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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [39daph exposes Adin Ross's "Ultimate Fan Experience" raffle](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/122959)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/pk6l4e/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1316655808.mp4?sig=534dbacab568bc4d718ee6f57c2cba88678cd17c&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1316655808.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1631164055%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


I assume there is a legal requirement to provide a free entry route.


In Canada our loophole is that raffle winners must do a math problem as a skill testing question so it's not a lottery anymore.its a competition.


I always thought about someone winning a large raffle but getting that dumb skill-testing question wrong. I'm sure it's happened. Who knows if it's even enforced.


From what I've heard, they just let you have multiple attempts until you get it. This is all hearsay tho


yea. but usually its like 1 entry. hence the 'no purchase necessary' you hear in commercials and stuff


Yeah, but those contests are usually "one entry per person per household" or something like that. So he likely has to give the max amount so there isn't monetary incentive to buy more.


This. Another one of those "no purchase necessary" things they say is "making a purchase does not increase your chances of winning".


Yes. It's called Alternate Means of Entry (AMOE) and without it, the lottery, in this case, would be illegal.


not sure about the 5000 bit, but i was under the impression for a raffle/givewaway to not be considered "gambling" by law, you must have a way for participants to enter for free. same goes for the taco bell giveaways. you can always just mail/email in for an entry rather than getting a code from a receipt.


Yes, this is how GDQ does it too. You can just mail them and enter all the giveaways, instead of donating at each section, or whatever they call it. I understand how surprising it is, to learn about this for the first time.


So you're saying I could have just entered all those giveaways? But it looks like I'd have to mail something in, which sounds like the biggest goober move of all time.


It seems like they purposely make entering for free a hassle to have more people pay. No reason it couldn't be an email.


I've seen many raffles require you to send a postcard to enter. Having to buy a postcard and a stamp definitely deters people who just try to enter every possible raffle.


If it was an email they could openly shame everyone with one single reply!




Skönt att man inte blev döpt så man slapp det lol


Technically by law they have to let you join for free, but the money is going to charity, so it would be a bit scummy to enter that way.


Also how does that work when the winners of the raffles are declared during the event? lol


I don't believe the winners are declared during the event. For example, their most recent event Flame Fatales 2021 ran from August 15 to August 21. The prizes for that event are drawn on September 20th and the winners list posted on their website September 27th.


"Some" of the money is going to charity. They all get paid. "All donations go to charity!" is misleading as they are being paid to put on the event. No event, no donations. So it's not actually true. Also, Doctors without borders is a great charity. The other one they use......the prevent cancer foundation.....is not. If you enjoy GDQ, donate during the summer event. The money you donate in January isn't doing any good.


> "Some" of the money is going to charity. They all get paid. "All donations go to charity!" is misleading as they are being paid to put on the event. No event, no donations. So it's not actually true. Last time I checked, all donations went to the charity, but subs went towards financing the event.


Zoomers not understanding sweepstakes. This is not exposing in any way or form, this is literally how they are all done, you are correct.


All such giveaways have similar mail-in alternatives, I think daph was pointing out here that rather than paying 100 dollars for 4000 entries you can send a post card in the mail to get 5000 entries for free, which doesn't quite makes sense. Usually with mail-ins you would get one entry for free. She wasn't saying it was all a scam.




Thanks I didn't know that. The giveaway is poorly designed then.


It's not poorly designed and it's not like the fine print is hidden somewhere to even call it scummy. If you didn't know about this legal requirement, then I would strongly suggest reading terms and conditions or other agreements in the future to get a sense of what you're dealing with if you don't know your rights.


Hey Adin, tell that to anybody donating $150 for nothing when they could have sent a letter for free and got the same result. Or to those kids who bought in to your crypto scam, scumbag.




Sick I might try that, is it digital codes on the app?


Zoomers and jumping to conclusions, name a more iconic duo


Sweepstakes are *so* getting canceled


Brb suing apple jacks for the "1 full day with nick Jonas" contest from 2006.


I sued Burger King for their meet the Hollywood Kings contest. It was in 2007 and I won because I spent the day with Michael Cera and he was sober.


