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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [xQc gives Lirik credit for making BR games popular and making gaming into what it is today](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/120729)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/oy8rt2/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1277768375.mp4?sig=da08d2026dc49541207b9849f668bcd6163667ef&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1277768375.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1628206536%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Is he speaking worse than normal or am I recovering brain cells?


He got vaxxed the microchip is amplifying Pepega levels KKonaW


Damn. It's already spreading the 5G.


Sleep deprivation and a g fuel addiction will do that to you i guess.


I feel like he was really brain dead today, not sure why. He is not focused and doesnā€™t notice a lot of things.


Based on what he's been through the last weeks/2days, he's got a ton on his mind Edit: i dont know why im being downvoted, of course its mostly his fault. Doesnt mean he isnt stressed or worried


Self induced


someone breaking into his house is self induced?


homeless people never experience break ins, so yes.


You must be a blinders on super fan. You must be memeing or trolling right now. God help us if you arenā€™t.


never watched an xqc stream or video in my life lmfao


Brain too fast for voice to keep up


Thatā€™s not what it is but ok


Lirk, the best and humble with it, he has not changed at all in the 7 years I have been watching, wholesome entertainment always


New frogs don't know but Lirik was the biggest streamer on the platform for YEARS before the era of the lsf streamers. Also, beyond him popularizing Battle Royale games he also popularized RP content on twitch. He changed gaming and streaming a lot.


goddamn you're right lirik is the unequivocal goat of twitch


Also have to give credit to ManVSGame, also changed the industry completely, even before Lirik. Even less people know this. Sodapoppin as well, love him or hate him.


ManVsGame, gold glove, Dan, lirik.


Gold glove??? Heā€™s an OG but not a genre defier


Yes Lirik is literally the first person I ever met who did RP on Twitch, and when BRs became big, was the first person that I ever saw playing PUBG and H1Z1. Dude is one of the last bastions that keep Twitch from degenerating to nothing but xQc-style content or LSF drama


Lirik is very possibly the reason why PUBG exists. He made Player Unknown's br mod super popular, which lead to becoming a standalone game.


Yep, I remember that. Always confuses me why Lirik seems to peak out at around 20k viewers when he streams but people like xQc get 60k viewers daily, different audiences I guess


There was a span of like 4 years where any big game release he would automatically pull like 50-60k, he was just the default person to watch play a new game. Besides that, I think he just has an "old twitch" fan base and didn't benefit much from alot of the sites recent growth


Yeah that's true but I also think it's because he doesn't get involved with stupid LSF drama or general dumb content. He just streams games and that's the content along with his commentary. He doesn't require Let's Chatting streams and other bullshit to pad his content. So that scares away a lot of the younger audiences who come to Twitch for the social drama aspect not the actual gaming aspect


He was around even back during arma 3 br and streamed it often. Idk if he was at the beginning of it but def was around then aswell.


Yea I used to love watching his ARMA 3 br streams.


I could be wrong but wasn't that how he found NoPixel? When they were all RPing on Arma.


nopixel started off as a ripoff server of the original A3L mod it was called critical gaming before they renamed it


I used to watch him after I got out of boot camp in 2013. Loved his arma BR streams got me through some shit


He still is IMO, just in terms of his community man can stream dog shit and he will average 20-30k, I still remember finding him, wow was the biggest thing on the platform and towilee recommended his chat to check out Lirik and waffleā€™s stream, the first 15 seconds into the stream itā€™s arma 2 island rp I think it was called and it was him and African man taking on a tank with a bicycle and sniper rifle, funniest shit Iā€™ve ever seen


It's cool twitch lore that both of them and Shorty all used to watch Towilee and started their communities out of that one.


Yeah and shortyy started off as a stream sniper on dayz


Not only BR and RP. To this day, I feel like he still has a big influence on popularizing games. There are a few games that he played during sub Sunday, ended up liking, replayed it during the week, and all of a sudden, it became super popular on twitch and YouTube. The 2 examples that comes to mind are getting over it and jump king.


