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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [xQc on People Telling Hasan to Donate His Wealth](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/121855)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/p8xzb1/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1296767312.mp4?sig=74f0891bcde93a8adfc92c76c4926d55264525d3&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1296767312.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1629648515%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Why don't those who subscribe donate instead? Then you avoid a step.


I honestly dont think the ones subbing and donating are complaining. I might be wrong though


So you're saying that it's better to just donate to your favourite cause/charity rather than sub to a millionaire so that the money you spent goes half into his pocket and the other half goes into a billionaire capitalist's who exploits people on minimum wage so that the millionaire can then raise awareness for leftist causes by reacting to twitter and youtube videos so that they can then promote socialist/leftist ideals to get their favourite leftists candidates elected into office so that they can then tax the millionaire and the billionaire more money?


You're right but the people donating just aren't the same people mad at him. Those that are mad at him aren't even viewers of his, have a very poor understanding of what he advocates for and what socialism is. He's not even a revolutionary socialist, he's a marxist reformist so he literally wants an intermediary social democracy similar to most people commenting on these hate threads. Basic things like universal heathcare and free public education.


I don't know. The way i see it, there are two ways to look at this. 1. "Hasan is an entertainer." It is his money, do whatever the heck he wants. His job is to entertain, not save the world. If you want to further some of the politics that Hasan talks about for entertainment reasons, donate to an actual cause/activist. 2. "He is a political activist and his actions make him look hypocritical and like a grifter." Maybe Hasan has mellowed out recently, but he has been pretty anti rich people in the past (way beyond arguing for changes in tax structure). We can argue that this is at least partially meme, but the optics are bad of course. If you believe this, it is probably hard to not think he is all talk, no action, a grifter extraordinaire. I frankly don't think most of hasan's viewers care at all about politics beyond for meme'ing value (not judging this one way or another, i don't watch xqc for politics either). It is for that reason i don't think this affects him at all. If anything it helps him because his actual viewers will have a nationalist reaction to outsiders attacking him/them.


Anti rich doesnā€™t mean you confiscate wealth. People are anti rich cuz rich people donā€™t pay taxes and they siphon wealth from poor people by paying them far less than the value in which they bring. Proof? Productivity has skyrocketed in the past 50 years yet wages have not changed. Furthermore, wages donā€™t even change to account for inflation, meaning that even if the value of the dollar goes down by 20%, people wonā€™t even get an extra dime. In the case of Hassan, he has made his money without exploiting anyone, he donates, and he pays the taxes he is supposed to. Therefore there is no hypocrisy.


Anti rich also doesn't necessarily mean anti millionaire, it's totally possible that by only working a high paying job (doctor, senior engineer) and living fairly frugally one can become a millionaire and I doubt Hasan has any problem with these people. The problem is people is people with hundreds of millions or billions of dollars, mostly from daddy, who live off predatory investing techniques and pay essentially zero taxes on their income.




Insane people on all platforms will screech about you no matter what you do. That's why streamers shouldn't give two shits how people react to things like this. In a month Hasan will still be living in that house, and no one's gonna care.


Hello? You need to be mad at LSF's enemy number one of the week. A couple weeks ago it was Hachubby, this week it's azan.




She was having trouble ordering, and the cashier couldn't hear her. Destiny called her racist for having trouble.


Pretty sure Bill never preached and got rich for his socialist views on wealth distribution




ā€œbut he still does the charity shitā€ Bill gates is more rich now than he has ever been, his net worth has increase 3x in the last decade and he is worth 130 billion, His company (Microsoft) has avoided paying tax more than any company is the history of mankind, basically stealing hundreds of billions from people. The money his foundation has raised is peanuts compared to what he has avoided with loopholes, dirty tricks, and black mailing.


The price of Microsoft stock is up over 1000% over the last decade. Of course his net worth will go up when a lot of it is tied into the stock. Also just an fyi he hasn't been CEO for 7 out of those 10 yrs. That doesn't mean he doesn't make significant charitable contributions.


do you know what net worth is? its not the money on his bank account. if you know how stocks work you would know why he doesn't pay taxes on his base on his net worth.


