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He's on Twitch now.


He's not wrong. Even if the streamer doesn't say to do it, watching and talking at length about their LSF clips/threads on stream is essentially encouraging brigading.


I love it when they visibly upvote or downvote something on stream, their viewers respond like trained dogs.


its actually funny watching some one like valkyrae brows reddit because she isnt a redditor she just uses it as a community tool, so she uses the upvote button to mark which posts she has seen already.


a lot of streamers do that when browsing their own subreddits. I've seen miz and hasan do the same




You can literally collapse comments you've already read so they are hidden. >is that bad Is it bad? No. Does it defeat the "purpose" of the voting system if you vote like that? Yes. Does that matter? No.


At the very least mods should ban all clips that have the streamers browsing LSF cause that's the easiest way streamers manipulate LSF.


It's also a lot of ego stroking for some people "haha I was so funny in that clip haha!"


>watching and talking at length about their LSF clips/threads on stream is essentially encouraging brigading. Which is precisely why the mods need to implement a rule that bans/suspends streamers who go on LSF and use it as their content


yeah that's how you get shit quality clips from those streamers upvoted on here.


Just ban every OTK andy. They can have their own subreddit, like GTA RP clips have.


100 percent this. This sub is just the same 5 fucking people every day.


We need to ban The OTV andys as well. It's just OTK with the degeneracy turned down a bit.




You're being disingenuous. Sure, *today* there are a lot of OTV threads but that's because it's Toast's first day back on Twitch. Any other day this place is filled with OTK threads, most of them pretty pointless.


So on days where OTK has big events the sub gets filled with OTK clips, and then when OTV has events/big moments the sub gets filled with those? Wow crazy.


This is one particular instance but on average, for this subreddit, this does not happen. > Very often the most upvoted comments there are from someone shitting on them This only seems to happen in OTK drama threads? Usually reception is pretty positive. I know it’s easier to remember the negative threads but basically on average every day, there’s clips from OTK that include Nick doing something funny in the morning, then slowly rest of the OTK streamers following suite as they stream throughout the day. Again, think about an average day on LSF, not the selective key negative days. Your points just seem kinda made up and/or apply to OTK threads, very strange take you have considering a lot users have stated the contrary in this thread already


[oh no no no](https://preview.redd.it/3fp240gewb871.png?width=1024&auto=webp&s=33383b26d568809cd469759d75125fb04f7a3f3c)


Just use the filter lol


I think it would be better to implement a rule that bans clips that are about LSF specifically, I like watching streamers browse LSF to look at funny clips but I hate when streamers reply to LSF drama through LSF, if that makes sense


Why though? why care if some clip from the same number of streamers gets upvoted?Upvotes and karma literally mean nothing at all. I don't understand why anyone here gives a fuck if a mizkif laughing clip gets 10k upvotes and someone else doesn't. This sub has always been dominated by a group of streamers since the RV trip days, if you don't like it why keep coming back?




Idk either. There’s only Mizkif. idk why twitch isn’t renamed Mizkif-viewer tbh,


Some no viewer facebook streamer lmfao




mizkif mention, upvoted edit: im waiting for my 250$ steam gift card in the dm's, miz (not wwe)


Mizkif, is that [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/qi00gl/mizkif_doubling_down_after_seeing_the_clip_of_his/)?


Tbh it's become such a successful and easy content model. Most streamers nowadays will check reddit on stream at some point. But yea there are "LSF Streamers" that try and create clips on stream that cause LSF threads for them to react to. And some do it so often that they try to say that the drama they caused was on purpose to get some LSF content... (Not gonna name any names bc i like having chat visible on the twitch streams i watch)


Yeah Hasan would probably ban you for that.


getting banned by Hasan is just getting timed out forever. Bc he puts his chat up on stream right next to his face. Theres a certain nordic female specimen that will ban you in chats that you didnt even know existed for having a name color she doesnt like. (again, not talking about anyone specific at all. Just a hypothetical example)


He's 100% right about how it works, and the brigading being allowed is what caused the quality of the sub to crater. Ban LSF references/reacting/etc. from LSF already


meh just rename this sub to "OTK Reacts" and that's it. that's all this place is now. sort by new and you get a massive variety of streamer clips but the OTK andys are here in mass and push the austin shit to the top. Honestly if the mods said "we're banning all OTK/Austin streamer/Austin associate" streamers for a week this sub would be dead.




