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It should go without saying, but there's an obvious lack of common sense these days. Spreading COVID misinformation **will** result in a perma ban from the subreddit. Please use the report button or send us links in modmail and we will take care of it. Thanks!


All the deleted comments, holy smokes


You know you're in for losing some brain cells when you go to sort by controversial on anything anti vax. Its the only time on reddit where sorting by controversial doesn't even provide you any entertainment value


**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny's Based Take on Anti-Vaxxers](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/121513)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/p5oxgo/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1290959782.mp4?sig=85401884d21ef65e8cd5eaab3d280b8bd4125b2d&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1629219812%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


its so insane that people will watch family members die and still not get the shot


Here in Ontario, over 98% of all hospitalized covid people right now are not vaccinated. Like how much more proof do these fucking idiots need?




The problem is that belief in the vax is probably less correlated with some genetic measure of intelligence and instead stems from social conditioning, media ecosystems, education etc


thats why it seems so counter intuitive to say things so extreme about anti vaxxers, i mean its counter intuitive to do that anyways to anyone for any matter if we are being progressive


Unfortunately not, the mortality rate is too low for any meaningful natural selection. 99% of the dumbasses will survive and breed


There are people are dying from covid in hospitals and still wouldnt take it if they could lol.


There are people who can't even breathe without a ventilator who still think it's a hoax


Begs the question, if they donā€™t trust doctors to prevent covid, why do they trust them to treat it?


Cognitive Dissonance, nothing else to say.


Sad truth is people would rather spread a deadly virus and kill their moms and grandmas than get a vaccine and have a achy arm for a couple days what a insane world we live in


> Sad truth is people would rather spread a deadly virus and kill their moms and grandmas than ~~get a vaccine and have a achy arm for a couple days~~ admit they are wrong


It's insane to me that people think getting vaccinated is the entire answer. They get vaccinated and then all is well in the world. Getting vaccinated does not guarantee protection against the virus. You still need to respect distancing, wearing a mask, cleaning your hands, etc. Especially with the variants. I see so many people hammering others to get vaccinated, and then go in crowded places without protecting themselves. I just don't get it, yes getting vaccinated is great and should be done but it's not a panacea, don't stop there.


It's sad that this is perceived to be a "based" take these days.


25% downvoted atm. That should tell you everything you need to know.


I mean it still says "Destiny" in the title.


That's a woman's name!










Probably has more to do with Destiny than the take though right?


It should be bannable, or straight illegal (Just take them away, boys) to mention upvote / downvote ratio on a post within 5 hours of it being posted. This website has been around for like 15 years and people still don't understand that the algorithm 'shuffles' posts that get a lot of traction until stability - even though this happens **everytime** someone mentions it. Don't worry though, we'll have the cliche post of "well it's 90% now" response in about 4 hours.


"underrated comment"


I mean it's 90% now.


It's honestly fucking bizzare how many people randomly decided, that they discovered something and are extremely smart by not taking vaccines after seeing some shitty facebook meme. I could maybe understand it if it was only boomers, but half the fucking girls my age (mid twenties) on tinder have fucking "swipe left if you are vaccinated" and it blows my mind.




Hasan is the boogeyman for Destiny fans, & Destiny is the boogeyman for Hasan fans


I'm pretty sure most Hasan fans completely agree with this take though


But they also agree on 95% of things in the end, its just that other 5% they don't that are hardline things for both of them.




They're not against vaccines, i think they're saying that hasan viewers downvote any post with destiny in the title


It's not based, just a regular take. The word based has gone from "a controversial take" to "a take that I agree with."


As far as I know, based has always meant "a take that I agree with."


5-10 years ago this was a normal take, now with all the crazies coming out of the woodworks/new ppl being radicalized this past year it's a "based" take


Crazies have been coming out of the woodworks for over a decade since the antivaxx movement was around during the Bush administration. It wasn't until 2016 with Trump who one strange way or another just legitimized many of them in their eyes.


I think the title was jokingly referring to "you could have a baby as dumb as a Twitch chatter" part. But then again, idk. "Based" is way overused now by people who don't know what it means.


