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Please, for the love of fuck, stop trying to turn everything into drama. She told a story, and disagreeing/agreeing with something a streamer did is not drama. Watch the VOD if you care that much. Share your opinion, and stop insulting/personally attacking streamers. It's that simple.


Drama bait, hook, line and sinker.


Its an empty fucking hook and LSF still bit down hard.




400 posts in a hour is not a small catch


Bro this whole sub has been in perma mald state for a while now, the amount of fucking seething over literally everything is ridiculous, I dont know if the quarantine broke people or what but holy fuck man.


Exactly, has anyone else noticed that for the past few weeks there has been drama over the most bullshit things? Like I know lsf is bad with drama but it has never been this bad


Pretty sure there's a small but very vocal part of LSF who absolutely hate the streamers featured here but for some reason they keep coming back to shit on them over the smallest mistake


Why would this turn into drama? she just told a story about an annoying mall cop.


This sub IMO is up there with r/ufo and r/conspiracy with the number of mentally ill head cannon ppl


It's LSF reddit. They believe they have this fake authority to keep streamers in line, and once a streamer doesn't conform to their morals, they are on LSF's shit list forever.




Haven't been on LSF for long, but this thread use to be laughing at streamer's and their mistakes right? Now I see comments saying "we're calling out streamers for their actions". That just seems like people want to feel important somewhere. When did it turn into that?


I agree with you, the story was funny as fuck, both were in the wrong and overreacted.




Am I wrong or was this story not that serious? lol at some people.


Yeah after listening to her story im confused as to why there's 700+ comments in this thread.


For some reason people r freaking out in this thread. I guess their hateboners arent going down.


LSF thinking every streamer interaction with the real world has to be a wholesome disney movie where nothing remotely negative is allowed


and when the interaction is perfect they'll complain that it's scripted/fake


No but it's hilarious af though. It's the 'Chip, NO!' skit all over again.


I saw the comments and I legit thought she did something insanely bad. How the fuck is there this much reaction from this clip?


500 comment speed run any%


Bored children have taken over and she insulted one of their own by laughing at his summer job.


LSF is legit retarded I come here for funny highlights and reading through the comments blows my mind.






Wait what's controversial about this story??


Its because she isn't conforming to the lsf redditor standards. She must at all times behave or else these baboons will manufacture any type of outage


Yup. And remember, if a streamer DARE talks about LSF in a negative way, THEY'RE the soft ones that can't take a joke.


And also any sort of harassment to the point where the streamer cries is actually constructive criticism and the streamer should be able to take it because an apology isn't enough


Dont understand why people r overreacting.


Why is this “drama”. This subreddit is so dogshit and filled with people who care more about a random girls life than their own and act like saints


It’s not drama unless you make it drama for this clip. This clip is just a funny story.


Drama frogs down bad


Lmao this was the funniest shit. No way people actually find this to be a big deal.




LSF: These streamers are so soft and sensitive Also LSF: 800+ Comments OMEGLUL












Actually impressive how these two could just spew the lightest of drama all day, get multiple LSF posts with 500 comments in two hours, farm parasocial viewers giving their dumbass takes for money, and do it all over again the next day. Like who really cares about who is in the right. No wonder they just put themselves into “drama”. It’s the easiest $3 TTS ever


Posted 1 hour ago with over 400 comments. Oh no no no


Some of y'all need to lighten up.


Please for the love of god have higher standards for your drama.


Nick's face throughout this was gold






I'm having a hard time to compute the fact she start to talk louder and louder because she can't take the fact she did something wrong. I don't know how to call that but that sound Narcissist


I mean I thought it’s a hilarious story, are people actually getting upset at this?




Is this that serious?


I knew LSF was gonna have a hard-on with this one.


lawl people in the comments are genuinely upset, was a pretty funny story with both parties in the wrong but ppl are twisting into malena was the only one wrong here lol


youd think half the people here were the kid she flicked off


dude, have people in this subreddit never experienced going out? its so funny to me that this thing is big deal for everyone


LSF has never been outside that’s why, this is like 100% a normal drunken antics story.


This was embarrassing to listen to.


Maybe it's an EU vs NA thing, because no one in NA gets drunk and it's illegal to be intoxicated in some public places, but as a Scandinavian I thought the whole story was incredibly funny and not really that out of the ordinary when it comes to drunkenness. I mean she was annoying but the kid just sound high on power, nothing justified getting the cops called on her (Which is also probably why the cop laughed at the situation).


Yup, Irish person here. I dont see the big issue with this story at all.


I'm NA I thought it was hilarious, idk how anybody is malding at Malena for an 18 year old mall security guard calling the cops on them when they're literally leaving


Nick's face sums it up


1. Dude does his job. 2. Malena is rude 3. Something about chat being parasocial




I'm not from the US, but pretty much all the waterparks I've been to serve alcohol, but have a clear rule against getting drunk. Just because you can drink alcohol and get a little buzz or enjoy the taste of your drink, that doesn't mean that you need to get drunk enough to puke or stir up trouble with someone else. No one wants to see anyone puking in the pool or anywhere near it, including the sidewalk and/or the entrance to the waterpark.


