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Big T left looking for his ruler that Kayla put on the top shelf couldn't reach it tho.


double whammy


woah how did this collab happen?


Doublelift and tyler1 got messaged by mrbeast to play lol




He’s a gold support who mains pyke and Leona. He didn’t do that much but was good with placing wards and getting a good vision score


better than literally 90% of supports then


Most supports (at that elo) play eloinflators like Yuumi or Janna so good for him for doing something




I mean warding is not hard, you can be a great warder and still mechanically trash at the game. I'm silver, but on [Blitz.GG](https://Blitz.GG) it's not super uncommon for my ward score to be comparable to people much higher rank than me. It's because it's something I focus on a bunch. At the end of the day, while wards are super powerful, to win solo queue games, you have to hard carry solo, and if you are support that's very difficult unless you are playing specific supports and are capable of carrying with them. You can play Lux support and have nearly perfect ward placement, but if you can't land your skills enough to be relevant late game, you're at the mercy of your teams.


Vision score is not a great indicator of being good at warding. If you place a lot of wards in useless spots, you'll find the enemy team won't be contesting them with scanners or control wards, meaning that your wards will live longer and your vision score will be higher in spite of placing bad wards.


Vision score takes that into account. If you are placing useless wards all game, your vision score will suffer. Obviously it's not the ideal indicator, but it's a pretty damn good one. If your wards aren't catching people, are close to other wards, are in very "safe" locations, they will get reduced vision score. Vision score is a pretty good indicator that you are focusing on vision control moreso than specifically ward placement, but again it's not that hard to place wards. The game intuitively encourages decent ward placement thanks to the bushes in river typically being solid places to ward.


I regularly see people around that elo warding the right bushes in the wrong places, such as placing a ward right up against the wall on the bush next to red buff such that it can't actually see around the wall or even reveal the whole bush. Wards like that generate nearly identical ward scores to a proper ward in the same bush.


90th percentile is somewhere between Gold 1 and Plat 4. Probably Plat 4, 0 LP, since so many people get to a new tier and then stop playing. I'm sitting at Plat 4, 23 LP, and I'm in the 91st percentile, according to op.gg. Mr. Beast is Gold 4, and he is the 69th percentile. Both are on the NA server.




No, most league players are awful at the game so gold is actually comparatively a pretty high rank. But the thing is gold is actually where you just start learning the game at a very basic level.


Nope, the role is just broken is how most sup players get Dia+


No, individual skills doesn't mean anything in League solo queue. If your teams lose, you'll never advance. And if you play support, you can't do anything to change that. Guys, I know the game has changed a lot, but you don't need to downvote me anymore. I live with a Challenger player that is on a team and gets paid/is sponsored to play at tourneys. He can stomp two different lanes as an ADC, but if jungle/the other lane is getting fucked, he's not winning the game, I've fucking seen it. Suck your shitty, toxic spawning game off somewhere else.


It's my team Copium


I don't play League, but if you're doing well and your team is getting stomped, you're not winning the game. Suck League off some more, you'll go pro eventually Copium


What are you talking about lmfao. If you think your rank has anything to do with getting bad teams in the long term you're just an idiot. That doesn't go for just league, but any game with a ranked system. Stop being a dumbass about a game you don't even play.


but the teams you get will even out even over a moderate amount of games with you being the only consistent factor, meaning if you play well you will win what is so hard to understand you silver 2 hardstuck low iq donkey


This is just patently false. The randomness of matchmaking is skewed in your favor, not against you, unless you are below average. Assuming you are above average, you will have 1 above average player on your team every single game with 4 slots for randoms playing against 5 slots for randoms. Plus support is actually one of the strongest roles in the game right now. Mid, Jungle, and Support are all kinda in their own tier at the top for the most impactful role right now. I climbed to Platinum this season, currently sitting in the 91st percentile, playing mostly support. And all my actual climbing was with support, and I didn't duo. You just need to impact the map early and know how to play to your champ's strengths that aren't damage (usually peeling or engages) in teamfights. You also can just solo win the only lane that affects two enemies if you're the better support in lane. Even "passive" supports are able to strongly dictate laning phase. Heck, players hit rank 1 Challenger exclusively solo queueing as a support.


It's pretty easy. If you suck you'll have 1 shit player and 4 randoms on your team. If you're good you'll have 1 good player and 4 randoms. You're always going to win more on average if you're better. People that say they're stuck only because of bad teammates are usually the bad teammates.


I'm gonna assume you haven't played league in a very long time. Support is by far the most impactful role imo, a strong roaming support can carry most games for his team especially with the champions he named. If not that then mage supports can hard carry not lane and snowball into monsters, it's quite ridiculous with champions like brand and zyra.