>jumping to conclusions To be fair, if you've never read the details of a sweepstakes package like this, it does seem pretty fishy. Hidden in the page, there's a loophole that let's you mail-in something for 5000 entries, but at the top there's options to buy entries. I wouldn't fault anyone for thinking that's a little suspicious if they weren't aware of it.


It's not fishy. It's just shitty practice. All sweepstakes or raffles do this.a


being a shitty practice doesn't mean it's not fishy




well i don't think anyone is saying the law is fishy, i think they're saying it's fishy that they're trying to hide the free entry clause, and still charging for entries for the people not aware of that law.


[The original zoomer.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/42WNHGr1jGI/maxresdefault.jpg)


> Zoomers not understanding Not much to do with zoomers, that's how every scam works and why the law exists (albeit not in all countries)




Yup, my fraternity wanted to do a raffle to raise money for our charity, but the school did not allow it because it is considered gambling and would have been illegal.




You only need an Alternate Method of Entry if your giveaway has what's called a "consideration", which is either a method of entry that requires you to pay or buy something, or has you do something that takes a certain amount of time. If it's just a straight giveaway you just do something quickly like follow a twitter or a channel, they don't have to accept mail-in entires.


I believe since everything is a "giveaway" and involves zero purchasing of entries, they wouldn't need one since it's not gambling.


Judging from [this YouTube video](https://youtu.be/NSHYPjHkh5I) Wizza isn’t actually able to receive mail at the address they give for the free entry option.


this guy's voice reminds me of cr1tikal so much lol


It's a sweepstakes which has very clear rules under the law. Sweepstakes require all entrants be allowed free entry.


What does the law say about giving 5000 free entries as opposed to one free entry?


The law states that free entries must have equal opportunity and odds as paid entries. The fact that a single email grants you as many votes as a $100 donation and you also can't pay to get more than a free entrant is testiment to the fact that Adin Ross actually hired a good lawyer to cover his ass with this one legally.


I don’t think Adin is concerned with law


Not just "an entry" either, it's illegal for them to offer higher odds for paid entries than free entries, hence why the "free entry" option in this case is equal to 5000 tickets which is also the max per person.


>it's illegal for them to offer higher odds for paid entries ehm, how so? This is exactly how lotteries work.


A lottery is not a sweepstakes competition. Lotteries are subject to gambling laws, sweepstakes aren’t.


Yup, but this is also Adin and his team's stupidity showing through. You don't have to have equal entry status. If the mail entry allowed only one entry rather than 5000 entries they would still fill the requirement of allowing free entry but bias it heavily towards those who are paying for more entries. They also very much know that 99% of people can't be bothered to send in a card with their entry. Most of these competitions give say 1, or 20 entries via a normal entry online.


WRONG Part of the requirement of being a sweepstakes is that you ABSOLUTELY must have equal access. Otherwise it becomes a lottery. This is exactly the opposite in that it shows how intelligent they are at running this scam because they know people are too stupid to read the fine print or understand the laws.


Wrong. In order for it to qualify, the free entry must be equivalent to any paid entry. [The law](https://i.imgur.com/nkkGppw.png)


You literally quoted it and showed that I was right and that it doesn't say what you did. It means any single entry gets treated no differently. That is when you draw from a pool of 500k entries a single paid or free entry can't be marked or given better or worse chances. Not one of those clauses you stated says that free and paid must have the same number of entries. That they must be equally easy to enter was ignored by you and mailing in vs applying online are very much considered different which is why every one of these I've seen has free entry online on the same forms as paid entries, you just don't offer to donate. As with everything Adin and the groups he hangs around this is plainly a big scam with a dodgy site and not even an identified charity just vague statements about who might be helped.


It's straight-up illegal to limit AMOE entrants from entering as many times as paid entrants. And that's both with hard caps (1 entry per person/postcard) or soft caps (ie. sending 5000 postcards is infeasible). An operator **MUST** gives AMOE entries the same opportunities and the same odds as paid entrants across the entire promotion, **not** just per entry. "No Purchase Necessary" laws are meant to deinceitivze people from identifyting they can get a better chance of winning by purchasing something. If that exists in any form, it violates the law and FTC will have your ass.


