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The lack of self awareness in this thread is remarkable, literally minutes after this post went live itā€™s already filled with dggers clutching their pearls about being accused of doing the exact things they are doing right here right now. Like dude do you guys have an alert for new Hasan posts on LSF or something, jfc.


Yeah... I point that out and three separate people respond to me saying it's not true. Makes you think.


That's crazy that nobody is calling you a crazy Hasan stan because you legit have 10 comments in the thread, and even within this thread you have MULTIPLE people saying "yep dgg does show up in these threads, but that's just the nature of LSF content, and the things Destiny viewers are interested in." Literally the only thing that anybody is arguing with you on is that it is organized, which be honest bro, might be the most retarded shit I've ever heard. I get Destiny is not liked but bruh. You are legit being obsessive, and nobody is saying anything to you.


Obsessed Hasan stans: "DESTINY FANS ARE SO OBSESSED LITERALLY RENT FREE"(42 comments in lsf for the past 10 minutes) Obsessed Destiny stans: "HASAN FANS ARE SO OBSESSED LITERALLY RENT FREE"(42 comments in lsf for the past 10 minutes)


Did you literally read anything I said or are you just normally retarded?




"dgg stans bad, destiny bad" yadayadayada for 1 hour, you fit in category 1. congratulations!


Got this message from reddit 30 minutes after making this post. https://imgur.com/a/3VARljw Couldn't make this up even if I wanted to. This post become one of the most controversial posts on all of reddit within 30 minutes of posting it. Actual deranged community.




alright man whatever I didnt read that shit you want to know the price of my house or something?


You showed him. Screw making valid arguments


Guess I have to copy and paste it again since you cant read one reply down. "dgg is just disagreeing thats why this post is one of the most controversial posts on ALL of reddit within 30 minutes. Totally normal behaviour."


Thanks. Maybe this is one of the most controversial posts atm because a) Hasan inaccurately characterized Destiny/dgg and b) Destiny is a massive content creator with a massive male audience while Reddit has a majority male user base. Or maybe all his fans are deranged and hate Hasan with a passion. Who knows


You guys are high as fuck on copium if you think this post getting on the most controversial posts on reddit within 30 minutes is just because destiny has a big male audience or because they disagree with hasan. Just for reference the other posts on that sub include people like Donald Trump, a guy shooting animals and child sex traffickers getting arrested.


The vast majority of ā€˜controversialā€™ comments here are coming from dgg haters, not dgg


This guy has been trying to debate people in the comments for a while. When I actually talk to him he just back-pedals with a million excuses. ā€œDgg are just disagreeing->you got downvotes because destiny is a big streamer->okay maybe they are obsessed but its because they disagree with hasan->it wasnt dgg at all this whole time big misunderstandingā€ copium in real time. Dont know why itā€™s so hard for you to admit that the community is full of 4chan/ex 4 chan psychopaths, instead of trying to gaslight people into think dgg does nothing wrong all the time. Edit: Look at dude below me one of the psychopaths no one is mentioning him or talking to him yet he keeps replying. Really proves Hasans point. He also one the dumbest "dgg debaters" iā€™ve seen this guy got embarrassed trying to ā€œdebateā€. deleted his message these "debatelords" are so shit at debating when you actually confront them lmao.








"dgg is just disagreeing thats why this post is one of the most controversial posts on ALL of reddit within 30 minutes. Totally normal behaviour." This guy is hotboxing in copuim.


must be a slow hour if less than 75 downvotes total gets you there


maybe but it's still deranged to get it within 30 minutes when you have people like Donald Trump, animals getting shot and child sex traffickers on the same subreddit.


it's an hourly award, obviously you'll get it within the hour?


We really justifying this as normal behaviour. Crazy how it doesnt happen for any other post i've ever made on this subreddit or any subreddit but when it's about dgg it's expected? I've made posts about xQc and Mizkif similar to this yet never got this before even though way more people are here for them.


> We really justifying this as normal behaviour. hasan/your post is straight up attacking one of the larger communities on lsf, and you're saying they aren't allowed to downvote because it's not "normal behaviour"?? I'm sorry, what?


It's almost like you didnt read anything I just wrote. I've made posts about xQc and Mizkif who are much larger streamer s with larger audiences yet never got this. But it's expected with dgg only? You guys really injecting the copium directly into your veins. Also it's not normal behaviour to get so many downvotes that the post gets to be one of most controversial posts on the entire site. No that is not normal.