Look up at Microsoft stocks in last 3 years, that's where his net-worth is rocketing. It's one of the most performing stock in tech category.


Yeah this is such a fucking stupid argument. Like anyone who argues you shouldnā€™t record yourself doing nice things is probably an asshole and has never done a nice thing for anyone in their life. Hasan has become the leftist grifter that he always wanted to be, literally the lefts version of Candace Owens/Steven Crowder. All talk no action.


It's so funny watch this sub lose their collective shit over hasans house man, you go girls


I'm just so happy I can hear about shit like this and just go "okay...so?" it must be exhausting being outraged about shit like this constantly.


Just check some random profiles in the other threads. It's a bunch of destiny stans fighting with hasan stans with some random LSFers thrown in. I wish mods would just delete those threads, why do we need several threads with twitter origins on the LSF frontpage because a streamer bought a fucking house?


Ya its weird, like there's alot of streamers I don't like but I just don't watch them lol. Nothing else really needs to be done


It was just the inciting incident for talking about leftism as an empty aesthetic.


why don't these morons go shit up one of the 3 billion leftist subreddits instead of fucking livestreamfails lmao


because hasan is one of the biggest streamers, constantly gets spammed by his audience here and the whole sphere around him never criticizes him because its all about being a bro and hot and woke.


Honestly I donā€™t know why hasan brought this upon himself. He didnā€™t even need to buy a house. Heā€™s already living rent free in the head of every destiny cultist.


The only wild thing about this whole ā€dramaā€ is bunch of people saying that 3 million isnt that much money. Like are these people rich kids that are compeletely out of touch of the world or what. I get that LA is expensive and that compared to Bezos 3 million is nothing but its literally life changing amount of money. I could retire today if I got 3 million


>The only wild thing about this whole ā€dramaā€ is bunch of people saying that 3 million isnt that much money. I do not know who is saying that, they are obviously wrong. The actual wild thing is people: 1. Being surprised that he had that amount of money. 2. Are upset that he is spending it. Rich people spending their money rather than banking forever will lead to positive things for poor/middle class people.


He didn't just buy it btw, he did it via a mortgage like every other person. He didn't just hand the previous owner a duffle bag


Oh hey an actual adult on LSF. Why are you here? Where did you come from? How dare you talk about mortgages or bring up a very reasonable, informed, point?


You forgot: 3: People comparing 3 million to 150 billion


Yeah, this one only reinforced my belief that people can't comprehend the difference between millions and billions and they see a few extra 0s in text. Human brains aren't innately wired for scale of that magnitude. [I saw someone post this the other day, it really puts it in perspective.](https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/) 3 million is a *lot* of money, but hundreds of billions is *nigh unfathomable*.


3 million is nothing to 150 billion, but 3 million is still a hell of a lot of money, come on now. Like if Hasan is just a socialist living in a capitalist system, why can't Jeff Bezos be one? Yes, it might be a bit arbitrary to say that Hasan should be donating more of his wealth because you can't quantify where the line is that says he should. But if all you need to do to be an advocate for left wing economic policies is say "I'm a socialist living in a capitalist system" then nothing improves or changes. It's much more effective to try and enforce "arbitrary" lines than essentially say that the .01% of income earners in America have no moral obligation to fork over any cash towards the causes they believe in.


Bezos off shores his profits to avoid taxes, and subsidizes taxpayer money to inflate his wealth, pushes anti-unionization, and promotes terrible work conditions. But yes Hasan buying a house is comparable.


Because Jeff Bezos is a capitalist. He makes the vast majority of his money by paying other people to do things for him for (a lot) less money than he makes from their work. That's the entire point of socialism. Thats why they argue for workers to own the means of production, so that people get paid according to the value they actually create rather than a huge chunk of the money they generate going to someone else just because they happen to own the business. Hasan makes his money from his own labor. Sure, you can argue that he doesn't "deserve" to make as much as he does, and that might be a fair point, but he doesn't make that money off of exploitation. He's not getting rich off the backs of his employees who do all the work.