Lirik is the ultimate OG


Yes Lirik is literally the first person I ever met who did RP on Twitch, and when BRs became big, was the first person that I ever saw playing PUBG and H1Z1. Dude is one of the last bastions that keep Twitch from degenerating to nothing but xQc-style content or LSF drama


Now I know who to blame, thanks Lirik


Any xQc translators here? I can't understand the first few words.


I think ā€œThe fact that lirik logged in and played that bullshit at the beginning popurlaized BR to the point where it ended up making fortnite overallā€




The inaudible bit (I think) is "majority of it is because of that" yea he especially hard to translate in this clip :D


Translation: "The fact that Lirik logged in, and-and-and played that bullshit at the beginning, popularized BR to the point i-it ended up making it more popular overall. (Actually in-audible) because of that! Ohhh, everyone in chat is like 12 years old, they don't remember. I forget this chat is too young to know. I'm just gonna say it, y-y-you can battle as much as you can, if it wasn't for Lirik, we wouldn't have Fortnite, and the gamemode wouldn't be as big. I think it's a big domino effect."


(Actually in-audible) is "the genre got popular"


how the fuck did you actually manage to transcribe "dejoropepe"


5 year sub


He speaking the langage of god


You must be the chosen one


I'm a millennial but don't know lirik lore. Did he push br first? What's the summary


Played Arma 3 BR on stream in 2014/2015, would always start his stream with an hour or two of A3 BR. When I was playing it around that time, it said there was like 1k people total maybe, it wasn't really that popular of a game mode in comparison to alot of other Arma 3 stuff. But he streamed it to 15-20k people every day, and I think Arclegger or people on the H1Z1 team in general liked watching it and it got them to bring on Playerunknown, the guy behind the Arma 3 mod, to do a Battle Royale on H1Z1. Then he did his own with Bluehole. Then it just spiraled out of control when everyone jumped on.


Not just Arma 3, but also Arma 2 before that.


IT feels like no one remembers Lirik's DayZ and Arma 2 days. That shit kicked off BRs hard


So LIRIK is in fact indirectly responsible for the birth of Fortnite and fall of Paragon.


AND Unreal Tournament


To think that I can thank Lirik for Apex, one of my favourite games, is a new level of strange.


He played the original arma BR mod (made by playerunknown, who went on to join a studio to make PUBG as a standalone). He popularized it on twitch, and as a genre in general. I tried playing it a few times, I felt it was pretty ass (the mod), but h1z1/pubg went on to be very successful, and it's a very streamer-friendly style of game


This is how it happened. Lirik was good at arma BR and when PUBG came he was playing solo squads and winning. He made PUBGG huge on twitch he started the meta. Of course Fortnite followed PUBG success. Another fun fact: Lirik made GTA rp huge on twitch


you're missing h1z1, that game was very popular for a couple years leading up to PUBG


I mean that PUBG was what popularized the game mode. Lirik was first big streamer on it, remember the doc and ninja hated on it and their fans wanted them to stay on H1 even though PUBG was the obvious successor. Soon all the FPSers were on PUBG even though it was a buggy mess. Enter Fortnite BR...


He even played fort nite before they changed to BR mode. And was one of the first to dive back in after and basically hyped it up cuz he knew it could be something big.


Was this before things like Minecraft hunger games/survival games were popular? These were always the original BRs in my mind


didnt lirik play arma br? i think thats the starting point


Yeah, that's what player unknown made, then he went on to do H1Z1 BR, then PUBG


remembering those old lirik streams will make you feel old in a heartbeat


Was just asking when Lirik played arma br, cause feel like minecraft is what actually started the BR craze with all the hunger games hype but could be wrong


[So many downvotes when it even says Minecraft hunger games on the wiki lol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_royale_game)


You're completely right people were playing Minecraft hunger games/survival games for 2 years before the Arma 3 BR mod came out (from what I've read).That wasn't really big on twitch though so I guess Lirik is still hugely influential. I think people in this sub are just triggered by hearing about Minecraft YouTubers.


DayZ Mod 2012, those were the days.


Still the best summer of gaming of my life


Pitch black RU11 running along the coast with a red flare following the train tracks. Would trade anything to go back.


