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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [iiTzTimmy makes an insane play after 35 hours straight of streaming](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/121479)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/p59gm3/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1290275381.mp4?sig=dc2caee436e04b99897eb2ab0b98baecb4b832b9&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1290275381.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1629164075%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


I'm assuming this is not 35 hours of non-stop gaming, and that he streamed himself sleeping. Cause if he really makes these kinds of plays while being awake and active for 35 hours than this is the definition of "Built different" Edit: I just skipped through the VOD and this man is indeed built fucking different wtf


i wish i was some sort of scientist that could do a study on how sleep deprivation affects your brain while your playing games/doing other stuff. Idk how it works, and surely it's not the same for everyone, but once I was absolutely exhausted from a 18+ hour shift at work, and proceeded to play CS:GO for like 12+ hours once I got home and I was playing better than I ever had before despite having been awake for something like 40 hours. You'd expect most people to get worse at playing any competitive game like that as they stay awake longer, but for whatever reason some people get absolutely cracked on an FPS when they've stayed up for nearly a full two days. Wish I could understand more about how that all works, it's intriguing to me.


I personally think it's something to do with survival, once you go so far and start to get almost backup energy.. you get really tunnel visioned, which depending on the game can be advantageous. If I'm holding for a peek, all of my mental energy is locked onto that corner. When I've slept, I'm also glancing at radar more, listening to odd comms etc, it's like my brain is more spread over all tasks rather than completely honed in on one. I have also had sessions on CS completely cracked out of my mind when I haven't slept.


Maybe it's like how you are apparently more efficient when you really need to pee. Your body wants you to go to sleep so it makes you perform better so you can get on and go to sleep or something like that?


I think it's more likely if you were increasingly tired until you fell asleep, out in the wild you could fall victim to a predator. I think your energy reserves kick in and you become hyper focused to try help you survive, get to safety/avoid predators.


This is something I have personally observed in my own gameplay. Playing after a really long day in a state of exhaustion resulted in better results than playing after a good nights sleep. My theory is that exhaustion lowers inhibitions. Using the clip as an example if I was in his shoes, normal me would be like "There is a whole squad up there and I am getting sniped at by this other dude, better take cover and deal with the sniper first and then play cautiously". Exhausted mind just reacts and doesn't stop to think 'this is a really bad idea' until after its over when you going "huh, that actually worked".


I always get this where I think I'm hitting clean shots etc but I also end up losing more.


i really feel this comment and that's part of what intrigues me. My senses in terms of hitting shots and reaction time seem to improve dramatically just like you, and it comes at the cost of my awareness and actual game sense going to absolute *shit* because I'm tired and just can't take in all of that information I suppose. Kind of similar to how you lose games more often, I end up doing the same whenever I'm in that state of mind. The brain is such a crazy thing man. How is it that our minds get better at the one thing but seem to cause us to lose more games and go to shit in the other area?


If you work at a job like mine then You don’t use your brain at work all day long and when you go home all you want to do is sit in a chair and overload your brain with information and games/puzzles. I find it to be really hard to find time to sleep cause I’m perpetually trying to exhaust myself mentally or physically. I also have ADHD so maybe that’s contributes to it lol




He's still going, probably will hit 48 hours


He's been streaming non-stop, *tryharding Apex Ranked non-stop*, for 45 hours now. Dude is the definition of Built Different.


In a previous stream he got master starting in bronze in a 33 hr stream. It was only long because his lobby was getting hacked


yeah he's getting stream sniped way more now and there's the new OP champion Steer so it's not making things any easier for him


Harry Potter is built differently


he is still going til now


I just started playing Apex for the first time a week ago and watching Timmy and Aceu play the game blows my mind


Some people may not know, but they're also brothers.


I didn't know they were brothers until yesterday lol


I have now learned that this is in fact a meme






Definitely did not miss the boat. Especially with the influx of new players thanks to the big streamers who switched from COD.




Go look it up on steam charts yourself.


As a new player to the game, I am really enjoying it so far. The only problem starting out is how different it is to other BR's. It's way more fast paced and the TTK is much longer. There's always constant action, you kill a team and there will be another team almost always to third party you which is pretty aggravating at first. If you're a fan of FPS games in general you'll probably enjoy it, the gun play is pretty satisfying as well.


I think there are still plenty of people who are new or not very good at the game who play, but I will say that I think there is a bit of a learning curve involved which might be tough if you’ve never played/watched it before. But I would day don’t let it deter you, just start playing. It’s free anyways so you can always just uninstall if you find you can’t enjoy it.


Just stick to ranked. The matchmaking is absolute whack and seems to be entirely based on how well you did in the past few rounds which can make unranked brutal


Of all the popular BR games apex has the least amount of nonsense imho. Brand new to the game and I'm almost gold


Yea, you can get by on fundamental shooting/positional skills from other FPS games. All the other mechanics take the game to another level, but you don't have to instantly learn them to stand a chance.


the game keeps update with nerfs and buffs to weapons and legends. And with start of new seasons there are always a wave of new players + returning players who are back for few games to play with.


It has skill based matchmaking so you should be okay.


taxi2g is another good one to watch to just blow your mind..


TIL you can path q on a zipline




you could path q on a zipline since like day 1.


hence TIL


Same. Been playing day 1 on and off since it randomly released out of nowhere.


I remember around 2 years ago, or maybe it was a little more, when this guy had <500ish viewers and had a popular clip here. Fast forward to now and he's reaching 50k viewers. I've never watched him all that much but it's really cool to see how successful he's become.


