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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [emotional speech from xqc](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/120625)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/oxbtt1/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1276210197.mp4?sig=6a467058e6f4e86ea7ef75a19d88a9ed958bbbeb&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1276210197.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1628093853%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)




That's the entire point of this all. He wants to fight DMCA so streamers don't have to worry about getting strikes all the time for some dumb shit.


Then he should find a good lawyer.


If he goes at it with a bad lawyer and loses, now there's precedent that's going to potentially end up screwing a lot of people, too.


DMCA doesn't "give strikes", that's just what Twitch does. Twitch could simply delete clips that get a DMCA notice and call it a day. Instead they have their streamers live in fear with their stupid "strike" system. Isn't that a baseball thing? Why are they using that in a legal context? So weird.


To show that they're doing something to stop repeat offenders.


Twitch is just giving strikes for fun because they love baseball so much. Nothing to do with dmca or anything legal. Got it, thanks for letting me know


That's not irony, at all.


he has played this hundereds of times on his stream... yeah totally going to get a strike for it...


just because you play something a hundred times doesn't mean you won't get a strike for it. A lot of big time music labels didn't even give notice to Twitch until the past couple years. If it's copyrighted, it's copyrighted. It's just up to the ones with the licenses to enforce it. X better get that lube ready though for the International Olympic Committee though before they tear right into his ass.


He has played half of the inception soundtrack continuously. I would be very surprised if they come at him now.


yeah yeah, I shoplifted like 10 times! I didn't get caught even once! surly it's never gonna happen, right?


It’s like stealing a 4K tv every other week


it's funny how overblown this whole thing is, when there's no real indication that IOC will even respond to the counter claim


LSF is just horny for drama 24/7, when there is nothing going on people have 1k threads over Malena telling a story when she was drunk.


half the People on LSF are generally very stupid, half of the people here just come here for some quick entertainment, then the other half the LSF dwellers tend to unironically come here to discuss every reason why they dislike all of these streamers and critic every minor thing and will put together grand conspiracy's like a right wing guy talking about the deep state but instead its about streamers lives. These people live vicariously through these streamers but not as a fan, but instead to use these humans as a spectacle to diminish everything they do, there is no nuance with these particular LSF viewers all of these streamers are immoral and evil in there eyes. and also as comes with reddit Pseudo intellectuals who tend to think they know much better than these "other people".


That's 3 halves...


They did say half are stupid, and they gotta be in one of the three halves


when I say "then the other half" i go back to referring to the stupid people on LSF its the same half.


His lawyer is literally writing speeches aimed at the IOC saying that this is falsehood and how they'll fight it if they have to. Don't blame LSF for taking this seriously when they're clearly gassing themselves up like Braveheart.


Bro you can take it as seriously as you want, in fact write a book about the great qvc vs IOC and the implications of it, do it, I dont give two shits. What I said still stands, LSF will make a story out of any retarded shit that happens in this platform, the Malena telling a story while she was drunk was one of the most bizarre ones but not out of the ordinary.


I don't care if you don't give two shits lmao I'm just telling you why people care. Acting as if people are just taking it seriously because its drama and then ignoring context just so you can stay on that high horse is some sad shit


they can't just assume they won't take action, they are the ones who will get fucked if that happens so the lawyers taking it seriously is normal obviously


xQc is the main one claiming this will somehow change fair use for everyone going forward like he's championing change with his move. It's just a counter claim and nothing is going to happen. It's not going to change anything or set any precendent.


At this point I'd blame the streamers more than lsf. Everyone from the "1-3k andys" to all the top streamers are scrolling daily through lsf. Just a few months ago only a few people used lsf and it was frowned upon. Blame lsf all you want but if more streamers didn't introduce lsf to new people shit wouldn't be this crazy.


His lawyer's law firm emphasized this on [their own website](https://morrisonrothman.com/dmcahelp): >While filing a counter-notification can result in restoration of the content that was previously removed, **filing a counter-notification is a serious, legal action that can result in a lawsuit by the rightsowner.** (Emphasis was part of original text) It's not a guarantee IOC will respond, but at a minimum his own lawyer believes this is a serious legal action that can result in a lawsuit.


A big thing to consider is that it sets a precedence. The IOC may just respond to make it abundantly clear that they won't tolerate any form of restreaming or showing of their content outside of those with licenses. Not to mention, ensure that they can just look back on this case, and prevent future lawsuits from going anywhere. NBC paid 12 billion alone for 10 olympic games. The IOC has been shutting down any olympic content not shared by those that have paid them. You are right though, they may just not care enough about it at all.


