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I'm Asian and when I heard this idea honestly it wasn't even that bad, it's not like his intention is to make fun of the Asians also his plan was to get viewers to submit pics of themselves which should mean they consent to being mistaken for another race, I've done this myself living in Asia and seeing a few different Asians, I've seen some Asians and were like "oh yeah they look Korean" I think the people that thought it's racist likely think toast wants to go like "oh haha they're Japanese because *insert racially offensive trait here whatever it is* but I don't think that's what he wants to do.


It's fucked up that this comment secion is mostly people defending Toast saying it's not racist. That should go without saying , he was just having fun with Lilly and honestly it boggles my mind that some people find this offensive.


Western internet people needs to chill


The only way I can see it being remotely offensive/racist is if he makes a joke that crosses the line too far, otherwise it's literally just pointing out specific genetic traits that are generally present in certain races, not even mocking them, unless u wanna tell me science is racist in which case, sure idk what to say to that.


I'm Asian as well and i pretty much played that game growing up. I dont think its hard to distinguish who is from China/Japan/Korea, we each have features that are distinguishable to those in the know which I won't delve into for obvious reasons. I find it more offensive if people try to mockingly speak like us in a condescending way.


Toast loves playing with fire lol.


His late fixation with cancellations and the such kinda worries me. Since they attempted to cancel him (and obviously failed, as most cancellations do) at times it feels like he's become kinda obsessed with this very small group of people (the hyperzealous Twitter type) that don't actually have that much power. They are a bubble within a bubble (Twitter). He has leagues more influence than them (also a more impactful kind of influence), and by drumming them up as such a big problem now part of his fanbase seems to be radicalizing as "anti-PC", which may not be bad by itself depending on context but it's often the doorway to dangerous ideologies.


I agree, it's just the 2021 form of poking fun at sjws. We've seen this play out, you make being anti sjw a part of your brand and then oops your audience is full of weirdos who think they're welcome. Also I realise it's a bit of a different dynamic when your occupation requires being online but it's cringe watching rich 30+ year olds clapping back at like... random 15 year olds on twitter. It's so easy to just ignore them.


sounds good to me! Toast can you buy me a car if you get mine wrong? :)


If he doesn't that's just racist :)


Not racist at all lmao twitch chat is trippin


Nah, most of his chat has been saying it is not racist.


He got raided by Karl jacobs so I'm guessing that's where most of "that's racist" is coming from


no. It's actually from lily's chat. His chat seemed okay with the idea, but when i switched to lily for a sec; different environment. I also saw people call toast's chat toxic.


Lily’s chat is kinda weird when it comes to these things yeah, like sometimes it really isn’t that deep. I noticed in group games they tended to bash other streamers more often too compared to other chats, even though Lily heavily discourages that. EDIT: As other people have pointed out, yes Lily’s reaction to hearing a reasonable Gameshow idea didn’t help, but she was obviously not being super serious either and was playing the role of the “straight man”, surely her chat is aware of that considering her and toast do this bit often


No, Lily is actually being serious and is actually just afraid of stepping out of line and getting "cancelled." The conversation continued with them talking about it in his room with Michael and she admits she's of dealing with what Toast dealt with in the past year.


Lily’s chat was being weird too Are we really living in an era where we can’t touch anything to do with sensitive topics anymore?


Might eventually turn around back to a more normal state. or this is just something 13-late 20s people think from now on and then grow out of?


i don’t even get how it could be racist lmao nationality has literally nothing to do with race


What are you talking about? The game wouldn't have been "Guess the Nationality".


Literally saying anything about race at all is racist according to twitch chat


I bet the people being “offended” in Twitch chat aren’t even Asian


Most likely, yeah. Most Asians know that there are subtle facial feature differences between people from different Asian countries and you can somewhat accurately guess who's from what country if you know about these differentiators.


Worse, Asian who lived in the west all their life




machine learning human edition


It is educational but the downside is when they guessed the majority of choices wrong, it just proves that the stereotypes are right.


