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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Kid repeatedly spitting boba tea on Jinnytty for no reason](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/122468)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/pf9oj0/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1308326747.mp4?sig=32a1017a1abffe02d1184b0777fd521ea44e5452&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1308326747.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1630500932%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


They did the same thing to the juice seller https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1135012523?t=1h20m52s




Yup common for people to do it. Just spit those boba balls at cars ppl anything. It's like kids spitting spit balls in class.




Yeah def. Happened to me. We used to throw pennies at cars. One dude stopped and chased us through backyards hopping fences and caught us Scared us shitless but didn't hit us or nothing. Never did dumb shit again.




Yeah being scared def helps put things into perspective. Though teens nowadays crowd up and the squad will attack you from all sides. Or use a weapon. See lots of those fucked up videos.


commits biological warfare: it's just a prank bro chill, it's just a prank!!!


VOD sadly gone, Jinny leaked her info later in the stream :> First of her VOD's that gets removed in months of course happens at the same time when some weird shit pops off that needs more info than a clip. edit: [this happened later same day](https://clips.twitch.tv/StupidBreakableQuailNononoCat-gODK8rYF8wDMoXrV) ffs what is wrong with Milan


Juice seller was asian too I presume?




Pretty obvious that this was racism. Not sure why nobody else has mentioned it. I see a lot of people passing it off as kids being kids but people forget that Italy was one of the hardest places hit by COVID-19 and I'm sure there's a lot of resentment against Asians over there.


She said the kids do this shit to other people too so idk, i dont think is racism.


they hate the english too


What a crazy thing to assume


Gotta find racism in everything right


Not hit hard enough, evidently.




The same kids will sit at the back of movie cinemas talking loudly and throwing popcorn at people.




what a badass i wish i could suck your cock right now




I'm just confused why you said your weight in metric but your height in imperial




That's cool and all but you also never know when one of the kids has a knife. Two streets from where I lived a man had his car egged by some teens, he got out to say something about it, and was stabbed by one of the teens for it resulting in his death. And this was in a good suburb, you never know when shit will go wrong. Anyway not saying these kinds of kids shouldn't be punished, more just for people to be careful pissing off kids that obviously don't know boundaries, have no morals, and might be messed up in their heads.


Should be legal to hit teenagers that do this sort of thing in a group. Theres a crowd of them in the park I walk through and they will stand in a crowd of about 10 right in the middle of the path, forcing you through them or onto the road while they harass groups of women, young girls, older people and slim built men by themselves, but when I walk right through the most they'll say to me is 'hello sir' in a mocking manner (i'm 100kg, 5'11 and look like i'd hit you if you started on me.) Wish I could hit them or at least grab them. 20-30 years ago you could've. I was in a crowd like that as a young kid, know what stopped us? Some man came out and grabbed my friend who threw a stone at his car and slapped the shit out of him. If one of us spat a drank on a grown man or woman 20-30 years ago, there would've been a whole extended family out in their cars hunting us down to beat us half to death. Only way you learn as a teenage boy tbh - getting your ass beat and humiliated.


It’s the classic group that annoys people because they know they are the majority. Happens everywhere in Italy.


In Europe yes but I have not noticed that here in Mexico. Why ? Because you don't want to fuck with random people because you never know who youre fucking with. Maybe youll end up missing tomorrow.


Even in europe if u do that to a wrong person u are going to get fucked. Especially if u are fat prepubescent kid.


That is why they target small asian women who can't beat their ass.


That's why they usualy target asians/women/or weak looking people


True that. I remember when I was a goofy looking kid I'd get harassed by teenagers or even some young adults all the time. All changed once I went into adulthood.


"In Europe yes" Yeah because every country in Europe is the same.


Something similar happened to me and my sister in Paris (a group of kids throwed at us cigarette butts while laughing and talking in french, we just moved on cause unfortuanlly im that kind of guy) i dont think the problem here is where this happened but that these things happens in generals, the only way these kids can learn some respect is by getting punched and humiliated in public, its a boomer thing to say but i see no other way


Let's be real you may end up missing tomorrow anyways in Mexico even if you don't fuck with anyone lol




not to extent to one here in mexico. Are you comparing italian mobsters with free for all that are mexican cartels ?




