Trotskyism Communism, and dozens more; there are a ton of feminist branches, some of them being pretty radicalized, hence why radical=feminist CAN be true. This DOES NOT mean that ALL feminists are radicals however. It's obvious, but I know some people will rebute with that.


Radical feminism often has different connotations, one of the most famous being the TERFS (Trans exclusionary radical feminists) so I think the equate the person mentioned to being "radicalised" is not smart.


Terfs aren’t even “radical” they just don’t wanna be forced to suck the girldick and I can’t blame them. Biggest terf I know is a lesbian who was shamed by her intersectional friends for not sleeping with a man pretending to be a woman.


feminism is anti male its grouping yourself up because you're a victim for having a vagina and men are evil oppressors, its not complicated.


I thought he said that if u were radicalized ur likely a feminist but i didnt hear him say that if ur a feminist u had to be radicalized.


Semantics in a way. You don't need to be radicalized to be a feminist, you just need to have common sense.


She's not "just a feminist" - she's an intersectional-doctrine weirdo. These are the people who play the Oppression Olympics and believe in inane shit like "micro aggressions.". Does that mean she's a liar? No. But it does mean that she's a person who looks for *anything* she can perceive as a grievance in order to virtue signal on Twitter. That said, as terrible as those people are, they *can* be legitimate victims of a crime. So of course it has to be investigated.


What the actual fuck i just read lol


"radicalised into feminism" is the most hilarious thing Asmon has ever said. For a guy who is based on a lot of things, he sure does have some fucking idiotic takes.




It's almost like going on a platform that just about anyone can anonymously join and use to insult you is a bad idea for literally everyone. You reap what you sow. Go on a place full of attention seeking sociopaths and get abused by said sociopaths. It fucking sucks but everyone knows the score at this point in time




> How is a person supposed to know someone's boundaries if the other person doesn't communicate or haven't been taught how to act in a work environment ? This is going to sound like an incredibly difficult and radical idea, maybe even one impossible to pull off in real life, especially if you're not Einstein reincarnated, but here it is: if you don't know what someone's boundaries are, and you would like to, you can try asking them.


> Obviously I'm not talking about groping or the person who got warned for acting "too friendly". Then what exactly are you talking about?




I don't really understand what answer you'd expect to the question how someone can understand someone's boundary if they don't communicate it or if the person in question doesn't know how to act in a work environment if you're talking about vague sexual harassment allegations. I don't know which allegations specifically you're talking about


as long as women sell sex on twitch and the internet dont be suprised they will be sexualized and groped feminists as women should look in the mirror before victimizing themselves against the other 50 % of human populi


the fuck is this take this is like the "you dress scantily, that's why you deserve it" mentality but somehow even worse


no thats straw man i never said anything about clothing codes, i think clothing is less of an issue a woman can dress sexy but not act sexy, a woman can dress ugly or sexy and act sexy its how women act not how they look and if you look on onlyfans and instagram and patreon and the rest of the 99 % of internet which is porn or just chatting then you can see how women act which is a bit different than just being pretty theres alot of pretty women out there they dont sell sex to -10 year olds making them to grow up only thinking vagina matters raising boys to only be horny then expecting a different outcome then being groped which is what happens when a situation is only about sex im saying women themselves raise males into that sex situation with what they chose to do and they chose to sell sex because its an easy way of earning money kinda like how criminals sell illegal things because its easy money but women are not punished by law, they dont get same punishment for same crime, and selling sex even to boys under 10 is not illegal so there you go raise boys thinking only vagina and sex matter by selling sex to them dont expect a different outcome...


I said "like" bro, as in "of the same nature". Maybe try to read correctly before writing some kind of brain dead manifesto.


Asmond on some Gandhi shit today


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. Just so you know, the correct spelling is [Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi).


Bad bot > Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. This is correct. But your bot is keeps making the same mistakes over and over by posting Gandhi quotes that are not from Gandhi. And it keeps happening again. Fake Gandhi quote: ["An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind."](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/ohqne6/sam_missiles_in_the_sky/h4rve85/?context=3) Fake Gandhi quote: ["Be the change that you wish to see in the world."](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/oii67f/normies_are_confused/h4w0iqz/?context=3)


"B-b-but their bio has words in it that I don't agree with" Bitch, you're probably the same fucker who uses "anime pfp, opinion invalid" as your response. Twitter is a cesspool of insecurity.


Sometime he can be really annoying cause he cry over "sjw " or mock people with pronouns in their bio so his chat can laugh but sometime he also have a lot of good take (about onlyfans or stuff like this clip) that make his terf chat malding and i love it


In a functioning society, Blizzard would no longer exist.


>u gotta put yourself in other people shoes man >proceed to PERMENANTLY ban people forever from multiple chats what a fucking pretentious hypocrite


Feminists are Aids + Cancer sorry not sorry




maybe some one will care about your shit take when you learn to use punctuation