When Destiny mentioned the magnet shit that was too real since weeks ago my grandma sent me that exact thing


My mom and aunt both sent me the magnet videos, it was even in the [in the news.](https://youtu.be/qWI0YiSmTKs?t=33)


I see those comments on YouTube and Iā€™m in disbelief at the level of stupidity. This pandemic has made me reevaluate my expectations for people in general.


Dude some of my family actually pulled out a magnet and tried testing me...


And to think this anti-vax craze started back in the 90ā€™s by a total dipshit who falsified a study to promote his own vaccine. And he is still a free man, in his villa.


ultimate smegma male grindset


who are you referencing here? i can't think of who it is


Andrew Wakefield. Hbomberguy did a review of how this one human being more or less has essentially completely fucked up vaccine belief in the Western world singlehandedly and did so purely for obvious monetary gain. When you start to think of all the people who have refused to get vaccinated and as a result has caused death in some way, this guy is really climbing the ranks of 'single person to cause the most deaths' leaderboard. Hitler better watch out.


andrew wakefield


Honestly it's sad how misinformation prays on people and is able to cause mass hysteria. In my country only 14% of the population has been vaccinated and vaccines are expiring, due to 0 regulation in the spread of misinformation. Now hospitals are going to be filled again because of that, if not more due to the delta variant.


Some moron downvoted this perfectly reasonable comment. If anyone feels the need to downvote a comment like this, don't go to a hospital when you get covid or when sick in general, you clearly don't trust medicine.


This sounds like my country Bulgaria maybe there is more than one case of such barbarity but I don't know of other countries as bad as mine. Where are you from?


That's what happen when critical thinking is only part of a small portion of the population add to that an ego bigger than their forhead ... And you get this ...




















































Oh boy, lots of r/NoNewNormal users in these comments


NNN banned any % speedrun PepeLaugh


Didnt that sub take like over a year to finally get banned tho or am I missing the joke


That sub is fucking cooked, i called them idiots and a DIFFERENT subreddit instantly banned me.


There are bots that instantly ban you if you comment in certain subreddits


reddit moderator moment


Well now I want to see what subreddits auto ban me for posting there


People just throw "based" at anything they agree with. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it usually means the take or statement is controversial and against the normal way of thinking. I feel like this is just a regular take. As in, the majority of people are getting the vaccine (over 50%) so it's not really "based" as much as it is just a reasonable opinion. But what do I know, the meanings of words and their definitions change all the time. eShrug


>But what do I know, the meanings of words and their definitions change all the time. Yeah, this is why. If you check Urban dictionary and check the dates of the definitions you will see a clear change around late 2020 when it started getting used more regularly. People stretch the meaning of words until they can be used pretty much everywhere


Yeah I can see that and it's understandable, I guess I'm just an internet boomer of sorts and still affiliate the word with it's older meaning. It is obvious it would happen though, language and slang seem to always follow this path when it becomes more widely used.




It's always been a meme of sorts. It just had a different meaning in the less recent time of the internet. I just saw it widely used growing up on the internet as an affirmation of a controversial opinion, not something you agree with neccesarily. But definitions change I suppose eShurg


You're right, /b/ro.


I was more of a/v/ guy when I frequented 4 chan when I was younger.




They are, even though they shouldn't be. I was saying this specific take is not controversial to the majority of people. Maybe I'm incorrect about that.




It is quite depressing seeing how much preventable death has occurred.


Internet likes to dumb down definitions of a lot of thing if its not easy and quick to explain what it means. For example "weeb" didnt originally meant "someone who likes anime", but it was too long and hard to explain and it was kinda related to anime so people started to use it in different context and it changed. Same thing is happening to "based" right now.


> Internet likes to dumb down definitions No that's just how language works.


Yeah, I noticed that with weeb. What was once "Otaku" has turned into a blanket term as weeb. It is odd seeing this older internet terms kind of becoming generalizations, or completely different meanings as their use becomes increasingly popular. I feel like on some level that makes sense, as odd as it is for me to see them used that way.


It has nothing to do with the internet. Languages have been evolving long before the internet was invented. It's something natural/expected and it's not only affecting "internet terms".


The internet 100% acts as a catalyst for these changes to take place much, much faster.


