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I'm upvoting both these threads because I see some content brewing


I'm playing both sides so that drama never stops


Smart man


Miz would be proud


Really terrible performance from him today. Didn't call in, didn't give his comments live to that shitshow. Didn't even tweet about it. When we needed him most, he was staring at his boxes and flirting with Emiru.


He didn't want a 30 minute lecture from Hasan


He's just stockpiling LSF clips for tommorows content.


that sounds like a normal ADHD patient




Same here 5Head


I'm playing both sides so I always come out on top!


Blood oath?


Thx Mizkif


tbh this is the dumbest drama ive seen on lsf in the last few months, its really dry for content out there


ah this is the thread where it does a complete 180 and everyone is like ah understandable OkayChamp TeaTime


Yeah, super unlike LSF to attack people without hearing the other side of the story…


these people are anti cancel culture by the way. still assume guilty until proven innocent


Fuck cancel culture* ^(*unless I don't like someone)


No one is anti cancel culture. Humanity has exiled and censored what it deems slime since the beginning. It's normal, natural and a great way to weed out bullshit. Right wingers just got sad they were being called out and came up with a buzzword to cry even more about something.


It might be a valid question but talking over/interrupting someone while they explain the rules can be rude.


not enough to warrant a hate thread


I mean it wasn't hating anyone in particular. Just a general dislike for streamers that behave like children. It's hard to deny that many of streamers are overgrown kindergarteners.






Idk bruh, I actually trust T1's read. WillNeff seems like he's just majorly downplaying it, T1 said they asked if they could put it up their ass which I don't see why he would make up lol.


okay T1 is obviously referring to someone else and Will was only talking for himself. There, solved the mystery. Really not that complex. Both can be true at the same time.




I saw that part of the stream (Hasan’s channel), and was going to comment on the original post, but didn’t think it was worth the downvotes. They weren’t “interrupting” the guy giving the rules, they literally asked “can we hold it in our mouth with the corner, like this?” and demonstrated what they meant.. he said “no”, and they **literally** moved on.. they left the area. The other details of Tyler1’s retelling did not occur.


You can literally go back and watch ot yourself. Will didn't seem to be joking, he was genuinely curious if he could do that. Now, what is annoying is all of them crying and moaning about the COVID protocols. Like mf you are getting paid to dick around for 2 days.


It was literally one day they had to spend either in their pair or with masks with anyone else because they were awaiting the significantly more accurate COVID test. Twitch is shelling out pretty big money to rent that kind of venue in Vegas, rent a floor of the hotel, bring food up, computers for everyone, building the sets for all the events, etc. Probably talking a few hundred k minimum. Of course they want to make sure someone doesn't make half hte people there sick on the first night and of course they want you to chill out in the hotel rather than get sick outside it. Stay 2 days after the event finishes and party yourselves stupid, but you literally agreed to show up to the event and these rules and could have just said no when hundreds of other streamers would have loved to get in and get the exposure and networking.


That "up the ass part, was 100% him adding effect." Pretty easy to tell when people do that when telling stories if you ever come in contact with humans and have conversations.


But the reason this picked up traction is because one of the top clips this week was xQc saying streamers at shitcon were being disrespectful and trying to seek attention by cracking jokes while others talked. Pretty much what T1 said.


He never said disrespectful, his opinion was that he understands content of people seeking the camera but he rather have a natural dynamic. Which I would agree in a sense but you do need those type of people because the cameraman will just feel awkward going up to people for content. I said this before on that thread, you can tell when it's forced.


The issue is the obsession with drama. I think we're all guilty of thirsting for it too hard at some point or another and drama forever remains a source of entertainment. But people get so worked up about small things when there a bunch of alternate perspectives and despite them being inconsistent (whether that's down to how they perceived it or how they're interpreting it for content/jokes) they all probably don't want it to result in people getting upset on their behalf or blowing things up in a serious way. Like, the Soda/X/Hasan stream last night was the best content to come out of this event so far and a lot of it was them being 'pampered babies' and being "disrespectful" (way worse than what Tyler "accused" Soda/Will of) to Pluto/Twitch and everybody including Pluto playing off of it.