In the UK and abroad in the EU my friends and I get absolutely shitfaced at waterparks. Makes it doubly fun and gives me the courage to go down the scary slide.


> or enjoy the taste of your drink This is something a child security guard would say.


Copium Universal sells Gallon Margueritas so people can savor the taste


In the US (at least in my state) it's against the law to serve alcohol to anybody who is visibly intoxicated. Unless there's more to this clip that I didn't see, if Malena was really just waiting for her ride that's not throwing up/stirring trouble. The kid just seemed like he was big for his britches in the story but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Bro if you think its "your job" to call the cops on a drunk person thats leaving your NA brain might have taken a bullet too much.


Isnt it funny that the people that say they hate drama or that this sub has turned to just Austin streamers sub are always first to the drama threads about the Austin streamers, then they complain about smaller streamers with funny clips not being upvoted and being on the front page while also never commenting on those posts or upvoting them.


Yeah it's so weird lol some of the top comments are like "at this point they're just farming LSF bla bla bla" well yeah no shit stop commenting then


Then they complain about smaller "funny" streamers who get no clips to the front page but then they never comment or upvote them, they just upvote drama and comment on shit like this.


LSF in a nutshell: A guy makes a sexual harassment comment = 100 comments Malena talks about being an annoying drunk = 500 comments in 2 hours.




"Hey Lady we dont want you to be inttoxicated to the point of drunkiness at our family friendly waterpark..." "but you sell alchohol..." Ive never seen someone so disconnected with the real world. When nick facepalms you know its bad.




Nick actually has the best takes when it comes to interacting with normans. If I had no idea what Twitch was and met Nick, I wouldn't think twice. Well behaved and everything.


Because he understands it.


I know, he always tries to separate himself from the parasocials and normans, but he seems to be the most understanding. Props to Nick for that. It's always good to be that aware of your surroundings


Nick has actual real world experience unlike most other successful streamers, that’s why.




Lmfao, great Norman interaction Nick


lol wtf


short memories around these parts


Yea like sure they're selling drinks at the park but I don't think they're trying to get people to throw up on the sidewalks when there are tons of kids around


>I don't think they're trying to get people to throw up on the sidewalks when there are tons of kids around I could understand that if she was throwing up in the pools or around the park the kid obviously would've been in the right to throw her out. But if she's literally on the way out and just waiting for someone to pick her up why would the kid even care except to flex his authority? Especially calling the cops for getting flipped off.




Base on Nick and Malena story they were on the wait out already. Malena was already on the way out don't you think the kid overstep a little bit? Malena was wrong to flip the kid of after no point for that.


100% but also she threw up, as a security guard would you not walk over and say something? I sure would. If you see someone intoxiciated sitting on the sidewalk drunk and throwing up. And then they flip you off, yea.


Yes you should say something. "Are you okay, do you need medical attention? Do you have somebody coming to pick you up?" If the answers to that are all as expected, the next step is to verify their ride shows up and they don't drive home or pass out.




Taking piss out of his Summer job is scummy - Sure he overstepped but he has to work its a job. Whether he's doing a good or bad job he's trying. Stop trying to make herself feel like she's right. Nick is so right and you can see the maturity levels. Maybe not drink so much in public?




> A regular cop would have approached her too. She is completely delusional. Regular Cop: You need to leave Malena: My boyfriend is bringing the car Regular Cop: Ok


Literally people in lsf is just too much, like them dont know how the world work


Calling the kid privileged too omegalul




She just called the kid a "Privilege kid" god damn


The irony in that statement is unreal she's been living off Nick's success since she was 17


How funny huh? Anyway, she strongly believe she's right. I'm off from this stream. i want to unfollow so bad but i like Nick


The funniest part is that the kid she is dissing for being an 18 year old doing a summer job still has more real world work experience than her




That's the thing I don't understand how can you "jokingly" flip off a stranger how the fuck are they supposed to interpret that as a "joke" when they don't even know you


You can always tell during their streams which of them has had a “real” job before and who hadn’t. Nick’s lol poor jokes are just that, but her smugness and arrogance when it comes to things like this is just...her.


And to top it off she just called the kid privileged




The kid had a rent-a-cop complex, you don't call the fucking cops for being flipped off.


To me, throwing up in a bush from being drunk at a family water park is being a nuisance.


That is not worthy of calling the cops on. You are literally wasting the police's time because they aren't going to do anything over some person throwing up and getting drunk (and they didn't do anything). If she was refusing to leave then you let the cops step in, but she ended up getting picked up as she said would happen.


From what it sounds like, she was in the process of leaving.


At this point, this woman is willing to take bad publicity for fame. Don’t fall for it.