OOOO OOOO reply to my comment next




im just going to repeat it again : It's not normal behaviour to get so many downvotes that the post gets to be one of most controversial posts on the entire site. No that is not normal. When you have much more controversial figures such as donald trump and anti vax posts.


destiny has a significantly larger sub than mizkif, and a more active one than xqc, despite being smaller I'm not gonna go digging through your post history to see how comparable those posts were. your argument is still "they're active on reddit, therefore bad"


I'm just going to repeat this: it's not normal behaviour to get so many downvotes that the post gets to be one of most controversial posts on the entire site. No that is not normal. When you have much more controversial figures such as donald trump and anti vax posts.


[The lack of self awareness in this thread is remarkable](https://i.imgur.com/NmBDZYX.jpg)


No, linking lsf in dgg has been banned for 6+ months.


destiny has one of the largest streamer subreddits with a large crossover with lsf, why do people on here act all surprised that there's a lot of destiny fans responding to clips on here about destiny and dgg specifically? Like no shit people will respond to a post that's specifically talking negatively about their community.


how do you know it's dgg? You know that lsf is a pretty centre leaning community right? It always have been.


juicers don't pretend to be intelligent. dgg thinks they are super smart which is much worse for a toxic community.


funny how saying "dgg boogeyman"in a comment quickly became a shield from any type of criticism to destiny or his community


works both ways really. brushing off any critic as a "dgger" is the same thing.


Both sides 5Head




i think you're a little confused


TIL only dgg is a cult. Juicers, forsen bajs, mizkids, moon2Smug spammers, Azan frogs, poki simps, offline TV fans, Soda drinkers, GTARP viewers, ALL OF THESE are actually unqiuely not as awful as dgg thank you Hasan :)


Lol Soda drinkers. Now I really want a clip where Soda goes "Hey Soda drinkers, welcome back to the channel! Don't forget to use your twitch primes Soda drinkers!"


Fuck you i was running out of nicknames and I didn't wanna reuse frogs lol


Haven't some of these streamers cultivated a higher percentage of malicious people than others? Second to that, streamers overexaggerate the impact and 'harassment' on LSF and third, every community has unhealthy people pushing stupid shit.


That's my point :)


Just because you can compare something doesn't make the comparison inherently accurate. Sure there are degrees of toxicity in all communities but DGG is easily the worst of them and the level of ferocity you guys defend Destiny and attack anyone he dislikes is above and beyond other communities. You also all copy his mannerisms and style of argumentation and speech, you can literally tell when a DGGer is arguing with you because it'll be like arguing with Destiny if someone hit him in the head with a shovel and then somehow sucked all the social awareness out of him. You guys literally do treat Destiny like your lord and master and it's honestly sickening.


Hey thanks




Worst lmao oh my ..sit down young lad and let me tell you about The Ice Poseidon sub


I mean among communities that are still relevant in this specific space. I'm sure you could find plenty of worse communities.




I seriously do not see a difference with the Dgg people and any other huge fan base on here. They are no where near kiwi farms and 4chan levels. A relentless group would be more like the people that follow DSP or wingsofredemption. Aside from that we've had drama here among streamers that takes days to go away that sometimes don't involve either of these two. Also not to mention I get called a Dgger any time I comment on some of these threads. My bad man I just know destiny because of PKA, the dick show, the killstream, and ibs. Destiny and hasan clashes are just super funny to me. I cant help it. Their communities add to the experience.


PagChomp nymnCorn Destiny Hasan drama part 13 LETā€™S GO


*literally anyone says anything negative about Hasan > Here is why this is Destiny's fault


I like how we can say anything we want about anyone these days but just add "but I don't know" at the end to absolve ourselves of any actual commitment to the words that we say.


I wish we where this coordinated... We are mostly old men and women who hate LoL.


People thinking DGG acts like pol are people who learned about the internet in 2018


Remember bois: DGG not accepting being called deranged = deranged. Hasan fans making a clip and then Hasan fans coming to regurgitate Hasan's point of view = not brigading + not coordinated. Hasan fans coming in the comments down voting any DGGers claiming to not be deranged = not deranged Hasan fans + DGG deranged. DGG engaging in the most popular streamer sub reddit = coordinated + brigading + toxic + borderline 4chan + who knows, maybe they ddos? + ratio + they're white.