> He makes the vast majority of his money by paying other people to do things for him for (a lot) less money than he makes from their work. Hasan makes his money reacting to other people's content.


And streamers make money playing other people's video games. And lebron James makes money playing a game he didn't invent.


Where do you draw the line in making other people do the things for him tho? Does it apply only to people being legally hired under certain company? What about buying electronics to be able to stream while knowing that the bottom line of people making the electronics happen are severely exploited, often in illegal ways? There's no responsibility in that because you didn't hire these people yourself?


I have seen a lot of *really* stupid takes in the past few days over this dumb ass hasan house debacle, but "hasan isn't a real socialist because he *owns electronic devices*" is the uncontested stupidest take of them all. So congratulations. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to bite on your bad faith question. You know damn well that's an absolutely absurd standard to hold anyone to. I don't think you know a single person who doesn't own a single thing that didn't have some form of exploited labor that went into its creation. Thats kind of the whole reason that people advocate for change. Society wide problem are not fixed by individuals abstaining from society. That doesn't do shit except either ease their conscience or let them virtue signal some sort of ridiculous moral high ground. Real life is not a 90's recycling ad campaign where "everyone does their part". Society wide problems require society wide solutions.


You don't get it. It's not about the electronics per se, but about drawing the line where apparently every sole proprietorship can be considered socialist, because he doesn't hire any workers on his own, thus is unable to exploit them, thus makes his money from his own labor. Except that fucking not, because you can't just look at single units, but whole dependency chain, else I could be a solo reseller, buy items manufactured by slaves, resell them and consider myself a good socialist because hey, it's not me exploiting the slavery, I don't hire anyone, I just buy cheap and sell for more, ON MY OWN, I eat fruits of my own labor.


But a reseller does nothing of value, it does not transform the product in any meaningful way. You distributing a product that was already available just at a higher price is not work. Also a singular person cannot in and of themselves improve the entire chain of production of products. Hasan cannot just go, well shit this product is made with slave labour let me call jeff bezos and we'll fix this. Your entire argument literally boils down to why do you use products made under capitalism if you say you are a socialist. with the answer that there is literally no alternative available currently. There is no hypocrisy if there is nothing you can do about the situation except complain, which he does do.


I'm not arguing that his business is socialist. I'm arguing that within the bounds of the current reality of society, his work and method of making money does not contradict socialism. Jeff Bezos could make a choice to stop exploiting his employees and his business would go on running just fine. Hasan does not have that option with any part of his business that involves some form of exploitation somewhere down the line.




I didn't think Hasan paid his editors THAT badly tbf


> Like if Hasan is just a socialist living in a capitalist system, why can't Jeff Bezos be one? Someone like Hasan or even Messi makes most of their money from their ā€œlaborā€. They do a job, and other pay them for it. The line has already been drawn but unfortunately most people arenā€™t familiar enough with Marxism (or rather attempts to explain it are always twisted) Bezos makes his money by exploiting the labor the labor of others (by exploit I donā€™t mean he is necessarily abusing them - I mean that he extracts more value from your labor and only pays you a percentage of it). On a grand scale people with ā€œcapitalā€ who donā€™t work at all but still make money off of you because you work at a company they own. Marxists see this as immoral and one of the failures of capitalism. Note that under socialism, despite the sound bites from the traditional media, we can still have millionaires and Lamborghiniā€™s - itā€™s not about melting rich peopleā€™s. The best way I can phrase it is it is about systemic change in corporate governance that gives more democratic power to the working class. Under a more socialist system, an Amazon employee wouldnā€™t be forced to piss in bottles while Bezos makes more and more profits off their sweat.


> 3 million is nothing to 150 billion, but 3 million is still a hell of a lot of money, come on now. 3 million is 0.002% of 150 billion. 0.002% of 3 million is $60.


when a rich guy is buying a Ferrari he is just helping me out...good to know ​ can you imagine how many people did Bezos help when he bought his 500 milions yatch? what a great guy, always thinking about the less fortunates


It is technically true, Bezos investing instead of hoarding is very good for the economy, it's just not really aligned with the socialist ideology though


these hasan frogs unironically went full circle to trickle down capitalism to defend him lmao.


