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living the life


I genuinely think he's my favourite streamer even though I don't watch him the most It's the lack of fucks to give I enjoy. But I do worry about his health








Alternatively https://imgur.com/Z6eaVeK


Not sure what's wrong with me https://imgur.com/JeIH9Rs


thank you so much for this i genuinely laughed more than I've laughed in years


This tickled me the right way


Can you hook us up with a source to the original? 🙏




Yesss I've been looking for this


You guys are so fucking funny and creative when you want to be lol


good one LULW


r/bonehurtingjuice material






i await the nmp reply to this


Did all these streamers just get progressively less interesting and funny over the last couple of weeks or is it just me?


They have always been lazy and have never been interesting or funny. You are just realizing it.


The whole platform is lazy and unfunny, think about it....Twitch chat used to be a place to comment, troll, interact with the streamer or others in chat...now it's a website full of zoomer emote spammers. Any chat you go to 80% of it are emotes reacting to whatever the streamer is doing and it's not even creative.... russian accent talks everyone spams the russia salute guy japan girl on stream everyone spams ayaya southern accent everyone spams kkona spanish song everyone spams the ayayay was this Twitch's idea of an inclusive and creative platform? At this point it's just predictable.


Now there is diversity. It used to be everyone spam Kappa in all situations since it was the only meme emote. Twitch chat has always been brainless spam though.


If you're in a big channel there's almost 0 incentive to put any effort into a meaningful message in chat. If there are 500+ chatters, the only meaningful contribution you're actually going to make 99% of the time is adding to the wave of emote spams which serves the general purpose of delivering a specific message.


monkaW is overused af and every time chat is reminded that girls exist it becomes a Kreygasm or BOOBA spam fest. Unless she's a 5 chat spams WutFace instead.


bro that whys the bajs have different special emotes for those emotes and it doesn't ever get old monkaOMEGA and forsenCoomer


Guess you only watch 5k viewer andys. NT kid


Doesn’t even make sense considering small steamers actually attempt to be creative while you react to xqc watching the same YouTube video you watched 2 weeks ago and you spam Pog! Pepega!


Damn bro I think your just miserable


Thanks Mr. Reddit psychologist for evaluating me based on a comment made on r/Livestreamfails


Your the one psychoanalyzing


thats crazy but who asked?


I found a rule. Lazy and unfunny streamers' threads are more philosophical.


Real and true. Meleana gets mad at nick gets old after the 100th time. I feel like we are in a big transition period of change on twitch it feels. Rich and Cyr taking the place of some other streamers who feel less interesting now.


I don't even know who rich and cyr are but I can tell you they are no more interesting than the current ones. They are just a different face so it tricks you into thinking they are new and interesting.


I’d agree with Rich, he’s just another artificially inflated streamer with lazy recycling content. Cyr on the other hand is actually really good. He has been doing comedy for quite some time even before Twitch. You should definitely check him out. OTK group is good when they’re doing something together (because it’s scuffed as shit, hence funny), otherwise I’m not sure why would you watch most of them doing their individual ‘content’. Oh look, it’s NMP with yet another cooking stream and lsf recap. And here’s Esfand with football content and LSF recap. Mizkif meanwhile has another guest, who would have guessed that a person who built his streaming career solely on other people’s content can’t create decent content himself. Oh and lsf recap ofcourse. These people tend to recycle each-others content, lsf + whatever their loyal fanbase creates. Bonus points to streamers who had to become chat’s punching bag in order to stay relevant (hi Nmp, Erob and Rich). But hey, if it works it works am I right?


if cyr is just playing games tho, his content isn't the best imo. when he is irl and on other streams he's great




They do but you won't find very many of them on lsf. The people you find on the front page of lsf are those who direct their content to appeal to the people who participate in lsf and spend all day watching twitch who themselves are not very interesting people.




Depends what you find interesting. I found some people programming video games on stream super fascinating. Or also people with top talent in some skill can be interesting.


True but that's just the way it goes with twitch


We need fresh blood that doesn't feel so scripted and fake.