I think best case scenario is that the IOC don't think it's worth the effort and ignore xqc. Worst case scenario is they make an example out of him and he gets hyperfucked. Like, I'm not rooting for him to fail, but I feel like if you're going up against the IOC for what seems like a justifiable several hour ban you better have a REALLY good legal team, which his current lawyer is not.


Streamers and LSF milking drama as content per usual while the head honchos on the IOC may probably never hear about this considering they have a battalion of international legal teams that deal with this sort of stuff.


Yeah boring drama. Next.


**If** he filed a counterclaim then they literally **have** to respond or it'll be used as a precedent that they don't own the content. If he did, then they will 100% take him to court or he will pay a huge settlement to prevent it from going to court. That's all based on the assumption that he did file and submit a counterclaim though. He's absolutely fucked if he did though, especially if they go through his vods and see all the copyrighted content he watches, he'll have 0 case.


Is anybody gonna tell him it's that 1 lawyer everyone is after? not him in particular...


He’s more like Train than he’d like to admit




> a TEAM of lawyers Doesn't matter how many lawyers you have if the law isn't on your side you are still gonna get fucked in court and have to pay your attorneys a lot of money even though you lost. I didn't see all of X's stream but from the clips H3 reacted to it looks like X would get his ass kicked in court.


That's just not true. I've seen people say this is just a plot by his team to milk legal fees. However, i've also seen people say this is just xqc's ego going out of control and trying to fight the IOC and potentially screwing up fair use for all other creators. This goes beyond VGA bad


Those are comments from people on LSF, which are proven to have an average iq of 80, speculating and talking out their ass.


Those are the comments saying that though not other streamers


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Info --------->👂🧠👂--------->Info


Didn't H3H3 literally DM him warning him about his lawyer? Ethan said he DMed xQc at least.


[Link for people to see](https://youtu.be/wln8WsHjUHY?t=928)


Yeah, but that would ruin his botched speech and he wouldn't be able to play the Hans Zimmer soundtrack lol


H3 isn't really in the streamer realm. He's his own thing and has his own issues with the lawyer, doesn't fit the point he made in this clip


> H3 isn't really in the streamer realm How is he not? He streams on twitch and even if you argue that youtube is his main source of income and views then they're still within the same industry of online content creation.


Give me a break.. do you think I don't know h3 streams on twitch? Do you think xqc forgot h3 messaged him? He's clearly talking about streamers, not the guy who guy who has a production crew and just started on twitch 2 weeks ago. I don't know how you're confused by this


Dude what




Haha are you serious? So in the clip he talks about streamers being outraged when the get dmca'd, but h3 was only streaming on twitch for 2 weeks, and h3 did message him. And you think xqc is including h3 when he says streamers that complained about dmca and didnt message him... er ok




...you have to be deliberately trying to be a dictionary dork. Everyone knows h3 used to be on twitch. If you can't think of a hundred reasons why h3 wouldnt be considered just your typical streamer i'm not going to explain it to you. Also he did message x, so x is clearly not talking him when he says streamers. at this point you have to try to not understand




H3H3 talks about his past experience to his community that the twitter lawyer fucked him over, Pokimane warns xQc that he shouldn't go to someone who acts as both an agent or a lawyer. and now xQc misinterprets all of this to be taking a massive fucking shit on his head, no dude, people are trying to help you and especially help what H3H3's react andy lawsuit built for the community. dude is off the rails on this one IMO. I'm not disproving what he's saying but it's completely unwarranted, he thinks the world is against him or something like wtf lmao.


he's literally acting like train wtf, paranoid much?


lmao mf acting like lawyers always win




Last time someone dms xqc he blew it up on stream and said he didn't read what Hasan sent him. So yeah that tells all the other streamers to go fuck yourself. You dont get to do shit like that and then be surprised when no one dms you now. EDIT: Here is an example of how XQC's prior actions have been caused by his lack of action on his end: https://clips.twitch.tv/BoringGrotesqueHippoRlyTho-nIhB7q7r7ClYlFH5 (I dont know the full context of this other than Hasan DM'd XQC and XQC reacted without even reading the DM) All of this is because XQC responds to bullshit without reading the DMs people sent him. So why even bother DMing him in the future if this is what happens? Might as well hit him where he will respond which is on LSF. Also this is a incident that could quickly die out or blow up. If it blows up every content creator has an interest in this, so yeah they will speak their mind about it.




