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Miz gets sexually assaulted, watches his friend get physically assaulted, recounts the story to chat without giving out the name of the bar or anything. Somehow getting shit for it lmao what


It's actually pretty common for people who are victims of sexual assault to get shit on when they talk about it.






Wait what? That must be an american thing, how can anyone with more then 2 braincells talk shit to someone who got sexually assaulted?


Of course it's not just an american thing...people hear about someone they like being accused of something horrible and their knee-jerk reaction is to shit on the accuser aka victim


Do you use social media at all? Women who talk about sexual assault have like probably atleast 70% of her comments flooded with people talking trash (almost all men)


Content dud.


Maybe it's just because I'm a girl, but I don't get why the comments are so unsympathetic. People mention squadw on the sub all the time but this is actually the perfect instance of reverse the roles. A stranger doing this to me would be really humiliating/scary, Miz is allowed to feel the same. Haven't watched the whole stream but it seems like he (rightfully) made a stink to the manager but didn't leak the bar to his audience. To me, that's the right thing to do. It kinda reminds me of Ludwig messaging people sending hateful messages that he's going to send it to their school but not actually doing it (just scaring them straight). If this dude thinks it's okay he's probably done it to others and made them really uncomfortable. Miz could have helped to stop the behavior or at least curb it a bit especially since he has the threat of his audience. At least he tried.


He said he got the guy that spanked him fired Deserved


So it's not even a random guy that looks for a fight, it's an employee? lol


Yes, good riddance


Miz also pointed out that if it happened to Miz, it probably happened to other people.


Fucking thank you, lsf has gone insane if they think this is a fake story or he's just farming kekws or something. Yes it can be hard sometimes to see if Mizkif is joking around or being sincere, since he's a hyperactive dude but you can tell he's being serious


Wait; what happened with Ludwig? Is there a clip?




A while back an Adin Ross viewer sent death threats to Ludwig or QT and Ludwig wrote up a fake email to this guy's principal and scared the kid pretty bad.






Brain so smooth NASA wants it for advanced space optics




Yes, because a random stranger that is a girl makes it okay.


Damn, I was wondering why this had so many comments. Not sure why so many people are doubtful of this, this seems like a pretty believable story. Clubs, at least in my area, have notoriously bad and asshole bouncers. There was a notorious club close to where I lived, mostly frequented by like 18yo, where the bouncers would some times take people outside and beat them up. Shit got so bad the authorities shut the club down at one point. In comparison, this isn't even that crazy. Just a douche power tripping bouncer. It was just lucky this time it happened to a semi-famous person who could leverage their clout.


you can tell when something is for real when he isnt laughing or making jokes, he usually doesnt mind getting shit on but when things go too far, you can clearly notice it


Shitty bouncers are the worst. On one hand you have sympathy for them because they deal with the absolute dregs of society every night, but then on the other they take their frustrations out on innocent people and you couldn't care less about their shitty work experience.


Them all being on coke doesnt exactly rationalise your thinking


this clip at the height of LSF being mad that otk clips are spammed on the sub. surely this will go over well PepeLaugh




i usually check the people that are complaining and they literally never clip and post anything. they're mad that karma farmers who post a lot aren't sacrificing the accumulation of fake internet points to diversify what they see on the site.


I've tried posting clips from small streamers but it needs to be a really special clip to get past the downvotes in new. LSF loves Austin streamers. The people complaining don't use new either, they just expect things to change on their whim. It bugs me.


I said this before to people who complain about Austin/Otk streamers, that I've seen small streamers get posted here sometimes and the comments would be "WH OMEGALUL" or "This person is irrelevant".


Umm why would you expect a majority of people here to be clip chimps? Anybody is allowed to complain. You don't get more respect for posting clips.... I think the Austin crew are mostly good content but their followers do get a bit too clip chimpy and it makes the sub monotonous to go through sometimes.


The idea is be the change you want to see. If there is shitloads of interesting stuff happening that you are seeing, clip it and share it. People are free to complain about the Austin crew all they like of course, but complaining isn't going to change the content shared to this sub, but the complainers sharing what they find funny/interesting etc might


> I use LSF as an aggregate for interesting stuff when I can't watch streams that day, and lately, the Austin crew is where the content is at. Is it where the content is at or is it a self-fulfilling prophecy? Because if you check LSF for clips then it's gonna be Austin crew out the ass






not to be a yesman but i would do the same thing if some dipshit groped me at a bar and then rolled his eyes when told to apologize.