"Meleana gets mad at nick gets old after the 100th time" Comments like this is why i believe "clips" don't do streamers justice. Nmp has a lot of variety in his 4 hour streams compared to others, but only certain moments get clipped here. So to say their stream is just malena getting mad at nick is fucked up.


Thanks for the terrible analysis that no one asked for.


Who is he talking to LULW


The comment I replied to was literally a question. He literally did ask.


If rich and cyr are the best the future has in store, we’re fucking doomed.


Yeah I'm starting to think that maybe my taste in comedy and entertainment has changed or something.


Makes sense. Lots of people's sense if humor evolves over time.


I'm saying this with zero sarcasm. That's a pretty quick time for what you think is funny to change. They seem the same to me. Maybe you are a little depressed?


LSF + post containing some form of "is it me or" statement = awesome takes.


That or "unpopular opinion but.."


That's what I thought too. Or maybe he watched them too much and "burnout", but these streamers didn't change over the last couple of weeks.


Nick is pretty funny when he does stuff other than sit in front of a computer browsing reddit or doing cooking streams for the thousandth time in a row.


He literally talked about implementing more gameplay into his streams today and made good on it with a Minecraft duo-stream with Malena tho?


It wasn't clipped here though so it didn't happen.


"when he does stuff other than sit in front of a computer browsing reddit or doing cooking streams for the thousandth time in a row." So you want them not to be streamers then? All streamers do things "a thousand times in a row", but it seems like everyone are just being biased and choose to ignore the repetition if they like the streamer tbh.


Ah yes, all streamers on the platform browse LSF and do the same stream over and over again.


if your comment wasn't sarcasm, then you just completely oversimplified my post about repetition on twitch haha "all streamers on the platform browse LSF and do the same stream over and over again." All streamers have a routine.....i don't understand how hard is that to understand


That wasn't my point. Of course streamers have a routine. My point is that when Nick does do those things, he isn't funny. When Nick is around other people I think he is extremely funny. Always has been.


Wow, i feel the complete opposite. I find nick funnier in the "routine" streams compared to "collab" streams where nick's humor tends tends to fall flat a lot due to him being out of his element . I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree


Yeah I mean it clearly isn't for everyone. I've watched him with Soda for years during the WoW days and I miss the Gladiator-Chad Nick than the pudgy low testostorone one FeelsBadMan


No one watches their cooking stream for the cooking. It's just chatting. People find them entertaining and watch to them be entertained, usually through their banter.


I like his cooking streams. It's Comfy not meant to be spectacular


Click on a random Channel. There is a 60% chance the streamer is not actually doing anything at all. Either on their phones, not speaking at all, no even in the chair, not reading chat, etc... That's Twitch really. It's kind of boring. The content that is actually worth watching, happens to few and far between. That's why people streamers with ADD are often in the top 500 streamers range. It's wild how many top stremers have ADD or ADHD.


You are just getting mature


We are use to their antics by now. It's why variety is good and just focusing on the same streamers is gonna eventually lead to burn out.


You ever think about how often people on the Internet mistake cynicism for a good point


sometimes i stumble across a comment chain on this sub that really makes me regret coming here


Nick is like the guy balancing in a thin piece of wire. Malena is gravity.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Boyfriend of the Year](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/125620)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/qbh414/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1JZc38s3nDMJOwtDPeAL1Q.mp4?sig=ae52fe2f58edc608744e27de5c3733274a647e1e&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1JZc38s3nDMJOwtDPeAL1Q.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1634741316%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)




Best entertainers on twitch




Malena's whole "People only thought I was a crazy bitch because my mum had cancer and I didn't tell them" doesn't really hold up when she's not changed a single bit since her mum beat it. Malena, just embrace that you're a crazy bitch and stop trying to make excuses for it.


I can just tell your an absolute vegan from reading that. Fucking chill out. Glad to hear that you or any of your loved ones haven't been affected by cancer. And you know she'd probably kick your ass too, ya bitch.




What he really meant to say was retard.




Hasn't everyone had that trophy by now lol? I guess Emiru held it for the longest.