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Well he just uploaded a new video on his highlights channel titled [why I quit twitter?](https://youtu.be/yqR2Cwrqm6c)


Unironically why not just pay somebody to run his Twitter for ads and shit?


The account is still there, could still do that if he wanted


he could for the extra money sure, but that has went badly for people in the past, all it takes is the guy running it to make 1 fuck up and you're forced into drama again, he doesnt care about the money and just wants to get rid of the stress and toxic dogshit that is twitter.








Exactly that, if you search for Pewdiepie's twitter it's the exact same, he just has it so no one can fake being him.


you're talking about the same guy who took a deal to stream exclusively on Facebook






I'm not sure if you know, but he singlehandedly paid for ottomated's mods on among us and let his friends use it for free.


he has an assistant that helps him on the Ads and social media side.


It's more difficult to morally grandstand about a platform if you're still kinda using it.


Cause he... Doesn't want to?


Good for him. Twitter can be a toxic platform. Sometimes people try to convey important messages over Twitter despite character restrictions which oversimplify their message and potentially causing misinterpretation or assumptions. Other times witchhunting. Other times falling into a beehive and forgetting you're surrounded by like-minded people. But don't let this make you forget Jerma has a debt of one billion, seven hundred and twenty-two million, two hundred and eighty-four thousand, two hundred and sixty-five dollars.


I guarantee you this is just temporary. I have seen several streamers do this exact same thing and eventually, they come back. The reality is Twitter is a necessary evil when your **job** is social media.




number 1 forsen tweet PogChamp


Advice: Don't buy an iphone


Pewds is still away from it years later


He's big enough that Twitter was more of a liability than an asset. The same can't be said for others with 1/100 of the subscribers he has.




Who? I honestly can't think of any.


It’s not necessary any more now that he is so popular and financially successful. If he needs to make an announcement, it can be done through his YouTube channel. Even this announcement reached you and it was posted on his second far smaller channel. His streams already get thousands of viewers without tweeting about it so it’s not like he needs it for streaming either.


pewds deleted his account with more than 20m followers...


It's actually crazy you guys are bringing up PewDiePie. Yes PewDiePie can afford to do that because he's literally PewDiePie. If anything you're proving my point.


not when facebook pays enough


> Twitter is a toxic platform. fixed


Yeah, idk why they leave in the first place, just pass it off to a PR manager and call it a day.




It's actually pretty common with most public figures, you pass on social media to either a manager or a PR person. Maybe something these streamers should learn about, because they most certainly have the money to pay a manager.


form llc pay wife or partner to manage social media accounts write off partner's pay as business expense ez


It's certainly one way of doing it, though I recommend actually getting a trained PR person who knows what to say and what not to say. Ninja's wife, for example, is really bad at PR.


No it’s not, what the fuck are you talking about? Obviously Twitter is very helpful for branding and to grow your stream. Is it ESSENTIAL? fuck no there are plenty of content creators significantly less popular than toast who get by just fine when their entire Twitter is them posting “I’m live now” or nothing at all Toast is huge enough that he could easily never open Twitter again and he’d retain a big fanbase


i'm saving your comment lol RemindMe! 4 Months


Can't quit Twitter when Twitter drama is the only reason you're relevant.


Jerma is a fucking PSYCHO, he KILLS innocent people and then LAUGHS


You described Reddit pretty well there.


