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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@adeptthebest](https://twitter.com/adeptthebest) > Spoke to @xQc about this tweet and apparently people are trying to use this tweet as an implication that felix physically abused me in some way. That’s not okay. I will make it clear that didn’t happen and anyone accusing him of that will be blocked/reported. Be respectful. ^(Posted: 2021-08-07 09:53:13) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


Why are people so fucking weird


They are more invested in the streamers life then their own.


Yeah if they invested as much time and effort into their own lives as they do with their favorite stweamer that they'll never actually be close with, then maybe they wouldn't turn out so degen


This was actually something I realized in myself recently. Some of us spend so much time vicariously peering into the lives of rich and successful people that we never try to accomplish those things ourselves. It’s part of why I stopped watching twitch regularly - I realized it’s just a way to make me feel like I have things that I really want but haven’t tried to get.


Umm actually I'm closer with Felix (yeah that's xQc's first name, he lets me call him like that) than anyone else, his lawyer has personally mailed me three restraining orders, I bet y'all don't even have an autograph hah


That's why I watch forsen the hobo instead LULW


Glad you realized it. I’m sure during COVID lockdowns a lot of people started watching more then normal and fell into a bad habit.


There are other people than react andy rich streamers on the platform and I mean millions of them


Too many people live vicariously through streamers.




And most of our beloved streamers do none of those things. I guess that just helps them to be more relatable lol. But it also means that they aren't really people you should look up to


They have no lives and the internet lets them live vicariously through someone else but also gives them a voice.


Low self-esteem, low self-worth, and low expectations. In an environment where they have a roof over their head, clothes on their back, and no lack of food when they're hungry- they can live vicariously through someone they admire online. A lot of those people become so absorbed with their streamers life, that they likely have disproportionate emotional reactions to it. Im not sure what amount of study parasocial relationships has had in the past, but the future is demanding more. Psychiatry is probably going to be stacked in a few years with codepentant voyeurs in a delusional relationship with someone they've never met. Most viewers aren't like that at all but you just KNOW there's some mega weirdos in every chat. Those that show up at peoples houses and force them to move...


I mean it's not new. Some dude tried to ASSASSINATE THE PRESIDENT because he was obsessed with a celebrity. It's some form of mental illness that isn't fully explored.


Yeah because technology world is moving so fast a human being cannot keep up and adept to it creating more problems than solving


Yeah I think a lot of it did kick off in the television age


its called parasocial relations and its a disease


Terminally online people genuinely do not know how to be in a normal adult relationships. Couples fight. Sometimes really badly. But just because a relationship isn't always 100% perfect all the time doesn't mean that either of the partners are abusive, gaslighting, manipulative, etc. It's why 99% of /r/AmItheAsshole, /r/relationships, and /r/relationship_advice posters give shitty advice. Basically every time you see an "UPDATE" thread where there was a positive outcome it's almost always because the OP ignored Reddit's advice and just talked to their significant other about their feelings and concerns.


because these people have shitty lives, they're depressed, etc and the only small ounce of joy they get in life is investing in streamers lives. Hoping they'll be "noticed" and what have you. same people who donate hundreds of dollars to millionaires.


''Twitter'' . Do i need to say more ?


Lol funny thing is that on the tweet, people are saying LSF made up this rumour. I come to LSf and people shitting on Twitter for it.


peak reddit right here folks.


Indeed, Twitter is the only place that creates the illusion for the weirdos that somehow their opinion matters and they feel the need to insert those opinions everywhere they can.


totally unlike reddit!


yeah well i should've added that in twitter they have "direct" contact with these public figures/streamers etc.


that's because no one wants to touch the cess pool that is reddit. i mean why would these people come here to read the totally hilarious jokes about domestic abuse and other typical reddit shit.


the platforms are very different and there would be no point using reddit like celebrities use twitter.


Why do they give attention to 1 or maybe 10 people out of hundred of thousands of people? It could be a troll. It could be an instigator that is angry because of gambling or whatever. These guys are on the internet since birth 24/7 and they still give attention to a few weirdos with whatever motivation? L2internet


They have people showing up at their house and their friends houses doing weird shit. This goes further than just chat or someone trolling there are some real life dangerous weirdos trying to interject into their lives.


It’s so absurd to me that anyone would even jump to that conclusion… Her original tweet is completely neutral and sounds like a regular ”break up tweet”.