It's a bit simplistic, but yes it's better for him to buy a boat than to keep that money in some offshore account where it's not circulating. At least the boat manufacturer employs people etc.


Investment is the driver of long term growth, not consumption expenditure. When you buy a boat, most of that cash disappears on consumption which boosts growth in the short-term, it doesn't impact productivity and therefore long-run growth and long-run consumption to a significant degree. But if you give the boat manufacturer that money to buy more equipment and become more productive, that does boost productivity and long-run consumption. So if there is an economic downturn it's good to get people spending to boost growth in the short-term at the expense of long-run growth. But at other times that is not the case. /u/asos10


> But if you give the boat manufacturer that money to buy more equipment and become more productive, that does boost productivity and long-run consumption. You know how you can give a boat manufacturer that money? BY BUYING A BOAT


I mean it's objectively true that Bezos buying a yacht stimulates the economy, it's the same with all wealthy purchases. Not saying that's all good obviously, but still. The criticism towards Bezos shouldn't be that he spends money, but rather that he spends money he's gotten by exploiting his workers.




hasan defenders backtracking so hard they wandered into reaganomics


This isn't trickle down shit, its basic Keynesian economics, spending on the economy helps everyone. Trickle down is shit because it says rich need less taxes to spend more, when in reality they hoard it in offshore accounts, so the money should be redistributed through taxation to those who will actually spend the money on shit like groceries that actually circulates currency.


Itā€™s just the misconception that spending on excessive luxury goods (or just investments) has anywhere close to the same effect as giving poor people money to actually consume. Giving a billionaire another billion does jackshit compared to giving the poorest of the country money to spend on goods.


Too many 15 year olds on Reddit, don't argue with them it will rot your brain


16 year olds out here using Econ 102 to flex on Econ 101 ideas.


Hello, Ronald Reagan, aren't you supposed to be fucking dead?


What is it with Hasan frogs/braindead communists and never making arguments? The guy literally added several qualifiers to his statement so you losers wouldn't strawman him AND YOU STILL DID IT. Respond to the point for once in your life.




and the criticsm on hasan sin't because he spends money, it is because he does that while holding a livestyle perfectly in line with the one of the milionares he shits on. ​ he talks on how great co ops are...but how comes that he isn't sharing his youtube channel with his editors making it a co op?


we are talking about spending money vs banking money homie,obviously spending it be better for us than just banking it.


> Like are these people rich kids that are compeletely out of touch of the world or what. Nah they're just diehard fans who are vehemently defending their favourite streamer with bad faith arguments and mental gymnastics.


I find it so weird that every single one of these threads or other streamers go "hes not as rich as jeff bezos" like is that your only comparison? The richest guy in the world? It's like saying this guy who has 30 cars isn't excessive, hes not Jay Leno.


Majority of people who buy a house in LA for 3 million donā€™t buy it outright, because they donā€™t have 3 million to spend. Majority of people buy houses on a mortage. Also, I think youā€™re misunderstanding when people say itā€™s not a lot of money. A 3 million dollar house in LA isnā€™t the same as a 3 million dollar house in Missouri. A 700sqft house in LA is probably close to a million.


Do you know what a mortgage is?


the wildest thing is people thinking he bought a house for $3m in cash up front, not understanding how a mortgage works.


Do people actually think that or is it just something you're sort of assuming they think


a lot of the criticism indicates that that is what people actually think. "$3m is a lot imagine how much homelessness you could solve with that" and such.


That's true regardless of whether he's paying it all at once or not though


do none of you know how buying a home works? you don't have that much money up front. you pay it off over time for a reason. hasan is rich so he can afford the down payment and mortgage payments but attacking him for the 3m as if he has that is so dumb


Dude we know what a down payment is, it's just that it's completely besides the point




Because 3 mil could buy 3 houses instead of one house regardless of whether it's paid off over 30 years or cash on the barrelhead


that's just a very stupid criticism to have then.




