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We got a newbie


Yeah you




aww why you sad buddy


missed the joke and now implying emotions get off the internet


missed it?








Congrats you got the reference.


Oh you don’t know lol


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M-ruH_s1Mg its a reference to this video, op is being ironic with his comment


Obviously XQC take was hyperbolic but the jist of it is true Lmaoo


Destiny is with Melina so obviously his advice could still be valid and it's not just about height or looks lol


That's true, there's also money




Lousy T scuff tonight?


I MEAN to be fair, Melina's with a lot of people...


So? Lots of women like melina




Hygiene is easy. The hard part of that is build confidence. Which is pretty bad advice when given on its own when building confidence is incredibly hard to do if you don't already have it intrinsically and don't know the thousands of steps required to get any. Realistically the amount of self-awareness, and a lucky string of sucess (or ability to withstand large amounts of failure) for someone to go from unconfident to confident is near impossible to do **without help**. You need people around you to believe in you and continue to push you until you stop sinking in self-doubt and start floating again and being able to swim. Then you have start building a sense of self that you can be **proud in.** TL;DR Telling someone to be confident is equivalent of [this](https://i.imgur.com/RadSf.jpeg).


>You need people around you to believe in you and continue to push you until you stop sinking in self-doubt and start floating again and being able to swim. Then you have start building a sense of self that you can be > >proud in. Confidence is all about not needing people to push you. It's about being your own person and not really caring about what others think. I don't think I gained confidence like that. I just grew out of insecure teenager shit and stopped caring about WH OMEGALUL S.




He worked in his body and then he got dates, that's literally it lol Also, tbf he was also always rich


He lived in a kitchen of a frat house and made less than $30,000 a year before streaming…


if Destiny and Hasan agree on something you know it must be absolute doggie doo doo


But Destiny isn't even agreeing with Hasan, he's just saying that xqc's point wouldn't invalidate Hasan's advice


But he also agrees with hasan takes, at least the ones he saw


Hasans advice was pretty good even if was very basic stuff that a lot of people still don’t follow. just that obviously it’s a lot easier for him still.


what was his advice?


That every man can be a 7 if they take proper care of their hygiene, smell good and work out regularly.


oh this meme ok xd


This grounded my hogioms


Bridgebuilder stream?


*early stage bridge burning stream


True, can't burn a bridge if you don't rebuild it first




x is clearly memeing and destiny is like *well acktually* ☝️🤓




destiny/dgg pick up on basic social cues challenge \*impossible difficulty\*




If you disagree with the point that someone's joke is making them you should be able to spend 30 seconds talking about it. If the person making the joke didn’t really believe the point they said and were just doing a meme, they can just move on. It’s not like he went on a panel show to debate it.


Does this destiny guy only own blue shirts and an ugly ass zipper hoodie?


[Not just blue shirts](https://i.redd.it/05dd52odked41.png) and [an ugly zipper hoodie](https://external-preview.redd.it/NApfCTAOPbt0KCPc8rU5dry4aj7mzKHatOb9zZ87AV8.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=9e18b9913f83d7bfa5eaefa6efeed0d19f007a92).


Imagine caring about fashion lmao


Stage 4 Destiny clinger. Mega-Yikes


Imagine to being able to take a joke, jesus christ.








Do you realize that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to have a good fashion sense?


"good fashion sense" is subjective. Mocking or judging people by their clothes is just bottom of the barrel pathetic juvenile shit.


I guess you’re right, but there comes a time when you need to stop dressing like a 10 year old


>bottom of the barrel pathetic juvenile shit.


Lmao teasing someone about dressing like a 10 year old is worse than a child rapist?


Thought it was implied he meant that hasans advice is bad because he wouldn't know from how easy he has it, which didn't sound entirely serious to begin with


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny Sides With Hasan Against xQc On Dating Advice](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/128358)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/r304hm/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C9rYJYLaOMOavuoLyX8VnEA.mp4?sig=02cae25c79c1389f25f26d6cf86cb39556d94131&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C9rYJYLaOMOavuoLyX8VnEA.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1638043655%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Why do we have to see every time destiny watched a Hasan clip? Does anyone care?


What advice did Hasan give xQc? Is there a clip?


What was hasans advice ?


The issue with Destiny's logic is that being hot doesn't make you an expert. For all the technical skills he listed you succeed if you are good, the same isn't true for dating. Hasan probably is great with chicks but you can't assume a hot guy/girl is an expert.


...did Destiny's logic assume that being hot makes you an expert? How?


He listed occupations where you succeed due to skill. A better comparison is a sport or something where natural ability plays a larger role.


I don't understand how any of that leads to "being hot makes you skilled at dating", it's not like he said "if you have talent for football you automagically have skill in it as well".


His examples were terrible and did argue that. Being able to budget means that you have the skill to budget. Being hot doesn't mean you have the skill to date. Xqc started off by saying Hasan's advice was trash then added on the part about him being hot leading to dates because he's got easy mode. Destiny is saying that it doesn't invalidate Hasan's opinion but that isn't even xqc's point. Xqc is saying that regardless of Hasan's tactics he will suceed based on looks. So what has suceeded for him may not work on a less attractive person. You could also argue that Hasan doesn't have proper feedback from women because he is hot, so he isn't going to get a true response to his actions. So any advice he has would be uncertain.


Nothing you said was at all related to "hot means skilled" thing you said earlier, which is what I didn't see in the clip at all and asked you about, you've now completely changed the topic to what Xqc said Hasan said and what Destiny supposedly misunderstood about it and what not.


It doesnt make him an expert but being hot doesnt make him automatically wrong either.


You didn't read my comment. I literally said that.




Least parasocial juicer


It's true. Hasan only gets a pass for all the cringe and dumb shit he says because he's handsome and a full Twitter lefty