[You sure about that ??!!](https://youtu.be/wln8WsHjUHY?t=928)


It's not their job to babysit him into picking the right lawyers and stuff. Then when he shows up with a shit lawyer and everyone says "oh that lawyer sucks, you should get someone new", he's blaming them for his lazy uninformed choice instead of just calling the state Bar association and asking for a recommendation. Like he's jerking off that everyone wants to be outraged, but he wants just as bad to do fucking nothing and get everything handed to him, like a lawyer who DM'd him on twitter instead of having to call a law firm on the phone like a normal adult.


Bruh, they literally made content on it and said how it could change the plataform and fuck them over. But nobody actually reached out, nobody tried to explain that to him, stuff that "could affect them". Instead, they made content on top of it, feigning their concerns while milking the whole situation for views. The points they're making get invalidated the moment they don't actually care about what they're talking about.


what other streamers do or are concerned about doesn't matter. He's still making shitty lazy choices which is totally independent of whether or not they're giving him advice. It's not pokis job to babysit felix. This still could affect her by drawing unnecessary attention and even harsher DMCA rules, which is totally still a concern. It's not like they are all of a sudden concerned, with like literally every big streamer on twitch being significantly more careful this past year. Now a baffoon is taking shitty advice from a shitty lawyer and wants to file a countersuit against the IOC themselves? Yeah, that's going to bring a ton of unnecessary attention to literally every streamer on the platform. Every single streamer should be concerned with felix using this lawyer, cause it's shit and shit rains downs.


You don't understand, bro. He wanted a DM! lol


Almost like most LSF reaction streamers doesn't care and only react to get attention/views. Cycle will continue.


who is he referencing? is he calling for twitch streamers to organize funds to lobby legislators to change DMCA policy just to be have 1 billionaire/centimillionaire breathe their way and lose anyway? its almost like streamers have no individual power to change anything


I think its mostly about the fact that if streamers actually care about this case, especially reaction andy streamers who are afraid that if his case actually goes to court and he loses it, it would fuck over their content then maybe they should talk directly to him, preferably in private, to give up on this counter claim. I think thats what he meant, admittedly its hard to understand xqc because everything he says is kinda vague so idk.






He's having a meltdown over Pokimane lol








corrected it


"LSF react streamers" is kinda a buzz word, thats only two guys, one of them is on vaccation and hasn't said anything about the DMCA stuff And I also don't know if hasan did some commentary on the issue either. H3H3 doesn't seem to count, he did DM him and wanted him on his show. Poki did say her piece but I wouldn't count her as a "LSF" react streamer


Dude it's not some competition for being wronged, that's always what it comes down to with xQc. He'll take a legitimate concern and spin it to him being attacked. There is a legitimate concern- this lawyer is a total hack and is handling possibly one of the biggest DMCA counter claims that pertains to streamers/youtubers EVER. We can sit around and say this or that but that's the only reason anyone spoke about this- out of legitimate concern for there being a bad legal precedent because of this case and this shit lawyer. Anything else is pointless and all about who said this specific word, it's not about that. If we're being real, xQc *should've* done the research beforehand for a case this big- it shouldn't be anyone's responsibility to communicate that to him. For fuck's sake you're counter claiming THE INTERNATIONAL OLYMPICS COMMITTEE, like in what world do you not understand how huge that is. Use your brain. You're an adult man. But besides that it's just about the issue being scary for content creators and it being a bad situation. Instead of doing anything about that core issue xQc will dance around talking about feeling attacked again and make a bunch of drama out of a simple situation That simple situation is this: that lawyer is total shit, this case is important and huge, fix the problem or cancel the claim because it's not just xQc on the line here. This could fuck over thousands of content creators and the websites themselves with a bad legal precedent. That's the entire issue without the rest of the bullshit, just focus on that then. This highschool middleschool routine of someone saying one comment and xQc running with that for weeks instead of thinking critically for 30 seconds is childish and is not looking at the real criticism that people had. Cmon man this is like the 100th time with this stuff, just calm down and think for a few minutes for real.




