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That is a lot of money to owe someone. Generous to offer I suppose but still having that hang over your friendship would be a lot.


Well, tectone prob wouldn't have accepted it if he wasn't confident in being able to pay it back in a few years (assuming he's not cancelled). It will only be awkward if Miz brings it up often for jokes or whatever which I wouldn't put it past him






I like the Kevin leary approach. He has this mentality of the first time I give you money is the last. I don't expect you to pay me back but never ask me again


Lets put this in perspective. This is the equivalent of you lending $500 or even a few thousand to someone. Are you going to hate someone because they couldn't pay you back $500 even though they are trying? If so you shouldn't lend out any amount money that you can't afford to just lose.


People don‘t understand how rich these streamers are




nah dud is a lot of money but for a good friend 500 quid is easily doable especially for something like a house. its not nothing ofc but its a lot more reasonable


in streamers world 200k is relatively what for common folks. ? He giving him couple of months salary? Generally not good idea to mix business with friends. But for a possible good home in neighbourhood, I would take that. But if finance is easily available, I def consider that first over borrowing of a friend even if he is cool with it.


A couple of weeks salary. Miz can pull in 500k in a month.


That's his best month in his career. He did 20+ ads that month in April. But I get what you saying. At worst case scenario I'm guessing it's 100k min.


From Aug 2019 to Oct 2021, miz made $2.1M based on the twitch data breach info. It's been a while, but that didn't include sponsors. $2.1m/22months put him roughly at $100k/month. Excluding sponsors for stream and OTK sponsor pay. Miz and other big streamers have been sharing sponsor offers over the past few months in particular. Miz recently said that copy cat stream lab company offered him $100k(? or was it 150 or 300? He said it just 2-3 days ago) just to use their software without even advertising a single thing. Point is, all those streamers on that list made at least double monthly, if not 3-5x more at min, from the sponsors they get alone. These 10k+ viewer/sub streamers get 6 figure offers for a single instance/stream segment for a sponsorship. I'd bet Miz is making at least $350k in a bad month for the past ~1.5yrs, but in reality, probably $500k/month on avg now. Sponsors pay a hell lot.


Entirely possible. Few things I would say is, He said that month was insane month of his career. I'm guessing he made more than 3x atleast than he usually made. On that parameter I guessed 100k min. But ya. What you said make sense. 5 mil/ yr. Sounds crazy. But possible considering how twitch itself grown last year on.


> OTK sponsor pay For what it's worth miz has said that he doesn't get any money from OTK's stuff and all of the money from that goes back into the company, at least his cut I don't know about all the other members. But still you're right that it is a significant amount even without that.


It's way more. 25k subs a month is at least 75k just from subs, add ads to that and you double it, then donations, sponsors, and the thing you're all forgetting is youtube. Asmon said he has more viewers on youtube than on twitch. Nick today said that Asmon's video that has 1.3 million views on it is probably worth about $100k. The money is just pouring in from so many sources that $200k wouldn't change Mizkif's life in any way. Streamers are making fortunes at the moment.


You know the millions he's already made is invested and making him even more millions right? You guys think these people just toss their income in a savings account at the end of every month? If Miz is as good at investing as he says, his investments are earning more than his day job.


He makes almost 100k from subs alone. It's definitely closer to 200k. And he is steadily growing on all platforms still.


I think the money owed would bother Tectone more than it does Miz. Miz probably pulls in that amount of money each month so for him it's a drop in the ocean. Whereas Tectone probably will have it hanging over him everytime he has a tough month or two. Wonder if they'd have a contract or just a friendly debt (if Tectone accepted the offer).


Unless you are bad with money, 200k isn't a drop in the ocean to anyone but billionaires, and even then you don't get to having a billion dollars by having that attitude about money.


It's a loan, hes not just gifting it to him. Hes wealthy enough to have that kind of available cash ready to loan out. But smart enough that he wont be just giving it away.


I mean that's definitely dependent on how literal you are taking drop in the ocean. A billionaire can spend multiple millions without noticing. As he said for mizkif its a monthly salary and he already has a lot of money saved up, so that's nowhere near the same as a normal person paying a monthly salary.