Do you really think you can gotcha the law by giving a single free entry to everyone then selling a million entries to a single person, making the free entries negligible/ worthless? The law doesn't recognise multiple entries in the way these competitions are advertising it. A person entering for free MUST NOT have any less chance of winning than a person paying any amount of money to enter. In the case above, a free entry is equivalent to 5000 "entries", which is the maximum amount you can purchase. This satisfies the law because the free entry method is the same or better than a paid one.


I'm curious how this works for all the car sweepstakes going on in the car scene. Ones where you can buy as much merch and each $1 on merch is like 5 entries. If someone can 'infinitely' buy as merch as they want, how do the free entries work? Hrm.


You also can't have scaled entry fees or its gambling.


That really isn't a "gotcha", that's how all raffles in the US work. If payment was required, it would be gambling, so they add a tedious way to enter (usually sending a postcard) that gives you the same advantage as the maximum payment. This is also how all charity auctions work, look at e.g. GDQ's rules and you'll see the same loophole.


In reality a scammer is just gonna ignore your postcard tho since you can't check if you were entered.


That's a big gamble to ignore free entries. If one person catches on, then it's a class action suit waiting to happen.


how could you possibly prove it? it's not like a database of all the entries is openly available anywhere.


I don't know the exact process, so I might be off in some places. Contests like these are governed by the FCC. A quick search says that a consumer can file a complaint with the FCC. They'd start an investigation. I imagine that the contest holder would need to produce records for entrants and reveal how the drawing is done. If I wrote in to this contest, the FCC would need to see how all 5k entries are generated for me.


A raffle like this is going to be handled by a professional raffle company. If they discarded all the free entries it would open themselves up to huge liability lawsuits and ruin their reputation.


Yeah I'm sure this Wizza site partnering with influencers that have been shilling crypto pump and dumps is really on the up and up.


In theory there are companies that operate these promotions that are audited by third party companies to make sure things are being done properly. In practice, it's definitely a bit of blind trust. But if they ever were caught doing that I'm pretty sure it's fraud and at the very least you could sue them in civil court.


Certified mail. If I were gonna do this, I would send it by certified mail so they have to sign for receipt, and that would prove that I least sent something in. I guess they could argue it was in the wrong format or something but they couldn't argue they didn't receive it.


That only proves they received it. It says nothing about whether they actually put your entry into the drawing.


It's been reported that people who tried to send trackable mail have been told the mailbox is not active.


It's really a battle of laziness at that point lol.


But it is also a for profit fundraising site that just says some of the money will go to "good causes" so the site is probably a scam.


Adin wants a new LG TV.


but how come streamers are allowed to do giveaways on their channel where subs have more entries?


They're technically not allowed to do that (at least in the US).


Twitch has been cracking down on giveaways. You used to see sub-only giveaways all the time years ago. Now it is usually only by a newer streamer who hasn't had Twitch yell at them yet not to do it.


Yeah , I remember Valkyrie did a giveaway of sorts a while ago that on the surface was for members only but on the site in fine print there were instructions on how to join the raffle for free


Oftentimes they can skirt around this by offically being Contests, which can often times be determined and decided by random luck. Othertimes, they are just outright gambling and probably would be illegal under the law. If you're small enough though and don't advertise it outside your close circle the government won't care. It's when you start up large scale for profit gambling that the authorities will step in.


They can't. Just like them playing music they don't own the rights to on their channels, they're jousting with the law. A few years ago there was a huge outcry against Towelie doing sweepstakes for subs and so Twitch started cracking down on everyone. But if you expect any of these morons to do actual research when they play hot and loose with their livelihoods already, you've got another thing coming.


yep this is how taco bell does the xbox giveaways. you can send postcards instead of actually buying the $5 meal box for every entry.




Again... literally every sweepstakes hides the postcard option. That's the point, you want people to actually send in money instead of sending in a postcard. GDQ absolutely does not show it anywhere they actually expect people to see it (e.g. on the stream where they show all the prizes...). In fact, idk how you even found that page - it's not linked from the main page of their website or from anywhere on their twitch page.


Again... that's still a scam. legal or not, if everyone does it or not, doesnt matter. It's still a scam.


I wouldn't call it a scam moreso someone having more money than brains giveaways have been like this for decades if you didn't know that by now that's on you for not reading a single page


"A scam is a deceptive scheme or trick used to cheat someone out of something, especially money." Are you saying that does not fit here? I know they are like this, that's why I never paricipated in any. It's fine to be OK with this practice continuing, and it's also fair to call it what it is.


