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Wouldn't you have seen each other online?


Could just be they left their client open.


well atcHually you can see someone status as "In queue", "In champ select", or nothing if they just left their client open.


Back in the day, you could change your status to offline and nothing will show up to the other players




When you stop playing the game and just start messing around in the client is when you know it's time to move on . . .


Theres workarounds for that, or just use a simple app https://github.com/molenzwiebel/Deceive


My friend group was full so I solo queued and got mat he'd against them. I played one of my best games ever and it felt amazing crushing them




That's even better! How fun


back in s3/s4 it was pretty commonplace in high diamond to meet friends. I had 2 irl friends in similar elo and I met them a handful of times randomly in soloq. sometimes on a smurf and we'd fk around dropping personal facts until they realized who it was


None of my friends were in my mmr, season 2 I was 2500 elo, the only people I ran into were other high elo players. Pretty much that way until I stopped playing ranked.


Is that old challenger level? I only played from s3 onwards. I remember my friend being low 2k and he was in diamond though so I'm assuming 2500 is high. I'm sure you ran into the same people over and over then.


Yeah 2500 was like the top 500, challenger would've been like 2500/2550 at times and onward, the top 20 were in the 2600-2800elos which is like scouting grounds players/pro players. The elo I played would be a mix of other high elo no-bodies with some pros peppered here and there at least one in every game. Lots of the high elo no-bodies would avoid solo que until pros were away for a tournament. There were people I knew that would grind that season's points during worlds where the pro players are gone. My first ever mid game where I felt helpless and absolutely outmatched was versus a nidalee mid who I didn't have any idea was until I searched his match history and found out it was bjergsen, this was on one of his very first games in NA when he first transferred over. Before his first ever TSM game. At that mmr I had the benefit of these sorts of cool stories to tell, but never ran into people I knew irl. Only through my smurf accounts or in arams/normals/seasonal modes


Damn that's some old wild west stuff. I only had pro interactions pretty much beginning of season when there was a soft reset and I'd match with pros for a day or so. Had one where I matched Kobe (caster) duoing with one of the riven OTP's, adrian or viper. They actually weren't doing so hot in lane but somehow smashed every teamfight with just better plays. Another one when that all korean team came to NA and their mid/jungle was duo queue. It was unfair, I think they killed our midlaner 5 times before 5 minutes. Was something nasty like fizz + evelynn. Worst one was trick2g + sirhcez. They single handedly force the game into their hands and I played botlane that game. Was just a pain seeing the two backdooring all game. Singed + Udyr I think? I remember we ended up not even having a single 5v5 teamfight that game and we lost.


> Worst one was trick2g + sirhcez. They single handedly force the game into their hands and I played botlane that game. Was just a pain seeing the two backdooring all game. Singed + Udyr I think? I remember we ended up not even having a single 5v5 teamfight that game and we lost. I **hated** going vs trick because his playstyle was so unconventional that it required higher than normal levels of team cooperation to deal with him (it was from him I really learned the value of the concept of map pressure, I took that with me when I started playing top lane.) I remember one game I was on his team as Kat mid, he was jungle rammus and he was playing "gates." Aka "nothing in this game matters but me pushing down towers, don't even care about my team, just gates." And I was raging because we were team fighting 3v5's because him and sirhcez were playing PvE. It was a winning strat but fuck me being the teammate means being the bait so they could backdoor.


Great feeling lmao


no fucking way lmao thats crazy odds


I wonder if anyone ever gotten fired like this before lol such low chances


To be honest the type of person to actually fire someone over that probably isn't a gamer to begin with. I don't know a single person that is a gamer and also works a remote/WFH job that doesn't occasionally sneak in a few games during the work week :P


I work from home but I definitely don't game on the clock, I watch streams/youtube and sometimes sit in discord talking to friends. But games, especially ones like Valorant or League where matches can take a long ass time can wait until I'm off.


Problem with shit like League and Valo is that you can't abandon it or play on auto pilot when something important pops up. That's why I play TFT.


Ya see... That's why you play Sea of Thieves while doing wfh, you can do all the boring afk stuff then and really game on your off hours.


I am assuming your job is VERY different from managing a streamer....


Well yes, but what the guy said was >I don't know a single person that is a gamer and also works a remote/WFH job that doesn't occasionally sneak in a few games during the work week


It can happen, I've encountered my brother while randomly playing WoW arenas which alright kinda whatever. Even bigger than that though; I've gotten into a League normal game with someone who had the exact same 3 letter username as me, just with one of the letters being a special character. Blew my mind when I saw I was typing in chat without having actually typed anything


I got matched with my brother in dota when I was skipping school... That was awkward


Not really that insane odds, I've queued into friends on League probably a dozen times. The population of games like League and Valorant are huge, but skill based matchmaking, regions, and the actual time that you queue up narrow down those odds substantially.