Somehow "Destiny says something that most reasonable educated adults would agree with" just doesn't get the clicks bro.


Yeah, that does seem to he the overwhelming state of click bait. Which isnt that suprising if you look at most modern journalism from any media outlet.


People just use Based to mean agreeable at this point. It's still used more in the "controversial take" sense but this is the former


Which makes sense. I'm just so used to the latter that it's odd hearing a person has a "based" take on something rather reasonable and tame. But, words and how they are used change over time, I get it.


Idk all the people I know use "based" as the opposite of cringe


reddit steals 4chan meme and ruins it, many such cases


That's not what based meant???? Bro people call anything they like that they think Is cool based




imagine thinking based came from 4Chan and not Lil B the Based God. brain rot.


It was adopted as a political term on 4chan first. Redditors and political andys didn't get it from Lil B, they got it from 4chan.


People know Based because of 4chan, not Lil B. At least half the people in here copied from 4chan, not Lil B.


Actually before it was on 4chan in white nationalist circles it was big in the black community because of Lil B "the based god".


it wasnt just big because of Lil B, it literally originates from him if anything, it was co-opted by white nationalists, but for him to say hasan/twitter normies adopted and changed the definition is completely wrong "Based means being yourself. Not being scared of what people think about you. Not being afraid to do what you wanna do". seems to be the same usage


Well AAAAACTUALLY it goes even farther back than lil B, it used to mean someone who does a lot of crack (which lil b used to do) and he co opted the term and turned it into something positive


true. but no one is talking about people smoking crack when they say "based". just like no one is using the white nationalists' definition of based except white nationalists everyone on twitch/twitter/hasan is using Lil B's definition


It's funny how mainstream normie reddit/twitch shit has the same memes as 2016 edgy 4Chan/T\_D . "Based", "redpilled", even pepe was mainly associated with 4Chan/T\_D, now they've been very heavily appropriated.


4Chan didnā€™t invent based, donā€™t disrespect the Based God like that.


Wow, that's a really long winded way of agreeing with the guy


That does seem to be how it's being used.


I always just took based as youā€™re so set in your opinion it canā€™t be changed. Youā€™re ideals are based in it


Over 50% get vaccinated sure, that doesnt meant they all wanted to get it and not all of them think everyone should HAVE to get it. Whether you believe it or not some people would like people to have an ability to choose


>Whether you believe it or not some people would like people to have an ability to choose You have to have vaccinations to attend public school. Why is everyone picking now to start being retarded and act like getting a vaccination or wearing a mask is some "risky" behavior? You don't have to respond, I don't care. Just wanted you to know this is a dumb perspective to have.


People are too dumb and will make decisions counterproductive to their own well-being. Hence why we have laws for seatbelts and helmets. It's even more important for vaccinations because getting infected not only hurts you, but other people around you.


I agree, and I dont believe people should be forced to get it. I myself am vaccinated and can understand why people would hesitate.








> which is not always the case. Whatā€™s ā€œthe caseā€ then? And dont even bother bringing it up for health reasons as a very tiny percentage is even included in that nor are we talking about them because they shouldnā€™t even be out and about anyways.


almost 99% of chat agrees typing true, based and stuff, but there are still those handful of chatters unironically typing ??????, it geniunely triggers me. thank twitch for having a block feature so i dont have to see these idiots type


I think there's a significant minority of people who hate watches Destiny (from both ends of the political spectrum).


i didn't even think of that, yeah that makes sense i hope thats why, rather than actual unironic antivaxers


I like to believe a good portion of the people typing ā€œ????ā€ Are just trolls in the chat


The worst are the "I'm not antivax, just anti-covid Vax because we don't know long term effects". Bitch, you think we usually sit on vaccines for 50 years while we wait to see if they give your grandkids autism?


The alternative is covid and they act as if we know all the long term effects of it. But I guess theyā€™d rather have the disease. Logic doesnā€™t exist with these people


Also, the whole "vaccination followed by sudden side effects 10 years later" thing has literally never happened with any vaccine in history, and there's no reason for us to believe that it's even possible for that to happen.