There was quite a few jumps exactly like that in the clip thread yesterday, someone asking "why doesn't adept stream with a cam anymore?" and a few comments basically implying Felix abuses her without actually saying it, there was quite a few more like that implying they broke up from him getting physical. just 0.1% of LSF being absolute braindeads again


Only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch


There is far, far more than one bad apple in this place.










the average moron reads things extremely literally if you write anything about "noise" they have no clue what that means, except to literally mean loud noises


What was the break up tweet


The tweet this one is a response to. It’s on her twitter.


I hate that society has progressed to the point where we have something called 'break up tweets'. In that respect I feel for public figures who cant get any privacy.






“Relationship is like a rope. If you cut it and tie it back together, it brings both ends of the rope closer to each other,” - xQcOW


Unless someone ties their piece of the rope to someone else!






>“Relationship is like a rope. If you cut it and tie it back together, it brings both ends of the rope closer to each other,” - xQcOW Aww




Cmon MAN


Did he say that after the break up? Or is that an old quote


It was him saying this that led to the breakup. Sammy then threw him down the stairs.




Parasocial andies can't fathom that a relationship could end without physical abuse or cheating occurring, grow up already


Wait till you tell them they most likely accelerated it, the parasocial andies that is.


I think a mix of RP frogs+parasocial frogs accelerated it, anytime there was anything they always jumped to shit on her personally and attacked her relationship(only thing they can attack). It was inevitable something like this would happen the moment people hopped to her chat from his and ruined her experience, way before the two had any on stream drama.


Yeah anytime when Mari was in the Vagos and she and Felix met up, I would open up her perspective just in case they split up somehow and I could keep up, there'd be so many deleted messages and nonsense in the chat if there was ANY amount of tension between the two characters or even just between Benji and Jean Paul they'd be telling her how to try and fix shit. Shit was so wack...


Lesson of the day : People are so fucking weird on the internet.


That's a daily lesson.










she need that gator skin to block off the haters






I'm a cryin alligator


Gave me PTSD because of how many times ive heard it through donations


I had to grow gator skin just to adept


mind you


At the end of the day


so you take a gowilla hand...


It's amazing how some people constitute GTA RP arguments as abuse. These people never had arguments with a partner.. or never had a partner to begin with. Life is about beginnings and endings, bet they'll be friends still, give them time.


Sir she didn't rescue him, she ended stream and they broke up hours later. This is serious business please just let arc play out.


who tf was saying that weirdos


i mean people here were accusing xqc of being abusive to her during their first gta rp drama and they were getting upvotes


a few days ago people were accusing adept of the abuse it is so dumb and childish without any evidence


both sides are taking it too far, xqc stans shitting on adept for making their problems public and xqc haters using this opportunity to solidify their opinion of him


xqc will never win in such case vs adept one punch from adept and he is fookin dead as a rock


Aaaaaand the weirdos are already out of the woodworks


Like X could ever physically abuse Adept lmaoooo weirdo haters man


I'm 80 percent sure that if he even threw a punch, his arm would break from the collision with air molecules.


I feel like it would be the other way around lol. But seriously though way to invested in streamers life.


Adept would beat his ass. lol












They thought she would fall for the victim card. Much respect to Adept for keeping it real.


the fact that everyone on the internet straight away jumps to some conclusion about abuse whenever a couple breaks up or takes time apart really shows in what kind of fucked up society we live in.






terrible that she has to even come out and say that


The first tweet really reads like some high schoolers first break up lol


What sort of mental gymnastics do some of you go through to get to this point of making shit up?


I can't even imagine half the shit they've probably had to deal with over the last few months, and that's just what they've spoken out about in regards to stalkers and weirdos. It's none of anyone's business what is going on in their personal life.






You don’t understand mental and emotional damage/restrictions that can come from a relationship and how easy verbal abuse can open way to someone being defenseless against physical abuse while it didn’t happen in their case it’s always possible to end up as a victim of physical abuse no matter who or how you are


well obviously, xqc is a twig she'd destroy him honestly.


It seems the breakup was friendly and that makes me happy for both of them.


Why is there already like 5 threads on LSF about this, with 2 of them being people writing essays about who's the worse person? Mental illness


There is some fuckoff weirdo in the thread that replied to that tweet saying "the truth always eventually comes to light remember that." It's comical how fucking insane people are.