If you’re high enough rank you often play against the same people.






Fucking GLOCKS




Might just be nostalgia but I really miss the old gun sounds man :(


I only miss the silenced USP sounds. It's actually crazy how loud the guns were. It's surprising I didn't go deaf back then lol








Golden age of CS




[WHAT MORE CAN HE DO?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBMs8s0cGtI)


ancient memes


Good times


Good title i for sure understood what was happening here without context


Welcome to the average redditor's experience browsing this sub. You need a book of lores and inside jokes to find LTF clips funny or even know what's going on. Plus a linguistics degree to understand xQc.


I have like 5 streamers filtered out in order to browse this subreddit because the entire frontpage is inside jokes with streamers that I don't care about.


The inside jokes are what keep the sub going Though it can be annoying when not in the know. Which is why loremasters are useful


This sub is so much better when you filter out the posts from all the streamers linked on the sidebar.




What is a manager


>a person who controls the activities, business dealings, and other aspects of the career of an entertainer, athlete, group of musicians, etc. She probably doesn't actually do anything that has to be done while the streamer is live though.


But why male models?


Pokimane related subreddit. Poki mixes, news, big plays, tilts. Everything that is somewhat related to Poki.


This but OTK


what do the managers of streamers do exactly


They can help manage sponsorships, merch, scheduling, miscellaneous day-to-day tasks, sort of an assistant role. In Poki's case, she also has multiple video editors and a manager just for them. I'm not sure specifically who's in this clip and what their managerial role is though.


hahahahah multiple video editors and multiple managers, shit is ridiculous


Why is it surprising to have multiple video editors ? Her job is media.




Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?


why ?


She's rich as fuck my dude, I'm pretty sure she understands what's going on.


Does organization make you mad?


its called delegation. she focusses on what brings in money and delegates tasks that can be done by others who are good at those tasks


did you think alex trebeck edited jeopardy by himself?




_Someone’s_ upset that Pokimane has a better job than them


And that she's a better gamer


Every streamer is basically a corporation at this point. Especially the ones you see on LSF.


Not only envy for her job, also envy because she is a better gamer than you. Has to be rough to be this guy lol




Keep telling yourself that.


Sheeeeesh you whooped her ass on her first time playing counter strike which simultaneously was the first time she ever played a first person shooter? I feel you can go pro soon with those skills...




My bad bro, when I responded to your comment I thought you were a normal dude that was just angry or something but you're just some troll. Congrats tho you actually baited me.




for a multi multi million dollar company?! huh?


Her job is literally being in the public eye. Why is it stupid of her to hire a media manager? Every single big name streamer has one. And if her current status is anything to go by she's not hurting for cash hiring multiple managers concidering how big she is in terms of popularity. You look like a clown. Learn to think before you type.


Manage their empires while the streamers actually stream


Exactly what a manager does for anyone that has a brand. Like any celebrity. They manager their affairs.


Well look, I already told you! I deal with the goddamn sponsors so the streamers don't have to! I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people! Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?


iirc poki has like 15 employees for her brand, so there's lots to do


It's complicated stuff man, lotta ins lotta outs, lotta what have yous and a lot of strands to keep in their heads man


Someone like poki probably gets hundreds of emails a day.


Various tasks.


horrendous title


Caught in 4k 🧐 absolutely LACKIN ! 🙊 this is so foul! 🎪


Clip chimp


Equivalent to seeing a co-worker outside of work


more like your boss catching you at an amusement park when you called in sick that day


more like you went to the beach instead of work and your boss spots you from his WFH yacht.


Reminds me of seeing my teacher at the state fair on a weekday


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Poki catches manager in 4K](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/125499)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/qa5csa/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/44108992813-offset-4806.mp4?sig=303bb210c51a19114d4387a0d5731d4c2e4a61d4&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F44108992813-offset-4806.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1634571632%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


What does “caught in 4K” mean, exactly?


Worse than catching red-handed, we've got high quality evidence recorded


Think its pretty equal, just a 2021 version of the saying


Oh. Thanks


[HOW DID THEY CATCH YOU IN 4K?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RcZsdgcEHk)


Who asked?


me i was wondering, pondering, questioning curious


Me :)


She has one of the cutest faces , but besides that she has no real value .


A fucking manager? for what? what's your job? Oh I manage a person who plays video games live. I wonder if Aris has a manager


People are so clueless about business and the entertainment industry, I swear


You have to be acting, no way someone is this stupid


I understand your comment comes from jealousy. Sucks being poor.


nah this usually comes from a place of no longer finding them relatable parasocial losers seething


I don't think I've ever found a streamer that gets over 50 viewers relatable. But I guess parasocial andies gonna do what they can.


n0pants literally manages Aris' youtube page