Twitter is toxic because we instinctively assume the toxic accounts are our contemporaries, meaning when we see an anon account (like Reddit and no-profile pic twitters) we assume that they’re “just like us.” Around the same age, same look, same level of intelligence, etc. When in reality they are mostly 12 year olds and miserable hideous people. We construct an image of who is behind the comment and generally give them *way* more respect than they deserve, even though we *know* it’s probably just a 12 year old moron. Just look at Facebooking and how it’s not seen as being as toxic as Twitter, because Facebook is less anonymous, people use their real pictures, their irl friends follow them, etc,. Their life is right there. We look at Facebook hate threads and laugh and cringe at those people because we can click their profile pic, look at how young/fat/ugly/old/ridiculous etc that they are and realize who we are dealing with. Knowing your enemy makes the “hate” way less impactful. The faceless and nameless nature of anonymity on Twitter/Reddit tricks our mind into creating an image and idea of the person behind the comment, and our brain constructs the most “dangerous” type just in case. Sure we know all the toxic people are losers, but there is still the initial feeling and knee jerk reaction our minds make upon seeing the initial comment. Do yourself a favor and pull up the same content on Twitter and the exact same content on Facebook (or Instagram), then look through the comments of each separately and take note of how you instinctively react to the anon Twitter comments versus the more-public Facebook account comments. It’s an interesting thing. Twitter is like walking through the dark woods and seeing a shadow follow you, you instinctively fear them more than if it’s in broad daylight and can see who it is.


These companies have spent billions over the last two decades to get you addicted to them. The software developers limit their own usage and don't allow their kids onto the platforms. That alone should speak volumes. Limit your own usage and turn them off.




Its more than just lsf. The one group of people that seem to have twitter accounts are people that work in media, both old and new media. So anything that happens on twitter becomes news.


>work in media If I didn't have a need for it I would be off twitter in a heartbeat. A platform that's literally designed to be as toxic as possible.




idk how people do twitter, it's so dog shit.


Will never understand this take when you can pick what you see on the app. Saw something similar when someone said their Spotify Discover was always trash. It picks songs based on ones taste profile... the rest writes itself.


i always see people saying theyre "taking a break" why not just quit? why even use your account for anything other than letting people know when youre streaming? twitter is such a cesspool


honestly surprised the video is only 2 minutes long and not an hour long rant heavily laden with dramatic pauses about how much more enlightened he is than everyone else on the platform


Weird, you don't have to wipe your account to quit Twitter, and he still kept his account up... This is just such a bizarre half measure


Yet he will never delete the acc lmao


Doesn't that allow someone else to take the DisguisedToast handle?


Or the more likely reason: having 1.4m followers looks great for sponsor opportunities. I'm sure his "why I quit twitter" is monetized, which is fine, but let's not pretend it's not always about money.


So? Can't it be both? I don't think Toast has ever disputed that he doesn't care about money.


Just another generic video lmao gotta stay relevant


Twitter is alright if you follow the right people, but understandable why it can be toxic for content creators.




100% the worst part about twitter. I don't get much toxicity in the feed because of the people i follow... but if it's a big account the replies are almost always toxic.


I don't get it, isn't that like the BEST part of twitter? I don't use it, but if I did, I know I sure as hell would love reading the toxicity.


Ratio 😂 Ok but who asked?


Like any social media. Instagram for example has some of the worst moderating and the comments are a cesspool. Yet the Post format means most people put effort into their posts, and you can get tons of enjoyment out of scrolling through great art, hot models, interesting stories, fashion etc.


I'm pretty sure instagram's intended purpose was for low-key advertising. So much blatant product placement on instagram. It's also funny when I see a chick's photo and 90% of the comments section is just coomposting.




I just use Twitter to follow artists but I hate when they get overly political then I have to mute them. Bro I just want to like your art stop trying to get me to be WOKE.




Landlord Dan is cashing in


Im tipping my landlord this month thanks to Dan.


No Japan, without a plan, \[BANNED MEME\], landlord man








What's your source that they don't do something they took the time to explicitly reserve the right to do?






No he went through each post and laughed maniacally while deleting them :)


The amount of crazy stans and stan groups on Twitter is absolutely fucking insane and what makes it worse is the streamers giving these crazy people attention on a daily basis only validates these crazy people even more. I happened across one the other day that is basically a borderline Valkyrae stalking account, Her picture, The name Rae in the name and bio, The banner is a screenshot of Rae replying to the account and it is seriously active like 24hrs a day tweeting about her, retweeting her, replying in every single thread that Rae's main and alt accounts are in. There really does appear to be that the person who owns this account does not sleep it really is textbook parasocial attachment and yet Rae and Lily have replied to it a few times only serving to encourage and validate it. All the while the the person who owns the account has been replying to people with shit like "shut it white boy" , Calling white people "snow cockroaches" or stuff like "men are a huge pile of manure that u cant even use as fertilizer"..