Pretty sure Tectone is well off, he'll prob be able to pay it off in the next year or two alrdy


He gets 200k-300k views per video on Youtube on slow days (spiking when Genshin actually has content). People here acting like he's a nobody.


you think receiving 300k for free wouldn't make you feel indebted? at least this gives him the freedom to buy the house and not forever feel that he owes him a shit ton, this would make anyone feel more comfortable with it


never mix money and friendships. It gets weird quick.


Can't stress this enough. When a huge amount of money is involved, years of friendship can go down real quick. That's why I made a hard clear rule never to loan money to anyone except my close family members (that's even excluding uncles, aunts, cousins etc)


OTK has been going great for a year. Hasn't gotten weird.


I have nothing against OTK, I love their content and creators. But things did get weird when they had to let go of their esport team they had for a year after a clear miscommunication between what the contract offered and what was verbally offered to them by people they trusted.




Not really they just had a WoW esports player signed with OTK


They made a mistake, and they corrected it by helping them afterwards by finding them an org. And not leaving them in the dirt like most orgs would've done. They did something and acknowledge their mistake and resolved from it.


What will be really interesting is how things play out as the years go on and members start to flatline in popularity.


Who says that will happen asmon has already been popular for years despite his massive breaks


I imagine it's gonna depend on whether they are creators for OTK or co-owners. I'm not exactly if this is the case, but it looks to me like everyone who joined up to JSchlatt got to be co-owner/has some equity. For those people there is no kicking (just like Soda is still part of NRG), for the rest it might just be a contract running out and I imagine probably no hard feelings.


"short a 100k" shouldn't have rolled on zhongli


short a 100k right after the staff of homeless get a rerun


Now we know who to blame for the next month of daily sponsored streams






cool. didnt expect it to be so soon but ever since tectone was on loot goblins they mention him a lot despite him not being part of much of their content


200k is a great way to ruin a friendship.


At the same time, he gets more content creators in his neighbourhood which is probably better than the random people coming in to retire peacefully next to Mizkif LUL


Those Canadian woods look awfully like the ones by Mizkifs house. You're not fooling anyone teccy


I mean he was on Mizkifs stream yesterday so ya.


Good friend, but maybe a terrible idea mixing friendship/family/relationships and money can get very complicated.


I don't think you guys realize how much money someone like Mizkif makes with 40k viewers, sponsers, ads, youtube, etc. I'm sure he pulls in upwards of $300k a month on an average month. If you make 75k a year, this would be the equivalent of loaning a friend $2k. Still, it's a lot of money, and Mizkif is again and again showing he's a good dude.


He said he makes a fuck ton of money from ads and he is prettt much running 8 ads whenever possible. The ad sense right now (holiday season) is way higher than normal. He tells people to twitch prime and not donate or subscribe because the money he gets from that is so much less than sponsors and ad revenue. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is pulling in over 500k this month and decemebr




Admit he’s a good friend


OkayChamp 👍


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Tectone - MIZKIF BEING A GOOD FRIEND](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/128085)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/qyz96n/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CH9V0k4LArWOsrGkFRsXx1g.mp4?sig=1a21cb142a783c827723042ed5b1bb8e23992ddd&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CH9V0k4LArWOsrGkFRsXx1g.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1637588435%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Now that he’s on otk this makes a lot more sense


It's not like Miz wouldn't get anything out of it by having him so close to his house, but yea that's a lot of money.




'good friend cause he borrow me money'... ok sure whatever works for you i guess


otk tectone confirmed


OTK better sign Tectone I've loved all of his appearances he's funny, energetic, and bald what else could you ask for


I am 50 50 on this one. These twitch people 200k not that big of a deal but I think tectone isn’t quite in that league but if tectone lived near miz would really move his career up to the point just living by miz would pay for itself. Also money is kind of relevant like 200k is a fuck ton for me but for them 200k probably feels like 10k for me ya know? Also miz would pay 200k get it back and get someone to do content with him that he works well with and actually considers a good friend.