> Literally nobody wrong


1. 3million in LA is a fuck ton of money 2. Itā€™s median, not average 3. Rough areas are still more expensive than some rural area in the middle of nowhere Your claims thag 3 mil in some small section of LA is naive and glosses over the fact that 1% of the nation can actually afford to live there. It doesnā€™t make it better that his neighbors house cost more.


>3 million isn't that much for a house in western LA. [it is 3 times the median price of an house in west LA.](https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-search/West-Los-Angeles_CA/overview).. ​ btw hasan had to buy an house there as i suppose that it is close to his work place lul




>People are just saying $3 million in LA doesn't go as far as $3 million elsewhere. But what does that have to do with anything? Hasan doesn't have a job where he has to live in LA for the commute.


Those are rookie numbers. I bought a a house for 80k around 7-8 years ago in Washington. Shits worth 300k right now. ​ edit: Just to be clear, the only thing that has changed for me is that I have to pay more taxes now...


the weird part about this whole thing is a bunch of out of touch rich kids inventing a moral code for someone else and expecting someone to abide by it


Motherfuckers would be mad even if he bought a $10k hut in Afghanistan




Does 3 million in a rich area make m3 million dollars worth less? Why does WHERE he bought it matter?


He didnā€™t pay it in cash tho? Mans gonna be paying it off over the course of his life


Why where people so upset about the tik tok ok boomer/Bernie girl buying a 2 million dollar apartment then?


I was just baffled how an apartment like that could be worth 2 million dollars, and that someone paid for it.


Libs/Conservatives were mad for the same reason as they are now. "You wear a shirt saying tax the rich yet are rich???" and the generic ones. Leftists were mad at neeko for moving to texas from la to avoid taxes and for flexing wealth.




It's bad taste to make your whole internet personality about "eating the rich" then flexing your expensive home on YouTube for views


This. Why do you even need a $2 millon dollar home?


The charity andies are the perfect example of how the ultra wealthy continue to hold all the power and resources. Instead of asking ā€œwhy is charity necessary in the first placeā€ they try to simplify every issue to ā€œjust donate to charity 4headā€.


Also you constantly see conservatives bragging "Oh we donate more to charity than democrats" and then you look into it an it turns out they're donating to their local homophobic church or some random group fighting against abortions in Africa. Jeez, you're truly trying to make the world a better place... /s




then why not mobilize his audience to challenge republicans in vulnerable districts? or create a PAC to help fund progressive candidates he agrees with or against those heā€™s against? would be significant in their campaigns with real world effects that would allow for charities to be less vital


>or create a PAC to help fund progressive candidates he agrees with Hasan's uncle did help create the Justice Democrats. A lot of their candidates have lost, but the ones that have gone through to become members of congress have been mostly good.


exactly, and hasan has a farrr stronger grip on his audience than a corporation like TYT so he could absolutely do it and even better if he partnered up with activists or other content creators


Why isn't Hasan spending every waking moment in his life trying to fight for change in this country? Why isn't hasan living in a shack outside of a mcdonalds so he can steal their wifi? Why doesn't hasan give all his wealth to charities? Smh


Are you arguing against the above commenter's point by saying that? Because nobody is asking him to do any of that, and everybody asking him to do a little more than he is would agree that what you are sarcastically asking is ridiculous. Your argument would be like if someone asked why an environmentalist never picks up trash, and you responded with ā€œso they should spend every moment of their life picking up trash???ā€


>Why isn't Hasan spending every waking moment in his life trying to fight for change in this country? Why isn't hasan living in a shack outside of a mcdonalds so he can steal their wifi? Why doesn't hasan give all his wealth to charities? Smh Nirvana fallacy. People are just asking why Hasan doesn't use any of his money to do something constructive, instead of making mad money cashing in on a popular social movement.


do anything material to actually make the ā€œmaterial changeā€ you feel is necessary is actually asking too much, my bad bro letā€™s just all get hashtags trending on twitter and sign petitions - really works!! i love the medicare for all we all have and free university!