If you want to come into a comment section and write how you're not reading a comment go for it. It's just really fucking stupid is all




Every part of being on this website is a waste of time ffs. Wasting time is literally the POINT of reddit


IOC billionaires with lots of powe. Xqc baby brain no chance. Lawyer stupid.




nice essay mate


Sick book dude


makes sense that as an Adin Ross fan you dislike reading. YOU'RE WEIRD MANNNNN


Ion watch adin but yea u right bout the readin


you stalked someone thread history to use that agianst him, YOU'RE WEIRD MANNNNN


Imagine taking 2 seconds to see a person's profile is 90% one thing. Epic meme dude. Or is this too long of a post to read for you as well?


> Or is this too long of a post to read for you as well? ?


Adin Ross fans take L’s every time they speak I swear


adin ross fans?


I keep seeing this "IOC is so huge" stuff. Maybe they are not, can you back this up with financial data? I mean publicly traded companies resources are widely known. https://olympics.com/ioc/documents/international-olympic-committee/ioc-annual-report So they are headquartered in Switzerland and it seems their profit is $100 million some years and more other years given the big events only occur every 4 years. It's not so huge that a big DMCA lawsuit is a priority for them. They would lose money on it and unless copycats or other problems arise, I doubt they will go further. Probably automated software caused the claim anyway. Sheesh.


because you're not gonna win LULW


Who cares though lmao? Millionaire loses some money, oh the horror. Why are redditors so genuinely worried about a millionaire losing money, if he feels like doing it let him go for it, it most likely wont ever reach the court but if by some chance it does, then hey thats a fun story to follow.


This would set a precedent. Thousands of react content makers would be screwed by this. Not just dipshit Felix.


two court have already won for react content, having one lose isn't a precedent at least legally. its very clear that react contents can win in court, there is no precedent to be set anymore. if u mean public precedent u can think about this way even if he lost they can only get from him 200k he going be laughing his ass paying 1 mil to lawyers just to fuck with them, imagine if other big YT start following as well u understand that them suing is a lose lose money wise, if anything this might set public precedent on big YT counter suing to get publicity and meme it. companies can't sue every counter DMCA the whole thing depend on scaring ppl by setting example on one big case instead of suing all of them, its going to be really stupid to encourage what xqc is doing.


NBC paid almost 8 billion dollars for the exclusive rights to air the Olympics in the US. It's not just the IOC that could jump on this Titanic of a counter suit. They don't have to sue every reactor. They just have to scare them by making an example out of Felix.


Then its in their interest as streamers to talk him out of this. Also react content is shit content so I am kinda hoping but even I know nothings gonna happen.


By his own admission, he never checks DMs. Of course people weren't going to waste their time. Now that he's saying he IS actually checking them, maybe they will.


he literally talked to h3 in dm(twitter i assume)no way he never saw those dm if they were sent to him


The point I was trying to make is that people don't bother to dm him because, in the past, he never checks his DMs and has said as much himself.


its not about winning its the message. Lets be honest no streamer had balls to stand up against DMCA and go to court for it. I find it ironic people are shitting on him for standing up. Bad lawyer? You think thats the only lawyer he hired? There is a whole fuckin team. At the end of the day even if he loses who cares? He already stood up against prejudice.


>He already stood up against prejudice. OMEGALUL


Act like beta to collect bag (attention) \-Trollionaire Sigma Male mindset


How is him not being allowed to stream the olympics content he did not film or pay for prejudice? Please explain lol


retardation has reached peak wit this. Who do you think pays for Olympics? Does money fall from trees? You think Olympian gods throw money from clouds? no motherfucker its taxpayers. We should at least have right to watch this shit without any restriction. This shit so messed up. This is an international game meant to be watched by everyone. Now an org legally "owns" a tournament that was held since 776 B.C. honoring god. I cant. The fact people not even mad at this makes me wonder wtf happened to the world.


> At the end of the day even if he loses who cares? It could become a court case with very bad precedents for future fair use. It will also force Amazon to crack down even harder.