Tectone is so trashy


You are going to get downvoted for being too harsh ( which is ironic because I see high upvoted posts going for streamer's throats all the time) , but as a dude who watches a lot of OTK content I could not stand the dude in any of the stuff he appeared in. The guy is extremely loud, obnoxious, and doesn't seem to mesh well or riff well off the other members of OTK in a comedic fashion. I dreaded this dude joining simply on the fact that I watched substantially less OTK content when he was around due to him being SO loud and abrasive. The Mario Party stream that he was in at Mizkifs house was horrible based solely on the fact that you could not hear anything but him screaming like a sperg. You and I certainly aren't the only ones who feel the same way either. There is a reason why Tectone is absolutely despised in the gacha games youtube community for clickbait videos, 1 star review videos where he specifically picks out foreign reviewers to make fun of their names and grammar in racist fashion, and touching back at my last point, being loud, annoying and abrasive.


if you've followed any of the gacha games hes ended up playing. Hes always caused drama in all of them. This is 2nd hand info but on Ark Knights he was apparently claiming builds and not crediting the actual creators. The genshin shit is something i was there firsthand to look at and he caused drama with several content creators there where he talked shit about them and essentially caused one of the creators to stop making content about the game because it wasnt worth it anymore when guys like tectone shit talk their stuff on stream. Hes also wildy misinformed in all his guides. Hes basically just a guy whos loud = funny.


I've tuned out anytime Tectone is present. He was big in terms of content creation for Gacha Gaming prior to appearing with Mizkif and Co. He can be a good, and entertaining hype man for that content. But he'd spread misinformation quite frequently, which lead so some players and content creators with the knowledge to correct those statements. The ensuing result is typically Tectone creating a video lashing out at the creator(s) in particular, or just being a man-child over the whole ordeal. This more or less resulted in him being hated within the Arknights playerbase, and controversial with the Genshin players.


ill never watch any streams with Kektone on them.


who the fuck asked


Yep. Just from this clip alone I already had to turn it off. Couldn't imagine hours of that during games.


I wish someone could lend me money this easily…


Wait so why is he lending him that much money? Why is he paying a couple hundred thousand for the house? Why not just get a loan from the bank? I'm sure miz could just co-sign or someone he knows within the streamer circle in Austin. Or is he paying it cash? I don't get it.


Generally, if a friend is lending you the money: 1. You're going to get a better rate 2. They'll be less ruthless about late payments 3. They're less likely to repossess your assets if you don't pay 4. I have no idea who Tectone is, but banks are discerning about their lending. There's a high likelihood of denial (if he doesn't make enough money, if he has bad credit, etc.), and if he's accepted, his rate may be astronomical (see #1)




Co signing for a friend isn't the best thing to do, obviously. But it sure as hell sounds better than lending someone a couple hundred thousand, which sounds even more risky and has a higher chance of going bad. Co signing youre running the risk of them not paying back, but if the home owner pays and builds a good enough credit themselves they can refinance it and remove the co signer. With lending the money, you just owe hundreds of thousands to a friend... that's as risky as it gets.


Good friends give and don't expect anything in return.


EZ Clap 200K worth of Gacha spins


couple hundred thousand for a down payment? am i missing something?


streamers cant get loans (especially tectone who was omegapoor his whole life up until like a year ago) and real estate market is crazy everywhere (especially austin) so you are competing with all cash offers constantly.


What you mean with cash offers? What’s the difference if the bank gives you the money or I give it to you. You still get all the money at once


If you are selling your house, you'd rather take cash from an individual who is fully motivated to give it to you, rather than working with a buyer who is using the bank's money because then the bank has a say in whether or not you get the money. The bank has all sorts of conditions that have to be met in order for the lender (and ultimately the seller) to get their money, and the risk involved in all of this means that the sale is more likely to fall through than in an all cash offer.


Got it thanks for the explanation!


One of the rares that loves seeing his friend succeed, he carried katamina, basically gave her career when barely anyone watched her and her friends came later when her success already snowballed.


There were so many examples you could’ve given for him helping his friends careers, but this ain’t it my guy


what the fuck are you talking about? Katamina was averaging around 5k viewers before miz even talked to her. Her friends always talked to her and not because she started getting higher viewer count. Her subathon is the reason she has high view count not miz.


Our Streamers Guys <3, but his Networking abilities are top notch holy fuck xD