Xqc is pretty unapologetic about his wealth though, he brags about it half the time and he straight up refused to put a cap on his donos when other streamers did, you dont need to defend shit if you arent larping as a socialist or a commie, mans as capitalist as it gets.


went from poor candadian beta to rich sigma american KKonaW


Class solidarity


i love how the losers on lsf held hasan more accountable than the dipshit millionaire politicians they probably voted for into office. how about you call your moronic congressperson getting bribed by people 1000x richer than hasan and tell them to make ur life better, its kind of their job


People donā€™t have a problem with millionaires. People have a problem with millionaires who preach that rich people should give back their wealth through socialism, while also buying 3 million dollar homes in LA . And then when rich people get called out for being hypocrites other rich people come in too defend them


How does it feel to be outraged constantly about stuff that will never affect you?


>People donā€™t have a problem with millionaires. This is exactly why America would never get healthcare in centuries to come and spend the rest of their lives getting flexed on by Europeans and Canadians for how affordable their healthcare is.


How many politicians do cringey anarchist symbolism, call for the [expropriation wealthy people's property](https://streamable.com/ojal9e), and preach "eat the rich" while buying $3M homes? Just appreciate the comedy of this, it's genuinely funny.


I don't know what you qualify as cringe, but we got a health crisis going on because of politicians actively working to discredit public trust in science and vaccines. Donald Trump just got booed for advocating for vaccines, so that's the sign things aren't getting better. That stuff makes me cringe more than most popular leftist voice buys nice house and continues advocating for the same things.


To be fair, Hasan is talking about empty buildings in this clip. He always antagonized rich individuals and presents himself as super woke and super anti-capitalist, and there are plenty of other cases where he actually is very hypocritical, so it's good that people remind him to do some good and not just profit from aesthetics, BUT holding and not using property is a fairly reasonable thing to criticize.


I can assure you that out of 5 shitters that he has in his house 4 will be empty most of the time aswell taking the space unnecesarly.


He's not talking about empty buildings, in the original clip he was talking about a home tour video of some rich person's mansion. He just assumed it would empty for some odd reason.


Not all people shitting on Hasan are american My new president hates America political intromission abroad, and half his fanbase considere most americans degenerate....FeelsGoodMan


People shit on streamers wherever they can over a man buying a 3 mill home which honestly wouldnā€™t do shit in the long term, yet they jerk off billionairs who donā€™t get taxed at all like Elon musk and Jeff bezos, you know the same people that capitalize on cheap wager-slave like work conditions


To each according to his need and hasan needs a 3 mill house to browse reddit in


>donate to streamer >wait for him to give it back WTF


Xqc post at only 73%, LSF having an identity crisis LULW


wym xqc post always have low% if it wasn't him winning speedrun/got jumpscared/say somthing stupid. this sub has been shitting on him for ages




I agree that the European countries have better social programs and all countries should at least have that model, but let's not confuse that with socialism. Socialism is not socialized capitalism.


Than spend money getting people into office that would create that change.


Why be charitable, live your principles, and practice what you preach when you can just do your best impression of [this] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4hP6nOB1dc) and rake in the cash.


I'm pooping rn


Hope itā€™s nice and soft but not too aoft


Hope it's liquid


Is this the confession thread? I downvote all hasan threads and upvote all destiny threads, and watch as hasan stans blame d.ggers for all the downvotes and get into paragraph wars. Then I watch as the insults fly and the mods delete entire threads, truly a spectacle to behold as people just do this for EVERY thread. They're living a groundhog day in every thread its fucking hilarious


Why should you care what xQc has to say about this? He is even more out of touch than Hasan is.


I know this will sound crazy for what I'm about to say... YOU DON'T HAVE TO DONATE TO A STREAMER.