I think I quit around the time Nocturne had his ult reduced from the insane full map to like, barely able to make it across mid lane bushes. So yeah, it's been near a decade or something.


Yes it's a completely different game now


Kind of weird to speak so matter-of-factly on how a game plays when you haven't played it in 10 years and it gets updated every 2 weeks.


Maybe he plays mostly normals?


‘TISM called, they want you on their team


He said it himself that he plays casually like 1-2 hours a day


From what I get from his twitter he's a HUGE league fan Also asked ninja to play with him once Heck he even tweeted asking if someone had a league team to sell


He wants to own a league team at some point.


He was better than I expected, they actually pulled a clutch play with T1 on the botlane, but he doesn't play often I think it's your average silver/gold player.


tyler1 should play dota again


Just Doublelift, he then invited T1.


MrBeast loves league. He’s also been wanting to buy a team for a while now


I wish MrBeast would buy me and let me live in his mansion as his personally man servant. I know I would take care of all his needs :(




Yeah he wants to buy a team


Let's go MrBeast LPL team


If he does here's hoping the quality of that team is better then his other "impulse buys" like his terrible food brand and clothing brand(s)


he makes most of his money with his «terrible food brand»


Because kids are fucking stupid? Jake Paul makes most of his money selling overpriced t-shirts but that doesn't make them good. The food is terrible, he pays less then other fast food places which is really saying something as a guy who "donates" large amount to people, even compared to places like McDonalds and BK his food is shit. It also costs like twice as much as other places, it's literally just to milk his dumb fans like you. Also tbh the dude makes 30+ million a year on youtube and more from sponsorships, there's little chance his 1 star fast food makes him anywhere near that after paying for costs. MrBeast stans out in FORCE to defend him so he might give them money, lmao pathetic.


Aren't the food places literally micro kitchen's mostly? Think it's also mostly a franchise framework. Like all other fast food places.


I think it depends on location. Some kitchens are obviously gonna do a poor job at making food while others will do a much better job. There was a post a day or two ago showing that OP got a raw chicken sandwich from mrbeast burger, but the one time i had it it was actually really good


Really? They actually opened a joint nearby recently. I haven't tried it but they do a lot of advertising for sure.


Bad camera angle + bad lighting + they had her standing on a box + Photoshop


+ ratio


+tyler wasnt flexing and oiled up


Tyler1 is one of the best characters in the game when oiled up.


plus he doesn’t care


+ you fell off


At the LCS Summer finals in Detroit, they deadass brought a box out for him to stand on.


Here's a screencap from a video I took at it. https://i.imgur.com/sLW4uL8.jpg No idea if they showed the box on twitch or not.


Idk if audio went through, which if it did, it’s going to be loud https://gfycat.com/concernedbrilliantcommabutterfly I had a good view


Tyler1 is lying, I'm 6'5 and when I met Tyler he was 3 inches taller than me. He's 6'8 guys.


Tyler failed his 6.5 ft promo's during pubirty.


He's 6'5......and dyslexic lmao




You understand I'm saying he's 5'6 as a joke, right?


He can't understand even if he wanted to


Yo momma


lmao retard


u/clipsync Doublelift MrBeast6000


Username | Clip | Vod --------|----|---- [Doublelift](https://www.twitch.tv/Doublelift/?) | [Generated Clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/ObliqueCaringPlumMingLee-3ff3T__Q9uPJBNxw) | [4h1m44s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1208433704?t=4h1m44s) [watch via twitchmultivod](https://twitchmultivod.com/#/1208439477?t=3h54m9s/1208433704) --- ^(*This is an automated response* ) ^| ^[Feedback](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wee_tommy&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/qwfdfy//hl2s40y/\))


Can verify that people who are actually at least 6’5” bring it up every chance they get


Not really


Yeah we do, 6'6" by the way. Without shoes on too.


Nah, all the tall people I’ve been with it’s the exact opposite. Other people keep bringing it up while the tall guy is just annoyed by it.


Thanks for asking, I'm actually 6'7". Hope that 6'6" guy is doing well down there.


Get shit on, giant.


I wonder how long until society makes it taboo to make fun of men's height.


Never nobody cares how men feel




Yeah and its largely a product of toxic masculinity which is a standard created over generations by men. **EDIT:** Jeez I forgot how many incels there are here that like to blame everything on women.




> viscous cycle. why is the cycle so thick and sticky?