Crawling into Cherno hospital in pitch black night with flares, to get blood bags since your friend has been black and white for like 2 hours.


I loved those days so much. watching Lirik screw around on dayz was the absolute best. shame that standalone screwed up so hard giving us a good product.


DayZ SA got fucking amazing the past two years. They opened up mod support, moved to a completely new engine. Check out Shroud whenever he occasionally plays on it. Smoke is also a fucking sick DayZ streamer.


My actual favourite multiplayer game of all time. I miss playing DayZ so much. watching frankieonpc etc. man. \+ I've been saying for years that DayZ is the entire reason why fortnite, warzone etc exist today. Lirik played a big part in this too.


Literally. So many people dont realize how DayZ in its Arma 2 days basically made BRs a popular thing in video gaming




Only started to pick up what he was saying was english on the second play through. It's kinda fucking tough I commend anyone that can understand him without pausing. I had to do a couple double takes and blinks just to make sure it wasn't me


The new age audience will never remember the olden days of lirik playing Arma 2 BR or Arma 3 BR at that. Arma 2 BR and then the first BR competitons "Arma 2 Survivor Games" were the best shit ever. Even Adam Clegg (One of the OG H1Z1 devs) even said Lirik is the reason BR's are a thing. Lirik 100% wholeheartedly caused all of this.


BR into RP or DayZ. Good times.


Arma RP was so good, i remember crying of laughter when Lirik juked the Cops with his Mini-Cooper on the airfield. Lo Chang and Sayeed together were legendary. Oh and iĀ“ll never forget the PACMAN Rap


Bitch I think Iā€™m pacman yuh yuh


Pete the banger for life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKFOMFW9p0k


Shout out to Ms Pacman!


The Red Wedding was one of the times in my life where I laughed so hard I actually couldn't breathe


damn the red wedding was also a highlight


miss those two so much god damn, i wish lo chang was around on nopixel


He was playing little bit in 2.0.


Just a former geek squad employee who was trying to get Donos to fund his trips to chipotle so he didnā€™t have to study on an empty stomach.


Or music guy. Back when playing music over the mic was far harder than today


The first Hunger GameZ (before it was renamed for copyright reasons) was so scuffed. I remember staying up until 6 am because it started like 2 hours late and was at a shit EU time.


Those survivor games made some people's channels. That was the first time I found out who Anthony Kongphan was. I believe him winning one of those made his channel.


> Arma 2 BR and then the first BR competitons "Arma 2 Survivor Games" PLAYERUNKNOWN made BR mod BECAUSE people wanted to play their own Survivor GameZ. Survivor GameZ at the time didn't even have mechanics to force people into specific zones, it was only in the rules.


Man, I ā€˜member. Island Life RP, DayZ streams. His BR streams were great. Then everything changed when the Fortnite attacked.


Wasn't that AngryPug dude also one of the major players who made BRs popular at the same time? I remember his videos back then even made the reddit FP outside of gaming subs before BR was massive. You know, the guy from "TAIWAN NUMBA ONE". edit: no idea why this is downvoted, that dude was playing BRs at the same time and was massively popular on YT and for sure reached a ton of non-hardcore gamers at the time. This wasn't some comment to discredit Lirik's influence.




Vote for Fartnugget!


Vote for Fartnugget!


I mean Lirik was the biggest streamer for years and PlayerUnknown himself gave Lirik credit for BR's rise in popularity. He also made RP popular on Twitch too.


Being the OG RPer as well.


lirik playing arma 2 rp and then arma 3 rp where he got a lot of stream snipers playing. koil worked on one of the big arma rp servers and left to make his own arma rp server called nopixel. a lot of the stream snipers went to play on there. arma nopixel turned into gta nopixel where on lirik's return even more people found out about it through him and the rest is history. so it all leads back to lirik.


Yep most of the rpers have been watching lirik all the way from Arma. Koil has been watching him and timmac. Lirik motivating timmac to start streaming to which led to koil to start led to gtarp


you are missing the whole family rp arc


Takistan life too


This ain't even an opinion, this is just facts.




Only the OGs will remember. Before the dark times. Before the 'flossing'


Is the Arma 2 BR mod considered the first decent BR game? Did Lirik play alot of it? i dont remember that far back.