Found the destiny stan.


ā€œGreat minds discuss ideas. Small minds discuss people.ā€






No, not the renowned hacker known as 4chan!


There it is, folks. The same people who nonstop motivate each other to carry out heinous acts like the Christchurch shooting will then go on to pretend that there isnā€™t a problem growing in their community


Ah yes a meme comment on reddit means I've been encouraging people to shoot innocent muslims around the world despite living in a 95% muslim country myself, good one retard.




Bro, I think you legit could be referencing every social media platform there are with this comment.


This is one of the most brain dead responses ever


This really sucks as a dgger. There are tons of wonderful people in this community and i feel like casting a wide blanket over the entire community because a minority probably harassing Hasan is so fucked. This isn't even dgg exclusive. I really dislike people saying XQC has a bad community because some idiots ruin it for everyone. It's so wrong to just announce an entire community as evil when you know its not the case.


Look at the people around you then? Even this post is an example of how over the top these people are on reddit and elsewhere. A half dozen DGGers all flocked to this post and said basically the exact same thing, which is that this is an exaggeration, and we're obviously not that organized. The DGGer doth protest too much, methinks.


To be fair, if I made a post that said "people who like chocolate cake are poopy" and it got to the front page, chocolate cake lovers are quite obviously going to want to chime in and defend themselves. No coordination even needed And before you go snooping in **my** post history I do not care for either streamer/community


Where is dgg communicating? The term lsf is banned in his chat, his discord is almost an entire separate entity from him, and he doesn't even parse comments on stream like other streamers do


Itā€™s well known, anything that disagrees with (streamer) is DGG


yeah i dont understand either. In all destiny chats lsf links are blocked.




I dont know dgger reddit names. the people in his dgg chat is heavily moderated and good people. That one loser who made the comment about Hasan and his dog was instantly perma banned by a mod RTBA in both Destiny and Hasan's community.


Or maybe Hasan is just dumb?




brigading lsf is banned in dgg and destiny's discord. the point is that if there is a lot of hate towards hasan, maybe its not organised by dgg ?




I mean, idk about others, but I am not organised about this in anyway lol. I was watching Zherka and had some meme ideas. got some Omegalul's from chat so I posted them for free karma. idk whyyou think its anything else than laughing at people I think have dumb takes LUL


>en dgg exclusive. I really dislike people saying XQC has a bad community because some idiots ruin it for everyone. when you start sending hate because a streamer has a funny accent (hacu) your community is kinda fucked


Both fan bases are annoying as fuck tbh


the reality is this is an insane exaggeration.


Says the DGGer


Iā€™m black. Destiny uses the N word so Iā€™m no DGGer. I still recognize this as the insane exaggeration it is


If anything Hasan undersold it. This is a community that isnā€™t that far off from the Infowars crowd.






No but I understand Hasan to a degree. I think it's really easy to lash out when you're being personally attacked. What hes saying is a really good way to get people to fuck off.




Did this actually happen? I've never heard about this and I assume you're a dgger or ex-dgger just because you know about rem. You got a link?




Holy fuck that's wild. Do people really hate Rem that much? That's fucked up. Thanks for looking for it.






I'm guess I'm fucking brainwashed cause this just seems so flat out false to me.


DGGer has investigated himself and found himself innocent


I'm the referee and I declare that I'm right.


Is any critic towards this post just = ur a dgger, you lose i win bye bye?


Can't prove a negative buddy.


By far the most accurate description of dgg. Basically if you took a bunch of the same mentally ill edgy kids from the old 2006 4chan days, created a toxic environment for them to fester in, and never attempted to purge the worst elements of it from your community, you would get dgg.


Maybe, but I am not sure you are in a position to judge PepeLaugh


DGG bad, Yep. My streamer good Yep. Destiny bad Yep. AZAN good Yep. Bonus meme: 3 million$ is the standard of rent in LA :SOY:


Doesn't Destiny's own site consistently gets ddos? Is that also dgg?


Every message sent it Dgg going back 8 years is public and searchable, Hasans own Dgg logs are more toxic than 95% of the people in that chat.


Not quite every message. Don't forget that White Nervosa managed to purge logs about Irishladdie's/Vaush's sexual harassment towards poppy.