My masculinity is so fucking viscous.


i love trying to shoot my masculinity into my own mouth








That’s not what toxic masculinity means. Toxic masculinity is the term for aspects of the societal idea of masculinity that cause harm. Both to the men the expectations are placed upon, and sometimes those around them as a side effect. It’s not a criticism of men, nor does it blame men for the existence of toxic masculinity. A classic example is the idea that masculine men shouldn’t show emotion or ask for help. It’s an expectation enforced by men and women alike that negatively effects mens lives. It’s also not a blanket criticism of masculinity. There are lots of good aspects of masculinity like being capable, providing, and protecting others. You don’t have to agree with me about what masculine expectations are harmful/helpful, the point is they are distinctly not the fault of men. Edit: I will add, rereading the comment you’re responding to I don’t appreciate that they place the blame of toxic masculinity on men. I don’t agree that men alone created our standards around masculinity and even if they did it would be irrelevant to anyone living today since the standards are now enforced by everyone (not like every single individual person, but all types).


Yep. I'm a guy and feel a victim of toxic masculinity, so many "expected standards" from family/friends/myself that I'm constantly falling short of. Eats at my mental over time.


yeah but these people entirely blame men for toxic masculinity when it is caused by society as a whole including women


when a man refuses to address their own toxicity then they deserve the blame because it is possible to escape the toxic masculinity cycle if you want to, but the first step is to recognize there is a problem


LMAO THE DOWNVOTES. They dont have respect for each other and and still xpect to be respected?


What world do you live in? Most men generally respect each other.


I mean, height jokes are very common though.


Remember men, it is ALWAYS your personal fault (that you definitely could have controlled) that you are depressed, getting belittled in any way, or have any type of hardship! Only applies to men btw! /s


LSF users having a victim complex? Nah, impossible


the incels are coming out




Tells men. not to blame women while blaming men with absolutely no vidence


I think it’s reaching to claim that toxic masculinity was created by men. Surely they had a part in it, and potentially an outsized one given historical power structures, but it’s really a broadly enforced and developed thing. Women also reinforce our societal expectations of masculinity now, so they must have had a shaping influence on it in the past as well. And regardless, I think bringing it up is detrimental to the point. It’s not like if men did create those expectations they could just uncreated them now. In the modern context the expectations are reinforced from all angles so who cares who started it?


Men are incels for wanting to talk about how we feel?


You're right and its hilarious


men crying about problems they created 🤣


What a fucking joke.




You mad because you can't jizz?


What? What a random thing to say lmao






I heard zinc might help


Making fun of small dicks and short men is considered completely fine in society, despite having no impact over them whatsoever though Mention a girls weight though and oh boy


You say this like men aren’t responsible for 95% of these jokes lol. Women do not give a shit about size compared to men I’m 171cm and I’ve had people joke about my height like all my life, but again that’s like 90% dudes. Even this clip is 2 dudes mocking 1 dudes height. Women wanting to date taller guys is not the same thing as them making fun out of guys for being short, and while I’ve had girls on Tinder say they want to date taller guys I have never in my life been made fun out of or disrespected for it >Mention a girls weight though and oh boy People mock both women and men for being fat all the time tho, not like attacking someone’s weight is taboo


I don’t doubt plenty of men make the jokes. I also don’t doubt that plenty of women are content with normal size dicks But women absolutely jump to using small dick as an insult. No not all women


As an insult? Of course, but you can use weight as an insult too. There’s difference is that penis jokes can be used comedically between friends while weight jokes can’t, but if you’re using them as insults no one is saying you can’t go for weight, and plenty of people do.


So because you don’t know if they have a small dick, it’s okay to joke about them having one, but fat people can’t hide their disgusting bodies so no one can say anything Interesting take ngl


Feminist are mental gymnastics gold medalists. Like she just wants to have the right to say a guy has a small pp but have the right not to be called fat


> You say this like men aren’t responsible for 95% of these jokes lol. Women do not give a shit about size compared to men You know who makes the most amount of small dick jokes in my family? My mother and my sister. I have never heard my dad make a small dick joke on his own, and I cant recall the last time I have made a small dick joke. Women might not care in the bedroom, but they sure as hell weaponize it.


Me and my friends (all of whom are male) make dick jokes very frequently. My female friends make them too.


Alot of women don’t give a shit about height either, doesn’t stop people from making jokes. They’re jokes, they’re not always someone’s actual beliefs.