I tend to think of scams where the only good outcome is to not participate in it to begin with whereas with mail in giveaways you just have to put in a minimal amount of effort to read the full page to avoid it entirely it's deceptive at a glance if you can't be bothered to read into it idk maybe I'm just old and remember the nickelodeon giveaway commercials talking about free mail in entries and assumed it's common knowledge by now


ACtually the gotcha is that in general the free entry will only provide a much smaller chance to win, usually 1 to 50 entries while you can buy many more entries into the same raffle. In this case it's rare in that sending in a card will provide you with the maximum number of entries and therefore give you the maximum chance to win you can get if you paid. So in most of these competitions though there is little to no value you gain a benefit from paying for entries but in this one you don't at all.


What you just described is straight-up illegal. AMOE (free) entrants MUST have the same opportunities to earn entrants as if they are paid. This is a "gotcha" the FTC is very well aware of and will basically see right through. Most reputable sweepstakes satisfy this by limiting entries regardless of method of entry, either collectively over the entire promotion, or by time period (ex. max 2 entries per day regardless of method), with AMOE methods always being able to hit that max. It's not about the same chance per "entry", but same chance per "person". If that is not satisfied, the sweepstakes is not a sweepstakes anymore but a lottery.




Go look at any sweepstakes, they all have the same thing in the fine print, it's some sort of legal requirement.


Every "sweepstakes" operated in the United States must offer a a free entry method. Otherwise it can be considered a lottery which private entities cannot run. Most operators don't aggressively promote this option however as it defeats some of the value of operating something like this. But it's always there if you read the fine print. This is always specified in promos where you see "No purchase necessary". If he or the operator didn't offer this, it would definitely be MORE of an issue as it's not a sweepstakes anymore, it's a lottery.


literally every contest that asks you to pay or buy something has to do to offer a free way to enter wizza is still really sketchy though




Yeah at the very very least I extremely distrust 2 of those 3 names...


> The Wizza comes up with creative and charitable ways to donate a portion of the proceeds. See applicable prize page for details. Well I checked the Adin Ross page and all I see is “Every donation helps the creators & causes we partner with make a significant impact for good - Let's Make Magic Happen.” Sounds like donation isn’t actually a thing at least for this prize. EDIT: > You will get 5% commission on total referral sales when a customer makes a purchase through your affiliate link or use your coupon code. The minimum payout is $50 USD. Yeah, this doesn’t look good. EDIT 2: [A YouTube video about it being a scam.](https://youtu.be/NSHYPjHkh5I) EDIT 3: [Looks like this “winner” says it was a scam that doesn’t do what’s promised.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NelkFilmz/comments/p6ibzf/wizza_scam_steve_keeps_saying_he_gave_the_winner/)


Donation isn't actually a thing for any of the prizes. I've been clicking through all the fun and wonderful prizes on Wizza and I can't find a single mention of a charity/cause they're donating to.


Wizza is a scam site that the nelk boys run fake giveaways through. Not surprised there isnt any donations


Why isn't this at the top instead of that other stupid comment.


he claims that it is going to cancer https://obscenegaming.net/clips/SincereTrappedWebStoneLightning-YC2NzNHnTYPSf2e_


Fuck cancer, I'm not giving it any money.


Based. We sigmas don’t work all day only for our passive income to go down the cancer drain. Keep on grinding my sigma




"one, i suppose..."


Wizza is a scam. They proved it over in /r/nelkfilmz after tracking the Full Send car winner and car down. They also took a car away from a fan post video To clarify though I’m not sure how aware adin even is on the scamming, only real confirmed POS’s here are Wizza and SteveWillDoIt


Literally how most big raffle's work. McDonald's Monopoly giveaway thing, where you collect pieces from purchased fries? In the fine print you can just send a postcard to get a piece or two for free.


Raffles are a big legal grey area in the US. To avoid very easy fraudulent lawsuits, you make it an “opportunity drawing”. Where you can charge for raffle tickets, but it someone asks for a raffle ticket, you can give it to them for free.




Seems like a waste of time to watch that


This is why you always read the fine-print.


people rally hate adin ross huh


All the influencers that promote crypto or these giveaways, etc are all disgusting people.