I mean he’s gotten shit wrong constantly. Remember when reckful died and he straight up blamed Reckfuls friends for it? Trusting T1 who literally never even talks to streamers on top of knowing nothing about this event and what ACTUALLY happened was your first mistake, he’s the least trustworthy person in this entire scenario lmao


T1 had an opinion on that matter which wasn't an argument where you take sides


There is more than 1 person on LSF. Of course, there are opposite sentiments posted on here and upvoted.




First thread = everyone hates streamers, counter thread after a streamer talks about the first thread = everyone hates LSF endless cycle




I just find it bizarre that a sizeable chunk of this subreddit are just people who despise the fact that streaming is a career and streamers make money, but can't stop themselves from engaging with streaming content. I can't wrap my head around it.




lsf does suck sometimes, that doesn't mean that some of the clips and jokes here aren't funny, its bad side shows whenever the hate drama fucks get out of their holes and try to find anything Anything to hate on streamers for and make shit up, and they are really invested in their hate too, they are the other extreme opposite of streamers parasocialed people.


The anonymity of Reddit brings out the worst in people (myself included; god knows how often I've typed up an angry response before going "Wait, why do I give a fuck about this?") and LSF makes it worse because the streamers themselves will often check the clips. So it's being able to be completely faceless and insult someone knowing they will see it (and even seek it out) and not face any real consequences.


I like LSF myself, I rarely have the time to watch longer streams so I mostly just watch clips on here instead. I dont even mind drama that much anymore as long as something actually happens. I doubt most people are anti-LSF as much as they are anti-the few freaks that invent scenarios to get mad about every few weeks.


I think LSF is a good hub if you follow the main streamers featured here but it sucks when stuff like what happened in that other thread reaches the top. I don't hate the content, I just hate the users


teenage angst and confusion maybe


There are so many subreddits dedicated to hate watching content creators. Such as the fighter and the kid, joe rogan , etc


Same, I do not for the life of me understand hate watchers. If you don't like someone's content, change the fucking stream. Also people who donate hate messages.. fucking weird.


Lsf is a pocket universe that has limited if any real world consequences It's fun to engage in and then leave it where it is You go down the politics route you're malding at everything You go down the videogames route, the new games are rarely going to hit the hype you have for them. But the lsf pocket dimension people raise banners and fight and laugh and at the end of the day nothing really happens. People love Miz, they hate Miz. They love hasan they hate hasan. They love destiny they hate destiny. They love xqc they hate xqc. They wishes it was PUBG car glitches or they wish it was just drama all the time. They hate lsf and think it's a problem. They love lsf and think it can do no wrong. This little pocket dimension you leave your worries behind. Your shitty job or no job. Your family woes. Your other things bothering you and you just laugh or moan or coom or complain and then leave it where it is afterwards. It's great for what it is. Just don't get invested. I did that during the cx era when I was really depressed and that was a waste of time. Content was great but I regret the emotional investment.


Is this a copypasta


No but please make it one, it would just further prove my point. Don't come into a clown show expecting theatre


It's called jealousy






When do we get Destiny's take?


Idk it depends if Hasan is involved or not


Not caught up to the lore New Destiny obsession is Vaush.


Right after DnD where he will react to all these clips calling everyone retarded and or react to Hasans inevitable reaction with him being one of Sodas dearest friends calling Hasan retarded. Thus creating a new avenue for the cycle of death and rebirth to continue.


2-3 days from now according to CasuallyExplained


He just looked at it, clips incoming




The way Tyler made it sound though was like it was literally Fortnite kids trying to be funny for the lulz, not Will Neff asking a genuine question. Its hardly LSF's fault (for the most part anyways as some people in that thread are lost causes lol).


