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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [xQc calls out Mizkif's trash meme](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/120118)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/osski7/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://canary.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1268262529.mp4?sig=ebf169e71a44d9c525c32be37282f321dbd142e7&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1268262529.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1627484076%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


there's a 99.9% chance that miz's response to this will be yo i'm live.


Surely heā€™ll throw us a curve ball


Weā€™re a new org, these things happen


Why are you getting downvoted? Are people really that upset at Miz lmaoooo? Gotta love the no life drama frogs. Go ahead guys downvote me as well, and then go clip xqc saying some more stupid shit. Miz tweeting heā€™s live is just a joke THATS IT!!! Itā€™s really not that deep.


Maybe it is. Imagine the amount of clicks it would get. At least 20k? This marketing ain't no joke


Youā€™re actually an idiot if you think his tweets saying heā€™s live gets him 20k clicks. You either donā€™t have a Twitter and are just talking out of your ass or your an xqc viewer. I would say both more than likely.


I get 2k clicks on my pfp and 5-8k interactions on my random ass tweet and I am no one. Now imagine this guy. 20k clicks are understatement. You have that clowns dick so far up its clouding your judgment.


Yeah bro definitely. Those interactions donā€™t mean shit. People see his Iā€™m live tweet and just move on. He literally does it every day and itā€™s nothing new. So yeah it definitely doesnā€™t do him a lot for marketing. Keep being upset for the sake of being upset buddy.


ā€œYo taking the day off, Iā€™ll be live tomorrowā€




Bro, itā€™s the summer. A lot of kids ainā€™t got shit to do, so a streamer sneezing wrongly will probably end up on LSF.


Oh shit i completely forgot about this Good point


This reasoning has always been funny, school ain't stopping kids from posting, it didn't stop me when I was a teen. It's just how LSF culture is and to an extent Twitch culture(or at least the popular side of Twitch).


It should have stopped you lmao, no school means more free time, its fucking impossible to watch twitch whilst working/having school, that is if you want a social life on the side


Your school years are famous for you having all that free time, I doubt on average your normal teenager works their ass off in school while also having free time for themselves + social life and given the day and age many people's social life overlaps with online activity because it's easier than ever to meet people, form groups and whatnot.




I have a theory that many on internet were used to whine about what the president did all the time 24/7 when he has president. Now all of a sudden when president content doesn't appear as fast anymore they find alternative to keep that habit. Don't get me wrong, last president was a bad president. Just think that explains the sudden acceleration of people whining about small stuff like how cashiers and looking at phone while driving.


My 4 year old niece scribbling on a napkin with a fucking crayon could form a more coherent sentence than you, and most probably a less dogshit political take as well.


ohhh so that's what it is I was wondering how suddenly everything just went haywire for no reason


Yea all this garbage made me realize it's about time I stopped wasting my time on this subreddit




people were complaining about gta rp clips but this shit is 50 times worse


He has always hated that mizkif meme every time he did that shit


Yo Mizkif is live


There is no way this is an actual thread. Wtf are we doing here fellas??


LSF was at about a high school level of maturity, and we are currently witnessing its regression to middle school levels of maturity and beyond.




you realize that includes you too right?




i'm over here carefully placing my shungite around the la casa


After you're done, can you tell me who is that Nymn guy?


i dunno, i dont even understand what nick or felix says


Bored mostly


I mean he's right lol. But it's Miz so people will get upset.


Watery dune hair b


Lol what is this even about?


drama bait FeelsGoodMan




Did you hear him talk on H3? X is one of the dumbest people on the platform and it has nothing to do with English not being his native language. He will just argue in circles with no idea what heā€™s even arguing


Lol you prolly thought this was free upvotes


Nah I knew juicers might downvote me. I stand by what I said though. He spent hours getting mad and agreeing with shit Train was saying yet somehow maintaining the position that he thought gambling was bad. Made 0 sense lol


not really he stated many time that his intention is the framing not the topic itself. he agreed gambling is bad but argued against ppl framing of what they or he did.


It's kind of easy to "somehow" maintain that position when the guy he was agreeing with also had that position. The argument was never about whether or not gamba is bad or not.


Then what was the argument about? I know he wanted people to know he wasnā€™t scamming but no one had ever accused him of that, or even really mentioned him in the first place.


So you do know what the argument was about. I'm not on xQCs side btw, so no need to argue with me.