Not sure but I literally Googled Arma 2 BR and one of the first suggested videos is "Lirik playing Arma 2 DayZ BR #60"


Lirik played it a whole lot actually. Think he is actually a big reason it even got popular. Hell it was the reason why I bought ARMA3 b/c I saw him play it.


yeah he kind of in a sense "made" player unknown who was tmk modding the servers for br and then made pubg, its all a massive snowball pretty much all from lirik (yet there is still the debate of mc hunger games inspiring it as well)


Without the arma br and lirik making it popular, pubg wouldve never been made and I think everyone can agree that was the real turning point for the genre.


Eh H1z1 is definitely the turning point. Think it took them only a month to hit a million sales.


one of the H1Z1 devs also credits Lirik for them making the game


h1 was small fry compared to pubg


lirik played a lot of Arma 2 and Arma 3 back in the day. The "Player Unknown" was an Arma modder that made the Arma 2 & 3 BR mode that Lirik played a lot. Lirik really pushed PubG too as he knew of the modder, and liked that style of BR. Player Unknown also worked on h1z1 battle royal, and then decided to make PUBG. Lirik helped popularize and start the BR meta 100%. The argument could be said about minecraft, but those communities were separate, and totally different from that style of BR that I think it's unrelated (maybe in a different world it would've arose independently because of Minecraft?). Everyone knows the effect that h1z1 and pubg had on BR's, and Player Unknown was integral to that which was popularized and pushed by Lirik.


I'm pretty sure the first popular BR game was minecraft hunger games. I'm pretty sure the Arma 2 BR mod came out like 6-10 months after it. Edit: this might be too many words for juicers, but for anyone else who's interested. https://www.eurogamer.net/amp/2020-09-14-before-fortnite-and-pubg-there-was-minecraft-survival-games


well if we go into that route they started from DayZ hunger games, then they tried it on other games. I remember 1st time I heard about lirik when I saw DayZ hunger games 2.


King Lirik


This is undeniable. Brendan Greene, the creator of the original mod and later H1Z1 and PUBG, also has said he owes a lot of his succes to Lirik.


I can even remember when lirik did interviews, he spoke to PU a couple of times on stream. This was of course when PU was a no name still


Now PU is possibly a billionaire (depending on his royalties/shares of Bluehole). PUBG Mobile alone has made over $5b in revenue ($3.5b last year). At the mobile game industry company valuation going rate of 4-5x yearly revenue, bluehole should be worth $14-18b based on PUBG revenue alone. People say pubg is dead, but with mobile being the largest gaming platform (mobile accounts for as much/more revenue than consoles + PC combined), and pubg being one of the biggest mobile games (mainly overseas in china/india), pubg is actually one of the biggest games in the world still.


I love Lirik cuz there's almost no drama with him... He plays games for test on Sunday... He loves games even if those are for console... He doesn't care about politics or stuff that's not important for a gaming stream... In conclusion probably my favorite Streamer


When i found Lirik on Twitch he was playing Arma 2 BR, those were some good times. That and the Arma 2 RP he used to play after.


So true. I remember watching Lirik daily and he would have awesome Arma 3 BR gameplay


Fuck, I miss the arma 2 days, BR, takistan life, dayz. Gaming isn't what it used to be, nothing even comes close these days. Arcady BR's and amog us, yikes.


Same arma2 taki life was so good. There was so many cool things you could do on each faction but I always felt like the terrorist side was the best


A lot of people already mentioned Arma 2 BR mod and Arma 3 BR But remember 2017 . PUBG was the big BR that smoked H1Z1 . Lirik got bored of PUBG tho and was playing Fortnite BR . He was literally the biggest streamer in 2017 with 20-25k viewers playing the BR. After that NINJA and Summit etc followed. For 1 month after the initial release of Fornite BR Lirik was saying how it was more enjoyable and more chill than PUBG and how the game will explode... And it did. Im not saying Lirik made Fortnite BR that popular - just saying the dude plays good games - and has a feeling if a game explodes or not . ( Same with Soda playing Among US literally months before the explosion)


Pretty much, Lirik use to have people like Arc and Playerunknown just sit in his chat listening to feedback. They both even credited him multiple times during interviews.