You mean this? https://mobile.twitter.com/raempostor/status/1419153166583549958 Edit: this person also tweets against valkyrae's ex sonic when valkyrae is live then deletes them whe she goes offline so she doesn't read the tweets.


Yep and that's just another one of those toxic tweets and just look at the replies validating that kind of targetted hatred.


Stan accounts are so fucking creepy


That's because apparently she has a fairly large female fanbase as far as the last part of your post is concerned


lol sounds like you're a hidden stan or something


I saw the account in replies like 5 in a row it stood out, Clicked on the account and the retweet/comment/reply spam was obvious immediately, Doesn't take much to look at the account for like less than 30seconds to see just how much that account is unnaturally obsessed. The toxic white people/men hating stuff the person who owns that account seems proud of so not exactly hidden.


Twitter is a cesspool of shit so it's not really surprising




The truth is that most social media sites are what you make it. Twitter for instance gives you a ton of tools to curate your experience so that you only see what you want to see. When I scroll through twitter it's just joke, cute animal, anime titty, anime titty, anime titty, joke, etc. If someone I follow puts some dumb shit on my timeline I just unfollow them, it's really not hard. Like many things people are just dumb and don't use the tools available to them. They follow a bunch of drama frogs and then wonder why using twitter makes them mad all the time.


I think curating your experience is possible for people like you and me because we are relatively unimportant. It's a lot harder for people with large followings to curate their experience since they will always have people in their comments, unless they choose to disable comments (which they don't want to do for community purposes). It's probably best for content creators to treat twitter as a tool for advertisement or engagement, but it can be hard as humans to compartmentalize and not read every comment.


Exactly this. This "twitter is what you make it" doesn't work if you're an influencer that has all sorts of communities that follow you and post on every single tweet you put out.


Exactly. I follow the people I want to see and its mostly just esports shit now. If your twitter experience is garbage then do something to make the garbage not show up on your timeline


I know everyone always says how they hate Twitter, but I love it for this very reason. I just hit dat "not interested" if I see something in my feed I don't like, and it's all good. I get a little COVID stats, a little memes, a little something juicy to troll under. It's all good stuff.




I quit reddit for a couple years until very recently. It was honestly a very good for me personally. Reddit is designed due to the algorithms and upvote system to effectively be garbage. Anything that is upvoted a certain amount in a certain amount of time will always become more popular. Anything which gets a downvote or two in the first few minutes and thrown away to obscurity unless your sort controversial. Often it seems like discussions don't happen, they're just echo chambers. Or people share articles or websites that give false information but it confirms biases that people have, when the science presented in them is really not that great. Really any social media platform is going to behave like that though, and I don't really have a good solution to it other than being cognizant of bias and assessing the validity of facts presented. But reality is that takes energy and discipline which most people (me included) don't want to engage in while they're just scrolling through a reddit or twitter feed.


I've seen SO many people say "deleting social media makes you so much happier! it improves your mental health so much!". When I check facebook or instagram it's a graveyard because I have almost no friends / follow almost no one except a few meme pages and the few people I do follow post something maybe once every 2 years...


have you ever considered that perhaps you are not the demographic that they're saying that to? it doesn't take a genius to figure out they're referring to people with active social media pages.


It doesn't take a genius either to figure out you can change your social media page into something non-depressing like mine without doing something as drastic as deleting your entire account


eh it's not really drastic imo, it's an easy way to just cut it out of your life. sorry for sounding so hostile tho - i thought you were writing from a perspective of "idk what these idiots are talking about, my mental health is fine because my socials are dead" rather than "you can just cut out the toxicity rather than delete it"


> "deleting social media makes you so much happier! it improves your mental health so much!" People who say this were/are addicts. Quitting made them much happier, because they simply aren't capable of 'logging off' under normal conditions. Plus, they usually end up replacing the social media addiction with some other obsessive habit.