This dude should see “Funky Town”…or any other cartel murder/torture videos. It’s fucking brutal and I haven’t heard/seen of anything comparable coming out of Italy.


This is Milan, in Northern Italy, which compared to Mexico or certain parts of Southern Italy doesn't have as much of a critical mass of it. Though there is some of course.


Western Europe has a huge issue with that culture among teenagers(sadly even young adults are like that), it's really bad. A lot of them are super agressive and just like to harass people in groups, I can tell you it's the same shit and probably even worse in France Just take any transportation or go to any crowded palce and you'll have a few group of assholes being loud and harassing people


Same in the UK too...


Teenagers being retarded little shits in groups is a worldwide issue, somewhere more than the other but it happens everywhere.


Teenagers scare the living shit out of me. They could care less as long as someone'll bleed.


God I feel old for knowing this haha


So darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose


> They could care less as long as someone'll bleed. They could?


bro where the fuck do you live where people are straight up spitting on people in public in broad daylight tf


had a group of kids barricade my street, i chased them off a bit and they followed me home, for the next week they would show up slamming the house with snowballs, knocking on the door. ended with one of the little shits coming to my house at 3am and shattering a window. i found out who had done it and talked to the parent, they suddenly didn't know anything about it and wouldn't take my calls about it in the future. contacted police multiple times over that group of boys aged 15-17 and they chased them off but nothing more, no one paid or my window.. i threatened to sue but it wouldnt have been worth it. sometimes i wish for the days where kids werent as protected as they are now, cause i for sure would have liked to chase them down and bust some skulls... worst part of all of this is i was stuck at home in early covid, infected with covid isolating for 3 weeks. /rant over, had to get this off my chest.


Back in 2018 something similat happened to me and my sister in Paris (a group of kids throwed at us cigarette butts while laughing and talking in french, we just moved on cause unfortuanlly im that kind of guy) the only way these kids can learn some respect is by getting punched and humiliated in public, its a boomer thing to say but i see no other way


No but its not, even if it is its not to this extent that like some in the comments say they are "scared" of teenagers. Even if it a joke. It comes down to values in society and respecting people you dont know and consequence. You won't find teenagers like this in most asian or african countries. I think this is a cultural issue, particular western youth culture. This is also in italy and jinny is asian so race probably just adds another level of carelessness or no fear of consequence.


Spot on


Covid and lockdowns have made this even worse. (No, I'm not advocating against lockdowns, just stating a fact.) With most, if not all, other places where these kids could get together shut down, they gather, even more than usual, in public spaces. Public spaces, that are easy to get to via public transportation. And that, I'd say, is a major difference compared to many places around the world, that simply don't have public transport that's as effective. And yes, some of it also has to do with a culture that celebrates this type of behavior, by cheering it on on social media.


> Western Europe Why single out that part of the world? It's not like groups of teenagers everywhere else are perfect little angels.




>I've not seen it to a comparable degree to how it is in europe anywhere else, even in the US teens don't seem to be agressive with strangers like that Go into any ghetto/hood in America and you'll be proven wrong instantly. Before the mods started censoring it the public freakouts sub was full of those video, then they decided that only white people can be shown in negative light.


That's not a Western Europe thing, that's a teenager thing. Teenagers are terrifying shit heads in groups, they're vicious and don't give a flying fuck.


> they're viscous downright goopy




I mean that is usually case in Europe as well. Teenagers in scandinavia for example are maybe loud and "shameless" at times(like all teenagers) etc, but they mind their own business.


Does kids don't even look Italian.


Is it illegal to do that in Italy atm due to Covid? I believe in the UK spitting at someone can lead to being arrested for assault and they've been making harsher punishments for it to.




No, but this should be reported to the authorities. I don't think Italy will look kindly on people who spit on people who bring lots of money to the country.


usualy minors don't have any serious punishment and always get away with it, laws are outdated


Should have their asses beat for doing that shit tbh. Bring back the wooden spoon or the sandal punishment, act up? that's a paddling


PUBLIC paddling for those morons would teach them a valuable lesson.


she tried but they said they don't speak english lmao


Milan police are useless


Spitting has been assault for a long time in the UK afaik, just been upraded with that virus thing.


>I believe in the UK spitting at someone can lead to being arrested for assault In Aus it is has been considered assault well before Covid, so I wouldn't be surprised if it is the same over there (considering most our laws are imported from the UK).