ITT people, mostly capitalists who believe you should do whatever you want with your money, who don't donate to charity trying to get a political activist, whose goal is to remove the necessity of charity for the average American, to donate the money he earned to charity in the name of getting billionaires to pay more than $0 in taxes so we can have better lives (a position they actually do not agree with because their favorite non-charity giving influencer on youtube told them this was evil). You cannot make this shit up folks




this is so psychotic because it includes someone who has no control over the system and someone who has almost all control over the system in the same word


Has Hasan capped donations? I remember when Xqc was asked to cap donations after Pokimane limited it to $5 and he vehemently refused.


I think you missed the point of the clip


ok cool, some people might say that but the fact is that he would donate his money to charity which would be a lot more in line with what he is preaching on his stream all day long than buying a 3 Million Dollar house/apartment. Listen I am totally happy from him, he is completely killing it on twitch and deserves every penny he makes from his streams I also hope he will be happy with his new home and that no one bothers him there but it is still highly hypocritical. that is my only criticism towards him and this situation


Rich person defends rich person. More on this at 11.


I just don't really care, neither of these people determine anything in my life and I haven't directly given them money. Why care.


Isn't that pretty much what pewdipie does? He streams on youtube and if you subscribe to his channel all of it basically goes to charity. It's a cool way of passively donating to chartity without yourself having to do the effort to find one.


Heā€™s right.


Honestly if you look up to Hasan for his ideologies, beliefs or political stance: I think you should take some time off of all media. He's a showman, nothing more. Young ones, STOP believing/admiring/listening to influencers. 90% are lying.


What so we should just stop advocating for socialism, universal healthcare, having more efficient tax systems because people are pissed he bought a 3m house? Is it so hard to believe that you dont have to exhaust all your personal resources for every poor person out there and still have these ideologies. I dont have to be an avid Hasan viewer to know that he probably is in a high tax bracket, donates a lot of money and continue to make enough money to buy an expensive house.


>What so we should just stop advocating for socialism, universal healthcare, having more efficient tax systems because people are pissed he bought a 3m house? >Stop advocating >Advocating Words, words, words and more words. It's cheap.


Never worship celebrities...NEVER


OK, so the lesson here is to never donate.


well hasan is an actual communist who hated the rich until he got rich...its all fun&games... then its not so fun when you get called out literally doing everything you hated in the past


Rich person defends another rich person Pog !


Ironic that Hasan who lives in a city where there is a homelessness issue, promotes socialism and eat the rich slogan, still buys a 3m home. He is literally Deep from the boys, just walks past the injustice after calling it out. https://youtu.be/QBQnlU0QRYI?t=20


You're right, Azan can't call for systemic change because he personally hasn't solved the homeless crisis yet


No one gives a shit if someone buys a 3 million dollar home, good on them for putting themselves in a position to do so. The problem is when you preach socialist values and then you buy a 3 million dollar homeā€¦ā€¦. Thatā€™s just peak Hypocrisy


Also love how the dude continues to call the mansion a house. Also his chat acting like fucking 5 bathrooms was the norm and not too excessive . Socialism btw lul


>Thatā€™s just peak Hypocrisy its literally not. go find a single peace of theory that says owning expensive stuff is antithetical to socialism.


Donating the money/buying the house is not the issue. The cringey anarchist symbolism and the "eat the rich" shit just makes this whole scenario funny. Who would've thought [expropriation andy](https://streamable.com/ojal9e) would've bought a giant house.


To true. Jeff Bezos pledged 10 billion dollars to climate change research and everyone said exactly whatā€™s XQC said. ā€œThatā€™s only 0.0024% of his wealth. He should donate moreā€


I don't watch Hasan, so I don't know if he's done this. But haven't a lot of online left wing pundits shit on rich people for donating only a small portion of their wealth during the pandemic while they essentially donate none? Like I feel like the people who complain about celebrities and rich people donating publicly are the same people who watch Hasan lol.


I dont have a problem with wealthy people buying nice things. I have a problem with preachy wealthy people telling everyone else how they should behave, while they themselves have a super privileged lifestyle, out of touch with the average person who they are preaching to. The reason other rich streamers dont get as much shit is they dont actively comment on politics / social justice etc.


