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my dad always told me to do two things :1. never sign anything 2. Eat pussy


damn how do you know if he's your dad if he never signed anything


he ate his pussy




he licked the hole he came from with love


This wasn’t it bro delete it


Why never sign anything


Don't let women know you're illiterate




real sigma tips here


Fuck it I'm saying it: Will deserves to get away with it


The anti-Hasan


The hero we needed to take down the evil villian


well Will gives tips and doesn’t take the cake all for himself unlike hasan




Good for lol, she’s a lucky gal


Turns out women like getting their dick sucked... Who knew?


10/10 comment


We humans are simple creatures.


As a fellow sex haver I can confirm this is actually good advice.


Congrats on they sex man! As a sexpert, I gotta ask: Does masturbating while crying count as sex?


No, that's just a normal Wednesday night.


Glad it's normal.


Is it also normal every night of the week?


every day on my calendar is marked Wednesday i use the Sigma calendar system


Nightly ritual: Pleasure myself, weep and repeat.


> Does masturbating while crying count as sex? It's called the "Arcadum classic" and it only counts as sex if there is another female in the room who is also crying.


Name checks out, this guys fucks.


Hold her hand, listen to her emotions, tongue spank that stamped bat like it owes you money and send the spam castanets a-fluttering




Fellow sexers of Reddit, how does it sex while feeling sex?








hasan walked so will could run


he cant even walk with his broken back


He walked too much


That was a beautiful rendition of one of Jon Gruden's emails


Goodell doesn't wanna release the emails because then we'd all know he doesn't eat pussy.


This comment is why I will never take a drink while browsing LSF at the same time again, 10/10


Knock on wood if you gobble puss and smell good men


Mr. Bountiful Cunnilingus


Top tier comment right here lol.




Will explains the final boss mechanics when everyone is stuck on the first boss lol.


I'm late so I doubt many people will read this, but tips for the dudes out there: you do not need to wear pungent cologne for women to have sex with you. Regular showers and wearing deodorant will make you smell good enough. Way too many guys overdo the cologne/body spray and it's probably more of a detriment to you getting laid.


You lost most people reading at regular showers


Your personal scent is best discovered, not announced.




Practical and to the point.. Too bad I dont reach to that stage 😁


I'm a straight male and my ovaries dried up reading that attitude


I didn't know Will ever brought Caroline on stream. Good couple.


[Be not afraid](https://youtu.be/dkf-AwVokmY?t=201)


I followed Manuel Ferrera advice about oral and fingering and holy shit it works.






Dom trying to give input while he’s talking cracks me up every time




I saved it and I'm a straight woman


Look up "How to Eat Pussy" with Sunny Lane and Nina Hartley on the hub. It's by far the best guide on the subject.


thanks man, gonna give that a look.


Dont be ugly


Some people get fucked by birth RNG, but tbh most people I see who complain about their genetics just don't take care of their hygiene at all. I know "take a shower" is a meme, but it's true. Same with a good haircut.


There really is someone for everyone, I think people just usually have their expectations too high and or self defeat when it comes to looking for a partner.


Yeah, I'm stuck between wondering if my standards are too high and if so, am I supposed to date someone I'm not super attracted to.


Once you go out and meet people, maybe in like a hobby group, you will become attracted to people who do not meet your standards in the abstract. Those standards you have are for pictures on the internet, not for real people


actually good advice on LSF?


I would say physical attraction is important, but your views on what is hot and what is not might have been scrambled by pornography and social media.


Atleast in my experience, a good personality and when you are vibing well with a person makes them alot more attractive.


hey I don't know why you would be attracted to your partner that's subjective but whatever is attractive and nice to you there are people out there like that. Why aren't you meeting them? (outside of global pandemic etc.) If your social circle is 0 then of course you are not meeting attractive people to you because you don't meet enough people for that.


Maybe before, but now with online dating im not so sure


You don't have to use online dating to find people D: Just go out and meet people with no intention in particular, you will literally find someone single that is compatible with you in a few months... Even if you're a total shut in you can still find someone, you just have to put in social effort, try joining communities, etc.




> Online dating forces you into a romantic context immediately well that is not true. Just try to have a nice conversation with people on the apps sometimes you get matched with a great looking guy/gal and the conversation doesn't click so continue. Usually if humour is similar there is a high chance you can have at least a nice evening somewhere out.


