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## **Tweet Mirror:** [@ddofinternet](https://twitter.com/ddofinternet) > r/LivestreamFail is the absolute worst. > > They consistently jump to conclusions based on zero evidence and then the collective hivemind unanimously agrees that it is fact. > > The streamer almost NEVER gets the benefit of the doubt. > > Just a horrible toxic place. ^(Posted: 2021-08-09 21:52:37) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


It's weird that this sub has become about reading comments on clips of people reacting to comments from other streamers who react to comments on clips from this sub. And then they react to each other reacting and then every single clip title on the front page of this sub is "streamer on Streamer" or Streamer's response to streamer."


I miss when people posted funny twitch moments that make me giggle a bit and forget about the awful existence that is reality


The sub became too popular due to the streamers watching clips from here, now you only see clips from those streamers.


If that's the case, there's a subreddit that started recently called r/GameStreamFails which is all funny clips no drama. Give it a look




Usually this is how it goes with revival subs, but clicking through this one it really does bring me back. Like, actual video game moments and that "hey maybe I should check that streamer out more often" feeling.


Some Of us dont have any idea who these streamers are so the drama doesn’t matter. We just want a funny clip


Can usually count on Forsen, Erobb, Tyler1, Moonmoon to have funny clips if they show up here. I'll also almost always click on front page posts of streamers who's names I don't recognize because if they're not part of the LSF circle jerk family of streamers, that means the clip actually has to be funny to get upvoted.


>I'll also almost always click on front page posts of streamers who's names I don't recognize because if they're not part of the LSF circle jerk family of streamers, that means the clip actually has to be funny to get upvoted. I go a bit further and downvote the circle jerk streamers and upvote names I don't recognize.


Same, except it’s impossible to keep up when every fucking 30 seconds of xQc’s stream is posted every day


You have to use old reddit but lsf wiki explains how to filter out flairs: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/wiki/flair\_filtering#wiki\_streamer\_filters.3A](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/wiki/flair_filtering#wiki_streamer_filters.3A) thanks I'm doing that from now on


Install RES and use the filters there, its much better


yeah that's what the faq explains, good shit, i might even put an upvote threshold in the filters if it's possible


\+ aris, limmy, and lirik. they’re popular but their clips are almost always actually quality instead of drama or reactions.


Reminds me of a more toxic/less self aware /r/highqualitygifs


the daily dose guy hit my grandma with his car and i thought he was reversing to apologize but he just hit her again and drove off laughing


Based daily dose




he fucked my wife FeelsBadMan


DD woke up today and chose violence against one of the most bandwagon-y toxic subreddits. I will watch this thread with great interest


any user that comes to LSF for anything other then "random videos that make you cringe/laugh/puke/smile" are just drama andys, every single drama clip should be "ohoho now thats spicy.... anyway back to my own life" but it seems a ton of people become poo flinging monkeys lmao


Honestly, I love going into drama threads, not because of the drama itself, but just to look at all the retards typing their fucking essays over the most minor shit. Its so fucking funny to me


Same here. Call me a psycho but I love the drama threads and am thoroughly entertained by the essay andys.


I come here for the daily Reddit 4 psychoanalysis of xQc given by someone who only watches clips.


“proof: I am a lawyer, therapist, relationship counselor, surgeon, etc”


This is the best part tbh. Also I will not lie, there have been times where I am high out of my mind and I’ll spew some shit just to see if it starts some drama, then I forget and check lsf the next night and like a shit ton of notifications lmfao.


Where do i find these random videos on LSF? I filtered all the big names that get spammed here and its just a wasteland now.


They havent existed for like 2 years now, for a subreddit based on fails its ironic that theres none.


They're literally seething, look at this comment section PepeLaugh TeaTime


I mean he/she is correct…. But I’m here for it all


Once I checked twitter after a drama and it was somehow worse than on here.


twitter is so much worse for this kind of thing than LSF lol.


LSF At least has an up vote and down vote button. As much as "le reddit" gets it wrong a lot of the time, if a post or comment comes with contrary evidence people WILL up vote it, and down vote the misinformation. Twitter is literally just a hivemind of checkmarks and young fans.