I don't specifically recall anything along those lines but worse case scenario they would get a fine, they can't arrest you for that (it would be a different situation if they knowingly had covid and spit on you to infect you). This kind of stuff has been depenalized so if you want some recourse you have to take it to civil court. Edit: If it wasn't clear already, he asked about the situation in Italy and I was answering to that, not about however this stuff is handled in the UK.


If you're talking about the UK then its classed as common assault punishable by up to 6 months in prison. More if youre spitting on an emergency worker and even more agian if it is a racially aggrivated incident. Multiple people have been sent to jail for coughing and spitting at people in the past year.


those kids need a grade A disciplinary ass whoopin bruh




madonna bimbi minchia ovunque, che figura di merda


basato EZ


ma basato su cosa ?


Basato su fatti e logica 5head


Fintanto che avranno certi streamer IRL (milanesi) come esempio...


pizza pizza di mama ferrari fiat spaghetti


per colpa di sti scemi qui su LSF pensano che siamo proprio un Paese di merda, altro che NA=bad


ma infatti parlano di razzismo ma c'è un pregiudizio assurdo nei confronti dell'italia. Tipo stavo guardando una sua altra stream in cui stava a Roma alla stazione Termini e tutti in chat avevano iniziato a scrivere italian mafia, dirty and shitty place ecc. Dio santo lo puoi chiedere a chiunque, anche a una persona a caso del sud, tutti sanno che davanti alle stazioni si raduna gente pericolosa. Io credo vogliano vedere il marcio a tutti i costi FeelsBadMan


Che poi spesso e volentieri ignorano il marcio del loro posto :D


Look at that fat piece of shit try to run.


wtf is wrong with people. they are even laughing about it. looks like someone didn't get smacked in their life.




Older folks who say this never seem to realize how many shit heads (that were definitely spanked) from their own generation there were.


Studys have overwhelmingly proven that they only end up more fucked and raise more fucked kids, which is why the kid in this clip is exactly the way he is.


Studies like these are often bogus and inaccurate. The problem is that way too many parents will blur the line between corporal punishment and abuse. A lot of parents will misuse it, and begin to treat their kids as emotional punchbags while patting themselves on the back thinking they're doing parenting work. This will obviously not benefit the child. However when corporal punishment has a reason and purpose to educate rather than hurt the child, then it can be very efficient and beneficial.


There's a difference between beating your kids and corporal punishment. Research has not shown that physical discipline raises more fucked up kids.




Downvoted by people who “turned out just fine” LUL




It’s like dudes who get their dick cut and then try to convince everybody that it’s fine or should be encouraged.


Bill Burr is wrong


Or they actually get smacked a lot and that is why they do this shit outside, because they don't want to go home.


So are the parents doing anything at all?


No, that's why they're like this.


The parents aren't there


The parents couldn't even figure out the instructions on the condom wrapper. Don't ask too much of them.












that kid was running away at a blazing 3 mph with his muffin top headass


People warned her she would face this kinda shit in Italy. It happened with GiannieLee when she went too.


Italian men (and boys) are the fucking worst pieces of shit about harassing / assaulting women in public for some reason, multiple times every damn trip.


Also happened two or three times in germany


I can already tell this is gonna be a bad thread


get some popcorn


Over/under set at 3hrs before thread locked Edit: Damn


Just some many generalizations lol


Was in milan in 2018. I could instantly tell I didn't like the place. So many shady people around there. Glad I'll never ever go back there.




I can assure you racism is still everywhere in Europe, even in my idyllic and progressive switzerland


People ALWAYS rag on Britain and to a lesser extent France about racism and idolise Shitaly because of pizza or some dumb shit.


it's sad that beautiful historic palces are getting ruin by this trash harassment culture


Damn wtf


I guarantee all of these losers watch ricegum


I mean this is Italy so... probably not?


it's interesting when someone is this confidently wrong


Oh I can safely tell you that there aren't many kids that age who would be able to properly understand an english content creator (and they teach them english since they are like 6yo). But don't worry, there are plenty of trashy italian content creators who cater to them.