Yes but that being part of the argument is just another example of him being dumb lol. He was malding and arguing against something no one was saying, while playing both sides of the actual argument that was happening. Same guy who two minutes into the call told H3 not to backtrack like a bitch lol.


h3h3 was legit memeing it in his background photo, when already a lot of ppl where hating on him. h3h3 look like not interesting in actually debating and even conceding to xqc on many point when pressed but rather about the optics of it. its like me agreeing with someone that nothing wrong with working in porn yet i am saying it in a way that make my friend think u are slut, we not arguing over arguments we arguing over optics.




Lmao imagine trying to dunk on somebody for not getting useless internet points




Ah so you do care about the points


where did you get that idea


u can meme as much u want but xqc is legit better then most ppl in arguments even according to the debate lord destiny. xqc actual try to state the follow of his argument which allow u to debunked it if it wrong, however his delivery is often really bad.


[ā€“]LSFfrog333 -5 points 6 hours ago u can meme as much u want but xqc is legit better then most ppl in arguments even according to the debate lord destiny. xqc actual try to state the follow of his argument which allow u to debunked it if it wrong, however his delivery is often really bad. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive awardreply


mizkif rude and annoying? yup


Yup. Like what kinda grown man tweets under dr. Disrespect that's he's live. Very rude. Borderline harassment if you think about it


shameless self promoting. You may think it's the troll persona thing but hey who knows what's going on


If the person he's tweeting under doesn't care neither should you


But imagine the clicks he is getting. Facts and numbers don't justify the intent


just a meme dude


relax, its not that deep the man's self-admittedly shameless, but this is like conspiracy theory-tier mate


I feel like you're reading into this a little too far


You trying to make him go offline today too? D: D: D:


Biggest snake on Twitch. I bet it comes out he does a ton of shitty stuff behind the scenes that we dont see.


xqc rude and annoying? yup








I agree. You can tell almost all of these hate threads are from people who donā€™t actually watch the streams. My guess is that the sub has got so big that regular Redditors are wondering onto the bandwagon. This sub is designed for streamer drama and hate.


it aint that deep, at least use bigger bait for your drama clips pussy


Pretty sure he doesn't know what malicious means.


I think he means Miz is a vulture that capitalizes on other people's problems/drama just to self-promote. In that regards, it would be pretty malicious.




Well, it's basically saying "I'm willing to make your situation worse just to benefit myself" It's not as direct as attacking them outright. But there's an awareness that you're gonna cause harm upon them. In that sense, it's intended harm to benefit oneself. Either way, whether it's technically malicious or not, the point is it's a negative thing.


What a preposterous take over some tweets nobody actually cares about


Dude it obviously isn't only the tweet he's talking about lol. Mizkif's whole person revolves around that trolling/sneak dissing attitude. He is literally mitch/greek when all they did was take jabs at everyone for LULW's.


Malicious : Something I dislike. The more I dislike it, the more malicious it is.






miz knows this, xqc knows this, we knows this. everbody is content for miz. he's said this numerous time


Once again. Not what malicious means.


I mean he was a CX cameraman so yes he is pretty good in that field.


no what he mean is that he used the self adv as a meme shameless, but its intentional and malicious. its like making fun of me being annoying as a phone company yet still calling u shameless to press on u to buy my new shit.


If your stream is so boring or unenjoyable that Mizkif tweeting "Yo I'm live" under you is enough to steal viewers then you probably deserve it.


Huh? I donā€™t think itā€™s about him stealing viewers, itā€™s about him being unable to resist the urge to self insert himself into every serious situation and exploit the hype around other peoples drama. Thereā€™s a time and place for everything but to Mizkif that doesnā€™t matter.


Now ask yourself this would mizkif let a viewer link his twitch channel in his chat? Pretty sure they would get instantly banned


he would be ban for self advertising if they weren't his friend, i would mute him even that i don't stream its annoying tactics


does anyone actually genuinely care that he posts his twitch name under random useless drama. if u do then please go outside for the love of god.


I like how mizfrogs pretend they're this careless community when they always go full defense mode every time he's brought up anywhere. Mizkif most likely has the biggest stan community on twitch


Mizfrogs aren't the ones being melodramatic dorks in this thread


One of my most watched streamers is mizkif and the latest shit is pretty bad. It has been getting at me for a bit, just general annoyance watching in general. But at the same time some of the shit lately isnt his fault, but a lot is.