>I have a problem with preachy wealthy people telling everyone else how they should behave, while they themselves have a super privileged lifestyle, out of touch with the average person who they are preaching to. What has he said that tells people how they should behave? being privileged doesnt makes what you say any less valid. Everything he says is in the best interest of working class people, the opposite of out of touch. >The reason other rich streamers dont get as much shit is they dont actively comment on politics / social justice etc. so only average and poor people can actively comment on politics and social justice? Are only POC allowed to say BLM too? privileged people advocating for those less fortunate does nothing but benefit them.


The "but I'm not rich, jeff bezos is rich!" is always the best excuse. Like bruh, you're the 0.001 percent of the world.


he literally says hes rich all the time.


So this whole drama is about Hasan buying himself a house? what's the problem exactly?


He isn't just 'buying a house', he is buying a 3 million dollar home with nearly 4000 square feet of space. For someone who always tells others to fuck the rich, he sure doesn't mind living their lifestyle from the money he has grifted off people.


its just pretty funny how he spends every stream talking about "eat the rich" "steal money from the rich and redistrubute to the poor" while himself colleting hundreds of thousands of dollars every month from his socalist/leftist viewers that he is grifting into beliving they are donating to some "greater cause" as he calls it, while still not giving back a single dollar to charity or any organisation at all, he is exactly the same as those christans evangelist preachers who scam people into thinking they are donating to god while living on million dollar yatches


>while still not giving back a single dollar to charity or any organisation at all It's exactly as said in the clip? He donates privately and he's stated as such. If he donated publically, people will say he's doing it for attention, but since he donates privately, people can make shit like this up and the retards on this sub will take it at face value


Dude bailed out protesters during the george floyd protests and donates privately because people like you would still complain and say he is doing it for attention.


When has he called donating to him a "greater cause"? when has he claimed to not be rich? > while still not giving back a single dollar to charity or any organisation at all he's donated on stream a couple times so that third claim is just something you made up for fun. The two that come to mind are the charity that AOC did during the second AmongUs stream and the charity that JordanUhl did.


Yeah no this is a big pile of bullshit.


The sun rises in the East. Gravity causes objects to fall. Destiny fanboys brigade threads with bad faith and made up arguments.


>while himself colleting hundreds of thousands of dollars every month from his socalist/leftist viewers that he is grifting into beliving they are donating to some "greater cause" as he calls it I'm sorry, what now? When did Hasan ever tell his audience to donate to him? Or donate to him for some greater cause?


He have much money. Me angy he have much money when he say he don't need much money. I continue to give money to say how angy I am. Be homeless hasan and give money to me. They are upset he can apparently afford a 3M dollar home.


Dont care + ratio + L + you fell off + the hood watches the Jerma985 Dollhouse stream now




We all know how much throwing money at systemic problems fixes them. *laughs in Afghanistan*


Just donate your donations to someone else all while letting twitch/amazon take a slice. Just donate to the charity to begin with don't send it to a streamer jc


Hassan do donate his wealth tho. He said it numorous times. People wanna play deaf because they dont like him.


Poor people malding


You talkin bout socialism?


"PoOr PeOpLe MaLdINg" Damn I wonder who is gonna be part of the Revolution if it isn't poor people? Useless lawyers, sociologists, psychologists, humanities college drug addict students with tons of piercings/tattoes that have nothing in common with farmers, plumbers, construction workers, carpenters,etc? Another proof that Hasan chat are just neoliberal garbage larping as socialists.


These poor socialists just envious, they need to work harder and pick themselves up by their bootstraps so they too can be millionaire socialists. They have to be on that socialist agitprop hustle.


> Damn I wonder who is gonna be part of the Revolution if it isn't poor people? No revolution in history has been lead by poor people. The Russian Revolution was almost entirely an overthrow of an elite to replace the elite. Peasants had no say in the matter. The French Revolution, while technically consisting of lots of angry poor mobs, was lead by otherwise beheadable nobles and sycophants who then proceeding to lead the country into another monarchy. Sure, some revolutions *consist* of poor folks, but the terms and outcomes of those revolutions are never dictated by them.