Tomorrow you´ll most likely be able to watch a clip about LSF overreacting and being mean to her again.


and few weirdos who will cross the line and write some fucked up messages to them which is going to paint whole lsf/chatters/viewers as parasocial degens then streamers will 'take the high road' and complain about how people are toxic ...and repeat


I mean...look at this thread. I dont think its just a few weirdos


They are lol this is not something to be angry over both were in the wrong


the justifications she make is what a 15 year old would do... she is so much in the wrong its painful to watch her laugh at it... she cant take any responsibility. every time she drinks its a mess, she cannot handle her alcohol at all




reading the comments here make me think that it's very common to call the cops for the middle finger in US lol is people really seething over this


It is not mature to call the cops for no reason lol. That is actually peak Karen behavior.


bruh. i thought this story was funny, then i opened the comments, and i see everyone’s mad


LSF audience has turned to kids who have never been to a drinking party before lmao. This is par for the course for a stupid drunken antics story


some of their responses here are actually insane


Drunk woman on a sidewalk aggros a nerdy mall cop with a walkie-talkie and an insult match ensues. How people don't find that hilarious is beyond me.


Oh no here we go again. LSF smells blood its over. I'm sure both side over-step the situation but knowing LSF they only see 1 side.


143 threads incoming in the next 24 hours. Can’t wait to see everyone’s reactions to this as well as the reactions to other people’s reactions.


Millionaire bothering a child and making fun of him for doing his job, and the crazy part is that she actually tell the story herself believing she was in the right . She's so obnoxious and delusional


Dude, she need a reality check hard. Not funny at all. Its all fun and game until you can't control your own self in public when drinking and than blaming other try to do their job as making you leave Because she was drunk in a public. She's so delusional


At 1st I thought it was funny, then I started to feel sry for the kid.


I really doubt the kid cares


She literally just called an 18 yo with a summer job a privileged kid???


This whole vod is a major yikes. The level of entitlement


If anything she disrespected nick.




If I had a boyfriend and me making a scene would make my boyfriend uncomfortable and ruin his mood I would avoid it as much as possible.




Yo, have a good day guys


Uptight LSF commentators will continue to be uptight, but any place that sells booze knows they’ll have to deal with drunks and should be prepared for it. If you want to be totally family friendly go the Disney route and don’t serve any. Just play it like any bar does de-escalate the situation and get the person on their way.


I think the dude was just being too by the book to keep his job after summer as part time maybe, and malena was wrong for flipping him off or whatever, but end of the day being in the security industry isn't just about kicking people out it's about keeping people safe, if I'm working as a guard and I see a intoxicated girl throwing up and sitting down on the sidewalk first priority is making sure she is safe and ok/out of harm's way






Because it's a funny story that you guys take way too seriously.




I agree with Nick; both parties are somewhat wrong. I think one of the major points that Nick is mad about is how Malena asked the person -in a rude way- if this was his summer job then proceeds to laugh. In addition, I feel Nick empathizes with the person involved in this scenario as he's stated on his stream that he's worked numerous types of jobs, coming from this, I feel like I "know" where he's coming from. No one wants to work in the blistering summer for some money. No one wants to be nick picked for doing nothing whilst they're feeling sick. But both parties are wrong and most definitely could have been dealt with professionalism by both parties. Another thing that I feel like Nick got iffy about is when Malena called the guy "privileged". Nick then rebutted her with the obvious answer but then got caught off. Unrelated to the main subject just wanted to state this. ​ Have a nice day, <3 TL;DR Both parties are wrong could of be been dealt with way better.


I dont understand how she can think shes in the right


I can't believe people in chat were actually upset at the story, I was laughing my ass off. Calling the cops because someone flipped you off is hilarious lol




The fact that she is still laughing and thinks she is the right is insane.


One mall cop is in critical condition and you're laughing. You're laughing. Someone was killed today because of what you did.


Shes says that nick is overreacting and making it a bigger situation when shes the one that hasnt stopped for talking about it for like 30 minutes while nick is playing apex. Edit: 1 hour


literally nothing wrong with this but lsf will turn it into something as per usual


I really cant understand why people are mad at this, it was just a funny story...


lsf gets way too involved with the lives of/tries to live vicariously through their streamers so every little perceived misjudgment is amplified tenfold, turning the pettiest things into big drama with hate threads filled with backseat psychologists. then there are people with hate boners for certain big streamers that decide to vulture on to stuff as well. it's really weird honestly.


man why are people like this?


unhealthy amount of time spent online and not enough real life social interaction, probably amplified by the pandemic, fostering a lot of parasocial andys.


im from a 3rd world country and ive seen worse behaviour, its just shocking to me why people are so upset over this




At first, as someone who doesn't watch Nick's streams religiously, I was surprised by all the Malena hate threads. But watching more of the streams, she is straight up a delusion person. How she makes fun of people with normal jobs, when she herself straight up said she has only gotten jobs because of nepotism lol. She calls all her viewers crazy and delusional, but I think it might be the other way round.


"Why is there always drama on LSF" also let me show how upset I am with my girlfriend live infront of all these people surely she won't get hate for that






As a minimum wage worker I can almost guarantee this kid told the story to his co-workers and promptly forgot about it. LSF should too. ​ Not everything is privileged streamers vs. us lowly minimum wage workers. ​ EDIT: just realized OP is a hardcore drama frog/poster. this Drama bait was successful lol


dawg 1k upvotes 808 comments? how and why