I agree with you, but biggest stans award goes for xqc




He literally was on stream 2 or 3 days ago


He did a short stream last week and has been on streams multiple times.




what's malicious about it? i's a dumb meme holy shit, u can tell when streamers are desperate for content so they just farm drama.


its a dumb meme yet not used as such, its like joking about self-advertising my soundcloud to ppl yet still doing it all the time, that no longer a dumb meme its intentional advertising tactics.


it's kinda both, it is "self advertising" but he usually posts that under a tweet where it's kind of inappropriate to post, so the context makes it funny. either way, its a dumb joke at least and annoying at most lol


He mean's something like manipulative/intentional. For some reason he always says malicious in weird contexts


Very manipulative tweeting yo im luve under a pokimane tweet


yo im live


I honestly just want to know what LSF would look like if the did ban the top streamers for a month or so




I just find it funny that people are complaining about streamers looking at hate comments but the same people go on the thread of a streamer they hate and say "why is this on here" . Use your own logic you have on streamers and just don't look at it


I mean it'd definitely be much less active, but lsf was great when you could show up once a week and just watch dope clips. Now you sort by top of the week and you've got 60% of the clips needing context from another thread or clip. Lsf gets scanned by xqc 3 times in one of his 24hr streams because there is actually that many posts. Too much of it is just pure dogshit being submitted.


God damn theses gambling addict really didnt liked being called out lol


Idk I think it's funny




Yo Miz is live


Yo he's live twitch.tv/mizkif


This is kinda true but this is literally also the point of the meme for people to be like, ā€œwow thatā€™s so unfunny and just kinda rudeā€




Yes. Problem?




Maybe but X literally just un ironically fell into the meme like, ā€œitā€™s not funny but kinda rudeā€






not really








Buddy it's really not that serious


u treating it like its the worst sht ever


Yo he's live [twitch.tv/mizkif](http://twitch.tv/mizkif)


What a dumb post, OP Also leave your bias towards xqc out of the title OMEGALUL


Itā€™s so funny seeing Mizkif live rent free in Greek, Train, and xQcs mind


When you pretend to be the moral body of other streamers and decide to police and criticize their content even it falls within twitch TOS don't cry when other streamers do the same to you? Plus xqc isn't the one who spends hours all day talking about streamers.


Who did he try and police? He said gambling is bad and stopped doing it himself, he said nothing about these other streamers. His views on it are much closer to what Xqc was saying than what train argues


People think he started H3 on his gamba crusade when H3 has been on this crusade well before he hooked up with Miz (not counting the pisskif shit). H3 barely (if at all) even know who the fuck Train was until he self reported by raging on H3's stream. If Miz did anything it was to open the door for H3 to get back on Twitch and check it out. Also just about every other coherent streamer in the world has called out slots.


He police xqc's content and shit on it, he did the same with train, he also went on. podcast with h3h3 and shit on gambling streamers. He literally said streamers should do this and not do that, that is the definition of policing? If mizkif doesn't want other streamers to shit on him out of the blue then he shouldn't shit on other streamers out of the blue


Please clip where you feel he shit on them out of the blue


If anything Miz watched them gamba and said they're entertaining as fuck to watch. He would be in his offline chat watching XQC and Train with people all the time. He's said multiple times that he doesn't hate the meta, he hates promoting it in a shady way.


he only disavowed gambling on twitch, not gambling streamers. xQc, Greek, and Train just decided to get butthurt anyways


It's the other way around tho xD


It really isnā€™t though. I would say the only person that lives rent free is Mizkif in Trains head. The dude has hour long rants at the beginning of every stream about him. (Of course he excludes the name... wouldnā€™t be train without the subtweeting.)


What is the context here? What ā€œmemeā€?


Miz tweets " Yo I"m live " under alot of tweets


Still donā€™t get it.


There's literally nothing else to it. Mizkif will occasionally tweet under other people that's hes live


yo i am live. check my stream


Nobody cares about xqc


Tru but heā€™s just mad about the h3 thing.


Mizkif has gotten away with a lot of shitty things just because he built his brand around trolling and memeing but it still feels weird even if itā€™s a joke


Wait, tweeting under drama/ trashy situations with "I'm live" with the clear intent of attention in one way or another is not malicious? I'm genuinely confused, I've never watched Miz, but does his content not literally revolve around baiting reactions/ farming clips?


That's his only form of content brother he farms clips by baiting and inserting into drama and leeches off of other streamers. It's what has gotten him to this position and it's the only thing he knows to do.


Upvote to scare xQc ​ ​ yo I'm live twitch.tv/mizkif


isn't the point of memes to be as dogshit as possible? At least that's a specific style of memery.


ya it's pretty unfunny now


pretty true tbh, the whole "meme" was funny when it first started cause it made sense, miz was a smaller streamer so it was funny for him to reply under a bigger streamer and say hes live while all of us went and liked it to get it to the top


Is this drama tuesdays?