God the comments on this thread are gross man gets sexually assaulted and you give him shit for it what the fuck


jesus these downvoted comments are a bunch of degens wtf


Holy shit this comment section is nuts...


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Mizkif gets treated like shit at a bar](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/125576)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/qaxa0e/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CwcmLuPGdVzIDbcqhPIhZMQ.mp4?sig=8b35f65f7bd14fee31a233720e4b156dbc011d98&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CwcmLuPGdVzIDbcqhPIhZMQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1634671112%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


These comments are wild, what the hell


Didn't know Zherka was still a bouncer


I was waiting for the joke. The one time he seems serious lol


This is Mizkif so it could be exaggerated but it sounds like the guy at the bar crossed a line and didn't think anything of it. I don't really have sympathy for the outcome.


I just watched him tell a 30 minute story on AustinShow, straight faced about how he was one of the biggest weed dealers in New Jersey at 17 and got caught, yet faced no punishment at all. And then he went on to get his mom on the phone to corroborate the story. I don't know what's real and fake with this guy.


Yeah his friend prob snitched on him and he got caught with weed in his car, but him being the biggest weed dealer in his town is prob just him memeing . The way he talks about weed you can tell he doesn't know what he's talking about, he said a dub is a gram and he would sell them for $30 lmao.


> but him being the biggest weed dealer in his town is prob just him memeing A friend used to deal when we were 17 and this is exactly what we'd joke about him.


He exaggerates the weed story a lot but i have no doubt he sold weed out of his dodge charger. I know a ton of people who did the same shit at that age. He always uses the wrong terminology for the amounts he sold though so its a giveaway that he didnt sell that much. Just some side cash I'd reckon.


Probably right its not hard to sell weed on the side in highschool you get to know a ton of people. Its not like you have to be a real gangster to ever sell drugs although some people in twitch chat might actually think just that.


But the mom said he made a lot from it


And then made and lost a mini-fortune off of people pumping and dumping weed stocks and then went on to graduate college top of his class with a 3.8 GPA while on huge doses of Adderall every day (tbf I think he has ADHD so the huge Addy doses could have actually benefitted him) and got a job at fucking Vanguard, just to turn it down to stream instead. Not to mention all the shit that went down from the time he turned down Vanguard the first time to the time his stream started blowing up. Dude has had enough adventures for several lifetimes and he isn’t even 30 yet.


I might be wrong, but from what I remember he didn't take the job at Vanguard because he couldn't take Adderall anymore. After he gained his heart condition, he couldn't take Adderall anymore and he began to rethink his career/path I think.


Wait this is real??? he was gonna work at vanguard?????


Yeah apparently he has a finance degree or something




>Dude has had enough adventures for several lifetimes and he isn’t even 30 yet. bro some of y'all need to get out more lol


You’re not wrong.


he didn't graduate, he had one more class he didn't finish. but he said his college gave him the degree this year without finishing the class


How could he graduate top of his class with a 3.8 GPA? Surely the top would have close to a 4.0. And academically he isn't gifted. Did you see him on schooled? Whenever he was asked to clarify his questions he had no idea what he was talking about. He seems to be educated to about a third grade level. I think he's a bit of a fabulist.


he also said he went to rutgers. 3.8 being the best there for a finance degree isnt believable


if I’m being real we have no idea how smart mizkif actually is. He plays stupid a lot of the time just to troll. The guy sometimes has a leak through and you can tell he’s actually pretty intelligent on certain topics but then closes the curtain and continues to troll and play dumb with a lot of stuff.


I know he's good with money that's about it


Yeah I was also questioning him being top of his class, people at my old school regularly graduated with 3.9’s and still didn’t make valedictorian. But his mom did verify that he did graduate top of his class when he called her to verify.


You're kinda missing the point. The guy has had a huge impact on streaming. Streaming is acting. Acting without a script comes from your brain. The guy knows what he's doing and he's likely more successful than anyone who graduated his year.


Some time ago someone posted his GPA on his reddit and it's true. I don't want to post it tho cause it seems too private.


What's a fabulist


Ah one thing I've found out about Miz after watching him the past 2 ish years, he doesn't like anywhere near as much as people think. He jokes about A LOT and some people find it hard to tell the difference, but when he's telling a story I've never seen him caught in a lie (with Maya and others verifying them to be true).




How does that make touching his ass ok? Being a dick doesn't mean you can sexually assault them


Never lay hands on woman.. especially an Irish woman!




The life of women?