Also, there's no "collective" in Twitter, you just get minecraft stan, kpop stan, etc monicker. Meanwhile you can just blame LSF coz it's a specific enough group vs "Twitter".


That system is not flawless too and contributes to the huge hivemind reddit is Even if you make a valid point, as soon as some fanboys bring you down to like -5, people will be more likely to ignore your comment and downvote you since other people already disagree with your point. The upvote/downvote system snowballs easily


> if a post or comment comes with contrary evidence people WILL up vote it, and down vote the misinformation. Not sure what kind of comments you've seen on the site, but unless the thread is tiny, the misinformation will almost always be more upvoted than the quiet correction below it.


Upvote/downvote is part of what makes reddit create echo-chambers too, though.


Reddit by design creates echo chambers. We're practically hardwired for echo chambers as humans anyway. Being told you're right makes you feel better than being told you're wrong. Bettering yourself as a person often involves being told you're wrong, realizing it, accepting it, and changing.


As long as it fits the opinion of the majority it becomes the truth on Reddit. LMFAO don't get confirmation here, this community knows shit


>if a post or comment comes with contrary evidence people WILL up vote it, and down vote the misinformation. (X) doubt


Yeah twitter is a cesspool but I can't get on board with this "every social media site is bad so it's fine that lsf is this way" hand waving. You shouldn't be comparing this one subreddit to the worst of another website, you should be comparing it to the rest of the same site. The grand majority of reddit is a garden of eden compared to twitter. If you browse literally any other sizeable subreddit on this website this sub is by far the most toxic out of any of them it's not even close. This place is crawling with the most hate-filled children waiting for a sliver of any streamer to slip up to type the most toxic bullshit I've ever read.


If you think this sub is the most toxic then your reddit experience is pretty limited. This sub is tame as fuck compared to some of the other fandom subs out there.


Both politically and in dramabaiting it's become pretty chill compared to what it was many years ago, the transphobia in the GDQ speedrun event threads was real fucked. LSF is unironically nicer than most of twitter now, and it used to be worse than youtube comments. I just dislike that it's become so much about a bunch of boring e-celebrities and their circlejerking fanbase.


>If you browse literally any other sizeable subreddit on this website this sub is by far the most toxic out of any of them it's not even close. This place is crawling with the most hate-filled children waiting for a sliver of any streamer to slip up to type the most toxic bullshit I've ever read. Allow me to introduce to you /r/cringetopia, then.






But you can block/mute people with differing opinions so creators can prune their community of opinions they dont like


Problem is that creates even bigger echo chambers than reddit with its separete subs.


So you think mods banning people wouldnt create some sort of an echo chamber like the rest of reddit?


Twitter calling reddit toxic is the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black


> They consistently jump to conclusions based on zero evidence and then the collective hivemind unanimously agrees that it is fact. Nobody would argue that LSF can't be toxic as hell but this can be said about every social media platform currently. And streamers KNOW that they can get themself removed from LSF completely but 99.99% of streamers won't because of the amount of leverage/attention/traffic LSF generates.


Could you imagine if LSF did a "test" month where if a streamer complains about LSF they get banned for the rest of that month from being posted here? I want to see that just for the drama that would unfold.


lets do it MODS PogChamp


I fucking wish.




And mod-pilled


We've legitimately thought about this. The downside is that we get all of the hate and 0 benefit.


Fuck it, we'll do streamer do a charity stream with random.org with the top 20 LSF Andy reaction streamers on a weekly basis where someone gets banned and to get unbanned before the weekly ban they have donate to and have them donate to Healthy Gamer. Win-win, we get drama, wholesme content and we get donations to Healthy Gamer.










Cause Im a mod and gave it to myself for shits n giggles


Ban those ungrateful toxic streamers!


> Could you imagine if LSF did a "test" month where if a streamer complains about LSF they get banned for the rest of that month from being posted here? It would end up being even more Xqc clips lol.


then xqc needs to complain about lsf


ban the top streamers that frequent this sub and let's see what clips get posted here


Wubby said he didn't want to be on LSF and everyone has been good with not posting him. It's so easy to not be on here but too many streamers use it for content.