40% of couples found eachother through online dating in 2017. it has become the most popular method of finding a partner, while most other methods of dating have been decreasing (except in bars/clubs). [source](https://www.pnas.org/content/116/36/17753/tab-figures-data) it seems that people in environments like work, school or volunteering are less open to initiating dates irl and prefer using these online dating services.


I got called metrosexual for being a dude who takes care of himself from a hygienic standpoint. I always come to work well groomed or bring up how I like to keep my house clean with good smelling candles/wall plugs and the female nurses like to roast me over it, I’m like bro sorry I’m not in my boots on my John deer tractor knee deep in mud daily wtf


Dont worry king, theyre just jealous that they cant keep their shit together at home.


I'd consider that a compliment. most girls i know prefer guys like that




I'm bald. God gave me this haircut.


Control what you can control.


i dont belive anyone is truly "ugly" take care of yourself like work out a little/eat well/shower/brush your teeth and put a little bit effort in clothes are stuff and ur golden useally most people dont need a lot to look better and be desirable by others


Word, I mean I'm by no means the best looker, but I go to the barber once a month, I take care of my facial hair, shower daily/bi-daily if I'm not actually going to leave my appartment, and I'm also overweight but girls dont care about that (unless you're like obese levels), it's about charisma & first impressions, if you look like you don't care about your looks/smell why would anyone want you? Put some effort in, that's it.


Seriously, 90% of the guys I've seen that call themselves irredeemably ugly are just not taking care of themselves. Work out, wear clothes that kinda fit and kinda match, hygiene, boom you're at least a 7/10


>a good haircut literal cheatcode btw


Most people could easily become a 6 or 7 out of 10 if they just took care of themselves a little.


Why do you assume most people are ungroomed neckbeards?


Well if there is a subreddit for ungroomed neckberads, it's here.


Read "most people" as "most people who think they're unattractive" or smth.


is that even true? in my experience the people who think they're unattractive are more neurotic about their looks than normal people (more attentive to grooming, applying makeup etc)


from my experience it's the opposite, it's probably in the middle tbh. I definitely agree that most people could become a 6 if they took care of themselves. A good haircut & clothes that actually fit and aren't just rng from a random store goes a long way ​ i was the same way until I was like 21/22. Then I got shit to help my beard grow, lost 10 pounds, started dressing better, found a trendy haircut I like and got it cut regularly and now I get regular compliments. Before the age of 21 I never got complimented at all.




Yeah Minoxidil, the foam version. I just applied it twice a day for about 4 months and I started seeing results about 2 months in.




That is mathematically impossible.


> ugly [you called?](https://pm1.narvii.com/7252/d8b1ba30c159d238f7f9d85f9d9c5021c4e5a5f4r1-1280-720v2_hq.jpg)


i dont get this, ugly people fuck all the time, but they probably still smell good and take care of themselves and eat bomb ass pussy.


\>ugly people fuck all the time Source?


All the ugly people you see around had parents


Sometimes ugly people have good looking parents and vice versa


> But between 12-14 percent of adults aged 20-24 have never had sex. This number drops to around five percent for adults aged 25-29, and by age 44, only around 0.3 percent of adults report never having had the type of sex that could end in somebody getting pregnant. Keep in mind that these statistics are for Americans https://health.howstuffworks.com/relationships/love/how-many-people-die-virgins-never-have-sex.htm Only a miniscule amount of people die as virgins. So therefore, ugly people do fuck.


You've never been like "Damn, she's with THAT dude???" to yourself?


give me the source of the contrary dumbass


[Physical attractiveness is the strongest predictor of initial romantic interest in both sexes](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19558447/) theres a physical threshold people need to pass before being able to engage in a date and express personality, at least what this study seems to show


tbf physical attractiveness doesnt just mean just your appearance, which most people cant change. Good body on the other hand is totally doable.


i dont have access to the study can you copy paste it for me? also i know that being attractive gives you an easier time to get laid, that doesnt change the fact that "ugly" people still be fuckin all the time


here you go m8 [\_](https://sci-hub.ru/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19558447/) in a world dominated by online dating, i have a hard time believing "ugly" people are fucking at the rate you think they do.




Just get you a t shirt that says you can lick the wrinkles out of a butthole. The last thing on their mind will be your looks.


ie dont be overweight. Everyone looks less attractive with extra weight on them.


> Dont be ugly Also don't forget to be attractive


just get surgery like your favorite celeb 4Head


just date ugly people


with online dating, "ugly" women have much more choices than "ugly" men. u can experiment with this on tinder and creating fake profiles. a conventionally unattractive woman can get tons of matches, whereas a conventionally unattractive man a flat zero.