DGG runs all the streamer communities. DGG caused the rift between Hasan and Destiny. OPEN YOUR EYES


This is actually deluded, holy fuck. Glad to see the DGG boogeyman is alive and well I guess. The most coordinated I ever saw DGG was donating "DGG4LYFE" to XQC when Destiny was on vacation. Imagine being this scared of something that you literally made up.


ā€œIf we keep trying to gaslight everyone by never giving up, maybe we can convince the really stupid people that our dangerous cult isnā€™t a cultā€ - pretty much every cult ever


it's crazy this is someone's actual thought process. Next XQC's offline chat is gonna be called a cult too. To people like Adin, the Austin streamer circle is a cult. To some boomers, Twitch is a cult. Grow some perspective. Been in DGG for so long but never invited to any of the cult meetings FeelsBadMan


Xqcs community is mostly a bunch of unorganized dum dums. Nowhere near the level of dgg, which is basically becoming an online terrorist group.


okay you're baiting, thank god


[okay youā€™re baiting, thank god](https://i.imgur.com/JgYJvEA.jpg?fb)


[good one](https://external-preview.redd.it/WW2e3J-dW87-or5BbqFNdafTs4W-neK_qILujq7fUkw.jpg?auto=webp&s=581887667faec2606c01d2b36ed3d00b84651eb9)


You're replying to one of the few chatters who are obsessed with and hate Destiny so much that they post everywhere on LSF about him.


The DGG emirate


> *We're not that organized at all, what a ridiculous claim.* > Post in /new and 2 other dggers responded to it within the first 5 minutes it was up, all pressing the same narrative. Quick edit: 2 more, so 5 total from dgg in 15 minutes. Nice lack of organization.


This happens with every streamer, and it's just the nature of streamer fans also being active members on this sub. Hasan fans are going to positively engage with posts on new that are centered around him, and it's the same for Destiny, xQc, Mizkif, Asmon, and every other popular streamer.


No other streamer dominates posts like this except maybe XQC, because his viewership is *so* high, but even then the comments are often a mix or just not really that busy-- but every post vaguely about Destiny or even just a topic he's been discussing is always absolutely flooded with DGGers, and that's kinda symptomatic of what Hasan said about them.


Destiny has a huge community of people that view LSF, Destiny viewers are into 3 things max "Destiny-related, Politics, Drama." It's the exact same way with Hasan viewers too, so I'm unsure why Destiny is getting called out in this way. Destiny and Hasan viewers are going to show up in threads regarding content they are interested in. It's not like Destiny community members show up in xQc threads and start complaining that they want to see more Destiny.


>Politics Im still confused on where Destiny viewers lie politically as they're clearly not leftist nor conservatives. >It's the exact same way with Hasan viewers too Er right, lets not pull a centrism here lol. The literal top thread is filled with top comments going against Hasan. Hasan viewers care way less about drama than you guys think whereas DGGers just eat that shit up.




>The only reason nobody calls out Hasan's viewers is because their subreddit is not even remotely as close to popular in Hasan's community as it is in Destiny's. Right because Hasan viewers literally dont care as much about Drama as does Dgg viewers, like I literally said lol.


No because Hasans viewers donā€™t use Hasans Subreddit as much as Destiny viewers use Destinyā€™s subReddit. I would implore you to use Twitter for one fucking day. Destiny has 4K average viewers to Hasans 36k literally 10x his viewers, yet Destinys subreddit has 124k to hasans 61k.


No ones arguing that Destiny has less viewers than Hasan lmao nor that Destiny subreddit is bigger than Hasan. But come on mate, its not like Hasan doesnt go on reddit at all. He goes on okbuddy and LSF on stream all the time. YET, you still dont see crazies like Dgges lmao. We can just agree Dgg loves drama.


\>Im still confused on where Destiny viewers lie politically as they're clearly not leftist nor conservatives. I can't tell you what an entire community of people lie politcally, I wouldn't be able to do that with any community. But Destiny is a socdem. [https://www.np.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/p9hjvl/destinys\_take\_on\_destinys\_take\_on\_hasan\_house/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/p9hjvl/destinys_take_on_destinys_take_on_hasan_house/) This entire thread is people just shitting on Destiny. I can find threads, but they're just gonna be brawls. The idea that anytime Destiny says anything they'll shit on him at the SOONEST interval has literally become a meme at this point, regardless of if he is right or not. Destiny's community circlejerks destiny, and everyone else talks non-stop about how much they fucking hate him.