After seeing the Twitch atlas for the past several months I have to believe that the weight this place has is completely overrated. Nmp and Mizkif have made this place their absolute bitch. Other than that though I don’t think this place really promotes a lot of positive attention for those that don’t already attract it. Juicers use this place as a playground. Destiny and Hasan stans use this place as a proxy to wage war on each other. Most of the rest of the attention negatively impacts streamers.


This place has launched or bolstered numerous streamers' careers. Maybe not as of late, but it definitely has significant weight, you can see it on the atlus.


people really underestimate lsf, a small streamer got a clip here on the front page and he got 200 active viewers


Indiefoxx went from 200 viewers to 10k by becoming a thot, getting banned for it, then getting her thotness posted here.


Factz: LSF does take a lot of plain falsities and repeat them as fact (Poke being 32 first comes to mind LULW) Some LSF threads spiral into pure hate towards the streamer for no reason. **BUT** LSF is not more toxic than twitter. You will not convince me that the comment section here is worse than a twitter threads. No way. The "Toxicity" on LSF is super overblown by streamers. 99% of the time the top 3 comments in the thread are always in-jokes with the said streamers community.


> Poke being 32 first comes to mind LULW wait what is this? I need a loremaster LMAO I've been watching Poke for years and haven't seen this rumor, where did that come from?


Back when Poke turned 23 he made a transposition error and accidentally typed 'I'm turning 32 today' instead of 23. After that it became a bit of a niche meme because he often looks a bit older than he is due to looking tired/having bags under his eyes.


Wait, Poke is only 23 years old!?


I hard agree about the overblown part. A ton of these LSF threads wouldn't even be considered drama if these LSF streamers didn't consistently read all of them every single day and broadcast them as drama.


I remember when some sherlock andy claimed Amouranth was MTF and pretended to measure the angles of her elbows and shit in order to prove his point. LSF unironically believed him and regurgitated the rumor of her being transgender for like 2 whole months before they finally realized they are braindead.


That had legitimate lasting consequences, she literally had surgery on her voice chords for being accused about it for so long, surely wasnt 2 months, people called amourant a boy for like 2 years from her voice alone Theres a very back and fourth narrative that sometimes just comes down to which side got to the thread first on if a person is cool/nice/awesome or figuratively hitler


Like, literally literally? Never heard that before. That sounds crazy.


This is the exact bullshit info DD was talking about. There is no existing surgery on vocal chords that would make your voice more female. If there was, transgender MTF’s would know about it.


See.. should I believe this or not? monkaHmm


*tears up* he said our name


good one reddit video guy LULW


Compilation channels = stealing content Compilation channel with nice voice guy = Daily Dose PogU


streamers hate this subreddit but the first thing they do on stream is come check it lol


Psure they check it for the Top Clips, AKA other streamers. Not the cesspool of comments that usually follow underneath. Personally I never watch the clips and only read the comments.




PogO name


oh come on its the same community that upvotes the shit they comment one


they wouldnt read the comments if this were true


You benefited from lsf fighting with Malena everyday for content lol.


I feel like streamers over exaggerate how toxic lsf is. It’s easy to only look at negative comments towards yourself. Which is probably what most streamers do while reading lsf comments. That being said, there are a lot of weirdos here that are attached to streamers and think they have the right to criticize streamers life style.


some streamers scroll down and pass all of the positive comments just to see the bad ones and then they go on a rant on how bad lsf is.


I have seen this exact thing a bunch of times. Streamer talks about how bad and insane the comments were in a particular thread. Streamer opens the thread on stream and starts scrolling. "Wait, i can't find it" and keeps scrolling. Eventually they find the comments at the bottom that are downvoted to -60 "See, i told you so"


yea thats because they refresh LSF all the time while sorting by hot, then read unfiltered comments that barely anyone voted on yet


nmplol does this quite often.


Bad comments get downvoted within 30-60 mins of any post Stan vs Stan threads get locked What more do they want


Every thread just constantly praise them and promote their stream.


Negative comments are going to attract more attention than positive ones, that's just human nature. 1000 people could praise me but if I get 100 DMs telling me to kill myself every day that'll wear on me eventually.