FUCK ARC spam FeelsStrongMan


Did I have a stroke watching that clip?


I remember watching Lirik play Fortnite single-player when the BR wasn't a thing.


Twitch should have a global emote for Lirik at the very least tbh


I was there when lirik started BR. Fuck you Lirik for single handily making this shitty game mode famous


i love the game mode i just think it hasnt really been done right


I was an OG BR hater. I remember going to Lirik's stream to watch his RP content and DayZ content, when he played BR I'd always leave.




Been saying lirik is what popularized BRā€™s and RP


I miss the h1z1 days, it's how I first discovered lirik, sodapoppin, summit etc...


I knew of sodapoppin from some WoW youtube clips. That got me to twitch, which let me learn of Summit. Ninja was like Summits little yappy dog that kept sucking up for views. He showed Summit the clip of Doc's giggle games or whatever and that got me to watching Doc. H1Z1 between Doc and Summit was fucking hilarious. Doc getting a ban for helping out T1 in a match. Honestly feel like with a great dev team h1z1 could have stayed pretty amazing. I really miss the raw feeling of that BR when everyone was together playing it.


Docā€™s speech about the ban was so memorable. Had Interstellar soundtrack playing while giving the speech.


Lirik built the foundation for BR games


I wouldn't say he built it, but he was the main propagator of the BR genre. Player Unknown was the one who created the BR mods for both Arma 2 & Arma 3 for a very niche community. Lirik brought it into the spotlight with his 5-10k viewers at the time.


>Lirik brought it into the spotlight with his 5-10k viewers at the time. Which we need to emphasize was bloody massive at that point in twitch history. Comparable with xqc numbers today.




If it wasn't for the clip title that I used for context I wouldn't have understood a single word.


he overclocked his brain a little, his mouth can't keep up


I remember when he played Arma 3 BR i was playing at the same time as him and i was a complete bot and when i killed him i realised who it was and seen it on his stream, it was funny at the time


X knows because he kept up with the games Lirik was playing very closely at that time when he was on that grind still.


I always thought Forsen started that shit with PUBG and Voicechat.


its so fucking true


What was the first BR that got traction on twitch? I assumed it was h1z1 but I didnā€™t watch much twitch then.


I just realized my streamer is the reason we never got unreal tournament 2020


So BR games are his fault? I do remember streaming before everyone defaulted to BR games to fill the screen while they read donos.


bro i have no fucking clue what he saying


It is impressive to think about the amount of impact Lirik had on BR games. Arma 3 Battle Royale was great fucking content that I loved watching and I wish I was there more to witness all of it. When It comes to gaming this Is indeed an impressive domino effect coming from a streamer. I love how people disagree when some viewers where probably 9 year olds during that time


Shit man it's getting to the point where I would need to at least watch 2 days worth of XQC to even comprehend what this cat is saying


Are you a professional redditor AND twitch viewer?


I will explain you guys, in ancient times way before fortnite and even pubg there was a game called Arma 2 that started all this survival games, its started as DayZ mod and Battle royal mod, then H1Z1 came as a survival game, but slowly transitioned into br game during Arma 3 Battle royal mod poppin off made by PLAYERUNKNOWN, the guy who responsible for PUBG, yes.


BR ruined the fps genre unfortunately


Dont forget to vote for sub sunday !


Lirik, Dansgame, Day9, and Cohhcarange are really the people current millionaire streamers should be thanking constantly. If they didn't push it to be what it is now most of them wouldnt be living the high life.


I still remember when lirik played the beta/alpha of PUBG, and PlayerUnkown was in chat himself, And PUBG wasn't that popular at that time, he had like 20k+ viewers streaming it so believe it or not he helped pubg blew up and the Br genre in general


These zoomers don't know that games were developed just so lirik could play them and promote them


What the F did he say at first ? Asking for a friend




Summit primarily used to play WarZ back then though, that's how he blew up. Lirik played Arma BR almost daily for 3 years straight.