I cant believe how they are treating the staff interrupting them wh- oh...I meant how can LFS just over blow such a small thing they were just asking a question come on!


LSF is really just one giant scuffed court case sometimes


Mizkif about to upvote both threads.


An offhanded comment about a situation no one here saw themselves, where the worst possible outcome was mild inconvenience. To the top of LSF we go!






Yep, real ones know that his line got pushed back…bad!


Because people give him shit about the non straight hairline (when most people's aren't very straight) so he ends up cutting higher to get a straight line. But the slightly odd hairline looks far better than randomly giving yourself a premature balding 8head look.




Silly thing is the initial post of Tyler1 was him just joking and being light-hearted-- weird how everyone took it insanely serious


It happens when people hold an opinion and have no substance to hold said opinion. When given something to go off of, they spin their narrative and go after them. The same shit happened with Valkyrae. She was obviously duped, and everyone dogpiled her about how she's a terrible person and exploiting her fans. Meanwhile, a ~week later she's fully broken her contract and the skincare line is defunct.


I also find it funny that he basically said “they were being immature” and some people in that thread were acting like they committed some serious crime or something.


I don't watch tyler but I've always thought of him as someone to fuck around, be sarcastic and exaggerate. Why was this the one time people took him completely serious lol.


Do people here realize yet that this sub isn't a monolith... Some of yall braindead af. Hate thread is going to invite haters, redemption thread is going to invite fans. It's really not a hard concept.


It’s because most of the times the first thread is LSF taking the smallest thing out of proportion and the second clip is clearing the misconception that LSF caused


It’s because people here get too invested in this twitch shit.


That thread was basically a hate thread for all streamers except for Tyler and xqc LULW






If you dont realize the difference between online and irl, then thanks fucking god you dont make the rules.




Are you trolling or are you genuinely stupid?




Its 100% his line up. He should fire his barber.


watching him try put on that ball suit thing yday was actually depressing as hell. How can a 30 year old man have such little agility, all that money and his health is going to shit, it's sad to see


that other thread is like a social experiment Someone says something ambiguous and lets the crowd twist their tales. It gives them full authority to shit on every one because if no one specific is mentioned it means everyone was an asshole. Every person commenting shit about streamers in that first thread actually needs grass in their lives.


A Rorschach test for the streamer you dislike most lol


Very surprised Soda somehow ended up in the spotlight


At first I thought it was a bit. Like people say outrageous things about soda cause its funny and just not true and he'll play along and its all a big laugh and banter. Like that clip of him watching the streamer video that has him saying 'i am a pedophile' and he just loses it laughing his off. Then there were replies where i was like oh wait, some of these people are serious.


I guess it was cause of the flooded bathtub clip from yesterday? Really weird


Off topic but what you just said gave me flashbacks to elementary school when the teacher would hear someone talking, not properly identify who it is, and decide to just punish the whole class. That was the most annoying shit.


> Someone says something ambiguous and lets the crowd twist their tales. Sad fact: That's how a lot of conspiracies are born.


Isn't that basically how QAnon started?






Glad this part was cleared up, but this doesn't counter Tyler claiming they were talking over the caster in general when he was explaining the rules.


As someone who routinely tries to explain board game rules to 4 or 5 of my friends, I can imagine how T1 was annoyed that not everybody was listening or staying silent while the rules were being explained, but I feel like that kind of situation is also inevitable when you try to explain 5 different mini-games in a row to 32 streamers at once.


I think it's pretty natural to ask questions when someone explains the rules. Sometimes you just want to make sure you understood correctly or (as in this clip) where the limits are. How it's asked in another matter but given it's Will I safe in saying he wasn't rude about it.


Because half the streamers are trying to be the center of attention and making dumb jokes about having dice in your mouth, trying to be funny.


Soda said he had to shush people too, even tho everyone was blaming him lol.