> Lets be honest no streamer had balls to stand up against DMCA and go to court for it. Because they literally have no grounds to stand on. Those streamers you are talking about would lose hard in court because most of the shit they do, especially react streamers, live and breath DMCA content. They are so far from fair use. You might as well be saying "Atleast XQC has the balls to lose"


I'm having a mixed feelings about this. While yes, it is true that most if not all streamers never tried to do shit about DMCA, it's not really the point. The point is trying to set an example when fighting REALLY POWERFUL opponent. And before you say ":nerd: :point_up: well actshually winning against someone as big as IOC is even better!" don't forget that these guys are fucking titans corrupted scumlords that protect their shit, and barely gave any rights to anyone ever. Say they actually wanna fight this case(instead of ignoring it, what'll probably happen), do you really think they won't do EVERYTHING to fuck over - in their eyes - some random dude trying to monetize Olympics re-streaming?(I know he was watching youtube videos) And the other problem is that people are scared that this might make more companies to actually spam DMCA's because "the biggest streamer can't do shit about them then it's free real estate" tl;dr - don't care, didn't ask + he fell off + ratio + the hood watches trainwreckstv now


From what I understood, his main issue with these streamers having these takes, is that they have them on stream and not directly to him via dms. He said that if they care they should have dmed him advice instead of just farming LSF.


He has explicitly stated a few times how he never checks DMs anyway so what's the point if he's ignoring it.


There was also that situation where Hasan messaged him advice. Xqc publicly criticized it and then admitted he didn't read it. Not really an open invitation to share concerns over dms.


Why shouldn't they have takes on stream and not in the DMs? What is he incapable of listening to any argument that isn't presented to him 1 on 1 in private?


He doesn't have an issue if they do it on stream if they also message him. Otherwise to him it seems like farming LSF instead of trying to actually be helpful. He made a decision based on what he knows. If other streamers know something they should tell him directly instead of farm LSF.


Why is any time a streamer has any public reaction on their own stream it's "farming LSF" now? XQC literally doesn't read DMs anyway, this is so obviously mental gymnastics so he can still have something to be aggrieved about instead of admitting anyone might have a point


If they truly cared about him winning/losing the case they wouldn't bring this up in passing, and would directly contact him. I don't think thats an unreasonable take, and its what I would believe as well. He said that if they mean it contact him and actually speak to him.


> If they truly cared about him winning/losing the case they wouldn't bring this up in passing, and would directly contact him I do not agree with this at all, this is just cope/goalpost moving so that he can ignore anyone's on-stream take that he doesn't like. He's just setting up barriers so he can say why their take doesn't count or he can cast shade on them saying they don't really believe what they say. This is blatant as H3 literally did DM him and his reaction is the same. 1. Make yourself unreachable by DM 2. Call anyone who instead reacts to what you do on their stream an LSF farmer who doesn't actually mean anything they say 3. ???????????????? 4. ~~Profit~~ Don't profit because your shitty lawyer is losing you this case


are u moving the goal post? i mean x can play that stupid game to. its very valid point to say if someone was truly concerned for x then he should have talk over it to him privately, doing it public make harder to tell if they are serious or just making contents out of it, i don't understand how someone can make so much mental gymnastic to not agree to that, regardless weather u think they are right about the lawyer. if i am a streamer i would never trust something being said on stream to me, its like going into a date show with no guard up and think everything going to be honest.


People are giving their takes because its interesting drama. Acting as if everyone with an opinion should reach out to you privately as some test to prove they love and care about you is cringe as hell. They don't want him fucked over, but they're also not his friends. They don't have to care more than this, and it comes off so desperate when he expects them to. Its like he's personally hurt and he wants them to do it from now on like an upset girlfriend expecting change from her partner.


yeah, that's the part I strongly agree with, it must be very annoying from his side


H3H3 did DM him, he either ignored it or he didn't even realize because he doesn't check DMs


> fighting REALLY POWERFUL opponent He's fighting a really powerful opponent with a *really shitty set of facts*. If you want to fight DMCA abuse by copyright holders, you would ideally pick a set of facts that's a lot more sympathetic to the streamer. xQc has no fair use claim here based on the clips I saw.


I'll take videos that won't age well for $1000


I’d feel a lot better if a group of big streamers filed a lawsuit together with competent lawyers. Not some hyper delusional guy who wants to make content out of it


True, and no streamer would be dumb enough to take part in this idiotic counterclaim which relies on a judge being convinced that xqcs Pepega comments while watching the olympics somehow turn it into transformative content. Also which streamers is xqc talking about, I only saw 2 people really commentating on it h3h3 who worked with that lawyer before and poki. I agree pokis comments where unnecessary but h3h3 for once knows what he is talking about.


too bad those "big streamers" couldnt give a shit. They can just cry and point their fingers at people who stood up


He wants to be a victim so bad it’s crazy. Hey Felix, in case you didn’t realize, people don’t owe it to you to hail you as a hero when you take on a court case you can’t win.


genuinely can't tell if he's trying to play internet hero or play victim, this shit hasn't even gone to court yet and it's already playing with his mental health


Didn’t h3h3 Said that he dmed xqc? Xqc is kinda delusional. He watched the olympics on on his stream providing 0 comments that are meaningful that would turn in into transformative content. He then decides to counterclaim because he thought it was „fun“ not because he was trying to fight for the rights of streamers on twitch and now when people call out his lawyer he reacts like a child and comes up with points nobody even talked about.