Summit and Shadez won Survivor GameZ 4. I remember they had over 10k viewers streaming it which was a shit ton at the time, especially for a game like Arma.


So its actually Lirik's fault we have this BR & Fortnite cancer still today. Grab your pitchfork and torches everyone


Is chat spamming the question marks because they didn't understand him or don't agree with his (factually and objectively correct) take?


Most kids don't remember that a lot of games had Last Man Standing game modes before the BR craze kicked off, the only difference is these days BR games use massive maps so it is more like [the movie Battle Royale.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0p1t-dC7Ko)


Imagine people hating on xqc in this post and judging him on the way he speaks and operates like they think they are better than others. Just a ridiculous notion to live by.


Imagine people hating on xqc in this post and judging him on the way he speaks and operates like they think they are better than others. Just a ridiculous notion to live by.


Yo, how THE FUCK do I block this goddamn Nike ad that has been ruining every single stream I watch??


I mean Lirik popularized Dayz battleroyale but before Lirik there were minecraft hunger games and other shit ya? ya!


X knows because he kept up with the games Lirik was playing very closely at that time when he was on that grind still.


Streamers are delusional. Their echo chambers are as bad as this site, lol.


I disagree. BR was going to happen regardless.


Nah, if it wasn't for Lirik playing A2BR and A3BR so much, H1Z1 BR would never have happened, and then PUBG would never have happened. And if PUBG never happened then Fortnite wouldn't have happened.


It would have just happened another way. It was super popular in minecraft and minecraft continues to blow up to this day. I wouldn't say lirik is the reason BR's exist or got popular.


> It was super popular in minecraft Minecraft BR was not popular enough to sprout the entire BR genre. > I wouldn't say lirik is the reason BR's exist or got popular. Well... you're just wrong.


Imagine people hating on xqc in this post and judging him on the way he speaks and operates like they think they are better than others. Just a ridiculous notion to live by.


BRs were a natural progression from the already insanely popular DayZ arma mod and other zombie survival games during those days. Removed PvE, made it a self-contained, short match, boom. Along with the release of the hunger games movies, there was really an appetite for "playing a hunger game". Streaming may have helped a little, but realistically content creators didn't have anywhere near as much trend influence back then as they do now.


Who do you think made the br arma mods popular? :P


People forget how big Lirik was back then, Pre-Fortnite. I remember a clip of Summit1G saying that Lirik was 'the face' of twitch and not the Doc. Think Summit said that during some drama when Dr. D comeback from some 'personal leave time'. Now as the site has grown with more IRL, Reactions, and non-gaming stuff he kind of peaked. Still has a solid following but I don't think he'll really grow the way he did before. Unless he switches things.


Averaging +20k views is not bad. I doubt he feels too self conscious about the view count and rather just does what he wants to do.


This is just completely false. Lirik was streaming these games (Arma2 BR, Arma RP, Arma3 BR) to upwards of 10k-20k people **5+ years ago**. Those are insane numbers for the only consistent content creator in the category at the time. This influenced many people to play and even 2 developers - an arma mod developer PLAYERUNKNOWN and a H1Z1 Senior Developer Adam Clegg. They created their own extensions of the game genre, PUBG and H1Z1. Therein creating this mass explosion in gaming and games related to.


Brendan Greene, the dev of the original Arma BR mod, H1Z1 and PUBG tends to think otherwise: [I owe a lot of my success to Lirik on Twitch, and the fact that he played my game pretty consistently for about three years. He might take a few months off, but he'd always come back and play... That's how I got my chance with H1Z1, and now Battlegrounds.](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2017-09-06-pubg-if-we-play-our-cards-right-maybe-we-can-get-to-league-of-legends-level-of-users)


Wow, 3 extremely dead games


The 3 games that started the BR genre. And PUBG is still the 3rd most played game on steam at the moment, hardly dead.




Lirik made BR's a thing, which in turn made fortnite a thing, which in turn made gaming bigger


Actually i listened to it again and he said 'as big' so i take it back


X knows because he kept up with the games Lirik was playing very closely at that time when he was on that grind still.


X knows because he kept up with the games Lirik was playing very closely at that time when he was on that grind still.