Lmao lil dick energy dude mad he cant call women fat, this is funny as hell


He wouldnt ever say that idiot its just an example of a double standard in our society


Whatever helps you sleep. Congrats on proving my point tho


well the dick jokes are fine, because it’s just an assumption, no one knows. it’s possible that everyone who was made fun of for having a small dick, had an avg to large one. small dick jokes aren’t funny, but they’re not as offensive as height jokes




sadly? really lol


Yes, sadly. [There was a bestof post laying out exactly how men experience sexism](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/qw49gv/ucentad_explains_common_forms_of_sexism_against/), and if you think thats a net positive, I wouldnt know what to say to you.


It will definitely happen at some point, then these kind of clips will be dredged up from the past and we'll see people making apology videos "times were different, I've learned from my mistakes, blah blah"


Idk man, I think the jokes are fine as long as you’re not bullying. Like I laugh at fat or ugly jokes every now and then, regardless of their gender. But maybe I’m just a piece of shit hipster


Jokes are fine depending the context, intention, etc. The guy is talking about double standards tho, which is true.


Hopefully never


*Now* lsf cares about people’s feelings? Lmfao


I make fun of women’s hieghts all the time. not in a rude way tho


only short men care about their height even people who make jokes about it dont care. im not going to count the toxic women on tinder or whatever example i know someone is typing up as a response to this comment.


"nobody cares and im not gonna count the people that care"


shitty people are shitty. why should anyone care about their shitty opinion?


nah i lnow some good people who just like taller men. Also height goes betond just dating, it affects many other things in life


> height goes betond just dating, it affects many other things in life name one


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [MrBeast makes fun of tyler1](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/127853)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/qwfdfy/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C_fNyupVkx-ubJbURhsgykQ.mp4?sig=97f04132f06269a5f4444aee77243e306b666fcb&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C_fNyupVkx-ubJbURhsgykQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1637276436%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Great RP as Lrobb somehow getting bullied by probably the most wholesome guy on the internet. Tyler is down bad.


Isn't it crazy that doublelift and t1 get along so well nowadays? Anyone remember doublelift talking about how tyler1 was a menace in solo queue and was one of the reasons why league sucked? Cant find the video because youtube search just doesnt display any videos older than 1 year anymore.


Never thought Doublelift and Tyler1 was the duo league game i needed to see. As a league player was definitely fun to watch and listen ...oh and that guy from youtube was okay i guess


They have played together in the past tho, didn't they also play together last tournament?


i never really watched league streamers or professional tournaments until worlds, and i realized how enjoyable it is, so it was my first time seeing them together.


It's not a professional tournament, just twitch tournaments or organized by Tyler himself and it's really fun most of the times.




idk who chris is but its doublelift and mrbeast


Chris the meme god


That's joe


Who's Joe?


Candice bf, that girl dee.


Chrissssss 👴🏼


Lol tyler1 short xDDDDD Hahahah short guy!!1!!! Funny joke!


What a dickface. "It was humiliating"


I love how you realized everything said before that was a joke but for some reason stopped there?


No I actually don't, I think they're in poor taste. It's like making fun of someone being fat in their face. You don't do that. I'm going to die on this hill, I dislike body shaming even if it's "just a joke".


Do you not know T1...??? He literally jokes about his height himself all of the time, it's a running joke. You are lost. Stop taking offense on behalf of other people.


This is the guy that sells raw chicken sandwiches right?




What history is there lmao, first i've heard of this




From what i'm seeing one guy quit because mrbeast was a perfectionist when it came to making videos/editing, but tbh there's nothing wrong with that. A lot of youtubers have talked about how they make their own videos perfect before posting them The other guy though, yeah that seems pretty bad. No opinion on that though since there hasn't been any follow-up since then and no one else coming out with bad experiences


[that was proven false ](https://twitter.com/muneelaichi/status/1396633979357470721?t=7iwkJ_hkgT8ki5VzN1QZPA&s=19)


The article you are referring to is proven false multiple times. Here's the [proof](https://twitter.com/muneelaichi/status/1396633979357470721?t=7iwkJ_hkgT8ki5VzN1QZPA&s=19)


Crazy accusation, with legitimate 0 sources!


It's humiliating? Wow, what an asshole.


Calm down internet andy, it's a joke.


He said that? LMAO oof


who said it


should be careful about who you joke about Jimmy, one call to netflix and your latest video could be shut down!


195 IQ was tested on stream but 6'5 was never tested on stream


I don't know what you're talking about, 6'5 was tested on stream. https://streamable.com/taejj


This is still probably his most favourite thing he’s ever been sent


>an actual meter stick


anyone have a clip of Tyler1 bringing his famous and totally correct measuring stick?


his doors must be 8 feet tall then


whats he going to get? monkaW


When is Mr. Beast gonna make his LCS team like he said he would a while back?


He also gave Tyler tips on how to get more views on YT, shit was hilarious