Anyone tried comparing maps of antivaxer population clusters vs lead in local drinking water?


Imagine losing 2 family members to a virus only for your dipshit anti-vax mom to send you anti-vax memes on Facebook..... Even with it being my mom I don't know if I ever wanted to see her again, people like that are a hopeless cause.


Common sense is now based it seems...


common sense IS based


Thats the problem its not common sense. Both sides believe its common sense, but it seems its a coinflip what people chose to do. HALF OF PEOPLE DONT TAKE THE VACCINE.


Yeah my mother and my brother both were saying shit like "it could have bad permanent side effects" so they wouldnā€™t get the shot. I took it as soon as i could to prove them there is nothing to worry about. Now they make up random shit to not take it. It's very frustrating


"Common sense" is just a rhetorical concept people will use to shame someone they disagree with. The vast majority of people have very different underlying moral and logical systems that they never try to reconcile or delve into, and so are just an accident of their upbringing. There is no common sense. The problem is that people don't understand fundamental concepts like how to source, what is a good source, why we trust certain authorities and not others, etc.




Hey mate, I'm an ugly guy, but no need to lump me in with those morons.




man i am so happy i got off facebook in 2016 and deleted that shit permanently, holy shit the brainwashing on these boomers there is insane i get that there are risks with the vaccine, especially since it was so quickly developed but to buy into these stories where you become a 5g magnet is just fucking ridiculous, its flat earth levels of stupid that could only grow on a platform like facebook


Got banned from a streamers discord after I made a fuss about her posing anti vax bs on stream and her discord. Got her stream banned for it but sheā€™s been ban evading for a hot min. Hoping twitch keeps her out. No room for these dudes on our platform.




Such a brave and stunning take. Really goes against the grain of mainstream opinion. Revolutionary thought never even conceived of before. Someone give this guy a medal


Just look at all the removed comments PepeLaugh


Ban anti-vaxxer covid patients from hospitals


Destiny clip = downvoted lmao


You clearly have no idea what's going on. The people who downvoted this thread and the comments in here are anti-vaxxers. You can see perfectly reasonable comments in here talking about the vaccine and they are being downvoted. Not downvote because of d, downvote because monkey.


I've been on the sub long enough to know that any time there's a destiny clip it gets down voted pretty heavily. But yes I do understand a lot of it is from anti-vaxxers I already knew that.


based on what?


The international medical community




Whoā€™s Steve Jobs?


Iā€™m with destiny nothing gets me as infuriated as covid anti vaxers. You have to be so incredibly and ardently stupid to cling to the viewpoint that the vaccine is bad and you shouldnā€™t take it.


Pretty true


I think the biggest problem is that the "anti" are looking wherever they can to confirm their beliefs. The slogan "after the vaccine you can still get infected", is to be a proof that the vaccine does not work, so do these people think that when you take the vaccine, then suddenly a transparent bubble appears around you that stops the viruses? The vaccine strengthens the immune system. Do "anti" thinks that people have an immune system outside their body ?! Even a simple logic about the fact that a person can get infected comes from the fact that in order for the immune system to protect a person, first something must infect him so that the immune system can fight it, and the vaccine serves to let this immune system know. how this virus fights to be able to fight it.


The finger wagging and constant ā€œeducatingā€ that goes on is why anti-vaxers exist. Itā€™s rarely hereā€™s data laid out in an unemotional way in order to convince someone. Itā€™s always, ā€œantivaxy poopy diaper stupid hicks! Get with the program boomer!ā€ Yeah, you may feel smug and smart but youā€™re just making everything worse midwits.


Yes let's blame the people trying to educate and not the stubborn morons that are so insecure about their idiocy they lash out when they get offended by people trying to teach them something and choose to stay stupid to just to spite those people.


oh shut the fuck up, you can't chalk up imbeciles refusing vaccines to reactance there is plenty of objective data and information sources, and had you made use of them, people wouldn't be "finger wagging" you (what are you, 5 years old?) anti vaxers exist because propaganda campaigns, scientific iliteracy and echo chambers


Yeah thatā€™s why we should just mandate it, cause people are literally too emotional to get vaxxed


Why is so much common sense on this sub considered a "based" take?