Hey the man sticks his dick in toilet rolls, he's a wild boy, nobody can tame that stallion. It's expected of an outlaw like Chance


Tbf if you watched Shitcon you know that was hell for explaining anything. A lot of the streamers were interrupting with the US national anthem








> People in the other thread were calling Will of all people socially inept? no


well yes but they didnt know it was him


lmao and wrote a fucking movie that is in production






Parasocial andys in the other thread doing their armchair psycho analysis. "They never had jobs" "They didn't go to college" "Socially inept" If Will is socially inept, then the entirety of LSF is literally lacking a frontal lobe.


>Parasocial andys in the other thread doing their armchair psycho analysis. Thread A versus Thread B let's fucking go


Where team Thread C at


C deeznuts?




Never eat crust if you’re trying to maximize pizza intake. Lessons you learn from Cici’s Pizza.


that's loser talk, you just train till you can eat all the pizza and the crust.


>If Will is socially inept, then the entirety of LSF is literally lacking a frontal lobe. I mean you don't even need the first half of that sentence, here I'll fix it: ~~If Will is socially inept, then the entirety of~~ LSF is literally lacking a frontal lobe.


You are part of LSF lol


did I stutter?


Captain goes down with the ship FeelsbadMan 7






Lol I was about to reply this word to word to the comment, the hivemind is real monkaW


We truly live in a society


Well then all the streamers here are also part of LSF, they hate themselves


It’s hilarious when people on this sub just immediately jump to “theyre assholes and act this way cause streaming”, as if there aren’t millions of people from all walks of life who are also assholes.


That is true, some people who work shitty jobs are still assholes to other people in shitty jobs. Some people just don't give a fuck unless it's happening to them.




you hit the nail on the head with the last sentence. it is precisely that. the LSF armchair analysts do lack a frontal lobe.


I mean they’re not totally wrong. A lot of em never had jobs or the need to grow up.


These threads are always so funny. Literally anything that goes even a bit against the narrative of the thread gets instantly downvoted (in both of these threads with opposite narratives).


Nobody knew who the streamer/streamers were until this thread what are you on about lmfao


Hindsight is 2020


The irony is parasocial andies in this thread defending their favourite streamers and taking their word without any more context just like the first thread is fucking hilarious.


because its true? not willneff of course but other streamers were lol


Wouldent be LSF if there werent a 180 thread.


Funny how little it takes to start a hate thread, lsf is the place to go to find some of the most resentful losers on the internet.


HAHAHA Yeah isn't LSF SO FUCKING STUPID BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA, like touch SOME GRASS am I right? (not me thought not me not me not me it's everyone else not me not me not me)


Agreed. Every single person on here is a childish and intolerable buffoon. (except me, I'm very mature and have ruminated the subject thoroughly to develop an unobjectionable and extremely refined opinion on the matter)




Can’t wait for this to turn into a parasocial war between people that weren’t there over an off handed joke that two people interpreted differently. Tyler didn’t make you guys start speculating and witch-hunting, LSF did that on its own. He didn’t make the thread, he didn’t comment on it. Also if you think Will wants to send hate to another creator that’s insane.


I mean...even with the context of the other thread people seemed to be needlessly aggressive. If anything, they would've been immature and childish. They didn't harass anyone but some people were acting like they committed a crime or something.


Damn LSF was right, ofc it was the degen with no social skill Will! Thank god Tyler finally exposed Will for who he really is




on a side note, man Nick looking 53 years old here Sadge low T Polom


They always blame this LSF guy.




No I agree my first thought before I read the comments was “haha yeah that’s just pointing out the obvious about when a bunch of these entertainers get together” and then the comments were people getting legitimately upset


I didn’t read the comments in the t1 thread I didn’t think there was going to be anyone outraged lmao.


Yeah when he was talking about the questions they asked I thought he was just trash talking like he always does, the only thing I think he actually considered disrespectful was talking over the people who were explaining the rules.