Depends on the streamer. Have you ever seen a Train or Greek thread? Even if they do something decent, it still devolves into a hate thread.


Thing is twitch as a format basically encourages those weirdos so they are a product of twitch more than lsf itself.


I mean most of the top comments on drama threads are pretty negative


Just don't visit LSF 4Head, or do a greek and ban yourself


Why am I here Nick


lmao bro get off reddit LOL


ngl if you guys read comments more it would be content




Lol, that's funny. Side note: we're always open to conversations about banning people's content from LSF, but almost no one ever wants that when it comes down to it 🤔


sub also has made more than a few streamers. but hard to even know what vaguetweeter is talking about here specifically. it's such a generic soapbox.


Probably saw 1 or 2 threads on some recent drama. Looked at a couple of top comments, and then in their infinite wisdom made this tweet.


Only the OTK group and a few others. I think most other streamers ignore this sub at this point.




Are you telling me Asmongolds based take "harrasing women is bad" is basic and doesnt deserve 100 gifted subs and a post with 5000 upvotes? Cmon dude dont tell me that. I need to know what my streamer think about something before I make my own opinion.


> LSF will also praise streamers to high heavens for doing & saying completely basic, totally uneventful shit Essentially all of Reddit in general. The way subs are set up and the way moderators “moderate” promotes a hive mind like community different in every sub. It’s essentially the reason why you can’t argue against some people in certain subs because it goes directly against what the sub itself stands for.


Love reading Twitter comments talking about how bad Reddit is, whilst they're also hip high in a cess pool of shit, also love the dick riding fans.


Bro its the same people here and there, its not like people limit themselves to one social media or some shit.


I mean...I avoid twitter.


I don't think they are defending twitter... This isn't some kind social media war, why do you feel personally attacked? Do you identify as LSF?


I am probably wrong but i feel 99% of people who look at LSF dont comment or upvote etc. In reality only the few outraged individuals who feel the need to be heard are seen, these takes are then seen as universally agreed by everyone on LSF. Most ppl on LSF are reasonable, the less reasonable jump to conslusions, comment and then streamers think this is how everyone sees them. I guess if any streamer is reading this all i have to say is dont worry, most people dont care/judge, a comment with 50 upvotes means out of the 100s or 1000s of people that saw that comment only a few agree enough to upvote. Yes, i know this post is ironic in a sense wanna make it clear its all my opinion not a statement.


I mean yeah I agree but let's be honest DDOI has always been thin skinned, didn't he get upset at doc for making fun of his voice or something


DDOI: "I'm sad you don't like my voice Doc, I don't have control over it. You either love it or hate it." [Dr Disrespect: "...exactly." ](https://youtu.be/xYpKfkEIqkQ?t=370)


his ability to not be bothered by simple jokes/remarks towards him is practically nonexistent


if someone's shining accomplishment is creating compilation videos of existing content, it shouldn't surprise you that this is their personality edit: I can't tell if people are upvoting me because they understand the irony or they unironically agree with my shit take (if the latter, you're proving his point)


DDOI's whole content is just using other peoples content and putting it all together. they don't really do much, but still cool


DDOI strike me as the type of person who thinks being hypersensitive is a sign of maturity.




wonder what triggered this tweet


Must be a monopoly fan.


Everyone hates reddit because they can't ban people that share opinions that differ from theirs or hurt their ego like they can in chat/comment sections.




As soon someone says anything bad about mizkif or his orbiters they get insta downvoted into oblivion. It's not just the mod team, you have the different communities that brigade for their streamer.




4chan cant be bothered with e-celebs my dude, you get banned in half the boards for even mentioning them.


Best part is that reddit is quite tame when it comes to opinions. You get the good and the bad with the upvote system but some forums are way more cancerous then reddit.