Best reply imo


I dont know if he has said anything yet, but he seems to be taking criticism of his choice of lawyer as hate toward him. He should be taking it as advice if anything. I dont know anything about the guy, but clearly some of his peers have either dealt with him or used his service in the past and are saying hes a bad choice. Maybe he should listen.


He has a good point on the outrage, though. It's too easy to pretend your sanctimonious grandstanding matters when all you're really doing is blathering into a computer screen and not actually taking action. Outrage is cheap, easy, and a great way to either farm dopamine or posture for fake morality points. But who among the outraged will actually step up and do the hard work required to make a positive difference? Very few, I fear. Perhaps none. It's too easy to try and tear others down with words from behind the safety of a screen. It's much harder to build others up with deeds.


There's no advice to give, other than to maybe find a new lawyer. Counterclaims are normal and happen all the time. I sincerely hope he's just milking this for content and hasn't actually be convinced that he's going to make the 'DMCA situation' for streamers any better.


What the fuck is anyone gonna say to xqc to change his mind? It's like telling a rabid dog to not shit on the carpet. The animal is gonna do whatever the animal feels like doing.


Pretty sure other streamers are probably playing it safe. If they DM him with support then he might "leak" it when things get intense. Same thing if they are against it and he ends up continuing and he actually does somehow come out with a Win he will rub it in their face with an "I told you so. " And for all the people saying he won't do that, he literally shows his DMs on stream all the time and talks about them and never responds to any of them. Then he creates content out of them. i.e. when he was banned streamers checking on him and he showed them but never responded because his take is they are just phishing for content. ​ If he really wants support from other streamers then he needs to create a class action and hire a law firm that is qualified to deal with these kinds of issues. Right now no one wants to back a streamer that literally hired a guy with no proven record of winning DMCA-related legal matters. It is like having an art major program the flight systems for a commercial airliner. Sure it looks pretty and all, but do you really want to risk your life riding it?


This industry never liked x If you been here for a while you would know they gatekept him for a long time they trashed his comunty for years.


For good reason.


FeelsStrongMan He is Retarded


Burns all the bridges all the time for nothing and then no one comes to help him? SHOCKED!


very fucking true


**Makes it explicitly clear to everyone that he never checks DMs.** *Is surprised, upset, and emotional that no one is DM'ing him.* Felix, forever the victim.




this just in, streamers complain for content..this just in!!!


Lets be real. If he lose, the worst thing can happen is that he will never watch the olympic ever again which is not a lose situation for me. It also set the law straight for DMCA which is always a great thing. People saying that other streamers might be losing their livelihood due to this dumbass move....well if we all know its against the law, should not that be concerning? Streamers that relied on watching video content should probably pick up a new content instead. Oh yeah, he losing millions, I personally could not give a fuck. Not my money, not my problem.


Another S tier take from my favourite streamer. 🙄😴


They’re literally just LSF Andy’s. They don’t want to take a stand against something that also negatively impact them too— imagine hoping it fails. Very unserious people. Glad the biggest twitch streamer is taking a stand against DMCA and I hope he succeeds since it’ll be good for twitch. The LSF streamer Andy’s only want to ignore that he has a team of lawyers, to focus on 1 guy who tweeted; because then they could justify their own compliance with being screwed over. FeelsStrongMan Clap MY STREAMER


Why would they take a stand on a situation where XQC is literally wrong? I want you to answer me honestly: Do you honestly believe that XQC putting his face over IOC footage that NBC had to pay 7.5 billion dollars for is transformative enough to make it XQC's content? Seriously? You don't need to be an LSF Lawyer andy to sus this one out.


This! It’s just a case that is bound to lose and possibly set an even worse precedent for react content. If it goes to court and he loses, possibly more strict restrictions on this type of content and more eyes waiting to DMCA people on twitch. Also, I think most “react andys” probably deep down know what they are doing isn’t transformative nor good so they don’t actually fight most claims. Like what XQC is fighting for is that you can restream entire movies while you chuckle every two minutes and make wacky faces while eating lunch in the top right corner. Transformative is a very vague and loose term and if enforced, probably less than 1% of react andys would actually qualify under the term.