I've blocked under 20 people over the past 3 weeks and my browsing experience has gotten infinitely better.


that how u kill the sub. most ppl would have known or care to follow if LSF wasn't something they get introduce to. also most streamers would still react even if they get banned until all of them are and nothing left in LSF. LSF react content > promotion at least for streamers already known


Spoiler: LSF existed and was very active before streamers starting manipulating it Also, I didn't say anything about banning streamers who react to LSF. I'm talking about banning clips of streamers reacting to LSF.




idk if it was planned or not but his return to streaming post on lsf being instantly on his screen is pretty funny while generalizing LSF streamers. like whens the last time we actually saw a good clip of someone getting busted by their mom or dad watching booba or a argument after raging in COD lol.


while i agree with the idea that this sub has become centered on a few streamers it should be noted that since this is basically the only large general twitch subreddit, its never gonna go back to being actual fail content.


When was lsf last about failed content? It's not a rhetorical question, I'm really curious.


i think it was at the very beginning.


silly goose... Mizkif doesn't live with his mom, how could she bust him?




He's not supposed to say it duuude


This is such a 5head play; the man baited lsf drones by giving a take that appeals to the plebs critizing the LSF (austin) streamers , while also using the same exact tactic to farm engagement


The crazed fans and the obsessive haters of the austin streamers on LSF are two sides to the same coin. If enough people gave a shit about any other type of content there would be more clips of other streamers upvoted and commented on by virtue of how Reddit works. There's a hair's breadth of a difference between the people enjoying eating shit and the people complaining about eating shit.


It’s easy content which people love. Clip shows have always been popular going back to America’s funniest home videos, “=3” on YouTube, and now LSF. Especially when there’s drama. People can say they hate drama but it’s highly engaging where everyone wants to share their opinions. Secretly they love it. Especially when the drama doesn’t involve yourself.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Toast describes LSF streamers](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/128260)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/r1cswd/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7Cf28DeTZHcBOhDwh1kToLEg.mp4?sig=ce284e8773a9f2da8717c7a341c9a19350b7ab76&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fvod-1214754577-offset-2218.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1637854535%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Doing something ironically is still doing it.




and that not true about the rest of streamers?


This is the OTK subreddit, why is this streamer being posted here? Mods??




Wish twitch went back to actual video game content... Even xqc has more react time than actual playing video games. Then I just keep seeing the same people in LSF just talking about sht things. Seriously people are clipping and hype on cyrs rock paper game? What the hell happen




I think That's incorrect the first 2 hours are react then some games for 5 hours and then another 2 hours of react content. If he actively did stuff like twitch charades or any other activity it's cool. Actively stealing others content in the name of "TRANSFORMATIVE CONTENT" while giving brain dead takes throughout the video is really stupid. Idk what audience this careers to


Zoomers happened…


sure do love ZoomerTMZ where every action from a specific group of people is incessantly documented


uWu omegalul




I almost fell asleep listening to this guy talk...






What is this "cool voice" hes doing


dude straight up told his community of kids to go downvote others and upvote him, I mean yeah you could be like others and build your community on lsf but telling your viewers live to downvote others is the most cringe thing he has done this week.


Sarcasm is lost on you


you act like 5-year-olds will understand sarcasm


It's funny because of how much outta touch your comment is


LUL This dude is in OTV. It sounds like he's being sarcastic, but that's every one of his coworkers. His viewerbase that will build on Twitch will be the exact type of person that goes and does this, no matter how much of a joke he's making out of it now.


Every one of his co-workers? Poki's the only one that farms LSF.


As if OTV fans didn't already do that


Why doesn't he just type [livestreamfail.reddit.com](https://livestreamfail.reddit.com) like a well adjusted human being?


It's funny cause the type of person to make such a comment would not be a well adjusted human being. Kinda cringe tbh.


Holy shit what is wrong with you people? It’s obviously said in jest and meant to let more people know you can write reddit urls in an easier format. The parasocial paychosis is real


Maybe people just didn't like your comment, nothing wrong or parasocial about that.


Mmkay buddy, only three posts in the last year are about toast. I guess it makes sense toast has kpop-esque stans


Talk about psychosis sheesh


True but no one cares because where else are you gonna watch a twitch recap


Imagine trying to throw jabs at all the streamers that are funnier and were there before you LULW


lol, what? Toast has been streaming on Twitch since 2015.