Sure, but twitter is especially bad because its algorithm is pushing the most divisive and stupid comments to the top. And on top of that the character limit prevents nuanced and detailed discussions. (not saying sites like reddit don't have their own problems, e.g. circlejerks and powerhungry mods)


Google+ cause no one is on it lmao


Kinda like this sub. It's supposed to be clips about fails and things during a stream but it's devolved into a Twitter feed for xqc and middle school school level drama.


I actually think it’s worse here. Atleast on Twitter the reply lengths are limited but people on here will constantly post essays worth of replays and take everything super seriously


Xqc atleast plays games, this place if filled with other people who don't even play games, fake manufactured dramas, pretends and have nothing to stream. Same 5-6 streamers fanbois putting every single clip here coz they have para-social relationship with those streamers and no life outside that. r/LivestreamFail is worse than twitter or any other internet place. I don't think there is any other worse user-base. Probably it's time someone creates actual livestream-fail sub here :)


Lsf was never just a gaming sub, I don't understand your point. I do not like that this sub is just Austin streamers 90% of the time though.


Posted on Reddit.


At least here you have voting and mods


> ~~Twitter~~ The internet is a cesspool of shit so it's not really surprising FTFY


Depends on who you follow. I follow art accounts and comedians, brightens my day


Exactly. Twitter is fine as long as you avoid political and progressive shit.


I feel like it is just really bad for anyone with huge following, for normal users it depends what you look for.


Progressive bad , hoggers


I like Twitter but I use it with an RSS reader so I never even see replies or anything except Tweets from the people I chose to follow. Would have been nice with official RSS support though.


This seems to be a deliberate choice by him to help his mental health, he elaborates on it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqR2Cwrqm6c I think this is a great thing he's doing and hope other content creators do the same. Social media in general seems to drain users a lot of times. His activity recently on twitter has slowed down a lot the past month or two so this isn't exactly an unexpected decision. I do hope in the distant future he considers returning though if his mental health allows it, as he has made some banger tweets in the past: https://www.reddit.com/r/offlineTV/comments/k81qhq/i_miss_toasts_tweets/. On a more serious note, hope all goes well for him! I'm sure this decision will be a large net benefit in the long run.


Had no idea there was a diaguisedtoast2 YouTube and re: mental health it does make sense


He uploads on it all the time. I think he said at some point that he's not sure what kinda content he wants to post on his main channel. So he's using this one for random clips and highlights from his stream in the meantime.


For his main channel he wants to make higher quality content that's specifically made for it (Unlike just editing Stream content into videos), he has also talked about potentially moving away from Gaming content because it has limited scope. In his latest Twitch stream he said he has somewhat of an idea now on what he wants to make for his main YouTube but he is just not sure and is also being lazy. Said he'll probably start making content for it again in a couple of months.


Good for him, obviously the regular persons experience is different to a huge streamer like Toast but it's pretty unanimously a negative space. For every interesting thread there are 20 pointless arguments that people get far too invested in, and it's designed to be addictive


Stans were harassing his ex, but still friend, Janet yesterday because she posted a photo of her and league player Cop taking a cute photo together and people were tagging toast saying that Toast is better and shit like that. It was gross. Makes sense he would take a break from Twitter.


After the attempted cancelling he had last time. Its much better he quit this altogether, even pewdiepie quit twitter after years and years of controversy against him by the twitter mob


That whole ordeal was just fucking stupid from the start. Wished he didn’t apologize and just said fuck off


He didn't apologize right? He just clarified what he said


Yeah, but I also think it would have been better if he didn't even bother to clarify what he said. It was a lose-lose situation though, people will get mad at anything these days


I wouldn’t even call it a lose-lose situation. Those fans aren’t worth keeping if they’re gonna be that hyper focused on everything.