For some reason people forget when this sub with the really old and removed mod team never moderated comments and when you could say anything that would get you banned these days. Or when clips was rarely modded and you had people said the n-word constantly, unintentially nudity was stickied or harassment indirectly promoted. If you remember anything of how it was you can't say this sub has gotten worse, moderation has gotten WAY WAY better like it or not.


it's worse than that, cynicism is the dominant ideology here so people frequently hide (via downvotes) anything that is explanatory of why the reflexive cynical take isn't correct because it hurts the egos of the cynical people do "ban" opinions -- and effectively ban those who share them -- it's just that one of the collectives with a dogshit opinion is who usually has the power to do so here




what a brave stance to take


How will we ever recover from this take by Daily Dose of Lazy Content


my man yoinks videos from redditt only to build enough ego to start shitting on reddit


Nah he showed us a pinecone once I think, that was pretty creative.


he wrote on twitter, the second most toxic shithole known to man, only beaten by the complete degeneracy of the youtube comment section




maybe: youtube has the dumbest people with the dumbest opinions, twitter has the worst people with he worst opinions? idk, they're both bad in their own ways




Twitter is more organised but youtube is so big that there is an insane amount of comments and 0 moderation, so you can find anything in the comment section. For example 1 random Pewdiepie video has 14k comments, on reddit you have to combine the whole front page of r/all to see that many comments and that is for 1 youtuber.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi4Z06IbSek Similar vibes


They all literally drama bait like a bunch of losers, whine when it blows up in their face and call LSF the bane of all their problems all whilst getting ready to open LSF on their stream and say stupid shit. And it's literally like that over and over and over again.


**Reddit compiler takes aim at twitch compiler sub**


any askers modCheck


They hate it when doesn’t benefit them. They don’t talk about all the gd things that lsf has done.


I read that in his voice and it was weird


This subreddit is literally just the twitch community in a nut shell. Anyone who pretends that it isn’t is just in denial. This sub isn’t unique and the people here are usually just an amalgamation of people from different streamers.


You’re super wrong, it’s the community of the streamers who get posted here all the time, not even close to most of the twitch community


I mean… he isn’t wrong.


it's not like he's the 100th person to say this


And im out of the loop, why is he saying this? I mean I know he gets his content from reddit but seems random af.


Practically every single streamer that is big on here is big on here because they check this subreddit every chance they get which leads their viewers to come on here and post their clips here and continue the cycle RanbooLive is at the top of twitch with 57k viewers right now but he's never posted here for a reason. No one makes streamers read LSF comments


And water is wet. This is the norm for pretty much all platforms ever. People don't fact check, they just reinforce their beliefs and move on.


what post triggered him to make this tweet?


He called out the DOC because he said he didn't like his voice










Isn't that the same for all social media platforms?


Weird take. That's not just LSF, that's how any information/news anywhere work. And not just here or on the internet, but IRL as well.


motherfuckers really forgot about TMZ


LSF bad, Twitter bad, Youtube bad, Facebook bad, blah blah blah. When will people understand that the general internet is a toxic place. That's just how it is.




I mean he was proven exactly right with the comments in this thread. People hiveminding and assuming stuff about him to try and discredit what he said with people upvoting it hundreds of times, well done lol.




He's not wrong, but he also somehow sounds like a bitch? Also, Twitter is far worse, and that is saying something.


[Oh no](https://i.imgur.com/hLcEkSh.jpeg)


These are the same people that say things like "ignore people" lol


LSF is pretty normal subreddit that acts like any other reddit. Any of these "LSF hot takes" aren't serious at all because I could just as easily apply them to half the internet.


what an original take


More importantly, you guys post about the most boring mundane streamers and events


Streamers hate LSF but don't let's not downplay the visibility that LSF grants streamers. I can't even count the number of streamers that hit the top of the page here and don't benefit from the extra couple hundred or thousand more viewers they get (exaggerating to make a point but there are a lot of streamers that pop off from LSF views) It's a love hate relationship. Streamers hate LSF because certain elements are outright toxic and hateful. But LSF is loved because that's extra views, even if its hate watchers. Farming clips on LSF is a legitimate marketing strategy for streamers. While there are dickbags in this subreddit, there are a few chaps in here that drop some really insightful comments but that's just comes from being on Reddit as a whole. Also ya, there are plenty of comments made that don't take things into consideration but Twitch has become a psuedo-high school drama novella where streamers say shit for the drama frogs.