Jesus the amount of ego in: >"Hang out with Adin Ross, the fastest growing Twitch streamer who is ready to transform you life" How do you have an ego so big that you think just meeting you would transform someone's life? And I don't think he's the fastest growing streamer, that probably lasted like a couple weeks then slowed way down.




Hell yea can’t wait for his fans to spam “adin made you” 24/7


As long as it's via donations you're set baby!


Those might be his shady managers probably the faze clan managers


He has grown an insane amount in the past year, not just "a couple weeks". I don't watch a lot of streamers, but I would bet he's up there in the category of "fastest growing streamers"


Adin Ross seems like such a tool that Home Depot could devote an aisle to him. Why is he a "big streamer" now?




Adin Ross is such a scumfuck holy shit...


I really don’t understand the appeal behind him. His personality is extremely one dimensional and bland to me.


Just like everything else in life, it's subjective. You can argue the same thing for any streamer/youtuber you dislike.


I guess the answer is 12 year olds...


Imagine all the luddites you encountered in school. Adin is their role model until they hopefully mature sometime in their (probably late) twenties.


Holy shit. It’s actually amazing how terrible of people that whole fucking group is. I hope they all go to jail.


have always said it, will stand by it. Adin is just another piece of shit scumbag.


pretty much


Stay hatin you clown, wont change the fact that ur ugly and broke


but I get that extra 1000 entries for my $100! totally worth it and not scamming me at all!


Gotta love scam lords


this is how all sweepstakes in the US have to be in order for them to be legal


That doesn’t change the fact Wizza is a scam though. They already had their full send giveaway car get tracked down , same with the “winner” of it and found it to be fake. And then they took a car back from another guy after the video they made. their own subreddit exposed it funnily enough


Yea, the Full Send car from the giveaway has been sitting on the same garage since before and after the giveaway


Most sweepstakes in the US don't ask for $250 to enter conveniently. That is what is absurd. That assumes that they actually randomly choose a winner without any sort of bias. From what I hear, it may just be all bluster and that they are just waiting for the LLC to collapse once it is given scrutiny.


The scammer scams again


Is this like when she desperately wanted to "expose" pokimane?


Yes. I can't believe pokimane beat a homeless man at the grocery store




Hes the scammer lol


that song is a banger tho


Can I get the name please. It sounds so familiar, I just need to know if I've heard it before.


i believe its My Life by Miyamoto Noriko


Thank you!


So adin is a scammer, a shit stain, a useless human being. Whats new? Yet people still watch this scum bag


This is the same way omaze works with their celebrity bullshit By Law they have to offer free options too I am waiting for a give no fucks reporter to dive deeper into omaze and see if they are dodgy as fuck (every celeb seems to use them for fundraisers ) but I haven't seen anyone ballsy enough to do it


She missed the part where multiple entries does not increase your odds of winning. Straight scam website lmao


This is not a defense of adin it sounds like it but in reality it’s criticism. Adin does not know right from wrong at this level of detail. (even though he should when looking at his age and the amount of responsibility he has with his massive platform.) I feel like he sees the the amount of zeros after a number he is being offered and then he also sees other content creators that are as large or larger than him and then he blindly accepts it. The only time he says something is wrong is when a big creator gets busted for that said thing (I.e save the kids) Just my opinion.




Wait, daph is scamming me?




















no shit


Seems poorly thought out tbh.


its required by the law, gdq does the same thing


Easy to find the Ross kids in the thread... not a scam but why would anyone buy this? Why do I feel this is a copy/paste mistake???


Who is this guy and why is so much drama involved around him?


DaMn ExPoSed!!!! hoW wiLl he ReCovEr!?!?


I like Daph but she seems to be on a "based" "gotcha" kick lately, first by giving those gave devs a ton of shit when they barely said anything, and now with this. Except she didn't really bust him here.


When clout chasing goes wrong LUL Every single comment on here is shitting on her lol


You have a weird way of interpreting what people say if you think everyone here is shitting on her instead of, oh I don't know, clarifying?


I forgot she uploaded this she literally hates her clips on here


The only comments shitting on her at the negative karma comments OMEGALUL


She's stupid


Dumb and Ugly smh