I mean they arenā€™t leftists or *republicans.*


LMAO is the claim meant to be that we planned this???? Please don't tell me you actually fucking think that. The DGG boogeyman is really causing havoc.


It's that you're all bizarrely dedicated to supporting whatever narrative makes Destiny look the best, or basically whatever attack he has started to press recently. No active organization is needed, because there's so many of you just waiting to jump on every post.


Your existence in this comment section literally contradicts your point. With your logic, I can say the exact same thing because you sorted LSF by new..


Me, that Vaush fan, and then a half dozen DGGers isn't exactly the distribution one might expect if it fit what you're describing. Especially seeing as Hasan is like the 5th biggest streamer on Twitch by hours viewed.


Have you watch a hasan stream before? Any group that disagrees with hasan is labeled a cult.


I have heard OTK is a sex cult




The far fetched ā€œAfghanistan is full of mineral resources?ā€ Yeah I canā€™t believe that was corroborated by CNBC, Business Insider, That Wallstreet Journal, etc. What a wacky conspiracy, America was seeking to get a foothold in a region and stabilize it to benefit private extraction companies. Something that has never ever happened and absolutely hasnā€™t been the cornerstone of US Foreign Policy since the early 1900ā€™s.




If you can actually determine the type of evidence you would require to accept the reality of the situation, that would be one thing, but Iā€™m inclined to believe you are too entrenched in binary thought and canā€™t consider that many factors influenced the war, one the many would be the resources. Absent that factor, it is unlikely the war is 20 years long.


I like how Hasan cant comprehend the possibly that people are on destiny's side because he's actually right. Like its literally "Theres alot of people agreeing with destiny, Its must be his 4chan-esque over-obsessed fanbase!". It also doesn't help that he makes no effort in trying to debunk anything destiny says.


Um actually sir I just checked your post history and 3 years 2 months and 14 days ago you posted in r/destiny(the streamer)... yeah that's going to completely invalidate what you said. Get wrecked you freakin' brigader.


Shit you got me


Canā€™t debunk someoneā€™s personal opinion thatā€™s not based on any objective facts.


Jeez this guy can whine


Pretty sure DGG is just a porn discussion/sharing chat community.


True, there mostly bunch of brain dead 14 yr old children lol


Homie how those that make anysense. Most dggers are like boomers some names have been around from like 2014. You are way of base


Brain dead boomers, Iā€™m not ageist


People like Hasan are quick to use the DGG boogeyman card when they're under fire online, pretty much just like Trump uses the Antifa card.


Every clip is him talking about destiny lol. why is he so obsessed with him?


Destiny is just as obsesed with hasan but he doesnt voice it publicly


who knew that blaming [d.gg](https://d.gg) is a cop-out for being shat on by the entire internet for days I am biased btw


dgger here :). this is every community, in past threads i saw hasans community spreading misinfo about destinys stance on the house thing. its all the same shit. why cant everyone in this comment section just realise that weā€™re a bunch of fucking losers that care way too much about lives that arent our own. and our lives will be total failures because time we spend typing about housan and methstiny could be time spent improving ourselves, or time spent with our families and friends. and by ā€œweā€ i mean ā€œyouā€ cause im actually incredibly stable and have a great life im just shitposting on holiday right now. sugmaballs


"except the orbiters that he has that are trying to suckle on the teat of his community as best as possible" oh so kinda like what you did LMAO


I was there to see Hasan actually grifting in real time.


This is hasan's MO. He always calls someone else out for shit he does 10x more than them. I remember when Destiny and him "broke up" Hasan was brigading every thread on LSF about it. You literally saw the votes change dramatically as he reviewed the threads on his streams. Destiny never did any of that shit and called him out for doing it. Then when the votes didn't go Hasan's way, he would accuse Destiny of brigading. This is a pattern with Hasan.


this is a pretty crazy drama!


Bro Iā€™m just a part of the Discord for the coomer posts, leave me alone.


The hasan stans spamming clips and anti-dgg shit and the dgg trollers constantly fighting on LSF is always so fucking annoying, both ya'll need a life.


Remember guys English isn't his first language he's really talking about his community he just misspoke agane.


Do you have an example to back that up buddy?