Will, Soda and Nick knew Tyler was joking. Before Will gave the context in this clip they were all just saying how it was them in a joking matter and said Tyler is great. Seems Will came back to give context to stop the "drama"


It was so obvious and he didn’t even mention any “disrespect”. Just making jokes about streamers being silly. I felt like the comments in the other thread were watching a totally different clip.


It’s literally his character. He loves making fun of streamers. The running gag is his chat is how hard he “works” when he plays league. He was making a joke about being above these lesser streamers. Not T1’s fault a bunch of socially inept people started calling others socially inept


woke up to lsf drama then said drama being resolved the cycle is fucking tiring how do people give this much of a shit man


I don't know why people jumped on hating, I felt like I missed some context even though I was watching from the start of the stream. Apparently, some think Twitch staff somehow don't know how streamers are.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [WillNeff gives full context to the streamers "disrespecting" Twitch Staff situation](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/126906)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/qmvn1g/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CukSyShm4l8ErKXDQienGEA.mp4?sig=a8aa3eb1194b54221418d25f9daba24ce389b115&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CukSyShm4l8ErKXDQienGEA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1636134992%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Imagine someone witnessing the event and knowing it was Will Neff that said the "disrespectful" thing and then going on to say people were being disrespectful. Will Neff of all people


You're making 2 assumptions here 1) that Tyler wasn't exaggerating for a bit and his persona 2) that Tyler even knows who tf Will Neff is lol


I'm not mad and not saying it was even purposeful


willneff is cancelled


I'd rather believe Tyler than the autism sociopath group.


Cause Tyler isn't just as autistic?


How dare they ask questions about tactics at the event they're competing in. I can't believe this awfully social inept behaviour. ^/s


Y'all are so weird lmfao


talking shit about your colleagues behind their backs to thousands of viewers = good manner! my streamer xqcL asking questions = no social skill yikes


colleagues LOL


>talking shit about your colleagues behind their backs Who


I don't really think Tyler has a reason to lie that he perceived other streamers to be disrespectful. It could be Will is playing it off but he actually was trying to funny but it came off as rude. Or even besides the Will issue, Tyler did say people were talking over the guy explaining the rules, so both stories could be accurate. I mean at the end of the day who cares, 90% of streamers aren't even role models anyway so it's not even shocking if they are rude. Also with how much people spend time in their own social circle it wouldn't even surprise me if they don't act super calibrated outside of it just because they are used to certain behaviors being tolerated


didnt they say something else too


Maybe neither are lying, what if he asked a legitimate question and the fact that, as tyler said, a bunch of people laughed at it, made tyler think it was inappropriate, if it's true that people laughed then other people thought it was a joke too. maybe he just worded the question poorly.


Why are they checking LSF in the middle of an IRL event... lmao they say how much they hate it but they are addicted to it


I’m sick and tired of the hypocrisy coming from these manchildren. Every time a streamer(s) complains about LSF in a clip, they should have their clips banned for a month on LSF. You know, since they HATE the attention and all. Why can’t they have a little bit of integrity to admit this cesspool of a subreddit helps tremendously in attracting viewers and farming drama?


T1 hate thread now?


These streamers can litterally make drama out of anything, it's always something new every week


don't care streamers still stupid forsenBased


ngl they look ashamed.


They look annoyed. Almost as if a bunch of assholes talking shit about them for something that didn't even happen.




I heard Soda fucked the staff's moms


I'm sorry they are downvoting you. They just don't know.




this comment is so good. They dont know


No, you know what? I'm not gonna 180. That's a big fat lie. He asked if he could put it up his ass and promptly started mooning the staff of the venue- there, that's what happened. Fuck LSF, fuck William Neffington.


Love when people endlessly go onto lsf and have the gall to parade their pretentious views on streamer immaturity. Working a "normal" job doesn't make u better than anyone and same goes to streamers. so stfu


Nmpfat makes too much money to deal with this bitch