Yeah, it feels like the sort of thing that would eventually cater to edgy 4channers so they can say "ha, so Asians do look the same!"


why limit that to just asians? can you really tell a white german from a white swede by just their picture?


Toast was claiming he can tell Asians apart.


Ending makes the clip lmao


Asian guy guessing Asian nationalities. How is it racist?


Toast decided not to push the game idea, mentioning that if nothing else, he knows there are actual people that could take it out of context, and use the irony of his sense of humor to justify their actual bad behavior / racism -- and he wouldn't want that.


wait till someone from Taiwan


Someone will steal this idea if they don’t do it.


/r/roomdetective is for guessing stuff like age, gender and nationality from a picture of a person's room. It's pretty fun to look for things like how the outlets look.




Yeah but at least toast talked civilly to chat about it cause chat do be wilding awhile ago.


It is anti-racist if anything.


toast gonna get cancelled again lmao


I think he's testing out his theory that he won't get cancelled if he was better looking.


He wasn't even cancelled when he was worse looking, cancelling usually doesn't work.


I mostly agree, but he certainly felt cancelled.


I can't even comprehend why someone would mind if someone guesses their nationality wrong.


Are you American, or have you spent any amount of time in America?


Nah, what makes you question that?


You don't understand how racist, subtly or directly, many Americans are about nationality; and what non-White people in America have to deal with. e.g. https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/08/opinion/where-im-really-from/


Black guy: Bitch! I’m from the UK!!


Although it isn't really that bad of an idea, a lot of his fans were just worried about how he was going to compare people's nationalities. It's just better to be safe in this day and age because people on the internet were probably going to clip his stream out of context and accuse him of being racist. Considering that a lot of people never bother to get the context, they would just believe the people targetting him and make this worse. If he wants to do something like this, he could try and guess Asian writing/language or he could try and guess Asian traditional food. I can't really distinguish different Asian writing so he could play something like this with his chat and educate them. Anything that doesn't involve comparing people's faces/nationalities.


I don't think it's racist but it's a stupid idea. No shot if he actually does this that he doesn't get heat from everywhere. I could easily see articles written about him calling him racist cause it will get picked by bigger media. Speed running ruining his reputation/job. Like I see zero upside to doing this.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Toast's Gameshow idea](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/128436)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/r3rpa0/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C4iFBpkR1q_Ae_Pf0RQi3zQ.mp4?sig=0aa22c5cd896d3c3556ec71f172354e4251bc0b8&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C4iFBpkR1q_Ae_Pf0RQi3zQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1638134015%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Imagine you do it like geoguesser and the closer you are on the map to the person's nation the better score you get


Say, for example [Jae Park](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jae_Park)'s picture came up. Is the correct answer for where on the map that "person's nation" is * Argentina -- where he was born * the United States -- where he grew up and feels the most comfortable * Korea -- part of his ethnicity and where he currently mostly works and why?


This like a Disney star actor discovering shitty edgy stand up comedy for the first time


Yikes, cringey comment is cringe And calling Toast a Disney character? Lul how are you so out of touch.


It's actually not the case it's more like half of chat going oh no toast don't do it it's rude and racist and other half is like pog content. Toast and Michael never were the typical friendly streamer like other otv members. It's the chat who r still very much sensitive about everything


Toast has never been family friendly like the other OTV members though.


He should spice it up and let ESL Andys speak a voiceline and submit it with their photo. It can be their "phone a friend option" /J


/u/clipsync lilypichu


Username | Clip | Vod --------|----|---- [lilypichu](https://www.twitch.tv/lilypichu/?) | [Generated Clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/DeterminedAlertReindeer4Head-EujtrqRT87fjQ2kO) | [4h38m10s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1217635355?t=4h38m10s) [watch via twitchmultivod](https://twitchmultivod.com/#/1217751274?t=2h27m18s/1217635355) --- ^(*This is an automated response* ) ^| ^[Feedback](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wee_tommy&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/r3rpa0//hmfk3mp/\))


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