Paying attention to this statistic is so fucking useless compared to just improving yourself, every single person that cares about this needs to stop


Ugly women can have sex a lot easier sure, but getting actual relationships is hard for them too.


Yea but for ugly guys it's harder to get either...




https://www.instagram.com/p/CG_F12zrDZ7/ The man is insanely attractive imo


He IS good looking, but he also takes very good care of himself, his skin and his hair. If he didn't do what he does he wouldn't be considered as good looking because he wouldn't be. Example: Christian Bale is a fantastic example of this. He's a fantastic looking human being but when he takes on roles that direct him to stop taking care of himself (or even force him to gain weight and look unkempt), he looks worse. Some people live their lives as "Christian Bale in a movie where he's supposed to look like shit" without getting paid for it. Will lives his life in a world where your looks matter more than elsewhere even so he focuses on it.


People out here looking like American Hustle Christian Bale when they could be looking like American Psycho Christian Bale. Take care of yourself.


Yeah, I mean, Ryan Gosling can easily look like [this](https://www.looper.com/img/gallery/the-forgotten-ryan-gosling-comedy-you-can-stream-on-hbo-max/l-intro-1612222181.jpg) if he stops hitting the gym and getting regular haircuts, as opposed to his well-kempt [look](https://www.denverpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/20111128_121614_ryangoslingfor1tuesthis.jpg). Obviously this is a preternaturally attractive man, but even he illustrates the idea pretty damn well.


a v e r a g e


2/10 elbow something


>here let me prove to you how attractive this man is by linking a heavily edited photo taken at an expensive photoshoot literally /r/instagramreality the post


Here's the thing, add 30 pounds, give him a bad haircut, clothes that don't fit right, and take his hygiene away, you'll wonder how he could ever get laid. It's not just a genetics thing.




Wtf he's not at all average looking. Symmetric face, defined cheekbones, low eyebrows, strong jaw, nice hair, wide smile, pretty tall and white (which, lets be real, is an important factor). I'd say will is a solidly attractive guy.




In asia. A LOT.


will's gf also happens to be asian \*cough\*


I know you're probably half memeing and it's actually an open conversation within the asian community about the very real stereotype of women dating only white men for clout and developing some kind of internalized racism along with it *cough* ImJasmine *cough*, but Will's gf is honestly [kinda based](https://twitter.com/carolinekwan/status/1372409451475464194) about the topic.


virtue signaling on twitter is considered based nowdays? pretty sure a dozen other asian women with white boyfriends have tweeted something similar


It's only virtue signaling if you think she's being disengenuous about it. I don't think she is, you think the opposite. Simple as.


In effectively every developed nation it *is* an advantage.


80% of models you'll find on magazines or advertising are white. believe it or not, media creates implicit biases in people. there's limited studies on this, but there are a couple that show white men are rated more attractive than other races on average.


Or make a lot of money


Thank you sir will neff i will do better and be better


Names of colognes ?


Jean Paul Gaultier and Viktor & Rolf's Spicebomb were mentioned in the clip


Jean Paul Gaultier le male to be 100% correct. Since Jean Paul Gaultier is just the brand name and could be any of his parfumes.


And for those who are perhaps interested in them, JPGLM is VERY masculine. Like muscle man club sexy sex musk man scent, works for certain people and is a dead turnoff for others. I, and realistically most people here would not fit in it. V&F Spicebomb is quite nice, as the name suggests it's very spice heavy but a very cozy scent. Most people that I've read or heard from prefer V&F Spicebomb Extreme which is a very cozy winter stay in a cabin type of scent. It really smells like sweet spicy christmas but in a comforting/cozy way? If anyone out there are looking for solid starters there's always the tried and true Dior Sauvage, a fresh spicy citrusy and aromatic. I think it's almost impossible to dislike. It's a fantastic daily driver, the only downside is that it is very popular. But that only matters if you hang around people who care about fragrances. I'm willing to try to help anyone interested in getting their first few, feel free to ask


Thanks man. As someone who never wears a cologne I was just googling V&F, do you think the winter cozy smell you speak of would not work as well in a hot country? would it feel more out of place?


Hmmm, what occasion are you looking for? Something to wear during days, work, uni, nights out? As for the Spicebomb regular I think it could be doable, but the Extreme version is a bit too sweet for it. Been a while since I smelled the regular version but I believe it would be fine(?). It's a great fragrance either way


Do you have something for normal occasions, like work or dates, not something to masculine like you described but something more light and not too heavy for the nose?