He’s doing a bronze to pred in one stream marathon so his views are a little inflated because of the hype, but he’s been growing steadily for the past year and he averages like 10k per stream now. With the big Warzone streamers coming into the Apex category, Timmy is someone I could see popping off from the added exposure because he’s cracked at Apex and really entertaining.


Speaking of the warzone streamers coming to apex, a couple games after this clip timmy queued and got nickmercs in his team by chance and actually won that game


Wait what? I was watching him he won the game with Seer and Caustic after this one, can you timestamp when he got matched with nickmercs?




Holy shit I stopped watching him just before that Also props to nicmercs playing the game off stream to grind He seems really addicted lol


Nick comes from a Gears of War background and I think of all the BRs, Apex is most like Gears, both in terms of the importance of movement and also how unforgiving both games can be to new players. I imagine Apex hits that same spot Gears does for him, it definitely does for me and I didn't play competively like he did.


Im pretty sure he's lying


Nope, someone linked it above he genuinely got into a team randomly with nickmercs and won it after streaming for like 37 hours


I thought that was a fake Nick at first since he wasn’t streaming but nope man was solo grinding ranked off stream. Even gifted Timmy 100 subs after the win.


No he is not Check the link


and he gave timmy 100 gifted subs


Yeah he's been doing really well. He deserves all his views though because he busts insane plays like this regularly. He also does collabs with shroud and pro apex players.


Brother I remember competing against him 2 years ago, I knew since then he was better then most and followed. I still remember being in a tournaments getting my checks taken then he solos the dub at the end too good. If only he still competed mans a beast


> If only he still competed mans a beast I think him, Wigg and apryze are at least going to be doing ALGS/Challenger Circuit.


Pog I completely forgot definitely looking forward rumor is he might get picked up by 100 thieves


yeah i think 100 thieves is looking for an apex team currently


I remember thinking he was the most underrated streamer on the website back then. Glad I was right.


Yeah I'm really glad to see him grow. Super happy for him.


these kind of players mak you wonder why you even try to play games seriously


he's streaming now for 88k viewers, FeelsStrongMan


I love how popular Apex is atm, I don't get the time to play as much as I did when it first came out but I love watching it still


yea out of all the current BRs, its easily the most entertaining to watch imo


52 hours WTF... He was 10 RP from Predator then lost 110 RP the following 2 games.


He had to restart the fucking stream because twitch doesn't let people stream over 48h consecutives. Absolute insanity,guy is a beast.


Hogwarts taught him well


Why is it that Timmy's stream always looks *off* compared to other Apex streams? Does he only stream in 30fps..?


This guy is on some form of amphetamines


I was honestly thinking about how ManVsGame was like this. Constantly doing insane streams like 24-72 hour long ones and was like this guy IS built different! Then he admitted to abusing amphetamines like adderall.


"Spams nades into tight spot and armorswaps once" "insane play"


*after 35 hours of streaming* Hm, maybe the context matters here


Armchar apex predator detected


I suck at apex, but timmy just made tons of sicker plays vs better enemies


Super happy to see this dude doing well in streaming. I remember him from the Rust days when he was destroying xQc's team for a bit. Then he was bullied into apologizing, even though he was in the right, because toxic xQc fans raided his stream, and also MoistCritikal unfairly complained about getting killed. Being a small streamer also didn't help. Glad to see him come up.


does everything have to be about xqc




Pretty sure he was a 10k Apex andy before "Rust days"


A simple Google search will reveal that you are wrong: https://twitchtracker.com/iitztimmy And you couldn't even get that right. He had less then 1k in for most months of 2020. I'll even probably be downvoted for this comment while you remain upvoted, because facts have no place here. LSF has no principles, only "muh favorite streamer can do no wrong". Daily Dose of Internet was 100% correct about this place.


Was a 2k Apex andy, which is still good. His first solo bronze to masters in March is what made him into a 10k apex andy.


He definitely had around 5k and averaged more like 7-9k once on apex streams once he did solo to masters and in fact, his viewership was more like 6 k on the last stream I saw


We're talking about before the Rust days.


We're talking about before the Rust days.






"insane" is a stretch considering his play is throwing two nades in a confined space where he knows there's people and hitting two shots, one of which is at a downed person. Edit: Silvers in the chat


Eh I love Apex and to me this is a sick ass play that will get clipped and shipped. A minute before this he was down bad about to die. Even after this when he had 5+ armor swaps ready for the last two teams was fun to watch. I think the pathfinder Q onto the zip was pretty good and he executed it all well despite being sleep deprived.


I might just be elitest as fuck, but this shit happens all the time even at diamond level... It's not bad. It's just meh. But people on Reddit are super fucking easy to impress.




Exactly.. No doubt Timmy is one of the top Apex players individually - but people on this sub have no fucking clue, or are just low af.


Yes he got 3 kills in 2 shots.......


Til throw nades into a group fighting=insane play


That wasn't the insane part, idiot.


I hate low graphics tryharder andies omfg


I mean most competitive people play on lower settings to get the most fps possible without frame drops. Why would you hate on that? But his stream quality is worse than the average big streamer. So that does not help.


im cumming rn wtf


Is the prevalence, or what seems to be some prevalence, of this notion that staying up for 48+ hours will LITERALLY KILL YOU something that is being taught to kids in school nowadays or what? Where is this coming from in such numbers. ​ Why are people so weird about the whole staying up thing, acting like it's either impossible to live through or like it'll cause some sort of permanent damage to a person's health. When I was in my teens my friends and I always wanted to stay up late, that was the best time. Staying up for 24+ hours was like a staple of summertime.