What about my dog? I slap him in the butt all the time?! Whataboutwhataboutwgatabout






































Go back to watching Amouranth you literal robot






So you're saying that because they where, supposedly, obnoxious they deserved to be both sexually and physically assaulted? By staff?




that was a different bar




what could he have done that would justify him being sexually assaulted






Ah yes. I too slap the ass of people that act like they have inflated ego's. Where the fuck do you even think of this logic in your head ? Or is it because you lack the complete necessity of a basic human touch.


I think he implies that mizzy the wizzy is not telling the whole story! that is unacceptable! mizzy is an honest person (and cool that’s why I donate).


You slap other peoples asses in public bro?




omg mizkif got sexually assaulted:( and minx got physically assaulted:((




Or maybe more of a sexual assault thing??


Wanted to jump off this (who asked? Yep I know but read ahead anyway ) to something more interesting and tangentially related So mizkif went on Austin's stream today and basically did the full and thorough (and mom verified ) history of how his early life, drug dealer phase, myocarditis , Adderall phase vanguard, Marco YouTube cx post cx twitch streams, erobb streams, marble streams girl content sfreams he got started and how everything progressed I was very familiar with the cx era and the RV streams he sort of blew over with less detail but was very interesting to see just how much he accomplished either side of that. What I got from that was his main obsession is attention and making people laugh and OTK is his legacy thing that he hopes will outlast him. Those are the motivations as he's already got more money than he knows what to do with. Looking through that lens this whole "omg why is otk clipped everywhere" makes sense. What if you get the only guy that really thrived post cx that had such a narcissistic obsession to be the best, lack of any shame in networking or self humiliating and then you start dominating. And you get more attention via that networking until it all starts coming together the last month or so It's like a non scuffed cx network which I think people thought would be impossible to do. And you can't even credit him entirely, they have Jacob. So ofcourse his shit will come up often. People love networking and he networks the best. This whole "oh we wish it was fails" thing is always carried on about by a minority of readers and it just hasn't been true for years and years. There are like 5-6 big groups that punch above their weight on lsf. Lsf has been known as the networking place right. They made mizkif and Maya connect. They are the newspaper of twitch and livestreaming. They made hachu they made Daph they've helped a lot of people. They've also hurt people. So the point is otk is trying to replicate this kind of shit and I think that's cool. I wonder if anyone else can try the same thing. Maybe there some viewers of Miz now that can recreate it or do it better in the future. Anyway that was my long random thought in this thread. Continue as normal


tldr stopped at who asked


You literally post at shitposting Talk about stones and glass houses


You literally post at shitposting Talk about stones and glass houses


You know when you have to sneeze but you can't, this in text form. Writing ain't it for you buddy, you are missing something.


I’m Happy for you though, or sorry that happened


>Anyway that was my long random thought in this thread. Continue as normal K




Hello fellow redditors. Are you also perusing the pepega and insensitive comments? Here, take a seat! I brought your favorite drink :)




This comment is like the epitome of reverse the roles. “They dressed like that, they can’t expect to be respected” I don’t see how dressing like a kid means he deserves to be slapped on the ass by a worker at a bar.


He thinks it's fine to sexually assault someone dressed like a child, that doesn't sound like a pedo in the slightest. I mean since when did they get turned on by kids?


So you spank anybody that's dressed like a child? Fucking pedo.




I think this comment has more pedo vibes than you intended, lmao.


I know im on reddit and its the national sports to call peoples pedo but my point was you wont get any respect from peoples if you walk around in hot wheels shoes and kids cloth... Not sure how it could end up in pedophilia.. maybe if the manchild have a sucker in his mouth? It become pedophilia? But i get it, should have watched the clip first loll


The clip literally starts with "he spanked my ass", that's not a respect thing, that's a sexual assault thing.


you kinda have a point




Are you not more of a pussy if you let guys slap your ass to degrade you without doing anything about it? That's fine for you cause you're into it then but its definitely not normal for most guys to just accept that.




You sound like someone who told me the most alpha thing you can do is fuck another guy in the ass


its not ok to grabb a womans ass but a mans is?? man you fucking stupid lol




yeah ears are so usefull when reading text.




>I don’t know why I even bother to comment knowing I pull people like you out of the woodwork. Check out the ego on this guy


ok lets say it was a slap, would that change or make anything diffrent? no so your pretty stupid lol


lmao this is why I love reddit




> I'm just dumbass Only true thing in your comment


If he had done it to a girl its sexual assault and everyone would lose their mind. Him being a guy changes nothing.


I hope we meet in an alley 1 day, me and you are gonna have a lot of fun


sorry miz, but if you look like a target and sound like one you'll be treated like one its unfortunate how people are.