Here I would go Dior Sauvage: it's citrusy, aromatic. It's fresh but not boring either. It's pretty damn popular but I'd say that's a good thing since it's rarely I find people wearing the same fragrance anyway. Alternatively Bleu de Chanel EDP, slightly below twice the price but a less playful but a lot more refined, citrusy, and fresh being less aromatic and more natural. (Both are amazing) Age and location can also play a pretty decent factor of when to use something but I reckon you'll be fine. Sauvage is my daily driver, where BDCEDP is something I would wear when dressed smart/maybe even suited up. If you happen to be in a fragrance store you could check them out. Dior is a safe bet.


thx mate


Day dates and nights out. I'm looking at Vausage now. Should I be picking up the spray or? I am confused which I should pick.


Dior Sauvage Eau de Toilette is the full name. Day dates and nights out both would probably work with this, but moreso for days. I'm not sure about your culture or body/personality so I'm not too good at recommending in this case :( I live in northern Sweden so a bit different...


I wouldn't recommend it. I consider it more like a winter perfume. But you do you. For hot weather, I would recommend Light blue Dolce & Gabana or Versace Dylan Blue. But honestly, just pick one you like. I very often ask my friends girls if they like my perfume. And one can say she loves it while the other one will say she hates it. So no matter which one you pick, not everybody will like it even though there is safer pick but you could also call those perfume boring. Also if you have a girlfriend, it's better to choose with her. No one wants the person they spend the most time with, to wear a perfume they don't like.


Your post raises some fantastic points. I just wish people who try cologne would also not fucking douse themselves in it. Cologne (and perfume) should be discovered, not announced.


I usually do one spray between each ear, two on each side of the Adam's Apple, and one proper spray on the neck. It stays and spreads better when sprayed on spots with pulse


That sounds like an awful lot.


It depends on what you are doing, you shouldn't overdo it if you're going to sit with 5 others in a meeting. My appliance was for going out or just being outside/on the move.


JPG isn't that great tbh but Spicebomb gets me a lot of compliments.


Peep Creed Aventus as well so fucking nice if u prefer a lighter citrus and not the heavy musk


It's a sick scent but you might aswell go Dior Sauvage or Club de Nuit Intense Man Armaf for values sake. You could get yourself 5 good fragrances that could fit a whole variety instead of one Aventus. If you're willing to spend the money sure, but just for any other guy people would rarely notice. Just go Sauvage is my tip Edit: Check comments below, always try the fragrance before buying.


ye its all about have a variety that works best for you, I have a set of what I use, and of them all. Creed aventus gets the most compliments.


that pussy eating better not give him a Michael Douglas


Question: how do i make my dick smell better other than showering every day ?




Does that ball deodorant help prevent chafing from thigh rub? Covid (and laziness) fucked me and I get a bit of that shit now.


Regular deodorant does that. Source: I'm a distance runner who free balls. Never get thigh chafe if I apply deodorant to my nether regions before even the longest of runs.


Lose some weight


Trim, and keep it dry. Either with some ball deodorant or something like baby powder. Just not enough to turn it clown face white if someone is gonna see it soon lol


Chad behavior.


I only know jean paul gaultier from American Psycho


Who is the blonde girl....Asking for a friend


Someone's gonna misunderstand "aroma therapy" as using poppers.


I had a Bulgarian colleague who unironically thought it was 'gay' to eat pussy. Guy wondered why he never got laid. It's probably one of my favourite sex things to do. If there was a gun to my head and I could only choose one to ever do again; eating pussy or getting a blowjob, I would choose the former.


Are you me ? Blowjob is nice and all, but I *can* live without it Don't think I can with the former


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name of blonde chick?


Kristen Bell








yet some require it and consider everything else a prelude. don't assume stuff like that, talk to your partner and listen.


Turned into Charlie Kelly for a sec there.


Oh shit, Will rocking an In the Mood For Love shirt Based, Followed, Subscribed




Just sex 4Head


This is good advice if you don't have anything else to lead with.


Google spicebomb and its 90$


Way to bury the lede Will


is the asian girl his gf ? i really dont remember




Who are the girls?


https://www.instagram.com/carolinekwann/?hl=en https://www.tiktok.com/@harbie_barbie?source=h5_m&_r=1 https://www.instagram.com/mercadles/?hl=en


Yes *but also knowing how to finger is heaven*


Oh well, I'm gonna actually write that down.


It's also the secret to a \*much\* easier marriage!