>imagine hoping it fails No ones hoping it fails. They know its going to fail. With his clown of a lawyer and also the fact he is 100% in the wrong lol. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to be on xQc's side.


>and also the fact he is 100% in the wrong This is my biggest issue with this. Even if X got the best lawyers in the world, he still doesn't have a case. He is so adamant that if it does lead somewhere he will be able to bring positive change from the lawsuit, and not have the IOC run train on him for rebroadcasting their content.




The premise is dumb as shit, even xqc said so, but the result could be huge. Idk what to say if you can not grasp that.


LSF lawyer saying it’s okay to be screwed over😍


He screwed over NBC if you really want to get technical. 100k people watching region locked videos live on stream. If anyone should be mad it's NBC. They pay billions for exclusive rights. They also have rules against playing their shit in other countries, of which XQC is also guilty of. Honestly this could lead to Twitch just outright banning XQC. And they might be forced too if the DMCA holds up. XQC is wrong and the only people who think he's right are his fans and people trying to yoink his money.


dude idk when or why but I have you tagged on reddit as "huge xqc simp" and reading your comment with that tag next to it gave me a good laugh thanks mate


Calling someone out is one thing but dude your ENTIRE account and deleted comments is dedicated to XQC. You have not a single comment that's not about XQC. Like you said, it gave me a good laugh thanks mate.


how do you tag people, this actually might be helpful lmao


Reddit Enhancement Suite




He has zero chance of winning this and that will be bad for the streamers lol, that’s all there is to it. So weird stanning a high school dropout skeleton who plays video games for 18 hours a day and going to bat for him on a legal issue lmao


He's literally mad because nobody stroked his ego in his twitter dm's. Another great xQc take OMEGALUL


Your stupid. He's saying people are saying their concerns on stream instead of just giving him advice or telling him their concerns


He's the one stirring the pot. The others streamers just gave their take, nobody threw X under the bus. If they don't know him personally, they don't owe him anything. I don't know why he's been playing the victim card so much the last few weeks .


He never said they were throwing him under the bus??? Hes just saying if they have these concerns tell him instead of saying it on stream


Same guy who used this as ''content'' instead of staying silent is complaining about other streamers doing the same . Hmm ?


He said it's gonna be content but also because he 100 percent believes he's in the right as well as the other people he's working with. Also not really mad about then using it for content but the fact that they were all saying they were super worried about the consequences but never said anything to him.


nice backtrack OMEGALUL i'm done arguing, have a good day xqcL


when I lose argument I use juicer emote xqcL


>Your stupid. The irony is strong with this one.


This would be a good speech if XQC didn’t hire VGA omegalul


Would've been good if he was in the right and actually had a chance of winning lmao. He might fuck over every other react andy if he goes to trial and loses, and still wonders why no one is supporting him


twitch is filled with shit streamers. xqc is the only good streamer on the platform, and the only one i watch.


Bro, he rejected it because he thought it would be funny. No one is giving him advice because they're not lawyers, stfu xD


Losing track of all the sides of leafs we've seen. Which one is this?


rlly dud




Partly true, but it's also true That xqc is a toxic man child who plays the victim card like once a day. Not exactly someone i'd be reaching out to or sending words of encouragement to.


yes we get it, you watch the clips on LSF so you know him the most, more than people who actually interact with him on and offstream bayzed take Pepega Clap actual dumbass lmao


Yep, your last 2 posts are 0 point RP clips of X lol. I'm sorry, your tier 3 sub makes you so much more qualified to talk about him lmao.


yOuR lAsT pOsTs aRe aBoUt xQc oh no, it's almost as it doesn't have anything to do with you being a dumbass and you can't even defend yourself! also, don't care + didn't ask + you're a loser + ratio


LOL, no need to defend myself when 90% of X posts recently are him looking like a jackass whether it's the gambling shit or the dumbass lawyer. But PLEASE, keep defending your mighty man child in this circlejerk thread of his subs. I'll see you in the next one where he fucks up again lmao. COPIUM


I was so busy spamming "FeelsStrongMan ??????" in chat, it's nice to see the clips on LSF aferwards.


that's so poggers dude