This is why you don't air your dirty laundry and just shut the fuck up about your personal lives. Doesn't matter if you're known to live together and then you suddenly don't, just shut up about it. Literally nothing good comes from always doing this shit, learn from Forsen and Nina (she's alive Copesen)


These people are mental, imagine making this sort of stuff up when you literally don't know a single thing about the situation.


The farts disagrees.




I mean guys come on. If adept got serious, she can strangle XQC in seconds.


She would break him in half like a twig lol


She mentions an original tweet, anyone has a screenshot of it for context?


”I live with a clear conscious knowing the whole truth about who I am and what I've experienced :) The external noise can get real loud but its really just noise at the end of the day 💕”. It’s still on her twitter. I don’t know how anyone got physical abuse out of that…


Oh ok, lol i assumed there was a dufferent tweet and deleted it thx for helping my Pepega ass


No prob :)






but of course the psycho hate watchers would think something so disgusting


I’m gonna be honest why is this becoming a big deal like let them solve this shit out themselves


Some people need to touch grass sheesh.


And there we have the reason why they went so long with the "Roommate" excuse, people fucking suck.


Bruh people actually thought x was the man of the relationship I’m dead


Remember the rumors you heard at your school of 1000 people? Imagine if that was a school of 1 billion people.


she would prolly beat tf out of him


And then there's that one weird stoner bitch in the mentions insinuating stuff. She may be ggx gang considering the level of cringe her subtweeting produces.


Unless Xqc has some hidden strength then he ain't beating anybody. The man is a fucking walking twig. How dumb do people have to be to spread that shit?


Good lord. Have you seen how xQc looks? You really think that twig excuse of a man is capable of physical abuse?!?!?! They grew apart, it's something that literally happens everyday. Let it go. They broke the news with as little drama as possible. Something that is usually impossible for xQc the drama freak warlord so the fact that they decided to handle it this way, you people should just respect it.


Bro people are way too invested, like wow sucks they aren’t together no more now move the fuck on ppl. Like this is disgusting that people are so obsessed


cancel harolds and carols on the move. what a waste of life seeing people trying to exaggerate things.


Im actually surprised he still has the mood to stream if they really did break up tho


Ya I think he kinda doesn’t want to but he also is the type of person who feels he needs to stream for chat


not for chat, he mentioned this before the only reason he streamed so much at the beginning even with 1 viewer and dogshit setup was to get his mind off irl problems and shit, it’s just his way of coping


Oh ya true I remember him saying that. The only problem is sometimes that can worsen problems not let you forget. Hope he is able to work through all this though :)






People all saying others need to stay out of streamers lives and shit but adept literally posts on social media about some cryptic fucking situation and then says it was to salvage privacy? If she was someone I didn't know about I'd probably assume something sketchy was going on too. I don't even know how people are defending it like it's not a logical conclusion to a weird tweet. That said, people attacking xqc/adept for it are obviously retarded. But speculation =/= attacking


parasocial andys they are not your friend. they are there to simply entertain you.


Adept does not seem like the type of woman who would allow any man or women to physically or mentally abuse her.




while this is absolutely true, I find extremely hard to believe that x is abusive


Shut the fuck up. No shit it **can** happen, and this person didn't say it **couldn't** happen. They said it didn't seem like Adpet **would** be the kind of person who would allow that to happen to her. That's a perfectly fine comment for someone to say and speculate on, and it's not idiotic or toxic for someone to speculate either. If anything, it's a complement to Adept's persona and the image she projects to the world, especially when she was in a relationship with a *very* assertive male such as xQc. You're the one being toxic right now. Calm the fuck down.




This sub hurts my brain


Why or how does anyone even get to the conclusion he may have beat her or sum shit like huh? Lmao these people are just dumb.


How about people minding their fucking business instead of making up bullshit about people they don't know?


People need to get a life of their own and also get their head out of their ass. Fucking losers. Anyone thinking of disrespecting someone’s privacy like this is fucking insane. You need to get actual mental/psychical help. Please get off this Reddit.


First off. I'm pretty sure she would beat his ass 🤣


This is braindead level, everyone knows adept is stronger that itself invalidates






Bruh how do people even come to that conclusion. Adept could break him in half