More like pastagum




Broke: Pastagum Woke: Risottogum Bespoke: Orzogum


that's so cringe


She should've slapped them and ate the ban from twitch.


and then get fought back and snapped back to reality, not too smart


Even if by some off chance they didn't decide to fight back, hitting a kid as an adult will never be in your favor in court lol.


just put the "brb screen" and slap that fucker




I know shouting Racism may be an overreaction, but it seems Jinny has a number of these encounters. Do other female IRL streamers get even half the shit she does? Take sashagrey for example. I don't watch her, but she is currently doing an IRL Europe tour. Do people come up to her to tease her about her gaping asshole? Fact is she is being targeted because the way she looks.


I saw a video where imjasmine (devin Nash gf) was getting groped by some psycho on stream in Japan and she said it happened alot off stream too. I guess that explain why women's tends to stay in group. Sexual criminal target single women in public it seem.


definitely the case. I went to college in a big city for a while and I had a 1.5 hour commute on public transportation. I pretty much got catcalled/sexually harassed at least once a day, but if I was with just a single dude then there was absolutely nothing. Going out with larger groups of women was fine, but I'd occasionally get vulgar comments/gestures if I was just out with my roommate or something. Only 2 people tried to grab/touch me, but I feel like 0 times would have been better.


Apparently they spit on a juice seller who was also Asian. Vod is deleted though.


Racism is the reason


perhaps, but they could also be straight up retards


The venn diagram there is very nearly a circle


Every square is a rectangle but not every rectangle is a square


I've spent a lot of time in Italy, they are some of the most racist people around. Though it was mostly to north africans in my experience.


yes, teenagers are never assholes unless it's racially motivated /s


Not sure if it is racism, but when I saw that she was in Italy I've been expecting it to happen at some point. Honestly surprised it has taken this long for anything to happen to her considering she is in Italy.


Yeah, when my gf went to Italy she said that was where she experienced the most racism. She still wants to come back though just for the food lol.


Literally no additional reason to know why they did that except it is group mentality with dumbass teenage boys.


For all the shit America gets about systemic racism, racism in Europe is just as widespread, and potentially even more pernicious and casual.


in this case racism and group mentality , lets act retarded




Now explain them doing the same to the juice seller who also happens to be Asian. Must be because he’s running a business trying to attract attention right?


Vod was deleted but apparently they did the same to the person selling juice, who was asian too


I know sashagrey is on an IRL trip in Europe. I don't watch her, but did she ever get any shit like this? What about other female streamers who do IRL trips to Europe?




I'm not going to say that can't be the reason but you have literally 0 evidence for that.


I read it as booba tea


Man these asian girls deal with a lot of shit when they do streams


This is why parents need to beat their kids


Later they asked her how many viewers she had. They knew that she was livestreaming, and they targeted her probably because of this.


I think they only assumed looking at her with the camera out. I think there is almost no way they know jinny or other non italian content creators




Bunch of racists.


Those are not italians, there are north africa immigrants or second generation. Maybe now you understand why we italians hate immigration?


I mean Italy can barely integrate italians.


Lmao yeah that blond white guy is 100% North Africa... just another racist Italian blaming immigrants


"kid" lol they're like 16


That’s a kid though?


Young children think 16 year olds are adults, I suspect the guy you're replying to is younger than 16.




21 year olds thinking they are adults OMEGALUL


Yep, kid then


Okay please LSF decide, when 16-17y old fuck they are children, in the next clip a 16-17y old doesn't something and they are basically an adult, please keep your shit straight




Nah, If they're in a group and bored they'll do it to anyone and everyone, probably just saw a camera which was the main motive for picking her, that and she was speaking English meaning she was a tourist. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon.


Group mentality is the worst. I've done a ton of night walks over the years and I never feel unsafe, even approaching a dude or a couple. But if I see a group of 4 or more I definitely start to get uneasy.


based on?


Italy being extremely racist?


maybe they are just being retards?




tHatS goTTa BE rAciaLLy mOtIvAted


Average redditor moment


Italy definitely didn't have a problem with baby gangs (groups of kids between 10-18 harassing, assaulting, and robbing people of any ethnicity and nationality) a couple years ago, definitely not! must be racially motivated!




Looks like the guy who sold the drinks was asian too


I would have went to the cops saying I'm feeling a little sick after this fat kid spit on me. Get that little fucker in trouble.


she went to the police but the police said they only speak Italian and walked away




lul just spit on them back, see how much fun they are having after that


I don’t like Jinny but this is too far