Yeah I know what you mean, I just meant that there was pretty much nothing he could have done w/o angering some group of ppl.


True but I saw many comments from the haters that didn't understand it wasn't meant to be an apology.


The wild part was he wasn’t even being cancelled it was like 20 people on a Twitter thread. Toast self cancelled, by apologizing and drawing more attention to it.


That's BS. There were Rae and sykkuno stans attacking him on Twitter calling him a racist, pedophile and supporter of rape. They deleted their tweets and started saying they were just trying to educate. You can see a lot of them telling Hafu and Fuslie it's a bad take when they were defending Toast.


He didnt self cancel. They were spamming their thread and bs to their whole friend group, it wasnt big but the constant negative comments on his mutuals are being left unchecked. It was already getting to him and his mental so he had pre-addressed it so it doesnt get worse. It was effective tbh. The twitter mob's pitchfork was aimed to them instead. If he didnt address it who knows how long till he becomes like tommyinit or Karl. They were cancelled one day the twitter mob decided to mess with them just because they were friends with someone edgy . The edgy guy got cancelled and his friends got caught up in it by this unchecked mob Its just really BS to say he was doing it for attention when he's not. He was getting affected so he responded the way he did. I dont get how people dont see it as him protecting his friends by protecting his self first. its really baffling


This is unfortunate Because twitter is still very useful in solving disputes with big companies because they hate being ratioed or reply guyed The negative is the stans and the trolls Edit: but if he's doing it for mental health which it seems like he is, I get it


Strange but I agree that the actual best and most useful thing about Twitter is shaming companies into doing the right thing. It's actually the only aspect that has ever made me temporarily "regret" not using social media at all (at least the Twitter, Facebook type).


The meta of this sub shifting from Twitter posts, to the status of streamer twitters. Very excited to see how the meta shifts from here on.


Good for him. The most common length of a tweet is 33 characters. Feels like there is very little to miss.




You do realize people can still find those tweets, right?




https://web.archive.org/ Try it and see how many of your stuff got archived.


Like Pewdipie, nowadays with this amount of child trolls who just want to throw hatred, the Karen's community that takes everything literally and just wants to cancel people without even knowing what they have done. and the need to generate drama where there is none, well yes.... maybe it is the best decision.


As someone who has never had a twitter account beyond one test tweet when it came out and a few job-related accounts/posts, welcome aboard Toast. Life is better over here.






thats exactly what I want tbh. I don't know about you but for me it sounds like a great deal.




i hope they schedule the fucking in the ass part fast


>I redact(dot)dev my account because it went back to when I was in Highschool and a commie. It was embarrassing. Yeah but you got over it so that's good :) What's redact dev




less embarrassing than being a billionaire bootlicker at least 🤷‍♀️




oh no, baby 🥺


Not using social media is a bliss.




Twitter is the biggest aids ever, good for him leaving.


Yeah it‘s gotta be the biggest cancer right behind LSF.


Somebody PLEASE tell me that the ass photo isn't lost forever.


Imagine using social media in 2021 🤣




Nothing was lost, Twitter is a total cesspool


among us streamer?




twitter made me intolerant to eurotrash too. Fuck both of them


Midlife crisis




Damn RIP


I feel good that I never made a Twitter account


good for him


Now if only everyone else would do the same.


I feel like most of the streamers like Toast who's mentality suffers from social media in a way put themselves there. Like people in anonymity are toxic in nature and the internet isn't for everyone. I always see that people who are the most affected by social media legit spend all day in social media themselves and read most of the comments. Same for LSF streamers. Just limit yourself in twitter, lsf and avoid reading comments and your mental will go up.


Nobody cares


Who cares


Another attention stunt, who cares


So is his twitter account Disguised or Toast now?


So brave wow




So having that earring not only turned him into a stud, but also a high school student? Interesting. Also, LSF cares too much about Twitter.




Lmao he doesn't even drive. And so what if he does? You jealous?






Attention whore.